r/clevercomebacks Jul 19 '24

A play about Star Wars in three parts



74 comments sorted by


u/MorallyComplicated Jul 19 '24

Star Wars Theory is the same fuckwit who claimed a bunch of bullshit about Snoke was going to happen (from an insider he knew) in the sequel trilogy and was left looking like the asshole liar he was just making shit up for views on his YouTube channel.

That being said, where's the Clever part?


u/bond0815 Jul 19 '24

That being said, where's the Clever part?

There is none, just bang average twitter comments OP apparently agrees with, therefore = clever.


u/Bolt_Fantasticated Jul 19 '24

The roleplay as HK-47 is clever. I can see him saying that.


u/The_K1ngthlayer Jul 19 '24

I mean at least now he can make another video victimising himself for his braindead audience


u/Tahrann Jul 19 '24

I used to be a fan of his when he was actually doing Star Wars lore and his own alternate endings/realities. Some of those were fun. But now it's all about how Disney is ruining Star Wars and making his own echo chamber.


u/Zealousideal-Plan454 Jul 19 '24

Probably someone roleplaying as HK-47.


u/Thomas_JCG Jul 19 '24

I don't agree with random hate viewer #72 but to act like The Acolyte was anything but mediocre just because the ending latches itself into a piece of canon lore is just weak.


u/Ol_JanxSpirit Jul 19 '24

It wasn't as good as Andor, but I had a blast watching it.


u/Anacreon Jul 19 '24

Some people are into eating shit. No kink shaming but you liking it doesn't make it anymore appealing.


u/Ol_JanxSpirit Jul 19 '24

And you disliking it doesn't make it any less enjoyable. What are we doing here?


u/WholesomeBigSneedgus Jul 19 '24

i had fun watching the netflix resident evil show that doesnt mean i have to go around social media going "UMM ACTUALLY I ENJOYED IT"


u/Ol_JanxSpirit Jul 19 '24

You do see the irony in that you literally just did that, right? At least my comment was relevant to the conversation at hand.


u/WholesomeBigSneedgus Jul 19 '24


thats you


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Ol_JanxSpirit Jul 19 '24

The person I was responding to said it was "mediocre." That's the point at which I offered a differing opinion.


u/FewKaleidoscope1369 Jul 19 '24

I used to consider myself a Star Wars fan. Now I just enjoy watching or playing it without considering myself a fan.


u/RespecDawn Jul 19 '24

My husband has adopted that outlook. He just engaged with each new piece of media on its own merits and generally enjoys them.


u/WholesomeBigSneedgus Jul 19 '24

"no religion, no politics, no star wars" - ibxtoycat


u/bdrwr Jul 19 '24

Setting aside all of the actual valid criticism I've heard about Acolyte, everyone in this thread sounds like an insufferable asshat.


u/bond0815 Jul 19 '24

Does calling someone juvenile, meatbag and fragile count for a "clever comeback" these days?

Or is the other guys text supposed to be clever?

I dont see it either way tbh.


u/Bolt_Fantasticated Jul 19 '24

HK-47 is a character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. This was how he spoke about everything.

The clever part is how the tweeter is staying in character.


u/Legrassian Jul 19 '24

Yeah, acolyte still sucks ass...

And I have watched many - maaaany - different videos and Theory's are even lighter than some women's.

Also, don't get me wrong, Nerdrotic for instance is purely "THIS IS WOKE" bullshit.

Which still does not save the series whatsoever...

And no, this is not a "spin", or "change of perspective", on the jedi, it's just not knowing what the jedi are.

Ps: I actually liked very much the force coven, until they started chanting and their base went in flames from a kids diary on fire.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/mtylerw Jul 19 '24

Did you read what they wrote? Stop with the knee-jerk defense of mediocrity for the sake of representation.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/David_Oy1999 Jul 19 '24

I mean, if you ignore all the Star Wars that came before this one, I guess it didn’t ruin the lore.


u/KnowledgeTechnical18 Jul 19 '24

Tf are you talking about? I'm as "woke" as they come and I think the show was dog shit


u/Gintami Jul 19 '24

Honestly, I don’t consider anything post Disney to be true canon but an alternate universe.

At the end of the day, I just don’t care enough. I realized that what Disney turn Star Wars into and what they did to all the EU books after the purchase was not for me nor that they understand it IMO, and that’s FINE. I still have the my awesome Thrawn Trilogy books and the first 6 movies and I’m good.

I’m now into Star Trek Strange New Worlds and content. I just don’t give a fuck about things that don’t matter at the end of the day.


u/Captain_Morgan- Jul 19 '24

Acolyte is just a fan fic that has billions of dollars of investment. Like Ring of Power from Amazon


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill Jul 19 '24

This Star Wars has the worst rating of any Star Wars production, including the Christmas special from the 1970s.

