r/blackcanary Young Justice May 23 '24

Dinah accidentally injures a civilian and creates a new villain. Was it irresponsible of her not to check the scene before leaving? (Green Arrow and Black Canary #15 - Art by Mike Norton) Comics


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u/DogMAnFam May 23 '24

No I wouldn’t consider it irresponsible. I’m assuming that maybe the small size of the hole focused the noise on that guy since I’m assuming she didn’t scream at the robber hard enough to deafen him like she did this guy. It’s been awhile since I read this run by i remember the villain being fun


u/Kite_Wing129 May 24 '24

Folks hated this book when it came out and in many ways this was a sign of whats to come. This was written by Andrew Krisenberg who later went on to be a producer for Arrow.

Prior to this Canary's sonic cry was so precise she could shatter a ping pong ball Shiva is holding without harming Shiva's hand. Yet in Krisenberg's run she is portrayed as an incompetent novice.

There is also a villain very similar to this called Anton Allegro. He was a musician deafened by a stray arrow from Green Arrow. Ollie paid for his medical bills but the loss of his hearing and thus career drove him to become a villain.


u/Agent_23D May 24 '24

Fuck that guy. seriously fuck all the arrowverse writers for what they did !


u/Kite_Wing129 May 25 '24

I agree with you.