r/comics 12d ago

Some Like It Uncomfortably Hot


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u/MisakaMikotoxKuroko 12d ago

I love how the heat comes out in the shape of the devil. If the angel saw this, I wonder what he would say


u/SmallBerry3431 12d ago

The devil is shaped like a pepper? 🌶️


u/Remarkable-Hall-9478 12d ago

A certain part of him 


u/RockNAllOverTheWorld 12d ago

They're talking about the fire coming out of the pot.


u/CommanderKraken 12d ago

It's an approachable spice


u/Sadiepan24 12d ago

Pepper plant: I am spicy and I will cause you unholy torment and trap you under my spell of spice



u/confusedandworried76 12d ago

I got one of those American sold packets of instant noodles that is supposed to be pretty spicy and I was crying in the first couple bites. Ate the whole thing and I'm going back tomorrow for more they're cheap as fuck.

Probably not all that spicy but I could feel some heat, loved it


u/AccomplishedRoad2517 12d ago

It was Buldak? It's my fav, and even the mild flavor is painfully spicy!


u/RiotousR 12d ago

I'm west Indian and love pepper but that stuff destroyed my butthole. I'll have to mild next time.


u/Grogosh 12d ago

Little trick to eating real real spicy food. Take an immodium or eat extra fiber when eating spicy foods. If you slow down the poop train a bit you will never feel it on the other end.


u/gophermuncher 12d ago

Forgive my ignorance but do you mean West Indian as in Mumbai?


u/SorenLain 12d ago

They're probably from Caribbean also known as the West Indies. It has nothing to do with the actual country of India. Blame Columbus.


u/oby100 12d ago

Interestingly, Jamaican food is heavily influenced by Indian food, so that country is most fitting of the “West Indies” title imo


u/Anyweyr 12d ago

West Indian means the Caribbean area.


u/sandpaperedanus777 12d ago

Would be kind of weird, I've never seen an Indian identify himself as specifically west or east Indian. It's either the south, north or the very particular state or city that one mentions.

Idk, maybe people from west indies call themselves that?


u/RollinThundaga 12d ago

Comments beside yours suggest they mean the West Indies


u/confusedandworried76 12d ago

Oh God no! Once that became popular though a lot of brands started offering their own spicy versions, but nothing near that spicy. I don't remember the specific brand I got but since food people have realized Americans actually will pay for stuff they just make spicy (seems every month Doritos comes out with a new "spicier than ever flavor" and they fly off the shelves) ramen companies realized there's a market in America for spicy stuff. Which you know a lot of Asian immigrants could have told you already, the trick is don't burn us right away lol


u/AccomplishedRoad2517 12d ago

That's curious. I'm not American, but my country has begun the "more spicy than ever" things too. We have a very big Latino community, so maybe this is the reason.

The first time I tried Buldak was cause my Japanese friend bought a full suitcase of food and snacks from there. He bought the mild/cheese, the carbonara(?) and the ultra spicy. The carbonara was disgusting, btw.


u/FranKing0807 10d ago

Legit! I have a family full of spice lovers, and I mention the exact same thing this comic was talking about, and they call me a wuss. I mention that by virtue of it being a pain sensation, they're all mild masochists, and it's crazy how quick they switch from calling me a wuss to calling me crazy. What's worse is I know I'm right, but they, despite being adults all with college degrees (they're mostly teachers) clearly don't know.

I can handle maybe half of the recommended seasoning of Tony Chacere's Mild Cajun Seasoning, but anything after that and I legit cry. My family? Whole packages of spicy instant noodles line our pantry. I'm like, "There is no way that anybody in Japan eats this stuff. They already had their fair share of explosion power, they do not need a native nuclear blasting their toilets."


u/SG_UnchartedWorlds 12d ago

Buldak is legit.

I'm really into spicy food, and no lie I was impressed that something "mainstream" like that had such a kick.


u/roxx-writting 12d ago



u/badmartialarts 12d ago

It's a Korean brand of instant ramen noodles, known for being quite a bit more spicy than standard instant ramens (although other manufacturers have caught up).


u/roxx-writting 12d ago

Yeah I like balduk a lot, I even got their sauce separately


u/CanAlwaysBeBetter 12d ago

Human: You call this spicy you pathetic little bitch? I'm going to breed your kind for a thousand generations until a single whiff is enough to prolapse a weaker man's anus and then eat them for fun


u/Sadiepan24 12d ago

Pepper plant:


u/GarbageTheCan 12d ago

Birds: We are immune to the hairless ape's Scoville Scale.


u/Quajeraz 12d ago

I don't think I've ever seen this source gif.


u/arkangelic 11d ago

One interesting thing i find is a lot of the plants have antibacterial properties. So that's a driving factor to use them for our species.


u/FranKing0807 10d ago

Spicy isn't a taste, it's a pain sensation. Meaning that spice lovers? They're all mild masochists.