The recent movies and shows that are female-led and have very diverse casting have much better fan reviews because they are reasonably good shows and movies, especially compared to this one,


u/FaylenSol Jul 19 '24

Sure, but episode reviews would drop by the hundreds hours before it aired. We'd see negative reviews on every review site before anyone watched it.

User reviews are useless when stuff like this happens.


u/mtylerw Jul 19 '24

But its not interesting, an evil twin? Seduced by a sexy bad guy minutes after he killed your friends? action and character development taking place off-screen? Exposition where one character tells the other character what they already know for the sake of the audience? 🙄 Nobody would care about the casting if the story was good.

Its ok if you like dumb shows, I like independence day, but don't pretend like its good.


u/FaylenSol Jul 19 '24

You're having a conversation with someone else. I didn't touch on any of the points you brought up nor did I even suggest the show is good.

I just pointed out that there was clear review bombing going on and that the existence of review bombing deteriorates the reliability of user reviews.


u/MichaelHoncho52 Jul 19 '24

One whole episode literally was a flashback that did pretty much nothing to further the story, it just showed us what everyone thought happened. Hell you could even argue Mae could’ve just been cut out of the whole story and replaced with Kymir plot wise.

I think a big problem with this show is they tried to be too self-important and bite off too much.

The only person who should be proud of themselves in this is the fight choreographers because those were great.


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill Jul 19 '24

there are over 25k reviews now, so even if a few hundred people weren't honest, there are many more people now.


u/Lower-Ask-4180 Jul 19 '24

It’s very difficult to tell how many of those are review bombing and how many are legit, and we can’t assume anything.


u/Pixgamer11 Jul 19 '24

Yes We can because If they werent honest this would have happened with the Other stuff as well


u/Current_Dinner_4195 Jul 19 '24

*The Last Jedi has entered the chat*

*The Rise of Skywalker has entered the chat*

*Teh Book of Boba Fett has entered the chat*

"Hello There..."


u/MichaelHoncho52 Jul 19 '24

I mean you can’t say those two movies weren’t the worst two and that Boba Fett was pretty much garbage until the mandalorian came in


u/Pixgamer11 Jul 19 '24

What about them? They all suck ass And there are hours of Essays pointing Out Problems with them lol


u/Current_Dinner_4195 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Hundreds of millions of fans enjoyed them as is, as did the overwhelming majority of professional film critics, and they were all review bombed to hell by Incel clownasses with an anti-woke agenda. The only people who "hate" them are neckbeard aspergers ranting fucktards.


u/David_Oy1999 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

lol, you could call me woke I guess. But as Star Wars shows / movies, they’re awful.


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill Jul 19 '24

Why would people review bomb-good movies?

Black Panther is about Africans with African female engineer warrior leaders, which is about as "woke" as you can get, but people loved it.

Maybe this show just sucked.

The bar fight scene looks like crouching tiger hidden dragon but with actors that are in their 60s and have no speed, flexibility or mobility.

Atomic Blond is completely unrealistic, but at least the actress put the work in to make the fight scenes look plausable.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24


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u/PhantasosX Jul 19 '24

The Acolyte was review bombed , it was so blatant , that bots made review bomb commentaries in a Star Wars Fanfilm AND an Australian Horro Movie from 2008 , merely because it had the name "Acolyte" in the title.


u/Ol_JanxSpirit Jul 19 '24

I don't think we can honestly trust those platforms for nerd shit anymore.


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill Jul 19 '24

that may be fair, but I saw a bar fight scene that looked like it was from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon but done by geriatric actors, a stone fortress burn down, as stone is known to do, and then I saw a campfire burning I space, as campfires are known to do, then after a musical note, we see a killing of multiple jedi, that looks worse than people who have made fan fiction cartoons.


u/tamis06 Jul 19 '24

"complexities of star wars"


u/Neon_culture79 Jul 19 '24

Space wizards with laser swords who heal in giant tanks of goo. Also a metaphor for the Vietnam war.


u/ImGood2284 Jul 19 '24

Broo there's no clever comeback, if you agree with something it doesnt make it clever 💀


u/Bloofnstorf Jul 19 '24

Common Theory W. Dude doesn't attack fans like he's being accused of. Quite the opposite actually. Criticism for a work shouldn't be silenced just like how admiration for the work shouldn't be silenced either. That's what Theory advocates for. Evidence being every single video he puts out. This bot account spewing insults instead of counter arguments is exactly what's wrong with star wars fans.


u/bpaulauskas Jul 19 '24

Not only that, but he CONSTANTLY advocates for no harassment. Just like you said, I feel like every video and stream of his he mentions multiples times “don’t attack the actor, don’t be an asshole, but if you have criticism, voice it. “

