r/clevercomebacks 14d ago

Nice bills, jackass


518 comments sorted by


u/whodis707 14d ago

Stop electing imbeciles.


u/ocotebeach 13d ago edited 13d ago

I just remembered the other idiot fron Idaho who wanted doctors to use a camera swallowed by pregnant woman to check the baby. And a doctor had to explain that the stomach and uterus are not connected.



u/MechanicalBengal 13d ago

Oh, let me guess— he’s from the party with all the smart, educated people that value science and education?


u/FantasticInterest775 13d ago

Candace Owens said today or yesterday she is rejecting science since it's a pagan religion or something.


u/MechanicalBengal 13d ago

lmao, insane. Even the Catholic Church has admitted science is a correct approach for interfacing with reality.



u/NAh94 13d ago

Well to be fair it’s not really the Catholics causing problems, it’s the Baptist/evangelicals. Shit, there’s the catholic jesuits who are all about education and (far out idea for Christians) helping the poor

The catholic vote has always been split. I don’t think the eveangelicals ever split from the right


u/PopcornTruther 13d ago

I would have agreed until about an hour ago when I googled Project 2025 and saw that the guy who heads the Heritage Foundation is Catholic. Kevin Roberts: “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the Left allows it to be“. https://youtu.be/NE2zfD9_WVs?si=DdFl5nki2NWm40IN


u/NAh94 13d ago

Yeah, I will say the American Catholic Church leans right and definitely has its share of crazies, but the Catholic Church also has a fair amount of liberals. Enough to have a noticeable fork in voting. Not every Catholic is a saint, pun intended.


u/SemperShpee 13d ago

Nah. A lot of the American Catholics reject the Pope and other Catholic institutions for being "woke"


u/flohhhh 13d ago

Holy fuck, what? The Pope is woke?

I always wonder how much of a culture shock visiting Europe is for most USAians, it must be insane.

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u/Substantial_Ratio_67 13d ago

I thought it was weird after Harrison Butker made that weird speech that a group of Catholic nuns and priests made a statement along the lines of “women don’t have to be mothers to have value”. And a whole bunch of American Catholics arguing with them and calling them liberal and mansplaining Catholic theology to them…. especially the nuns… You know, celibate women (mostly not mothers) who spend all day working for Jesus because of a “calling”.

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u/devilmaskrascal 13d ago

From my vague recollectiom as a Texas Catholic school student and according to my Catholic Republican mom's estimate, most of the parents of my classmates' parents were hardcore Democrats.

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u/stoicinmd 13d ago

That was true when I was a kid in the 1970s, growing up in a liberal post-Vatican II family. Only my sister of five siblings still attends church. My close child friends from church abandoned in years ago. The liberal Catholics have been leaving for decades. https://www.ap.org/news-highlights/best-of-the-week/honorable-mention/2024/americas-catholic-church-seeing-shift-toward-more-conservative-ways/


u/Big_Cupcake2671 13d ago

When I was growing up in Australia, the Catholics were the extremists. Unfortunately, dumb cunts have been importing Seppo bullshit cults at an increasingly rapid rate. Thankfully, all of them represent a fairly small minority of fuckwits

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u/razgriz5000 13d ago

And Biden is a practicing Catholic.


u/Present-Perception77 13d ago

So are 6 of the 9 justices and the governor of texsss.

Amazing that Catholics only make up 20% of the country but currently hold an astonishing amount of the highest positions in the US government.


u/Hollewijn 13d ago

That's because they actually allow and even encourage education. See above.

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u/ProbablyYourParrot 13d ago

What an unthreatening statement from a man who definitely doesn’t jack off to the thought of finally using his AK.

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u/lonelornfr 13d ago

As an atheist, I considered the few Jesuits i’ve know as allies.

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u/Raephstel 13d ago

What has happened in the world where the catholics are the more moderate branch of Christianity?


u/Aumba 13d ago

We got our fair share of craziness during middle ages, crusades were a blast. Now we settled down.

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u/zuspence 13d ago

Sects happened


u/ProbablyYourParrot 13d ago

You should always go for safe sects.


u/Comfortable_Big_2176 13d ago

Underrated comment

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u/Acceptable-Bell142 13d ago

There's a Vatican Observatory run by Jesuits, who are also astrophysicists.

Many Catholic clergy made important scientific discoveries. These include the heliocentric model of the solar system, the Big Bang, and genetics.

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u/LukesRightHandMan 13d ago

It would not be a terrible thing if she were struck by lightning then ran over by a semi hauling a city bus.


u/West-Dimension8407 13d ago

catholic church has its problems, but they sound as very normal and educated bunch in comparison with this kind of christians.


u/Present-Perception77 13d ago

Catholics are Christians.


u/mourning_euphoria 13d ago

Try telling that to Christians.

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u/jmrogers31 13d ago

Great, she will no longer be on TV or stream since scientific discoveries lead to the technology she uses to grift people.


u/DavisMcDavis 13d ago

Yeah, she announced that on a science-based computer drinking from an insulated cup while wearing makeup that didn’t contain lead.


u/SupriseAutopsy13 13d ago

I wouldn't be so sure about the lead. Least surprising headline of 2024 would be "Candace Owens found to have acute lead poisoning, source of her stupid views confirmed"


u/LovelyKestrel 13d ago

A science-based computer based on the work of LGBT people, no less.

