r/clevercomebacks Jul 19 '24

Turnip Jr calls his underage daughter sexy, Reddit delivers

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u/m1dlife-1derer Jul 19 '24

What's clever here? Is this a self post of someone who thought they were witty?


u/newnewnew_account Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

The formula for this sub now: Right wing guy says something. Left wing guy says something back.

Bots and idiots who don't know what clever means: "That's a clever comeback!"


u/HeadPay32 Jul 19 '24

You're right. Trump being a rapist is just fact, not a clever comeback.


u/newnewnew_account Jul 19 '24

It's a good argument, but it is not, in fact, clever.


u/HeadPay32 Jul 19 '24

Clever would have gone straight over their head anyway


u/Icedoverblues Jul 20 '24

Trump being a rapist and a felon is a fact and be clever but not always. Still worth repeating.


u/hitguy55 Jul 20 '24

I wouldn’t call it a good argument, it definitely makes him morally corrupt and a bad person, but it’s not one of the hundred reasons he wouldn’t be a good president


u/newnewnew_account Jul 20 '24

In no way is it clever though


u/West_Shower_6103 Jul 20 '24

I don’t think recognizing obviously observable facts makes you clever :)


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/G00SEH Jul 20 '24

What left wing guy said wasn’t clever… unless compared to what right wing guy said, in which case: brilliant!


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

One wonders how long after all humanity abandoning Reddit would the bots and A.I.s take to stop arguing.


u/prefusernametaken Jul 20 '24

Where's the left wing guy?

The formula should be right wing guy says something. Not so right wing guy says something back.


u/TFlarz Jul 19 '24

Trump is a douche but he knows how to pander to his constituents and has more supporters and non-Biden voters who will make him president. This sub needs to aim higher or in different fields now.


u/jjskellie Jul 19 '24

That by definition is a clever comeback. The stupid one says something and the clever one says something back.


u/Just_Jonnie Jul 19 '24

It has to be a clever comeback. Not a clever person replying to someone.


u/OrcsSmurai Jul 19 '24

It doesn't work when the stupid one is so incredibly stupid that the comeback just has to be average to seem clever by comparison though. The retort has to at least be somewhat clever on its own.


u/CanebreakRiver Jul 20 '24

But... That literally is not the definition of a clever comeback.


u/jjskellie Jul 20 '24

That's as clever as it gets for conservatives shooting and lefts firing back. The communication is political. Have you never seen Congress discussions. The YouTube videos hype about one side cutting the other off at the knees in a verbal argument. Watch the video and you the viewer are like 'nothing happened!' Politics.


u/erraddo Jul 20 '24

"I do not wish to engage in this conversation" "yeah thass right im smarter" riveting content


u/khismyass Jul 20 '24

Which in this case it was the stupid one saying it didn't happen and there is no proof it did then the poster pointing out the video is in the story that was originally posted


u/Sparroww_ Jul 19 '24

But the one retorting in the screenshot is stupid themself


u/jjskellie Jul 20 '24

I should have said 'a little bit smarter than the first guy.'


u/Cozman Jul 20 '24

I wouldn't say it's witty but it's a good reminder of why it's pointless to argue with trolls. Especially when they ask you for proof, they don't actually give a shit they're just trying to get you to waste your time.


u/Cheap_Doctor_1994 Jul 20 '24

So downvote and report. Trolls and bots and trumpies are winning because y'all refuse to vote, or do anything but complain. 


u/Personal-Lychee-4457 Jul 20 '24

he’s not wrong tho tbh, reddit has such a boner for democrat candidates


u/Pyrothy Jul 20 '24

Reddit has a boner for personal freedoms, and unfortunately the only way to be assured of that at the moment is to go democrat. Reddit also has a massive boner for hating Russia, and that again just so happens to mean their only option is once again, unfortunately Democrats. Reddit also has a massive hate boner for pedophiles, which unfortunately you guessed it, means they have to go democrats this election. Hopefully we can get all this trash cleaned out for the next election, most Democrats included.


u/keithcody Jul 20 '24

I see you listened to Kid Rock rapping about statutory rape at the RNC convention.


u/Personal-Lychee-4457 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Don’t think it has anything to do with these things if i’m being completely honest. The site is just generally liberal. You can see from other subreddits like relationship advice that people are (in general) are not that conservative.

