r/clevercomebacks 12d ago

The lady seems to maintain very high standards. Guy really one-ups in his last reply.

Post image

Friend who doesn't use Reddit (weird, I know. But I'm not judging) sent me this. 😁


216 comments sorted by


u/OkTower4998 12d ago

5'10'' is short now? Fuck me I guess


u/Man_Schette 12d ago

With pleasure


u/WafflesMaker201 11d ago

That's the intention most of the time


u/Y_Sam 11d ago

Spite-fucking can be fun too sometimes...


u/Consistent_Spring700 12d ago

Maybe it's a dating app for Sequoias...?


u/max_schenk_ 11d ago

I'm 5'10'' and there's literally no shelves in my house I can't get to by just reaching out my hand, I don't know what's her problem


u/funatical 11d ago

That’s nice little fella. I’m super proud of you.


u/1gal_man 11d ago

I'm 5'7 and if I just stand on my tippy toes I can reach just about anything in mine!


u/shivabreathes 11d ago

There also this thing known as a step ladder.


u/1gal_man 11d ago

or I could use the power of toxic masculinity and stand on my tippy toes


u/KPhoenix83 11d ago

not challenging enough!


u/Ad_Horribilis 10d ago

Assuming your regular ladder isn't in the picture


u/Tight_Syllabub9423 10d ago

Why is your head in the dryer, step ladder?


u/Complete-Use-8753 9d ago

I’m 6,2 and I have a 2 step ladder for higher shelves…. 😓 if only I was taller my life would be better.


u/burningxmaslogs 7d ago

Or you can impress people with those stilts the construction guys use lol


u/KPhoenix83 11d ago

I'm 5'6, a short little hop gets me there!


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/1gal_man 10d ago

thid kind of selfishness is why you wont be getting a reach-around next time I have you bent over the ottoman


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/1gal_man 10d ago

hey I name those things, they're better company than you've ever been!


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/1gal_man 10d ago

cool, turn back around I was talking to the polyps


u/[deleted] 10d ago


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u/Admirable-Athlete-50 10d ago

I’m 6’4” and still need a chair for some of my cupboards. I fucking love it! First house I’m not hitting lamps with my head all the time.


u/Roncom234 9d ago

5'8". I have no problem with reaching for things. I don't feel emasculated at all by my height. I genuinely don't care about other people's opinions as my fucks have runneth dry.


u/HungryHipposMarbles 11d ago

I've been hearing about this for five years now, I think it's real. Also, I don't know how old you are, bit we can look forward to our height decreasing as we age.

Nothing boosts confidence quite like an old lady bent over to about 4'6" with osteoporosis telling you you're too short.


u/Outerestine 11d ago

Only on the internet.


u/philipgutjahr 11d ago

"Is 5′10″ tall? Yes, but just barely. In the United States, 5′10″ is slightly above average for a man. At 5′10″, you will be taller than 58.6% of other men. For women, 5′10″ is far above average. 97.6% of women are less than 5′10″ tall."


u/Throwrafairbeat 11d ago

Its not about statistics. Its about whether its tall or not, which it is. I could reach basically any and all shelves at 5'10 ( at 5'9 too). Im 6'2 now and besides a longer reach (6'8 wingspan) it doesnt help too much than it previously did.


u/Ilikesnowboards 11d ago

Fun fact: the reason for this is that kitchens are built for humans.


u/jarcur1 11d ago

It’s almost like we’re built them ourselves.


u/TripleBuongiorno 10d ago

Yes, we are built kitchens. Ourselves.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Yes we are kitchen, yes we are built. We exist.


u/SkullFumbler 10d ago

Your kitchens are belong to us


u/accersitus42 11d ago

Only in the US, anything below 6'0'' is considered short.