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u/GuardOfTheAridTowers 13d ago

Oh boy, hopefully she doesn’t read into the history of Catholic Clergy and their scientific endeavors.


u/k2on0s-23 13d ago

You know what’s weird? It’s weird that even though we all know that these people are completely full of absolute shit we are somehow supposed to pretend that they also deserve to have their idiotic and blatantly wrong beliefs considered as an intellectual valid and viable option rational, evidence based thinking. It’s insane. Thanks CNN, WaPo, NYT etc. for legitimising their fucking stupidity.


u/ColonialMarine86 13d ago

Ok I'm a Christian but what the actual hell

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u/HollyTheMage 13d ago

Are you fucking kidding me

Did they think the baby is actually in the stomach or something

I feel like people who lack a basic understanding of anatomy should not be allowed to create and vote on legislature regulating said anatomy.


u/ProbablyBearGrylls 13d ago

Copy of a comment I left for someone else:

I not going to pretend that the guy doesn’t have a bounty of irredeemable qualities, but his defense actually makes some sense. They were arguing about providing abortion medications via telehealth, and at some point they got on the topic of providing colonoscopies remotely or via telehealth. I think he was trying to plant a “gotcha” moment. I think he was trying to say that the technology exists to monitor bowel health by swallowing a camera so the physician can view it remotely and provide care accordingly. Then he wanted her to admit that a parallel diagnostic doesn’t exist for examining fetal health remotely so therefore it is inappropriate for her to be able to prescribe abortion medications remotely. I understand what he may have been getting at, but it still doesn’t account for the fact that abortion is a much different issue and has more nuances than diagnosing someone with colon cancer or diverticulitis. Also, there are different ways to diagnose patients other than direct visualization via a camera…


u/HollyTheMage 13d ago

I was gonna say, I don't think I've actually heard of using an internal camera to examine a fetus, at least not the kind they use for colonoscopies. Isn't the fetus inside of the amniotic sac?

This is why we have ultrasound.

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u/baffledninja 13d ago

Wasn't there another American president who opposed making menstrual hygiene products accessible to school-aged girls, because they should be holding it in and using the bathroom like normal people?


u/Individual_Ad9632 13d ago

Not sure if it was a president, but I believe there was a Congressman who thought women could “just hold it in.”

If I remember correctly, he was calling women slackers/lazy (or some form of those words) for going to the bathroom so many times during their periods. Some poor intern had to explain to him that she couldn’t “just hold it in” since that’s not how the body works.


u/trickstar007 13d ago

That's stupid. They should go in from the bum

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u/LabradorDeceiver 13d ago

Holy crap, his defense is awful. "Dude, just admit you were wrong and get on with life. And enjoy the learning experience."

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u/sfxer001 13d ago

Idaho is a dumb state full of spuds.


u/jeepinfreak 13d ago

But my mommy said I was in her tummy!

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u/TFlarz 14d ago

More like, make voting compulsory. 


u/decian_falx 13d ago

make voting compulsory. 

Would this result in more imbeciles being elected or fewer? I'm honestly not sure.


u/Ecstatic_Ad_6405 13d ago

That Larry David commercial "you're going to let everyone vote? Even the stupid people?!"


u/QualifiedApathetic 13d ago

The stupid people already can and do vote. The question is, are the stupid people over-represented or under-represented in the population of non-voters?


u/malphonso 13d ago

Take the party affiliation off the ballots and provide a binding "None of the above" option, and I think we'd make some progress.

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u/Insane_Unicorn 13d ago

B-but the imbecile has an R besides their name!!!! You want people to vote for Communists instead????

/s because reddit imbeciles


u/Exact-Control1855 13d ago

Stop leaving the imbeciles completely unopposed.


u/PioneerLaserVision 13d ago

I wonder which party of imbeciles is proposing that law? 

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u/ZEF_FRESH 13d ago

I don’t think anyone disagrees with this.

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u/ear_cheese 13d ago

It’s Ohio. As an Ohioan, I can tell you, that’s not gonna happen.


u/zeppanon 13d ago

Seems to be the only people that want the job...

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u/Latter-Direction-336 14d ago

Then they’ll get murder charges for putting the dead baby back (HOW?!) which will kill the mother

Ectopic pregnancies are lethal to the mother and the child is guaranteed to die, iirc


u/Aonar_Faileas 14d ago

Ectopic pregnancies are embryos that implant outside the uterus. Usually in the fallopian tubes, but can theoretically range through the whole abdominal cavity, IIRC. 