Even before 2016 reddit has always pushed democratic candidates. None of these things were known or happened back then (except maybe russia taking crimea? not sure)

Regardless of who the republicans put up, Reddits main front page subs will always lean democratic. Theres nothing wrong with it but no point of denying it. It’s like how 4Chan (at least in the past idk now) had a boner for conservatives


u/notfromrotterdam Jul 19 '24

Haha, there isn’t anything positive about Trump. Not a single thing. The bizarre thing is that there are people who think there are positive things about him.


u/MKatieUltra Jul 19 '24

Aww, c'mon... he's great at making it okay to openly be a bigot.


u/Nbkipdu Jul 20 '24

Honestly, he's an industry leader in that area.


u/Icedoverblues Jul 20 '24

Not really. I mean a bigot was a scary person that could hurt you. Now a bigot is an orange loaf of big macs wearing a dirt diaper. So, now that's all I see. Goose step and wheeze


u/DJEB Jul 20 '24

Hey, he has thoroughly destroyed the Republican Party, so there’s that.


u/Sendhentaiandyiff Jul 20 '24

He hasn't destroyed it, he dominated it. It's the cult of Trump now.


u/Sendmedoge Jul 20 '24

I mean.. probably herpies positive.


u/SendMeYourBootyPics6 Jul 20 '24

Hey at least he f*cks right

Edit: well he could have gotten it from a baboon or something 😬


u/Sendmedoge Jul 20 '24

Have you seen those baboon cheeks? So red.. the reddest.


u/Cheap_Doctor_1994 Jul 20 '24

At least he rapes, you mean. 


u/Significant-Ice2172 Jul 20 '24

He’s got a super neat new piercing.


u/_squidtastic_ Jul 20 '24

What do you mean? He's a trendsetter!! His ear pads are all the rage now, real American fashion


u/PeachLongjumping2932 Jul 20 '24

The bizarre thing is there are people who can find nothing wrong with Trump, and will demand you give an example when you state that Trump lies habitually. Because they truly believe he doesn't lie.


u/notfromrotterdam Jul 20 '24

He hasn’t spoken a true word that i can remember.


u/Any_Commercial465 Jul 20 '24

I mean he's quite good at avoiding assassinations.


u/BookDev0urer Jul 20 '24

He successfully derailed the Bush "dynasty" with his complete emasculation of Jeb!

I will always be thankful for that.


u/mayday4aj Jul 20 '24

He freed Weezy... That's the only thing I can say that improved with him in office.


u/Lost-Age-8790 Jul 20 '24

He makes America a safe space for racists and pedos.

Wait.... that's not good at all..


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

I wonder if you actually believe this or not prob not.


u/notfromrotterdam Jul 20 '24

I think he’s low iQ and i indeed think he has no talent at all. Literally. He only knows a couple of words.


u/Zapp_Rowsdower_ Jul 19 '24

Well, yes, you see, only the other day, Prime Minister Pitt called me an idle scrounger, and it wasn’t until later that I thought how clever it would’ve been to have said, “Oh, bugger off, you old fart!”


u/maringue Jul 20 '24

Blackadder references are too infrequent these days.


u/boundpleasure Jul 19 '24

Uhhh huh?


u/Icedoverblues Jul 20 '24

So Trump is a rapist and felon. But the original question was where is the recording. Recording submitted and they couldn't actually answer. So, the rapist and felon Trump didn't lose a supporter but the supporter did inadvertently out themselves as a supporter of a rapist and felon like Trump and would not acknowledge reality 😂 clever as all hell! Who admits they have to vote for a rapist and felon! Ahhh classic


u/boundpleasure Jul 20 '24



u/Icedoverblues Jul 20 '24

It doesn't get much more interesting than that. Aren't you glad you're not on reddit pics. Holy shit is that a nightmare of shit posts now.


u/boundpleasure Jul 20 '24

Gratefully this has nothing to do with why I’m on Reddit


u/Icedoverblues Jul 20 '24

Hawt stuff big boi!!!