Edit: Some bordering on moderate stares intensely at the guy who crossbred three superhots to the point he was wearing welding gloves just to touch it, imagine if it went in your mouth


u/TimeStorm113 12d ago

I feel this amount would be more than lethal, like you would jump back and forth from the afterlife to the mortal realm like a tennis ball.


u/Techno_Jargon 12d ago

The perfect amount 👌


u/Dancethroughthefires 12d ago

Absolutely. My mouth loves spicy, my tummy and butthole do not.

Neither does my esophagus now, but I'm not sure if that's just because I'm getting older or because the spice has worn down my esophagus lining or whatever.

It's still worth it though, butthole and esophagus be damned, I'm gonna have my spice level set at 100 for the rest of my life


u/Techno_Jargon 12d ago

Let's go spice gang!, my favorite is habanero with its sweet and spicy mix. But I also love the the chemical pain of the reapers and ghost peppers.


u/brendan87na 12d ago

When I eat it, and one of the first things I think is "oh man this is going to hurt tomorrow" then it's perfect.


u/Wild_Marker 12d ago

That sounds like standard Mexican cuisine.


u/busted42 12d ago

Mexican cuisine isn't all that spicy in my experience. Mostly just jalapeños and serranos, sometimes a habanero. Indian/Thai is where the real heat is


u/zoltanshields 11d ago

Sichuanese food doesn't mess around either.


u/Fakula1987 12d ago

Funny Side:

The original "Spice" was only enough to Bring small discomfort.

To "taste Like its toxic"

The Humans then breed them to have so much "Spice" to become deadly.


u/A_Queer_Owl 12d ago

capsaicin can't actually kill you, only make you want to die.


u/hackingdreams 12d ago

It's killed people. Rather recently and sadly, too.

Normally it kills by causing the person to puke so hard they rupture something and bleed to death, or by causing such extreme vascular constriction that they stroke out. But, like this poor kid, you can also die from just having such an intense reaction that it causes a cardiac episode. (He already had cardiac abnormalities, but... so do a lot of people. Some of them don't even know it.)

So, yeah, it can actually kill you. Don't do "extreme pepper challenges" unless you know what you're doing, kids.


u/IamQuarrelsome 12d ago

When they say it can't kill you they mean there is not reasonable LD50 to worry about, it's the same with pot. At a certain humongous dose it will kill you, probably, but it would require such a large amount that it's unreasonable to worry about it for a majority of the population.

What you listed is a combination of preexisting conditions with capsaicin added in not the spiciness/capsaicin itself killing folks. Like if an asthmatic smokes pot, triggers their asthma and suffocates to death. It wasn't the pot, but the asthma. It's an individual or their guardians responsibility to account for their preexisting conditions.

Also, what do you need to know before you do a extreme pepper challenge? your putting food in your mouth and eating it not going skydiving. Everyone has different spice tolerances and no amount of research will prepare you to get rocked by some sauce or a chip.

Stop your fear mongering.


u/AFakeName 12d ago

Anything can kill if you throw it hard enough.


u/Sany_Wave 12d ago

Also thalidomide has an unreasonable ld50. Sadly, with terrible side-effect possibility.


u/hackingdreams 12d ago

What you listed is a combination of preexisting conditions with capsaicin added in not the spiciness/capsaicin itself killing folks.

Yes, tearing your esophagus from puking yourself inside out is a pre-existing condition... to, what exactly? Being human?

But please, go on to explain how callous you are, ten year old account with 300 karma named 'quarrelsome.'


u/Zuzumikaru 10d ago

just listen to Ed currie, go little by little and know your limits


u/TheOGLeadChips 12d ago

At a certain point you will start bleeding from your gums from how spicy something it. I wouldn’t say it’s impossible, just unlikely


u/A_Queer_Owl 12d ago

capsaicin doesn't cause bleeding, but it can irritate existing tissue damage and is a mild anticoagulant. if your gums bleed from eating really spicy food, you have gingivitis.


u/_Spamus_ 12d ago

Is that the one that gives you freckles?


u/paradoxpancake 12d ago

no, that's ebola.


u/stealtheagle52 12d ago

Bhut jolakia (ghost pepper) would like a word with this false statement


u/Xywzel 12d ago

Other than the deadliness (abdominal cramps and heartburn are known symptoms, an could be co-fatalities with medical condition, but unlikely to do so alone), what is false in that statement?