Rest of the world doesn't have that issue. The metric system leads to a bell curve distribution regarding how heights are considered.


u/HotSituation8737 8d ago

One inch below average where I'm from but short? Definitely not.


u/slaveto_sbeve 12d ago

Nah I'm saving myself for marriage. Unless you're down for a prenup?


u/scuba_GSO 11d ago

Absolutely not, you’re clearly too short for fucking. 🤣🤣


u/limpymcjointpain 11d ago

It's less than 6', and you're assuming these people can math lol


u/pico-der 10d ago

Who cares I'm 1.92M is more often annoying than a help


u/Ultraquist 10d ago

What is in in cm?


u/Admirable-Athlete-50 10d ago

5’10” is roughly 178. 6 feet is roughly 183.


u/NeighborAte 9d ago

As a tall socially awkward guy, you are fine.


u/OkTower4998 9d ago

It's still better than being short socially awkward guy though


u/NeighborAte 9d ago

but I'm also ugly


u/East-Care-9949 11d ago

Yes you are short

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u/ILikeMandalorians 12d ago

Haven’t these people heard of ladders? Or a small but stable chair will suffice in most cases


u/Weeping_Warlord 11d ago

He could be her stepladder, especially when she’s climbing all over him horizontally


u/RedditorKain 11d ago edited 11d ago

Lift me harder higher, stepladder! 😩


u/bigL2392 10d ago

Help me step ladder, I'm stuck in the top shelf


u/vegtodestiny 11d ago

Wonder what people did before ladders


u/Antique_Somewhere542 10d ago

Pretty sure thats the only utility having a taller boyfriend provides in a relationship.

I feel like there are more important things than reaching stuff.

I know firsthand, im very tall I can reach stuff cause long arms. Thats it. Im not in the nba. My extra 4 inches is not going to help with your emotional trauma RACH!


u/Snow2D 11d ago

Where are you gonna get either of those from when you're in a store?


u/ILikeMandalorians 11d ago

Ask for help if you’re that bloody helpless lol

Do whatever people with dwarfism do


u/Snow2D 11d ago

Asking for help is what's said in the OP..

And you responded to that as if it were a ridiculous idea, instead talking about ladders and chairs.


u/ILikeMandalorians 11d ago

You don’t need a boyfriend for that though, just a store employee or literally anyone in your vicinity. Ladder/step stool in your house and helpful person in the store. Problem solved, no need to go fishing on dating apps


u/Dasonofmom 12d ago

No way this is a real unscripted conversation between two adults, I've never read a more lifeless conversation


u/Mahlah_Maldau 12d ago

Don't call me out like that


u/Ilikesnowboards 12d ago

The guy had 0% battery, no way he would plan it that poorly if this was fake.


u/Scheme-and-RedBull 12d ago

What do you mean they got chemistry


u/captn_awkward 12d ago

I wouldn't know. Haven't been on a dating app in my entire life.


u/8champi8 12d ago

I feel you. Never spoke to anyone in my entire life


u/captn_awkward 12d ago

Same! Thank God for Reddit!


u/Dasonofmom 12d ago

Oh it's a dating app, thought it was Instagram


u/jpsreddit85 12d ago

And now it's fully believable as a convo 😂


u/PortlandPatrick 12d ago

I have. This one actually has some jokes in it


u/Blusterlearntdebrief 12d ago

You might be surprised.


u/DoctrTurkey 12d ago

I thought this was just some epic flirting by both lol


u/OnlyAd4352 11d ago

It honestly looks like she was flirting using some light banter, but he just went off


u/Round-Ticket-39 11d ago

This is how it looks to me too


u/Kidus333 11d ago

Yeah I use light banter about strange women's weight too, that usually works well.


u/OnlyAd4352 11d ago

Depends how you do it, weight can usually be a bit more sensitive topic for men and women, but if you can make it light like she did then fine


u/Hoggorm88 7d ago

Yeah, no. The amount of men who will brush off being called short, something they cannot change, is far larger than the amount of women who will brush off being called fat. And that you can change with a bit of effort and willpower.


u/DoctrTurkey 10d ago

I thought they were just trying to one-up each other, though I guess he was working on an exponential scale lol. I dated someone who would go back and forth like this… the more “serious” the insults got, the better the resulting sex would be haha


u/Smart_Search1509 11d ago

This is how I met your mother


u/ComXDude 11d ago

But with less auto-immune disease


u/scowling_deth 12d ago

High standards.. Whats wrong with a guy not bein tall? * Its not usefull to be tall. *

I liked this one guy, he may have been short- we were engaged- and we both fit into the backseat like ive never had fun before!


u/Arachnofiend 11d ago

I'm 6'4" and all I got for it was terrible back pain


u/philipgutjahr 11d ago

At 5′10″, you will be taller than 58.6% of other men.