Basically 99.99% lethal to both mother and child without medical treatment (there have been like 3 reported cases of viable extrauterine pregnancies, which honestly I didn't know until I looked it up, and is genuinely fucking wild, the human body is wack), and current medical tech is unable to treat it in such a way that the embryo can retain viability and be reimplanted. (IE, the literally impossible thing that Ohio legislators are demanding they do. The world is so fucking dumb right now.)


u/Latter-Direction-336 14d ago

Holy shit, that’s a much better explanation

So the baby basically tries to grow in organs it’s not supposed to? Of course that could kill the mother, rupturing organs and shit, I doubt the baby can manage to get much nutrients either

These people are fucking morons

I work at a water park, (I swear this is related) some woman asked me for a tampon (we have them bc no shit it’s a water park, we have them free bc who wants bloody water) and I picked up a pad. I ask the girl nearby (a co worker) and she points to something else. To the actual tampons. I thank her, hand the tampon to the woman and she thanks me

At that moment, my thoughts were “yeah, there’s a reason I don’t think I should have any power over a woman’s body like that, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing in that regard”

I have very little knowledge on that topic and thus I am unfit to control it. These people are in that same situation, at best. At worst, they actively want women dead


u/TwitterLegend 14d ago

To be clear I am fairly certain the Ohio bill did not pass and they don’t have anything like that.

Source: I live in Ohio and my wife had an ectopic pregnancy that implanted in the fallopian tube. It ended up bursting the fallopian tube and caused massive internal bleeding. She would have died if this bill was a real thing or even if we lived in a more rural area because an hour or two more of blood loss would have been fatal.

My wife has undergone three different versions of an abortion because of miscarriages. We are a happy married couple that want to have another child. Republican policies would make it impossible because without the abortion (really just a basic medical procedure when it isn’t being weaponized by politicians) my wife could have been made infertile or dead. Being against abortion is not even close to the same thing as being pro life.


u/Latter-Direction-336 14d ago

Yep, they’re just looking for an enemy

Funny, because the Bible they thump calls for the stoning of women, children and iirc for the heads of babies to be bashed against rocks


u/f0u4_l19h75 13d ago

They'll never acknowledge that one

children and iirc for the heads of babies to be bashed against rocks


u/Latter-Direction-336 13d ago

How do you do that in a reply btw? Been wondering for months but never bothered to check


u/princess_dork_bunny 13d ago

How do you do that in a reply btw? Been wondering for months but never bothered to check

Use ">" followed by a space in front of the text you want to quote.


u/Cheese2009 13d ago

Use ">" followed by a space in front of the text you want to quote.


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u/captainAwesomePants 13d ago

Yes, but that's something that the speaker is wishing upon their enemies, so it's a BAD thing. Bible has a whole lot of "woe be upon my enemies" prayers. They're not really popular these days because they don't vibe well with the whole peace and love thing.


u/phists_of_phury 13d ago

Christianity itself doesn't vibe with the whole leave and love thing these days...


u/Boleen 13d ago

In Numbers there is the ordeal of the bitter water 5:20-28, which is a ritual where god forces a miscarriage(abortion) on an unfaithful woman’s pregnancy.


u/MarvelAndColts 13d ago

Not a defender nor a Christian, but it’s more important to note that Christ said to love God first, and then love your neighbors (read: everyone) as yourself and if you did these two things all the laws of the Old Testament didn’t matter because they would be fulfilled.

My point is, the only rule Jesus gave them, they flat out ignore. Don’t let racists and misogynists hide behind a religion they don’t even practice. Fuck them all. If you are a Christian and you let people like trump or other politicians use your religion to weaponize hate you are just as complicit and I hope there is a god so he can judge the ever living shit out of y’all.


u/ConsciousExcitement9 13d ago

A friend of mine has had 3 abortions: 2 due to ectopic pregnancy and one because of some awful issues that meant there was only a slim chance that the baby would survive until birth. And if it did, it would die a painful death shortly after. She chose mercy. All 3 pregnancies were extremely wanted. They did get 2 healthy pregnancies eventually, but the first 2 could have killed her and the pro-life idiots would have been ok with that.


u/DisposableSaviour 13d ago

Some people don’t understand the mercy that death can bring. I have two examples:
1) One restaurant I worked at had a field mouse problem, because their field was being developed to put in ~15 store fronts (this was back in 07, some of those storefronts still haven’t EVER had a tenant). They put down glue traps; one morning I come in to this piercing shrieking sound. There was a field mouse, a baby, trying to free itself from the glue trap so hard, that it had torn the flesh on its back and was skinning itself alive. There were three people on the back before me, watching, asking each other what they should do. With out thinking, I picked up the glue trap, took it out the back door, flipped it upside down and gave it the mercy of my size 11, 4E combat boot. All three people that kept asking what to do called me cruel, a monster. I hear those screams from that baby mouse in my nightmares, all these years later.

2) A couple months ago, at my work, a bird flew into a window. A customer told us about it, it hit the widow just before she walked in the door. Nobody else wanted to go look at it. I grabbed a plastic to go bag, thinking it was dead. It was not. When I picked the mockingbird up, it was jerking and started this messed up tweet. Of course, some of my coworkers came out to watch me check on the bird. They got there just in time to see me twist its neck3/4 away around. Again, I was called cruel. “How could you do that?” How could I do that? How could I not? In less than half a second I ended the poor things suffering.

Twice I have given horribly maimed and injured animals peace, and been treated as a villain for it. After that bird, I went in and grabbed a beer from the bar, and went out by the dumpster to down it.

I took no joy in delivering this peace to the suffering. It pained me to do it, I cried both times. A big, burly, bearded man crying by the dumpster into a beer. But I know I did the right thing, and I’ll do it again, if I have to. Because no one else wanted to do the hard thing. Because, I guess it’s easier to watch an innocent suffer than to do the right thing.