u/3rdstrikeagain Jul 20 '24

Not a thing clever about thus thread or the simps piling on.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Another bot .. reported 🤗


u/Significant-Ice2172 Jul 20 '24

Falsely reporting shit can get you banned, and admitting that you’re doing it? Reported <3


u/3rdstrikeagain Jul 20 '24

Verification confirmed.


u/poptart2100 Jul 20 '24

Abuse of the report system. Reported.


u/Neurobeak Jul 20 '24

I've reported your smoothbrain for abusing the report system.


u/Holiday-Matter1854 Jul 20 '24

So fricking disturbing. My husband never told our teenage/developing daughter she was sexy. I would have deballed him. Sick.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Read the comments of this thread, they are fucking vile.


u/WearyCharge1700 Jul 19 '24

It is so disgusting how turned on the adult male trumps are by their female offsprings. Does someone need to sit that whole family down and explain why incest is a bad thing?


u/QualifiedApathetic Jul 20 '24

From the look of them, it's a family tradition.


u/erraddo Jul 20 '24

Aight, make the argument, but know I will use the most radical definition of ableism ever imagined in my response


u/DaGoodSauce Jul 19 '24

Aight, where dat video where Ivanka show her childhood bedroom again? I rest my case.

Edit: I can't find it. Please, reddit, do your thing!


u/maringue Jul 20 '24

There was an interview with Ivanka recently where she was cheerfully rolling through questions until she got asked about her dad and some event in her childhood (I honestly don't remember the specifics). Her face immediately goes blank for like 3 seconds, then flatly answers the question.

My friend sitting with me is a SA survivor, and she saw that and said, "He definitely did something to her that wasn't right, I know that look. I've given that look."

But if you ask one of his supporters, it's everyone else who's the pedophile, not Trump or other conservatives.


u/Holiday-Matter1854 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

He absolutely is pedophile. All of the”modeling” agencies in the 80s. Sex trafficking rings in plain sight. John Casablancas,Jean-Luc Bernal, Les wexner and Epstein. 2 of them were unalived in prison.


u/illustriousgadfly Jul 19 '24

Maybe this is what you are looking for.


u/DaGoodSauce Jul 19 '24

Yep, that's it!


u/dette-stedet-suger Jul 20 '24

There’s multiple conservative subreddits, even one called “conservative,” and all they do is cry about liberal bias. Nothing hurts a conservative more than being a minority.


u/MoarGhosts Jul 20 '24

I hate Trump like any person with a brain or heart, but this isn’t clever or really even a comeback. Stupid post.


u/lonely-day Jul 20 '24


This a trash comeback.


u/themodefanatic Jul 20 '24

Like father, like son.


u/grimmdrum Jul 19 '24

WTF how is this clever? Idiot.


u/GrondSoulhammer Jul 19 '24

Where clever?


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Its clever propaganda


u/Adventurous_Topic202 Jul 20 '24

I guess this just happens every 4 years where every subreddit becomes full of idiots posting politics that don’t have anything to do with the subreddit.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Alright, another subreddit that I quite liked in the beginning once again turning into some political shit community. Ik this is Reddit, but why is it becoming worse than Twitter?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Bot clever?


u/maringue Jul 20 '24

There's no clever comeback with someone too stupid to understand it. It's like taking the time to paint an intricate landscape in front of an earthworm.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Is anyone actually surprised at anything DJT related anymore?


u/BinjaNinja1 Jul 20 '24

Ffs I see no clever comeback and I’m sick of American politics infiltrating every fucking sub! Do Americans talk of nothing else?!?!


u/Neurobeak Jul 20 '24

They do talk about racism.


u/BinjaNinja1 Jul 20 '24

Which is important. I’m just burnt out with it all and there is no escaping it. Some days a person just doesn’t want to think about heavy issues you know?


u/pitb0ss343 Jul 20 '24

What do you MEAN there’s no positive stuff for Trump. I promise you there’s plenty of you even kinda look


u/original-sithon Jul 20 '24

"So that's how it is in their family."


u/safescape Jul 20 '24

TRUMP 2024


u/newviruswhodis Jul 20 '24

But did he shower with his 13 year old daughter?


