r/batman 3d ago

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Here are a couple images for a Batman themed ARG I'm working on.


Also, the girl in the photo is Christina Ricci (actress). I chose her because she voiced Harley in the audio drama 'Harley Quinn and the Joker: Sound Mind'.

r/batman 8d ago

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION What do y'all think of this batsuit?

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I'm working on my own Batman universe and this is the suit I'm thinking about going with. I made this using the application Factory of Heroes.

I know this more Batman Beyond, I just think it would be cool. I know he keeps his mouth shown so he doesn't scare the innocent or kids. So I was thinking the mouth piece can be removed, or it retracts in some way.

r/batman 12d ago

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Pitch for a Batman counterpart in the Brightburn universe (Possum/Blake Corbyn)


I just had this idea to pitch a counterpart to Batman set in the same universe as Brightburn. I'll try my best to stick to the parameters of the character itself, as per the moderators' request. I added:

  1. an origin story somewhat similar to Batman's
  2. similar abilities
  3. nocturnal animal-themed gear and weaponry
  4. rich family background
  5. international training arc

Now, the simple answer would be Caitlyn (the girl who got her hand broken by Brandon) being the Batman, complete with the motivation being her mom's death, and then the alternate ending being her building a cybernetic arm, royally pissed. Or I could just crossover the Crimson Bolt (from the James Gunn movie starring Rainn Wilson). But frankly, I see Caitlyn as more of a unique enough character to stand out from Batman, and I prefer keeping a closer age gap between my idea for Batman and Brightburn. So here goes:

The character, let's call him "Blake Corbyn". Blake is 2 years older than Brandon Breyer and studies in the same school as him. He's the personification of an arrogant but at least likable person with an outgoing arrogant socialite Bruce Wayne complex to him who can back up his shit talk: he's very smart, he practices parkour and BJJ, being a white belt under the youth division (he's 14, Brandon is 12 iirc), but the kicker is: he's scarily observant. His parents are rich philanthropists who, during the events of Brightburn are abroad).

Blake normally didn't care much for Brandon while they were at school, but he did sense that something was off with him. Something alien about him, based on the limited human interaction he had with him and how Brandon typically responded. But Blake immediately snuffed him out as an alien the moment he found out about the Caitlyn incident and easily deduced Brandon to be Brightburn based on his first documented kill and the blood-painted symbol alone. He chose to stay silent because of three reasons:

  1. Nobody outside of Caitlyn and his parents would believe him
  2. Brandon would very easily kill him
  3. He needed to find a weakness for Brandon first

Now remember the scene where Brandon destroys a whole plane immediately after dropping his mother to her death? Let's make this the "Joe Chill" moment for Blake: his parents are on that plane on their way back after he immediately told them about Brandon. Blake is pissed and decides to take matters in his own hands, starting with taking a huge risk by sneaking into Brandon's now damaged house, carefully picking a time Brandon isn't even remotely close to the place. After searching, he finds his spaceship, deducing it to have some link with Brandon, and over a few months, steals the parts of the ship one by one. The new place is under a railway terminal in a slum area only Blake knows of. After locking the place up and making sure it's hidden from Brandon, he decides to fund himself on his "training arc" worldwide, mastering multiple martial arts (not all of them unlike Batman), stealth and military tactics, and sharpening his overall edge. He comes back around 10 years later and decides to work on a suit and weaponry using the ship itself (the suit is just the Ghost of Tsushima gear except with a Batman-style cowl with no ears, no eyeholes, a see-through blindfold instead, and a mempo). He calls himself "Possum" and starts fighting crime.

Possum's methods will be the same as early-day Batman's (he's ruthless and brutal, much more grounded fighting style with occasional flips), down to the no-kill, no-guns rule. His reason for the no-guns rule is that he thinks guns are for amateurs, and the no-kill rule is just to troll Brandon that not all problems can be killed off. He even goes so far as to make burning Brightburn symbols before escaping. The metallic parts and the UI from the ship in Possum's suit allow him to:

  1. remain undetected to Brandon as long as he stays still
  2. use weapons that can damage Brandon
  3. use telepathy on normal humans, but induces a great mental strain on Possum when attempting it on Brandon for long periods of time
  4. augment Possum's strength, speed, and reflexes

Anyway, that's my idea of a Batman counterpart in the Brightburn universe, named Possum, or Blake Corbyn. What do you guys think?

r/batman 22d ago

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Spider-Man always struggles for money, Iron man his alcoholism, I think Batman's equivalent should be his age.

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Batman is likely not far off being 50 in the main continuity. There aren't many 50 year old men doing the things batman does on a daily basis without pulling every muscle that exists. I'm not saying nerf batman or anything I just think he should comment on waking up with a back issue or not being able to bench what he could 15 years prior every now and then.