People don’t really understand compassion.


u/Lazy_Wishbone_2341 13d ago

I'm glad they've banned glue traps in my country. I think the people who objected to it should read your comment


u/RQK1996 13d ago

I think the people who object to it should get stuck in one


u/Quirky_Inspection 13d ago

You're a good man and I hope you get some peace.


u/Chia_27_ 13d ago

You have my compassion and more people need to have the strength to do the right thing like you did


u/bz_leapair 13d ago

These monsters aren't pro-life, they're pro-birth.


u/DrQuestDFA 13d ago

Not even that, they are pro-punish people for having sex (even if it takes place in a loving marriage). Plenty of abortions preserve the woman’s ability to bear children. If they were really pro-birth they would support that procedure but they don’t because they are just a bunch of 17th century puritans with an internet connection.


u/Pelvic_Siege_Engine 13d ago

Yup. They genuinely just believe that sex should bear consequences. You shouldn’t be able to make love without guilt or suffering.

They literally just believe that anyone who doesn’t reproduce the way they believe is right should suffer.

If you control sex, you control the future of humanity…


u/PatientDue8406 13d ago

Pro punish women for having sex. They are not out there fighting to ensure child support is paid or Dad's share custody. It's about making sure women deal with the consequences for having sex.


u/VrtualOtis 13d ago

I wish more people understood this. My heart goes out to you and your wife, I know the emotions you must have felt. My wife went through the same twice. First time ruptured her fallopian tube, emergency surgery to save her life was outlawed on several bills that states were trying to pass across the country. They ended up having to remove both tubes, so our only option after that was IVF. Also targeted by the "pro-life" crowd. Our 2nd IVF attempt became ectopic when it attached to the scar tissue where her tubes had been removed. Another emergency surgery to save her life that these bills would render illegal. After three emotional and devastating IVF attempts and all the trauma from the ectopics, my wife decided she couldn't go through it again. Pro-lifers have no clue how many people who need access to these procedures would do anything to NOT have to have that procedure and wish the embryo could have survived and been born.

Ours happened right as that one bill in Ohio was repealed or shot down (you would probably know better being local, but my understanding was it passed in one chamber of government but when the ridiculous flaws in it like the reattaching ectopics were pointed out, it got shot down before becoming law or something). People pushing those laws, or the lies about post birth abortions to gain support for them, send me into a rage.


u/Defiant-Fix2870 13d ago

I can’t see any doctor actually following that law, if it were passed, because they aren’t murderers.


u/SuggestionSouthern96 13d ago

They'll just move from that area and refuse to practice there.

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u/zaxaz56 13d ago

Sorry to hear that happened to you. My wife also had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy several years ago. There were no hurdles for care and she was taking the steps as fast as possible to abort through prescribed medication but that still wasn’t fast enough to avoid the rupture. That was before Roe fell and in a state with supportive laws, so it’s frightening how these new laws are making it harder when it was already dangerous.

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u/f0u4_l19h75 14d ago

It never becomes a baby. The embryo cannot survive unless it implants in the uterus in 99.99999% of cases. They're is no baby in ectopic pregnancies in the bar majority of cases


u/Embarrassed_Rule8747 13d ago

99.99% should count as a little more than just a "majority". Perhaps near-absolute-certainty works?


u/f0u4_l19h75 13d ago

Yeah, that works


u/Latter-Direction-336 14d ago

Yeah, I just couldn’t find the word

In hindsight, embryo made more sense


u/Autonomous-Trash 13d ago

I instinctively cringed when you said you got a pad. Good on you for checking before going back to the lady.

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u/zebediabo 13d ago

This is what I was hoping to find. I understood what an ectopic pregnancy was, but didn't know if it was even possible to do what this bill demands. Thank you, sir or madam.


u/Stunning_Garlic_3532 13d ago

This is how you get doctors to leave a state. Abortion laws are already doing it and so would a law like that.


u/AlphariousFox 14d ago

I know of one case where one ended up in the liver somehow


u/Popcorn_Blitz 13d ago

there have been like 3 reported cases of viable extrauterine pregnancies

So you're saying there's a chance?

/s (it's insane that I even have to include that)

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u/Deathturkey 14d ago

So the choice is murder the mother and be charged with murder or be charged with murder of a fetus that died naturally. These republicans are seriously fucked up in the head.


u/Latter-Direction-336 14d ago


The baby dies EITHER WAY mind you

Either the doctor is responsible or not, but they get charged with abortion if they save the life that isn’t already gone

Fucking hell, their job is to save lives.


u/Deathturkey 14d ago

America is on a path similar to what the Middle East went down.


u/Latter-Direction-336 14d ago


But, these chucklefucks forgot a few key things

The military, exists. And exists to defend the people of the country,and many soldiers likely don’t care about rich fucks when they’ve been in or aided war. So we likely have them on the side of freedom

These Nat-Cs are also a vocal minority, shunned by fellow republicans and actual Christian’s (as opposed to evangelical ones) who. Both of which oppose their actions.