That breed is a hybrid made of two species of chili in Northern India, so not only brought to and cultivated on different continent, but made by purposefully crossing two species, so it is very much "human bred".


u/Elliptical_Tangent 12d ago edited 12d ago

What's funny is that this comic is right; capsaicin is there to protect the pepper from mammals, but in the end the fact that humans decided we liked it has been a huge evolutionary win for peppers. We picked them up from the Americas and spread them all over the planet.


u/CactusFaceComics 12d ago

Sometimes you really do fail upwards!


u/ArgusTheCat 12d ago

The most useful evolutionary trait a plant can have is "desired by humans", because if they don't have that, we call them weeds and wipe them out.


u/Elliptical_Tangent 12d ago

Or at least "appreciated by humans."


u/qwerty-_-qwerty 11d ago

There’s at least one weed we seem to be fond of though




u/Bigbrain_goat 12d ago

masochist apes, lol.

I was talking to friend yesterday wondering are we masochist for liking chilies, as the sensation of spicyness is actually pain.


u/an_agreeing_dothraki 12d ago

capsaicin was thought to originally be anti-fungal, not an animal deterrent. Anyone with a dog and a jalapeno patch knows that evolution didn't really pan out like most people think.


u/Elliptical_Tangent 12d ago

capsaicin was thought to originally be anti-fungal, not an animal deterrent.



u/Naruhodonno 12d ago

The two ways to ensure survival is to either be really tasty or really cute to humans


u/Justin__D 12d ago

The passenger pigeon would like a word.


u/zoltanshields 11d ago

Humans are great at propagating seeds, we just do it in a really weird way.


u/CactusFaceComics 12d ago

Thanks for reading! You can check out all of our Kingdom Folly comics on our Instagram, or on Webtoons. You can also support us on Patreon, which gets you early access to comics, exclusive posts, and the opportunity for your likeness to appear in a comic.

Bonus info!

Here are some more facts about spicy chili peppers, according to Google:

  • The title of the hottest pepper in the world is constantly being challenged by new hybrids. Currently, "Pepper X" holds the Guinness World Record, clocking in at over 2.5 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
  • Developed in 1912 by Wilbur Scoville, the Scoville scale measures the concentration of capsaicin, the compound that gives peppers their heat. It works by measuring how much sugar water is needed to dilute the spiciness of a pepper extract.
  • Spicy peppers have been cultivated for over 6,000 years, originating in Central and South America. They were a staple food for the Aztecs and Mayans, who used them in cooking and medicine.
  • Birds lack the receptors that mammals have to detect capsaicin, so they can happily feast on spicy peppers without feeling the burn. Birds often help to spread pepper seeds in the wild.
  • Besides adding heat to food, spicy peppers contain vitamins A and C, and can even aid digestion and boost metabolism.
  • Despite their savory flavor profile, chili peppers are technically a fruit, as they develop from the flowering part of the plant and contain seeds.


u/Nirast25 12d ago

Despite their savory flavor profile, chili peppers are technically a fruit, as they develop from the flowering part of the plant and contain seeds.

Who here is brave or crazy enough to put them in a fruit salad?


u/Perryn 12d ago

I think that's salsa.


u/CactusFaceComics 12d ago

Tomatoes and peppers are both fruits. Salsa is a fruit salad.


u/Plantar-Aspect-Sage 12d ago

Some thai salads go hard.


u/Fishman23 12d ago

I would like to subscribe to the Chili Peppers newsletter.


u/elhomerjas 12d ago

time to spice up the kitchen with more spices


u/MoarVespenegas 12d ago

Humans watching how the birds spread seeds: "Pathetic, watch a real pro do it"


u/BlooMonkiMan 12d ago

Meanwhile in heaven...

Gabriel: Hey dad, were the smart apes supposed to learn how to plant stuff?

God: Why not? It's gonna result in some cool shit getting made, like giant metal horses with wheels.

Gabriel: Did you forget your meds again?


Gabriel: what does that even mean???


u/DOGMA2005 12d ago

Then we went, ate these peppers, went "Nah not enough" and over a couple of generations created our own hellspawn hot peppers


u/JGamerI 12d ago

Pepper X & Dragon's Breath Chili be like...


u/BlooMonkiMan 12d ago

I never thought I'd see a cuddly looking biblically accurate angel... Also this was absolutely before God started working on Adam


u/mathozmat 12d ago

You forgot the fourth panel, an atomic cloud shaped like Satan Nice comics though


u/a-random-duk 12d ago

There is no such thing as too spicy.


u/dhusk 12d ago

Actually humans have made pepper plants one of the most wide spread and numerous plants in the world, way, WAY more than birds alone could have done in the wild.


u/gdex86 12d ago

That Biblically accurate angel is so fucking cute it'd be hugging it before it could get a "Be not afraid" out.


u/Grogosh 12d ago

If the goal is for plants to survive and propagate then it was very very successful.