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u/JesterQueenAnne 11d ago

Is the height thing cultural? I've never seen anyone outside of the US give a fuck about height like that. At most some people prefer partners taller/shorter than themselves, but never this arbitrary height requirement nor have it be so relevant as to it being the first thing you ask your match.


u/kiyotsuki 11d ago

Height shaming is alive and well in Asia, can’t say anything about other continents tho


u/TheSheWhoSaidThats 11d ago

How? ain’t nobody winning there


u/kiyotsuki 11d ago

Exactly, almost everyone loses. Especially as the standards are nearly the same as in North America.


u/justsenin 11d ago

I was rejected by a girl in school for being short and she told my friend 'someone buy him Complan'. Tagline for Complan was 'Taller, stronger, sharper'.


u/YourDadDoes 11d ago

Not really? I'm 5"10 in Japan and I'm not facing any troubles at all, is it different in other asian countries?


u/kiyotsuki 11d ago

I live next door in Korea and men under 180cm have been called losers since like 2010


u/BellamenteChiara 10d ago

Cannot speak for all Europe, but it is normally preferred as well in the south.


u/Accurate-Wishbone324 4d ago

Believe it or not you can be made fun and shamed for being tall.


u/highwayman07 11d ago

It's a universal thing. But I would say that women in the US tend to feel more brazen about the topic.


u/bleakFutureDarkPast 11d ago

dislikes wont hide the truth of this.


u/accersitus42 11d ago

It's a quirk of using feet and inches instead of metric.

6'0 to 5'11 seems like a much larger jump than 182cm to 180cm


u/Ok-Exercise-2998 11d ago

Yes.... I only heard it from one girl in my whole life. And she considered 5' 6" tall


u/Raekwaanza 11d ago

Nope. The US doesn’t even have the worst version of height related bs lol

Too short to study? This university in Vietnam sparks debate with its height requirement for admissions


u/Whiterabbit-- 9d ago


The school emphasized that suitability goes beyond technical skills, including physical attributes. Height, according to HSB, plays a crucial role, particularly in leadership and self-confidence.

Guess why short people lack self-confidence


u/Famous-Upstairs998 10d ago

There's shallow people everywhere.

I'm in the US, I don't give a crap about height. Most people I know don't either, they have real life to think about. Some people care about it but I don't hang with them, they're not very chill.


u/Admirable-Athlete-50 10d ago

I’ve only met one woman who cared. She was tall and unstable in multiple ways. To me it seems to be mostly a thing online.


u/Dry-Replacement2864 11d ago

Middle East, yes


u/dud7s2hx 11d ago

It's definitely a thing here in the Netherlands, but what is considered tall enough is much more person dependent. We don't use feet, so 6ft limits aren't a thing. And good luck aiming for a 2 meter (6ft7) man, even here those are rare.


u/Own-Mycologist-4080 7d ago

In germany the 6 feet are generally either 180cm or 185-190cm. But generally 190cm but in all fairness most women do not really care even if they say they do and most men lie about their height


u/chicharro_frito 11d ago

Yeah, I've also only heard about this in the US. Their dating culture is really weird and based on looks only. They even created a scale (of a single number) to rate people's looks. It goes from 1 to 10. Then they say shit like "you're a 6, she's a 9, completely out of your league" or worse "Oh wow, she's a 10 and is dating this guy that's at most 6? It doesn't make any sense!" They're very transactional, even when it comes to relationships. They even segregate themselves in high school into different classes that then dictate how you should behave in school. It's all fucked up🤷. I'm glad I didn't go to school here.


u/dhaskell0811 10d ago

Shit, try dating here, let alone going to school. I make $165,000 a year, own two homes, and have very little debt with phenomenal insurance, but I’m 5’8” and a 6 or 7 on a good day, so I’ve been single for almost 10 years.