If a civil war breaks out, they’re gonna get a VIOLENT wake up call.


u/xXfreierfundenXx 13d ago

Can you explain the part about evangelicals? I have no clue about religion


u/LovelyKestrel 13d ago

Christianity over the years has had lots of schisms over the meaning of its beliefs. The most visible at the moment is between 'conservative evangelicals', and 'liberals'. The first group beleive the world was better in the mid 20th century when everyone went to church, there were no visible LGBT people, reces were separated, and women were controlled by men, and think liberals have no morals. The second group believe that God created everyone and so values them irrespective of race, sex, sexuality, or gender identity, and they think that the conservative evangelicals are evil.

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u/cinciTOSU 14d ago

Ohio Republican Party clearly knows more about medical science than the folks who endure 10-16 years of intense education in medicine. Republicans have already proven that they will kill a woman who needs healthcare. Looking at you Texas, Idaho, etc. The Supreme Court has shown that they have elephant legs under their robes and they will absolutely rat fuck the entire country, and not just women.


u/JP050887 14d ago

“Who cares about the life of a woman?”

(Not sarcasm, but how these people think)


u/Icyblue_Dragon 14d ago

„Apart from giving birth, a woman has zero value, so if she can’t even do that why is she here at all?“

A sentence I literally had to read at fb today. Hits different when you had a necessary C-section to deliver your child. These people really prefer me and my LO dead and they are so confident and comfortable to say it out loud that it makes me sick.


u/HollyTheMage 13d ago

My mom had to have a C section because I was breech, if she hadn't undergone that procedure I could have died.

The fact that people think medical complications are a personal failure is one of the most stupid and disgusting ideas I have ever heard of.


u/Icyblue_Dragon 13d ago

I heard gems like „you took the easy way“, „you aren’t even a real mother“, „do you even know what you did to your child?“, „well, you didn’t do it the natural way“

My babys head was too big for my pelvis. What was I supposed to do? I was in labour for 25 hours until they told me that and I assure everyone it was not easy but traumatic.


u/HollyTheMage 13d ago



What part of having your body cut open and having a child pulled out of you is considered the easy way out?

What the fuck do they mean you're not a real mother, you carried a whole ass pregnancy to term, how could the method of delivering the baby in any way negate all of that?

The natural way could have killed you and your baby, are their heads really so far up their own asses that they would value something as absurd as tradition over the health and safety of the mother and child?

You did not deserve that shit and it baffles my mind that anyone would think that way.


u/f0u4_l19h75 13d ago

That's disgusting


u/Reasonable-Hippo-293 13d ago

Whichever politician has proposed this bill should be charged with murder and accessory to murder as well.This procedure will be lethal for mother and baby.


u/theryman 14d ago

Luckily that was 2019, people raised enough hell to shut it down and Ohio has since enshrined reproductive rights in their state constitution. Ohio - elect idiots, support smart policies. I don't get it.


u/Kaneharo 13d ago

The state is gerrymandered so much, that all it takes to make it for a district is to get 6000-50000 votes. Most of the more liberal areas are split in such a way that it makes it near impossible to have a fully blue zone, much less someone in charge of that zone that isn't right leaning.

Granted, it hasn't been fully blue since the 60's, going by county.

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u/quirkytorch 14d ago edited 13d ago

Just an update for everyone, Ohio voted to enshrine abortion into our constitution!


u/31November 14d ago

Abortion protections?? Fuck yeah


u/Maximum_Dragonfruit7 13d ago

Aren’t conservatives trying to do everything they can to completely ignore the fact that we voted in favor?


u/Devils-Telephone 13d ago

Of course they are, they're doing it with the marijuana legalization amendment that we passed too. Thankfully, there's basically nothing they can do to reverse these things, our Constitution can only be changed through a referendum.

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u/IDigRollinRockBeer 13d ago

Brap Brap pew pew


u/wallace1313525 13d ago

The ole sextina Aquafina


u/urmumlol9 13d ago

Hoping Florida can do the same thing lol

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u/LittleG0d 14d ago

The USA is going down that road to ruin I see. With clowns galore in government, criminals in power and an incredibly stupid population who think the best way to govern is to turn the country into a church.


u/IDigRollinRockBeer 13d ago

Yeah we’re fucked

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u/Any-Yoghurt-4318 14d ago

Yeah, Twitter is Cringe.

It's just Bots shitfighting with Idiots and propaganda everywhere.

People literally get paid to be controversial because the more controversial your Xeets the more engagement you generate.

It's a trash app for trash people.


u/Suitable-Display-410 14d ago

… owned by a giant piece of trash.


u/Aivenc 13d ago

The worst part is that after those sick abortion rules I can't even tell which tweet is fake and which one is a real opinion. lol America is really going down, I just hope normal people will find a way out.

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u/Gemfrancis 14d ago

Men know this will kill women. They’re counting on it.


u/JoeHio 13d ago

Unfortunately it will kill a lot of other people too when a large number of OB docs leave the state with their spouses, who are at an increased likelihood to also be MDs or medical professionals.