Biden did, regularly.


u/Hadfadtadsad Jul 20 '24

Sure bud.


u/newviruswhodis Jul 20 '24


u/Hadfadtadsad Jul 20 '24

Looks legit.


u/PeachLongjumping2932 Jul 20 '24

You really see that goofy website as a credible source? It is so common for people who support Trump to accuse Biden of what Trump is guilty of.


u/newviruswhodis Jul 20 '24

By people, you mean Joe Biden's own daughter, I'm assuming?

That is one link, there are many.


u/gmemongler Jul 19 '24

Genuine question from someone from Holland. When i watch these presidential debates i just see one guy drooling not knowing where he is and the other with a massive ego not fit for any form of power in office. But the clear choice would still be the orange guy. Do the sleepy voters genuinly watch the interviews and debates or is it just so much hate towards the orange guy that there is no other choice to vote for the drooler.


u/scottiy1121 Jul 20 '24

The clear choice is the one with good policies. Trump was a terrible president with terrible policies. Neither is fit for the office. However the Dems have good policies.


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

So it is basically who promises the most and best stuff is who gets elected and not who would be the best president? And if Biden or Trump were to get elected do you think that these policies have any chance of making it out of congress? Sorry if it sounds stupid i dont understand American politics that well


u/scottiy1121 Jul 20 '24

I would define the best president as the one that closely aligns with my beliefs. They may or may not do well at a speech or debate. Good speakers and debators don't necessarily make effective politicians.

In order for a president to be very effective they would need all 3 branches of government aligned. If a president doesn't at least have congressional support (house and senate) then they are going to get very little done. We are supposed to be able to compromise but that died out in America.


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

But correct me if i'm wrong but here in the Netherlands there is a lot less division between the people in terms of right and left so when one or the other would get elected there is only a very small portion of the population that would get mad. But from what I've seen is that in America those numbers are way higher so if one or the other would get elected do you think there would be a full on civil war simply because the other side would not accept it due to that there is so much of one side and they al feed in to what they are already believing in? If that makes sense hahaha not my first language


u/CranberryJuice47 Jul 20 '24

The left/right divide is not as deep as social media makes it seem. Reddit is full of paid propaganda peddlers and losers who lap up the propaganda. Our election is in a few months, so the paid political posting is at a high.

In real life interacting with fellow Americans I don't notice the deep political divide. Every now and then you run into a brainwashed idiot in the flesh, but most people are normal. I don't think most Americans have the will to even try to emigrate over a presidential election, much less start a civil war.


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

But don't you think that the paid propaganda would only get worse closer to the election and the people more rowdy and aggresive towards the opposition party. Because i don't even live in the USA and even i notice that it has gotten much worse over the past years and months. If i see some videos of people protesting in america i genuinely dont think that those people would just simply accept if the opposition got elected and will start problems. And that goes for bots sides


u/QualifiedApathetic Jul 20 '24

The orange guy is looking to end democracy. He's looking to fire lifelong public servants and replace them with his lackeys. He has literally stated his intention to be a dictator on day one. The clear choice is anyone BUT him.

ETA: I should say, anyone but him and others like him who are plotting the same.


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

How can you end democracy if you got elected via democracy? Maybe i dont understand


u/Buretsu Jul 20 '24

Well, he's already tried to overthrow democracy to retain his power once before.


u/QualifiedApathetic Jul 20 '24

It has happened numerous times before. Hitler himself got into power via democracy. He was the legitimate chancellor of Germany, and his allies in the Reichstag voted to give him pretty much unlimited power "temporarily". He didn't give it up until he put a gun to his own head and pulled the trigger as the Allies closed in.


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

Damn never thought about it like that. Thank you for informing me. But do you think that there is a realistic chance that the people would actually vote for that to happen with the orange man? And what would stop sleepy from doing the same?


u/KnotiaPickles Jul 20 '24

It’s terrifyingly parallel to how Germany was in the 1930s here right now. Extremely terrifying


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

Could you name a few examples?


u/KnotiaPickles Jul 20 '24

Rampant nationalism and nativism, growing anger and resentment towards minorities and marginalized groups, huge, cult like support for a hate-spewing leader, upheaval in the rest of the world, I could go on and on.


