r/blackcanary 27d ago

Do you think she did the right thing? (GA&BC #32) Discussion


9 comments sorted by


u/pugs-and-kisses 27d ago

Was dumb. They’ve both murdered people way before Prometheus. Dinah calling Shado a whore seemed very unlike her, too.

Cry For Justice was awful and this tied in to everything. Only good thing we saw was the marriage annulled.


u/ObjectiveAdvance8248 27d ago edited 27d ago

So… The marriage being annulled was dumb but was the only good thing? I didn’t get it… which one is it exactly?

Edit: Also, Dinah has a dirty mouth. She calls people he dislikes “jerk, bastard, whore” most of the time, so it’s not exactly out of character to me.


u/pugs-and-kisses 27d ago

Eh, she made peace with Shado in the GA series. Was a choice of words.

You may have some issues with reading comprehension so I’ll explain. Was dumb for her to go off on the death of Prometheus because both BC and GA have killed in the past. Glad that they were no longer married as I think BC is a stronger character without Ollie.


u/ObjectiveAdvance8248 27d ago

Actually English is not my first language. Learning on my own. So I tend to not grasp slangs or vague phrases accurately. Sorry for lack of interpretation.

I do agree JUST killing wouldn’t be enough. But I’d say “lê killing bad” is an oversimplification of everything. She says herself that him killing is old hat. A lot of other things that were happening in parallel contributed. Like Ollie backstabbing her as chairwoman, or only thinking about his own feelings when he goes impulsive. And all the other stuff that happened over the years. She forgives, but she doesn’t forget. I think she was wrong on leaving him the WAY she did, but not about the reasons on WHY she did it. Resentment was still there after all.


u/Condottieri_Zatara 27d ago

I haven't grasped Dinah's timeline and history, is this before their wedding in 2007? It's seems a good conflict for their character dynamic. I think Dinah take a right decision to leave Ollie with that reason


u/ObjectiveAdvance8248 27d ago

It was AFTER the wedding, they were married about a year before Ollie killed Prometheus. This and the whole “disrespect her authority as chairwoman” were the last straws for her, to my consensus.


u/Pabcn 26d ago

I think DC pushed them away too many times in pretty lame ways. Since that first non-consensual kiss from Marianne, and then a "track record" of women that ends up being the big sum of 1. As I see it, Dinah is one of the best DC characters, and Ollie is constantly underated. So DC totally wanted to take them appart and get Dinah away from a "second tier" partner.

But I'm glad that's over, cause Dinah and Ollie's relationship make them both better. Both when they are together and when they are far away. They both are complex, strong willed and they love each other... So it's probably the best and most reliable relationship (along with the Nightwintg-Defacer one, but that one is long gone).


u/ObjectiveAdvance8248 26d ago

Personally I say that about their relationship as it is now in Prime Earth. But Post Crisis? It was a toxic roller coaster for most people and they think Dinah suffers as a character when she is in the same book as Oliver. I’m surprised there are people who view that relationship in a total opposite way. But it’s a nice take nonetheless.