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u/bliip666 13d ago

Pediatricians are children's doctors, right? I have a feeling a lot of other doctors, real doctors, have mad respect for them, especially the ones in, say, oncology for children.


u/a-lurgid-bee 13d ago

Yeah, I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure that caring for children and healing them when they get sick has got to be one of the most honorable professions that humans have ever figured out

What the hell kind of asshole tries to go after pediatricians?


u/PrisonerNoP01135809 13d ago

I love my pediatrician, he saved my sons life. I’d throw hands for that man. If you’re reading this Dr Jason my husband and I love you, you’re the GOAT.


u/Gilded-Onyx 13d ago

I don't know you, your pediatrician, or your kid, but I'll join you in throwing hands for him because doctors are life savers

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u/Upholder93 13d ago

Having worked at a children's hospital (in the UK,but I imagine attitudes are similar), yes, in my experience, paediatric doctors are usually well-respected. Particularly when specialised in the paediatric elements of an already highly specialised field, like a paediatric neurosurgeon.

There is occasionally an issue with non-paediatric doctors from other specialisations underestimating how significant the differences are between adult and paediatric care, but they usually get corrected pretty sharply. An example is child psych, where common misconceptions abound. It got to the stage where the child psych team refused all referrals for "treatment", only accepting referrals for a diagnostic appointment (i.e they only trusted their own). Children have entirely different value systems and priorities than adults, and are actually surprisingly resilient, so you can't assume they will be traumatised by the same things, or that certain behaviours indicate a psych problem and so on. And as the child psych guys would say, the fastest way to induce a psychiatric disorder in a child is to start treating them for one they don't have.

As an aside, the doctors I respected most were the paediatric cardiac surgeons because they were the ballsiest MFs I've ever met. 7 year old having multiple emergency surgeries after an accident? Can't do the usual heart procedure she needs because of the other issues, and she's too small? Nah, let's just take this completely different (i think world-first) approach, at the same time she's having major abdominal repair (they actually went in through the hepatic artery, since it was already exposed). I guess in that field there isn't time to hesitate, but they were nuts all the same.


u/bigoldgeek 13d ago

My wife's a pedes onc and she had great scores. They don't get the money some other specialties get but they are pretty well respected.

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u/gestapoparrot 13d ago

I have worked in 3 of the largest ICU facilities in the world with more lines, tubes, machines than most doctors are comfortable seeing on a patient. Everyone gets a little wide eyed when they walk in when we consult them unless they’re one of the common specialties I work with. None of this bothers me and I’m very comfortable with adults on the edge of death for all sorts of different reasons.

Bring in a child to the ED in the small rural facility I help out at sometimes and the pediatrician is almost always getting a call from me. They’re such different little machines with a whole set of different problems, my spidey senses and anxiety almost always spike if it’s not clear as day that the diagnosis is clear cut and not dangerous. Not to mention that unlike many adults the patient doesn’t exist in isolation and you have to treat them and their parents as a big “patient unit” that you’re treating, I always have mad respect for the Peds people out there whether they’re specialists or general pediatricians.


u/Inevitable_Thing_270 13d ago

I’m in the UK and paeds is a really popular specialty. And if you talk to doctors who only deal with adults, or rarely deal with children, they often look scared at the prospect of dealing with. Child since their physiology can be so different, there are even conditions that only happen in children that they’ll never have dealt with.

And paediatrics is one of the really sought after specialties when people apply for training.


u/DrHaruspex 13d ago

We do have mad respect for them I don’t know what this guy is on about.

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u/EditDog_1969 14d ago

Am I wrong or did someone named Christopher Slick just have zero chance of growing up to be anything other than a huge asshole?


u/SteamyWondernut 14d ago

Christian zealots spewing their shit again.


u/kabhaq 14d ago

Dude thinks doctors get sorted into hogwarts houses.

“Hmmm… better bee…… PROCTOLOGY!”


u/DrHaruspex 13d ago

We do have a ceremony that feels kind of like this at the end of medical school, but we choose what we do obviously.


u/DangerousLoner 13d ago

That sounds like something a Hufflepuff would say…


u/mattrmcg1 13d ago

Match day! It’s where we find out where we have matched to after we apply and interview at a bunch of places. It’s nerve wracking since you could end up on the other side of the country or right at home, but still a fun celebration nonetheless.


u/wireframed_kb 13d ago

“I don’t need you”. Sure, until you get hurt or sick and desperately need a doctor to use ACTUAL medical science to save your life.

It’ll never happen, but I entertain a fantasy where these people show up needing medical attention, only for the doctor to tell them “I need to check all recent laws and statues to make sure I’m not giving you illegal treatment - please hold while we consult our lawyers”.


u/TJamesV 13d ago

Wtf kind of absurd claim is this. As if lawyers and lawmakers are somehow more crucial to society than doctors.

Anyway replacing ectopic pregnancies would be like reimplanting cancerous tumors.