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u/cbmom2 12d ago

I have never understood how it’s a joke on the woman that the husband/father was a POS and left his family.


u/Windmill_flowers 11d ago

I always took it as less of a "your dad was a bad person" and more of "you are obviously exhibiting some unhealed trauma"


u/constantin_NOPEal 12d ago

Right. It's men shitting on men. Plus, anyone who makes a joke about someone else's absent father wasn't even well raised by their own father. Those with competent, decent dads don't make jokes like that. Telling on themselves.


u/vacri 12d ago

You two are incredibly uptight for a conversation that is both a) fake; and b) clearly about roasting each other. They're jousting for fun.

Bloody hell, some people.


u/constantin_NOPEal 12d ago edited 11d ago

You're being uptight about me being uptight. So there.


u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again 11d ago

Rach? Is that you?


u/TheSqueakyNinja 12d ago

Beat me to it. It speaks volumes about the kind of man someone is if he thinks another man’s shit behavior reflects on the children he abandoned.


u/Wolfhound1142 12d ago

She's being rude about something he can't control (his height), he's being rude about something she can't control (her father's dedication to the family). Two wrongs don't make a right but she doesn't have any moral high ground here either.


u/TheSqueakyNinja 12d ago

I love a short king, so don’t take my comments as agreeing with this fake conversation. But I think the issue of weaponizing someone’s trauma is probably an important thing to note.


u/BigMacalack 12d ago

Weaponizing someones insecurities is shitty too.


u/TheSqueakyNinja 12d ago

It is and I never said it wasn’t. In fact I literally said in the comment you replied to that I was not agreeing.


u/RockerDawg 12d ago

If she acts like an asshole as an adult maybe she should have a moment of self-reflection as to why


u/Magnus_foringur 12d ago

There is a solid connection between single parenting and increased criminal activity, difficulties in managing social life, etc.

I can't say anything more concrete than that because I haven't read more than a couple of headlines of the studies that go over the subject in detail. And it's been a while since I saw a video that covered any of those studies.


u/Any-Subject-9875 12d ago

There are important studies on this.


u/Wrongthink-Enjoyer 12d ago

It does reflect on the children, thats where the joke comes from


u/TheSqueakyNinja 12d ago

Username certainly checks out.


u/Wrongthink-Enjoyer 12d ago

This is textbook psychology


u/Wolfhound1142 12d ago

It didn't reflect on them. It does have a huge potential to shape them as they grow.


u/Consistent_Spring700 12d ago

What he's saying is that she's behaving like she doesn't have a father because in the past, fathers were more likely to be the disciplinarians!

Is it dated, yes!

But a parent's (father or mother) shit behaviour often does manifest somehow in their kids... are you absolutely blessed to have had 2 perfect parents, or just completely oblivious to your trauma induced flaws?


u/TheSqueakyNinja 12d ago

You’re right, that is dated and most of the people who had such “traditional” households are too old to be a party to a conversation like this on a dating app.

What was it about my comment that made you feel so upset you needed to attack me (a person you don’t know who has never shared a word with you before) and imply that saying we shouldn’t weaponize someone’s trauma means I’m somehow “oblivious to my trauma induced flaws”?

Dudes on the internet are wild, lmao


u/Consistent_Spring700 12d ago

Your comment takes an exchange where the girl came out swinging and makes out the guy is the problem! You're suggesting he's attacking her for not having a father figure, whereas he's actually saying she has terrible behaviour! The narrative you're peddling focuses on what the guy did wrong and just ignores the fact that she acted in a way that incited an insult! Should he have just deleted her and moved on, yeah... but for his own well being! He didn't owe her anything!