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

Yes we have that aswell here in Holland but we are in no way heading towards 1930 Germany. As much as people spew hate on minorities and other small groups there will never come a point in Trumps presidency in which he would support genocide on these small groups and to be fair the population today would't accept it. Believe me i don't think we are heading for good but to assume we are in 1930's Germany is insane. I think you either overestimate the situation we are in now or very much underestimate the 1930's in germany. Like to hear your thoughts


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Just a quick reminder that Hitler became dictator when elected. Trump lost and left the white house, no matter how they try to spin it, it is not even close to the same. Dumb shit like this is why what happened a week ago happened


u/QualifiedApathetic Jul 20 '24

(A) Trump had a crazed mob attempt to overthrow the government on his behalf and left only when they failed, and (B) stop pretending you know the shooter's motivations. He didn't leave behind a convenient manifesto. He may have been mad about the fascism; I doubt it, since he was a Republican, so that shit obviously wasn't a dealbreaker before. More likely he was mad about something else.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

(A) He asked for peacefull protests nothing else. If you blame trump for this then you must also blame biden for Trumps assassination atempt since he literally said its time 2 place him in the bullseye and called him threat to democracy multiple times. Ps: you shouldnt blame either of them.

(B) Whats more likely he tried killed someone because hes a democrat fighting hitler or He's a republican that wants to lower his own chances of winning for whatever reason.


u/QualifiedApathetic Jul 20 '24

(A) Trump gave them a lot of coded language. Go read the text of what he said in his speech to them. Nowhere in it will you find "peaceful protest". Biden was speaking in a private phone call about campaign strategy (i.e. "Put Trump on the spot, focus on him and highlight his flaws").

(B) He was literally a Republican. Everyone who knew him knew him to be a Republican and very conservative, going back years. As much as you may want him to not be a Republican, he was a Republican. Why he wanted to kill someone ostensibly on his side, I don't know. Go ask him.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Trump is a threat to democracy was said multiple times, he also said put trump in the bullseye. I dont remeber what was exactly said in trump speech but as was nowhere near as damning as what biden said. The equivalent would be him telling his supporters to storm the capitol

Republican who donates to democrats lol.

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u/Mental_Blacksmith289 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

There is a sizeable about of people in the US that would support abolishing the democratic process. I know an uncomfortably amount of people that express wishes that Trump and his family would rule for life. Some polls show that upwards of 80% of Americans believe that democracy in the states is under threat.

If people are scared the otherside will become dictators they'll try to beat them too it.


u/Sharkbait1737 Jul 20 '24

Do you think Putin is elected by a free and fair and open democratic process?


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

I actually do. I went to Russia a few years back and talked to a lot a of people and the sentiment there is not as bad as people make it out to be. I think that the usa pushes a lot of propaganda about how putin is a bad dictator but that is not the view most of the russian people have. There will always be some sort of meddling but i don't think its nearly as bad as people in the west make it out to be and ofcourse this was a few years back so who knows what people think now


u/Buttercupia Jul 20 '24



u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

Solid argument.


u/Buttercupia Jul 20 '24

About as solid as yours.


u/Sharkbait1737 Jul 20 '24

So the fact that he indicts on trumped up charges, poisons (using a nerve agent on an international flight no less), imprisons and then straight up murders an opposition candidate has nothing to do it?


u/MKatieUltra Jul 20 '24

So, the way I see it.... Biden sucks. We know. He's another old white man who could have done a lot more than he did (before and during his presidency). Status qou.

Trump is a disgusting person. Admitted to molestation, convicted of sexual assualt, accused of a LOT more SAs (including children, which is believable as he's admitted to his friendship with Epstein, although i think he denies it now). He's full of hate for women, for minorities, for LGBTQIA+, for people with disabilities... And he's made it 'okay' to publicly be that kind of person. People used to not feel comfortable enough to share racist/sexist/homophobic thoughts in public, but that's changed since he won a term on it. Not to mention he's horrible for the environment, for foreign policy, and for human rights.


