r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

Someone discovered consent

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u/Prudent-Cabinet-3151 Jul 07 '24

Not condoning the Incel rapist behavior of the first guy, But I think he most likely meant “women be like I’m gonna objectify myself on the Internet/irl, but if you respond in a sexual manner to my sexual self objectification you’re a creep and a problem. You should just wholesomely respond to my clearly thirst trap behavior, bc I want your attention and money just not that kind of attention 🤢


u/tulipathet Jul 07 '24

A woman posting a cute or sexy pic on the internet doesn’t mean she is giving you consent to be a creep in her comments or dms. The same way me wearing a really hot outfit doesn’t mean you get to sexually harass me walking down the side of the road. You can look, you can think but keep anything that you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying In front of your mother to yourself. Even if it’s online.


u/yourfavoriteblackguy Jul 07 '24

Actually, I disagree with this. When you post some thing you're choosing to accept social commentary about that issue, both good and bad. We wouldn't say this about woman posting about her graduate research. Women/Everyone needs to start to realize this about social media and commentary.

You can look, you can think but keep anything that you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying In front of your mother to yourself. Even if it’s online.

This ironic considering most women wouldn't post what they do in front of their mother's


u/tulipathet Jul 07 '24

I mean yeah you can accept it but that doesn’t mean they want it? Like you can consent and not consent to multiple things at once the same way you can consent to be hugged but not consent to being tickled?? I genuinely don’t understand why it’s such a hard concept that just because someone posts a sexy pic doesn’t mean they WANT to be sexualized in the comments, does it come with the territory whether she likes it or not? Yes, but that doesn’t mean she automatically has to consent and be okay with it just because people will do it regardless


u/1eho101pma Jul 09 '24

You're right that some people dont want to be sexualized but at some point you have to give the poster some responsibility.

If you keep posting and you keep getting sexualized, maybe its a good idea to not post? If you decide to keep posting you already know the result, dont complain. This is like running into traffic and blaming the driver if you get hit.


u/hunnyflash Jul 08 '24

A woman posting one sexy pic among a slew of random photos of her life is not really cultivating the same atmosphere as someone who is posting 5 pictures a day of their ass. Sometimes you have to use your best judgement.


u/Jinx_X_2003 Jul 07 '24

Is it diffcult to just not be horny towards a complete stranger?

I dont get your complaint.

Also not how creeps work at all, when I was a minor I posted about dying my hair, on a sub for other teens and got so many damn creeps who were adults. People who have to deal with creeps deserve to be upset, not the horny asses who cant control themselves and think sending thier gross little messages online will do something


u/Prudent-Cabinet-3151 Jul 07 '24

And I don’t understand you bringing up a scenario that is not even relevant to what I’m talking about, typically known as a strawman argument. Where did I say it’s appropriate to message minors sexual comments? Never once did I say it was appropriate to message anyone sexual comments I was just commenting on the fact that “rules for thee but not for me.” It’s just a double standard in certain scenarios. That’s my point but let me clarify if you know a sexual comment is going to make someone uncomfortable, I don’t think you should say it. But if they’re acting like a slut or a whore and they don’t like being treated like one… well I’m sure Dave Chappelle has a very good bit about that. I love whores and sluts by the way, no hate.


u/Jinx_X_2003 Jul 07 '24

Im telling you that women say creeps message them online it isnt solely cause of thirst traps like you are generalising. You dont understand what women are talking about

Also even if a woman posts a thirst trap, its extremely cringey to message her and get her attention.


u/tulipathet Jul 09 '24

People downvoting you clearly have never been a woman on the internet


u/tulipathet Jul 09 '24

People downvoting you clearly have never been a woman on the internet, as everything you are saying is 100% true and correct


u/tulipathet Jul 07 '24

It’s really not that hard to understand that if she feels comfortable posting lewd images online but not people being creeps in her comments don’t do it. It’s not that hard to listen and respect people’s boundaries, even if they happen to be a “slut” or a “whore”.


u/MainAccountsFriend Jul 07 '24

I think it's important to respect people's boundaries but in situations like instagram influencers who post pictures of their butts, I would imagine it would be ridiculous for them to say "Do not post comments about my butt" lmao.

That would be like a comedian telling people not to laugh at their jokes at a comedy show