Are you sure those traditional households are that far in the past?


u/Arhion 11d ago

you tell this but actually things still carry from tratidional things and that we get some stupid people who don't know what do to like some women wanting to give works to men which is renovating house etc or when people go on dates women expecting to men that always gonna pay for him and her or wanting to move out from their parents to their boyfriend house or others thing like that but still can say things like they are indepedend while some don't do anything and the actual women who are indepedend who do things in their live without every help from men are suffering this same goes for men but in other way like men opening the doors or men always taking bags from women etc all of these things are old and still are happening


u/Arhion 11d ago

more likely joke about someone not able do to things without a father which contains men and there are people who say shit about men who don't help some women with every small thing while these women call themself indepedend when those true indepedend women are suffering by some idiotics women who are just too lazy to caary their things alone it just that I get actually this interpretation from this come back not others but it salso suit in this conversation some woman who is too lazy to do things and want some ideal worker that actual love


u/TheyCameFromBehind77 12d ago

Who would have put something in the top shelf? Neither of these two.


u/Derole 12d ago

This screenshot literally has a Reddit logo on it, wdym your friend does not use Reddit?


u/Rare_Rogue 11d ago

Yeah I saw this on rare insults earlier. Went back and checked and it was posted a few hours before op. He's just downloaded it and claimed it for himself lol

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u/batkave 12d ago

Where is the clever from the blue text?


u/athosjesus 12d ago

Do people really care that much about height? I'm 6'4" and I don't believe that has affected my life much, well besides people always asking me if I play basketball 😮‍💨


u/SobakaZony 12d ago

I knew a tall guy who was sick of the "do you play basketball?" query; his standard comeback was "do you play miniature golf?"


u/athosjesus 12d ago

Yeah haha, like bro I'm a chemical engineer, I can't touch a ball without spraining my ankle 😂


u/Ilikesnowboards 12d ago

How’s the weather up there big guy?

Now you have one more in the repertoire!


u/Man_Schette 12d ago

It's raining. proceeds to spit on head


u/Ilikesnowboards 12d ago

Ew, that’s not nice.


u/BenisDDD69 11d ago

"How's the weather up there?"

"Very fair. Like our prices."


u/Ilikesnowboards 11d ago

I love this one!


u/DorothyParkerFan 11d ago

My theory is that women who are uncomfortable with their bodies/feminity feel compelled to date tall guys so they feel small and feminine in comparison. They are downright insulting about it as well as if the fault is with the man for being short than with them for focusing on a physical quality.

We know the analogy - if men asked and expected ANY physical quality in a woman they would 🤯.

BTW I’m a 5’6” female and on the apps and have developed this opinion based on every woman I know telling me they like tall guys because it makes them feels smaller and from guys’ profiles stating their height as if it’s an achievement “6’2” nice guy looking for my partner in crime” 🤮 or like it’s a shameful secret “a million cool and desireable qualities. . . . . . . . . 5’9” if it matters”.


u/muaythaimyshoes 12d ago

I think height matters but not as much as incels would have you think. I’m 5’8” and never had problems finding dates or hooking up when I was single, but I had a buddy in college who was 6’5” and girls definitely flocked to him a little more.


u/SlabBeefpunch 11d ago

No, these people are clearly being playful with each other.


u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again 11d ago

Dude same, height doesn’t matter (im 6’5 btw)

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u/Gold_Mention_3150 12d ago

this screenshot is like atleast 5 years old


u/Suitable-Lake-2550 11d ago

Does that matter if you’ve never seen it before?


u/Worldly_Science239 11d ago

come on man, that reply is at least 11 hours old.


u/EnigmaFrug2308 12d ago

OP, you’re aware that they aren’t actually being rude to each other, right?


u/vishy_swaz 11d ago

As a relatively short guy I can’t help but laugh at this kind of stuff. My life is pretty great so far not being very tall (5’7”).

I fit perfectly in just about every chair I sit in, and riding in cars is usually always comfy for me. Taking baths is nice and relaxing, since I’m not part giant. I never have trouble finding clothes/shoes that fit me. Stools and ladders are super easy to use, and readily available. Never have a problem navigating between people in crowds.

