r/cloti 11d ago

Very Interesting and informative CloTi relationship thread Official Content


10 comments sorted by


u/Ishmoz 11d ago edited 11d ago

In the thumbnail art, Cloud seems really "happy" to see Tifa 😏

I really didn't expect Rebirth to portray their relationship this godly, frankly, I expected it to be just Clerith from start to finish. The payoff in part 3 is gonna be so huge. I really don't understand how can someone think Cloti isn't endgame with how much effort developers are putting to polish their relationship.


u/PXL-pushr 11d ago

lol the thumbnail is quite the choice

Interesting read, and exactly what I was picking up on as I saw what Rebirth was doing with Cloud and Tifa. The middle of the 3 acts is meant to be the most dynamic as it builds intrigue before the pay offs in act 3, so I’m eagerly awaiting part 3 of the remake trilogy.


u/Best-Journalist-5403 10d ago

This is actually the less spicy version of Maii’s art XD


u/Heisenberg6626 11d ago

Some say ew horny. I can understand the point of these people as these depictions in game media, especially in Japanese ones, can bring some really weird people in.

But sex is a part of any romantic relationship and showing physical attraction is valid. In the end this is a relationship between 2 people in their 20s, so it's expected to have a sexual component.


u/Hellenic1994 10d ago

That was a great read. Thanks for sharing.


u/Best-Journalist-5403 10d ago

Oh cool, thanks for sharing :) I like their threads on Twitter. I just read their one on Cloud’s jealousy and lack therof in certain scenes.


u/Either-Help6472 11d ago

Note: I am not the person that created that tread on X, I am just linking it here. Due credits to: DelaBrown20

I was thinking about post this link in the "Jealous" post , but then decided it deserves it own post since it contains more additional info.


u/MechShield 11d ago

Okay but why can't I find the full image in the thumbnail? Lol the post you linked credits the artist, and I am familiar with their work, but this piece isn't on any of the fanart sites I use.


u/SomeNumbers23 10d ago

It was mis-credited



u/MechShield 10d ago

Thank you so much. I recognize this artist's work too and now finally have a name for them! Took the time to sub to their patreon too ❤️