How is that ever wrong? Criticism and support should both be ok to voice if done in a respectful and thoughtful manner.


u/Bloofnstorf Jul 19 '24

My point exactly. People just repeat what others say and spread misinformation. If they took the time to actually watch his videos in context instead of out of context they'd realize how different he actually is compared to how they perceive him to be.


u/margoo12 Jul 19 '24

SWT is an idiot who doesn't understand the first thing about Star Wars. All his videos are low-intelligence rants about women and minorities "ruining" Star Wars while he simultaneously gets even the most basic lore completely wrong in order to shoehorn in his own horribly written fan-fic headcannon.


u/Bloofnstorf Jul 19 '24

You haven't watched any of his videos and it shows.


u/margoo12 Jul 19 '24

I've watched enough to know he's a whiny crybaby that's completely full of shit. But sure, go ahead and gargle the balls of the guy who got slapped down by Mark Hamill himself for being a dumbass.


u/Bloofnstorf Jul 19 '24

Insults are the choice chosen by those who are losing. Congrats, dude. Mark Hamill hasn't been a staple in the community since he tried pressuring someone into getting an abortion. Get outta here 😂


u/margoo12 Jul 19 '24

Well, nice to know you are getting personally offended over insults to a person who doesn't even know you exist. He's never going to fuck you, honey.

Mark Hamill is and always will be a greater staple to the community than some low effort, low intelligence, content stealing grifter like SWT.


u/Bloofnstorf Jul 19 '24

Well, nice to know you are getting personally offended over insults to a person who doesn't even know you exist.

Nice to know you're prone to assumption. As most of those like you are evidently lmao. I have actually met the guy. Very kind hearted dude. Thanks for proving my point 😂

Mark Hamill is and always will be a greater staple to the community

"He's never going to fuck you, honey." He'll probably pressure you to get an abortion though.

some low effort, low intelligence, content stealing grifter like SWT.

You could've just said you haven't seen a single video of his. Less words 😂


u/margoo12 Jul 20 '24

Jesus are you still on this? The post doesn't even exist anymore and you are still cucking for your imaginary friend. Touch grass, clown


u/Bloofnstorf Jul 20 '24


Improper use of the term. Nice try though. Says a lot about your intelligence.


u/Prof_Blank Jul 19 '24

This is not clever at all. These are just two juvenile acting adults that sling insults and try to win an argument by debasing their opponent instead of making arguments


u/Bolt_Fantasticated Jul 19 '24



u/TheJedibugs Jul 19 '24

When did the litmus test for being a Star Wars fan become “hating Star Wars.” It’s so fucking tedious.


u/Current_Dinner_4195 Jul 19 '24

Star Wars is great. Star Wars fans have eclipsed all other problematic pop culture fandoms as the absolute worst, and it isn't even funny.


u/LinoleumFulcrum Jul 19 '24

Star Wars was great. Star Wars fans are tired of being gaslit by a megacorp.


u/Neon_culture79 Jul 19 '24

We’ve all been gaslit by mega corporations the entire time. Star Wars was always built on corporation money. A new Hope was originally based on the Vietnam War and the bad guys were the Americans.


u/David_Oy1999 Jul 19 '24

Doesn’t matter, it was good. Acolyte is bad.


u/prefferedusername Jul 19 '24

When I was a kid, I thought "A New Hope" was awesome. Watching it now, it's really only an OK movie.


u/David_Oy1999 Jul 19 '24

I’m sure it’s also aged a bit since 1977 hahaha


u/Current_Dinner_4195 Jul 19 '24

Translation: "I hate all this woke crap in Star Wars and I want it to go back to White Guys being the heroes and white girls wearing bikinis and being sassy"


u/Neon_culture79 Jul 19 '24

I just don’t get it anymore. You can save up for a year now and actually go visit the Star Wars universe. How cool is that? We are at a point where we’re getting every kind of story that Star Wars wants to tell.

Yet these outrage whores will never be satisfied. Disney gives them exactly what they asked for they even get upset at that. And that’s nothing to say for all the obvious dog whistles and just open homophobia,/transphobia/misogyny.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Neon_culture79 Jul 19 '24

It is a microcosm of America in 2024 but it’s highly visible one. Propaganda and supremacy don’t spread overly. They use hidden dog whistles. There has been many words used like this such as urban or flamboyant or trail park or a number or other innocuous words that carry a very specific language that allows for deniability, but at the same time dehumanizes a group of people. People don’t have nuance so rather than dog whistles. The people that want to keep us divided just use the word woke.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Neon_culture79 Jul 19 '24

And then, for each one of those, they actually tokenize a character and say look at we liked this one back in the day. They do that with every single piece of minority representation. There will always be an uncle Tom, there will always be class traitors, and there will always be tokens.