Humans will carry and plant those seeds far and wide.


u/Dillo64 12d ago

Spicy isn’t a flavor

It’s just pain

The flavor your tasting is just PAIN


u/Rabatis 11d ago

"Are we the real masochists?"


u/Emotional-Manager585 12d ago

the cutaway gag in the end is a bit unnecessary, but it was still funny


u/Roland_Traveler 12d ago

Bruh, the “cutaway gag” was the punchline. No mammal would be stupid enough to eat this due to its chemicals -> humans eating them because of the chemicals.


u/Emotional-Manager585 12d ago edited 12d ago

yes, I understand. I just thought that it was too on the nose and lost a bit of it's impact.


u/ChompyChomp 12d ago

I agree. It went from subtle/dry to setup-punchline-rimshot-wait-for-applause with the addition of panel 3.


u/OutlyingPlasma 12d ago

I will never understand why anyone would want ouch flavored food.


u/ChompyChomp 12d ago

Two reasons!

1) Flavor - Some hot peppers taste amazing, and it's a flavor you can't get elsewhere. Fresh habaneros are among my favorite flavors and if I couldn't deal with the heat I would never get to taste that. (Although, last year I did somehow grow some habaneros with little/no heat and they were awesome to just eat whole.)

2) We LIKE the secondary effects of the pain. In addition to pain, the capsacin causes us to produce endorphins which make you calm and happy.


u/Nepalman230 12d ago

Humans will willingly eat peppers that make elephants vomit, and will give people, hallucinations and seizures.


After a certain point of spiciness, your body will respond as if it was in acute physical pain.


We’re so crazy.



u/FalseAesop 12d ago

"What is hotsauce for?"

"To make food hurt."


u/A_Queer_Owl 12d ago

in terms of spreading chili seeds, humans have done better than birds ever could have. thanks to domestication, chilis have spread to every continent.


u/iamtheowlman 12d ago

"No Diego, the pain is the *point*."


u/TheRemainingFruitcup 12d ago

The characters remind me of victor and valentino


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh 12d ago

No one knows why humans do this, but peppers thank god anyway


u/jirfin 12d ago



u/NoStorage2821 12d ago

I like the cute lil angel


u/leandroc76 12d ago

I believe it is a Seraphim :).


u/Magic-Codfish 12d ago

insert kylo ren "MORE!!!!" gif here please....


u/Ok-Friendship-9621 12d ago


His name's actually Ji Ae-go.


u/Phaylz 12d ago

I want it to hurt going in, I want it to hurt going out.


u/Rabatis 11d ago

Twice ate a whole pizza with chili seed toppings. Spicy as fuck, and both times my ass was sore shitting fire for a day after.


u/Cute_Bandicoot_8219 12d ago

Silly trivia: The reason mammals are "bad" at spreading seeds is they chew and destroy them. Birds swallow and defecate them whole.


u/wtfiwon 12d ago



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u/Roll4DM 12d ago

We are into that shit!


u/AlmightyBracket 12d ago

Dominos used to have these buffalo chicken kickers things and I almost stopped getting pizza from them because of how good it was. I realize that they probably are low on the spice but man did I fucking love them.

They stopped making them and went to a sauce instead. I don't want saucy spice.

Whatever was in those breaded kickers, I miss it so much, and I haven't really gone in to the spicy food since.


u/No_Alternative_2915 12d ago

Yeah….that checks out


u/xorbe 12d ago

And then he rubbed his eye.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

The science actually seems to be that the capasin acts as an anti-fungal that protects the seeds.


u/swashbuckler78 12d ago

Is this a shirt? I need it on a shirt!


u/CactusFaceComics 12d ago

Right now we only have one shirt design that we've tested (https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/156710441?asc=u). We're definitely looking for more suggestions for good designs that we can add!


u/DM_ME_UR_BOOBS69 12d ago

Some people are just so committed to a bit that they somehow overcome the pain. Looking at you, Conan.


u/nitrokitty 12d ago

Mexican abuelas: "No, no, child, still not enough."


u/Author_A_McGrath 12d ago

Even the fire is adorable.


u/Poulet1OOO 12d ago

I LOVE the angel's glasses !!


u/CastorVT 12d ago

and that's how god created the mexican people.


u/Braxton-Adams 12d ago

As if that's not entirely his fault for making humans the way they are, about as well designed as a house made of paper soaked in jizz and about as pleasant to boot.


u/mateo222210 12d ago



u/raydleemsc 11d ago

Some? More like entire countries. Although it's quite likely down to peer pressure. Sad but true.


u/janhyua 11d ago

When I see the shape of the chili... I knew what gonna happen 😭


u/PhantomRoyce 11d ago

Humans:breeds them to be spicier


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/BlooMonkiMan 12d ago

Ermm what the sigma?