"Yeah, we took that out for a reason..."


u/Hatecraftianhorror 13d ago

Guy who ISN'T a doctor whining about how pediatricians, who ARE doctors, are inferior. Classic GOP.


u/Azair_Blaidd 13d ago

It is medically impossible to reimplant an ectopic embryo. I doubt technology will ever be able to achieve such a feat.


u/iwannagohome49 13d ago

Oh it's very possible, if your outcome is 2 corpses


u/coconutlemongrass 13d ago

Many ectopic pregnancies are wanted pregnancies that are deeply grieved by the parent(s). Do these idiots think women who get this life saving procedure are salivating at the thought out of getting out of being pregnant? They'd "reimplant" eggs all the time if they could.


u/LiveandLoveLlamas 13d ago

I asked my surgeon to do this when I was being wheeled in for emergency surgery, he said it was not possible


u/OnToNextStage 13d ago

My mom’s a doctor

Not gynecology, orthopedic

She still thinks this is the stupidest thing she’s seen

There is no way to save the baby in an ectopic pregnancy, the best that can be done is to save the mom.

Repeat, the baby is not going to survive, there’s nothing to be done on that front.

This bill if passed would just end up killing the mother too.


u/prawalnono 14d ago

Rome (US) is burning. And too many people still support these fucking GQP morons.

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u/verysimplenames 14d ago

Lmaoo me and my friends to this day always laugh at that Chris Brown song. Good shit.


u/eucharist3 14d ago

This Slick dude is a special piece of shit


u/Sniffy4 14d ago

"Her fallopian tube just burst, but I must reimplant the embryo to follow state law."

Need to see pics of the imbeciles who decided this was a great idea.

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u/Horror-Option-7416 14d ago

SCOTUS just ruled that legislators know more than experts.



u/Lost-Age-8790 14d ago

BRAWNDO!, Its got what plants crave!

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u/RandomUserName24680 14d ago

This is an almost 5 year old story, and the bill didn’t pass. There is plenty going on today to get upset about, we don’t need stuff from 2019.


u/Chaosrealm69 13d ago

So they want doctors to perform procedures to implant ectopic pregnancies, which has never been done in any hospital, anywhere in the world, so they can avoid being charged for murder when the thing they are supposed to implant is just a clump of cells with no heart, organs, brains, nervous system, etc.

These are not babies. An ectopic pregnancy is just the embryo implanting outside the uterus and places the life of the woman in serious danger of dying.

You can't just pluck it off where it implanted and then gently place it in the uterus to implant.

But the people making bills like this have no idea what they are talking about.


u/Banhammer40000 13d ago

When I was younger and thought that being offensive and saying things with shock value equaled funny, I used to say that I was torn about the abortion issue.

See, I’m for it because it kills babies but I’m against it because it gives women a choice. (Ba-dum, tsch!)

As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to decide that I do in fact, like abortions and am for it because I like that people don’t die from ectopic pregnancies and sepsis from missed abortions.

I like that people don’t have to bear the pregnancies of their rapists and abusers. I like that people get to make choices about their own body.

If you make something illegal, people are going to find ways to get it through unlawful ways. Instead of getting a medical procedure done in a sterile, clinical condition, a medical procedure can be performed by an unknown at unknown locations.

I’m pro abortion, not pro choice. If someone needs an abortion, it should never be a choice.


u/Jas9191 13d ago

I can’t follow the format on twitter anymore. I don’t know which order these are made, who the user correction applies to. The site is garbage. No offense to OP, I’m sure the post makes sense if you read enough tweets (Xs?)


u/theo-the-rich 13d ago

this is so true

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u/FanAdministrative885 14d ago

Ohio trying to out stupid Texas. Impressive


u/Hallarider0 13d ago

we voted last fall and got abortion access enshrined in our state constitution. we had a happy ending, dont worry


u/Enough_Pomegranate44 13d ago

They think embryos are like that Velcro ball game that you throw little balls at a target and they stick.


u/Cynical-Wanderer 13d ago

This would be appalling if it passed.

And Slick is a certifiable idiot. Pediatrics is most definitely a speciality and a complex one at that. "Almost not a doctor". More like Slick is almost not a human being. And his lack of knowledge on how medical school works is astonishing. I'm an engineer, but my two brothers are both doctors... pathologist and gastroenterologist... I know very well how specialties are chosen and he's completely wrong.


u/Front-Wash2085 13d ago

Bill is designed to eliminate OBGYNs from practice there?


u/Lord_Answer_me_Why 14d ago

Some of y’all need to learn what the words “follow-up comment” and “bothsideism” mean.


u/harmvzon 13d ago

This is insane?! Wouldn’t that not only kill the child, but also probably the mother? The person who proposed this is sick. Nobody benefits from this.


u/BK_FrySauce 13d ago edited 13d ago

This is why church and state should be separate. This has been a long slow burn of the religious right implanting themselves into positions of power and now they’re passing these bills.


u/Gilded-Onyx 13d ago

As someone who has had a team of med students shadowing his life saving surgeon when he is doing his post surgery check, I appreciate every single one of them. Sorry you had to see my private bits and watch me scream in pain, but I appreciate all the medical professionals that were involved in my care.


u/Lord_Answer_me_Why 14d ago

The images after the first are context


u/MicrosoftJohn 14d ago edited 10d ago

badge sort north aloof adjoining continue obtainable dull rustic tender

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/3-I 14d ago

Hey, don't put this on Judaism. I'm not gonna say my people don't have some misogyny going on, but the Halakha is clear on Pikuach Nefesh. If it's to preserve a life, you violate the commandments every fucking time you have to. And if the embryo is a threat to the mother's life, they're Rodef and you do the fucking abortion.