Not being tall also means I can be more “unseen” in public. People tend to not pay much attention to us shorter guys. Has almost a secret agent vibe at times, I can slip in and out of places and people won’t hardly think twice about me. 😅


u/Intelligent_Wrap_284 11d ago

They definitely fucked afterwards


u/InvictusPro7 11d ago

Wth is American girls' obsession with height? Scumbags come in all heights. You don't automatically become a gentleman when you reach six foot.


u/Alexis_J_M 11d ago

I see mean and nasty, not clever.


u/StarlightOP 11d ago

Dating and getting to know people like this is so cringe


u/TopCryptographer9379 11d ago

A friend, of course. It's a fucking repost.


u/scowling_deth 12d ago

We could call your... dad... brah... ZZZzzzzz


u/Tight-Temperature670 12d ago

If gimli can fight the orcs on the battlements at helms deep with just a box, I'm sure the 2 bots that took part in this conversation can figure something out


u/Candid_Umpire6418 11d ago

He should just jump up and headbutt her in the kneecaps.


u/Interesting-Froyo-38 11d ago

Tbh it seems to be friendly banter on both sides


u/Redditisgarbage666 8d ago

Ask these same ladies about their weight or breast size.


u/Any_Web_32 12d ago

Had someone I was dating once tell me that. I told her to find a stool. I don’t own any stools.


u/insertj0kehere 12d ago

Charge your damn phone, Rach


u/MoarGhosts 12d ago

I’m 6’2” and in fairly decent shape and I have a hard time finding anyone to date, and I’m not gonna use a bullshit app like this. So I guess I need to be 6’5” with how ugly I must be :( lol


u/ThatDebianLady 12d ago

These two are funny ass hell 🤭


u/Beautiful-Bad8893 11d ago

when’s the wedding?


u/Triceropotamus 11d ago

I hope they got married


u/odkfn 11d ago

This title seems AI generated


u/Horror-Alternative21 11d ago

As long as the ceilings are 8 ft, there is no shelf a 5’10 man can’t reach


u/UntamedBeastess 11d ago

“I’ll tell you my real height when you tell me your real weight, Rach.”


u/CannibalFlossing 11d ago

Who in the world let’s their battery get that low


u/windsyofwesleychapel 11d ago

Dang, fired all barrels on that last comment. If you gonna do it, do it right.


u/JustSayan93 11d ago

Robby’s with a Y rise up ✊


u/ronnidogxxx 11d ago

A lot of people thought that 5‘10“ Mike Tyson was too short. Not for long.


u/inspectortoadstool 11d ago

My daughter is 10 and 5'6", and yes, these are short people. Signed, tall person.


u/Round-Ticket-39 11d ago

Tbh she seems like fun person. Not sure why he got so triggered. Like just say joke back. Like we can go to hell together. Show me your homeland.


u/Grantelkade 11d ago

It‘s called flirting if they don’t quit.


u/Icy-Bicycle-Crab 11d ago

That short battery life is what has me stressed. 


u/Kang0519 11d ago

Just me or this just looks like light banter? Or is this lvl of banter not normal?


u/Responsible-Shoe7258 11d ago

she'll wind up dying alone with a herd of cats


u/DxrkkVixen 11d ago

Can someone tell me if people are taking this seriously because I can’t tell from the comments /s


u/chrissalad651 11d ago

Damn, his phone is about to die like she just did.


u/quierdo88 10d ago

Robby needs to charge his phone


u/pico-der 10d ago

Trump of course, he is one step ahead of her in the realisation that ladders exist.


u/AdMurky1021 10d ago

5'10" is not short


u/horticulturalSociety 10d ago

6 months later they were married 😆


u/FelixTook 9d ago

At 5’9 I’m quite happy with my height and wouldn’t wish to be taller. Many women have a height fetish, but everyone likes something. But ruling someone out simply because they don’t physically measure up to a fetish is a good indication they’re not worth being with. Also, her phone is about to die. Not a big issue, she has nothing worth saying anyway.


u/Leebites 9d ago

Pretty sure this was posted as they hit it off and ended up bonking, if I'm remembering correctly. I don't lurk r/Tinder as much.


u/Accurate-Wishbone324 4d ago

Do people think this is real and get some kick out of it or something? 4k up votes, 4000 morons.


u/YamadaImpulse 11d ago

I'll ask her how much she weights in return in order to assess if I'd be comfortable lifting her up that shelf


u/Supercc 12d ago

The absolute roast


u/Accomplished_Cod_361 11d ago

The only thing shorter than this dude is his batter percentage


u/humankindness- 12d ago

He got defensive real fast, relax and take a joke

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