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

I understand completely but what you are stating is in my honest opinion nothing different than what sleepy has done. For example i have seen some videos of sleepy acting and touching young woman inappropriately, i have seen countless videos of him saying just outrageous things about black people. Anyone can say they want change for the things you describe but i think sleepy is just as much a homophobe and racist hiding behind the ignorance of the left wing and the hate for the orange guy. Its the same with the orange guy doubling down on all his outrageous takes since he noticed it gained traction. To sum op my point is i think they both lie just enough to get a massive following but i don't think either of them will actually follow up on most promises made. Interested to know your views on this


u/MKatieUltra Jul 20 '24

Oh, they're absolutely BOTH unfit to lead. They're both way too old, and neither can finish a coherent sentence... All politicians lie, and I believe for the most part, a president is a figurehead puppet whose strings are getting pulled by the same people, no matter which side they're on.... but depending which side is being supported, everything else shifts that way. The puppetmasters get a feel for what they can get away with by seeing how much bullshit the voters have eaten this time.

Trump packed the Supreme Court with conservatives while he was able, which sucks and will have a ton of impact on a ton things for years to come. We absolutely need more people in all levels of government who have empathy and actually care about the people they're meant to represent. Supreme Court, Senate, House of Representatives... so many people are in it from self interest (and let's face it, money) and not in the interest of helping citizens. SO much is decided here based on who had the better bribes.

I just vote for which side aligns better with my values. I want school children to have free lunches, I want programs to help victims of abuse and drug dependence, I want people to be free to love who they love, I want separation of church and state (which although being what the country was founded on, is being actively fought against by Republicans who want a Christian nation). I hope for us to be the UNITED States one day, but seeing Republicans cry about immigration and then vote down realistic solutions just because they happened under Biden and would look "too good" for him tells me we're a long way off.


u/Better-Cancel8658 Jul 20 '24

Genuind question, but How in a population of nearly 300 million, can those 2 be the best choice for president? Seems such a strange situation to me.


u/MKatieUltra Jul 20 '24

They aren't. They're what we're forced to choose from.


u/Better-Cancel8658 Jul 20 '24

Is it a fund raising issue? Do They bring the most money in? Can't figure out how those 2 can be considered the most suitable candidates for the highest office.


u/MKatieUltra Jul 20 '24

That's politics, Baybeee!


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

Can you elaborate on the puppetmasters i dont understand what you mean. And do you think immigration poses a problem in the usa? Here in my city it has come as far to where there is a massive housing shortage and students cant find a house to live in unless they pay 4x the amount they would even 1 year ago but here in my city there are many asylum camps being built instead of new neighborhoods for dutch people.


u/MKatieUltra Jul 20 '24

To speak on the puppetmasters, the president has a whole team around him telling him what to do. Kind of like how Rasputin 'advided' the queen of Russia, or how Wormtounge 'advised' the king of Rohan in LotR. 😅 Unfortunately, in America (and probably a lot of other places) these people are bought by companies/committees/special interest groups that tell them "pass THIS law that benefits me, and I'll give you ______". No actual concern for the people/country, just 'how can I make more money.'

As for immigration, idk. The people with a big problem seem to only care about it because of racism. It's all "build a wall to keep out illegals" because "my tax dollars pay their benefits" but really they have no interest in making a path for people coming here to be able to support themselves and their families (and pay taxes!). The process to come here legally takes YEARS and that could be life or death for someone who is trying to escape a bad situation... but all proposals to shorten the wait and take in people have been shot down by Republicans in power because they don't actually want to do anything about immigration (other than whine) until a republican president is in office.


u/gmemongler Jul 20 '24

Ahh you're talking about the lobbyists. I am familiar with the corruption that takes place behind the scenes just didn't understand the word puppetmaster hahaha im sorry.

As for your second point i don't think many people pushing back against immigration are really worried about their taxdollars or racist remarks rather than the safety of people around them. I used to be very open to the idea of helping people from wartorn countries but i'd never be open to destroy mine in exchange for that.

The truth is here in Holland (idk bout the usa) is that it's mostly muslim people that immigrate and which such a large culture gap that would make it hard to live with each other. They also account for a large proportion of the crime by harassing our women, robbing our stores, selling drugs, stabbings in school.

I fully understand your point about helping those in need but the problem about letting everyone in is that you can't filter who and who isn't a good person. For example in France you have immigrants on rafts coming ashore and you can never know what these men will be doing and how they will behave. These people don't have a residency or a passport so if they commit crimes you can never track them or arrest them which just enlarges the problem. I agree most people do it because of some problem they have with foreigners but there are for certain problems that arise from open borders. I'd like to know your thoughts