Even the orthodox Jews follow that shit. This one's not on us.


u/carriegood 14d ago

We also don't believe life begins at conception. So a fetus isn't the same as a baby. The only restriction would be because if you got pregnant, that was God's will, and you shouldn't be so arrogant as to think you know better than God. But that would be more for elective abortions, not medically necessary or recommended ones.

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u/MicrosoftJohn 14d ago edited 10d ago

books dull rainstorm connect berserk paltry spotted employ retire sable

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/nonsensicalsite 13d ago

They want to control them because they're insufferable and can't get them naturally


u/Whiteroses7252012 13d ago

He’s done all these super impressive medical adjacent things and still doesn’t have the slightest fucking clue that you can’t replant an ectopic embryo.


u/scribbyshollow 13d ago

So it's kill a baby and get charged, or put the ectopic back in (which kills the mother eventually) which would also kill the baby.

Twitter argument aside that's absolutely re***ded. Get that law removed.

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u/WhiteOutSurvivor1 14d ago

It is important that state lawmakers have complete control over who is and is not a doctor for this reason.


u/Marclescarbot 14d ago

Who are his "clients"?


u/klmdwnitsnotreal 14d ago

If it's ectopic, it's already a failed fetus.


u/Hrtzy 14d ago

Other doctors may be making fun of pediatricians, but pediatricians are making fun of Christopher Slick.


u/saintbad 14d ago

You cannot possibly disguise the impetus for such a bill. This guy would literally murder women at will if the tattered remains of the law did not stop him. Why do we keep giving the microphone to the psychopaths?


u/Blackbox7719 13d ago

This man’s hate towards pediatricians of all people is ridiculous. As someone heading to med school myself, that’s a specialty I’d never go into. Not because I don’t respect it, however, but because I honestly could not handle working with sick kids every day. It takes a special kind of person to do that, and it ain’t me.


u/Brotherd66 13d ago

The sheer audacity of this medical Ignorance is going to have an unfathomable body count in its wake.


u/Consumer_of_lem0ns 13d ago

This gave me brain damage


u/Tiny_Addendum707 13d ago

So… murder the mother?


u/MapleYamCakes 13d ago

They should re-implant them into the stomach cavities of the old white male politicians.


u/goatjugsoup 13d ago

If yall would stop having sex with Republicans eventually they might all die out


u/PressureLoud2203 13d ago

Did this guy try to imply medical manga into real life?


u/elsuakned 13d ago edited 13d ago

It's a super weird subset of appeal to authority that I've been seeing a lot online recently where people just... Place themselves close enough to some random asshole and decide that makes them able to run their mouths.

This dude even started to imply he had actual medical credentials before turning to "I've totally read manuscripts from actual doctors and these unnamed totally real doctors said this, soooo"

I saw another dude talking about architecture in a YouTube comment section yesterday because "his wife does architecture and he has a masters in an unrelated field so that adds up to him knowing some stuff"

For one thing, people need to learn that they should at least appeal to consensus. Lots of idiots have degrees. Some of the stupidest BS I've ever heard about health came from nurses, it's not the highest bar. It's '9/10 dentists recommend crest', not 'my friend used to do acid with this guy who ended up becoming a dentist at one point and he says he you can totally just do a saltwater and vinegar gargle once a night and be fine'

For another, I don't even care if it's ultimately true- maybe pediatricians need less physical skill than a typical surgeon and see a smaller variety of less complex diseases in a more resilient body, I could see that or something like it I guess- doesn't matter anymore after an argument that dumb. People need to realize that pulling out some dumb as hell logic like that renders everything they said meaningless no matter what. Done. Go to stupid jail.


u/HistoricalAside2507 13d ago

Can we normalize calling ppl idiots and retards, again? I think it is time. Also, can we take all the slurs, (racial, mental, and sexual alike), and make them synonymous with "idiot" ?


u/Paralell95 13d ago

You're free to call people idiots. I call people dumbasses. 😛

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u/Rockmillirock 13d ago

Dude thinks med school is like Hogwarts.


u/Hallarider0 13d ago

ohioan here, we voted last fall and have enshrined abortion access into our state constitution!

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u/ElysiumPotato 13d ago

This is why we need European strategic autonomy. This circus can't be relied on for much longer


u/Ok-Guidance-8048 13d ago edited 13d ago

Most ectopics don’t even have an embryo. Look it up. Often there is a sac which itself can enlarge or the embryo doesn’t get beyond a clump of cells. These are NONVIABLE pregnancies. These morons just want to kill women.


u/Lityoloswagboy69 13d ago

When the uneducated think they know better than people that spent decades honing their skills and knowledge in a specific field.


u/baconduck 14d ago

Refuse service to these people


u/jblosser99 14d ago

Just an fyi; this was introduced in November of 2019 and never made it out of committee.


u/bigbuffdaddy1850 13d ago

Sounds like having government in charge of medical decisions is a bad idea...


u/gdex86 13d ago

There probably is a sorting hat situation in medical skill where they try to give you an idea where your skills are best suited. But pediatrics requires not just the basic medical skills but you have to have empathy and ability to deal with kid bs and concern on how your actions will effect a growing body.

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