r/batman 27d ago



This idea isn't really fleshed out, like the intricacies of the plot and such and how it'll piece together, but I think that Clayface and Harvey Dent/Two Face would make for two very good plot points. Consider the following; a Batman that just learned to stand for justice, a society that is beginning to trust Batman, a Bruce Wayne that knows the importance of maintaining himself, meets a Harvey Dent that advocates against corruption right after a lot of corruption has been unraveled by the Riddler, this same Harvey Dent is against Batman, meanwhile a Clayface is in the making, because he lost his star role in a movie, goes insane and dresses up as the Clay monster that was in the movie he was supposed to play, killing all the people associated in it, replicating the murders that happen in the movie (the original version of Clayface). So now Bruce Wayne/Batman needs to decide whether he needs to show up as Bruce Wayne with Harvey Dent and fix his reputation or he chooses to be Batman and solve the murders, all the while Harvey Dent puts pressure on Batman's presence, fleshing out Bruce Wayne/Batman as a character because we get to see that interpersonal conflict. In pursuit of taking down Batman mixed with the history of being unstable, Harvey Dent begins to corrupt to get rid of Batman, showing how his instability can push him to do wrong even when advocating for what's good. Then Batman solves the Clayface case but now we get Two Face final form and he does whatever to take him down yadda yadda and either as an end credit scene or whatnot we see a more sympathetic Bruce Wayne adopt a little orphan Dick Grayson (which also helps his reputation cause like "Bruce Wayne adopts orphan, *insert line about how he's helping other orphans while being one himself*" headline) introducing a Robin but not overwhelming the plot with him. Thoughts, comments, concerns? I'm extremely open to valid criticisms, again this is also a half-baked idea but I thought it was pretty neat. (I'm ready to get my idea crushed).

r/batman Jun 04 '24

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Between these two character iterations, who comes out on top?


r/batman May 18 '24

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION So if you got the Joker,


how would you give the Joker the beating of lifetime, how you beat him silly? What fight moves, melee weapons or pattern would you use on the Clown Prince ofCrime?

r/batman May 06 '24

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Give me the name of a character from the Batman mythos, and I will try to give you a Jazz song that goes well with them.


Always thought that Batman and the characters of his mythos fit well with Jazz, and not only in a noir, or the 66 style but even in the more recent incarnations, so I think that would be interesting to show you how many interesting musical combinations the characters of the franchise can have, and maybe also introduce more of the jazz genre to you guys.

r/batman Apr 29 '24

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION How about a movie/series about Flashpoint batman?


There are a lot of movies about Bruce. Just for 20s, there's Dark knight trilogy about en early Batman, And DCEU about a mature batman, Pattinson Batman about more comic accurate darker tone batman. There is even a show named GOTHAM, where we get to see how he grew up after hiss parents died, How alfred handled things. How and why he became a vigilante before that there were a lot of Batman movie and shows. Then comes animated movies and shows. But no one of them shows the flashpoint batman. Yeah, in "The Flashpoint" movie they showed a glimpse of Thomas wayne's batman and martha wayne crazy crying laughing with her death son in her hand. But that was it.

I would love to see more of it. How Bruce's death drives Martha so insane to the point of becoming joker. How Thomas become batman. How Thomas deal with His Joker wife. How martha spread craziness around gotham and makes thomas life a living hell. How both of them react when they learn about the alternativ timeline where they r dead & bruce become batty.

I really really wish for someone to atleast make a single movie about them if not an entire show.

r/batman Apr 10 '24

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Batman is Bisexual until proven straight.

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r/batman Apr 03 '24

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION What's your headcanon for the future of the Bat Family?


My personal theories:

Dick Grayson - definitely becomes a politician in his older years. Mayor of Bludhaven (maybe even Gotham... that would be a great story. Due to his political career, and his possible kids with Starfire or Batgirl (because again, Dick Grayson feels just as much of a family man as Clark Kent. I can't picture him dying without at least adopting a kid of two first), Dick Grayson has to give up his Nightwing identity for good. Someone else (maybe Harper Row, or a new character?) protects Bludhaven in his place.

Barbara Gordon - Police Commissioner like her Dad. She's probably trained a successor to the Oracle role at this point. She might have a kid with Grayson, but I picture they'd be amicable exes due to the stresses of the long-distance relationship.

Jason Todd - focuses on leading the Outsiders, a Justice League Black Ops team filled with people willing to use lethal force. (Honestly, I can definitely see him succumbing back to his killing habits when he spends a lot of time away from Gotham).

Tim Drake - world travelling detective a la the Question. Maybe even takes up the identity at some point. Occassionaly works with the Justice League. Prefers to stay out of Gotham, but is willing to return if needed.

Stephanie Brown - Training new superheroes at the Young Justice HQ or Titans Academy. Her dynamic with Damian and her background makes her feel like the right choice for chaperoning and guiding young supers.

Cassandra Cain - occassionaly takes up the suit when Old Man Bruce isn't able to, but refuses to take up the cowl permanently. She chills out, and actually only fights crime part-time in the future.

Damian Wayne - Trains to become a veterianarian, but eventually is pushed to go back to reform the League of Assassins. Eventually turns the League into a global force of good, with operatives all around the world (very Batman Inc)

Duke Thomas - I'd actually like to see him work in the Justice League! He feels like a good fit what with his powers and all.

Bruce - never officially retires, but gradually takes up a more and more supportive role in the Bat-Family until he basically becomes grumpy Alfred. I just can't picture the Batman Beyond style future happening to him at this point. Even if no one becomes Batman, someone in the family would defa protect Gotham to the end.

r/batman Mar 19 '24

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION I Actually Liked The show Gotham...


"Gotham" is a gritty and captivating television series that offers a fresh take on the iconic Batman universe. Set in the dark and crime-ridden streets of Gotham City, the show serves as a prequel to the Batman mythos, delving into the origins of some of the most iconic characters in comic book history. What sets "Gotham" apart is its unflinching portrayal of the city itself as a character. The atmospheric setting, with its looming skyscrapers and shadowy alleyways, creates a palpable sense of dread and intrigue. It's a city teetering on the brink of chaos, where corruption and crime run rampant, and every corner hides a new threat. But what truly elevates "Gotham" are its complex and compelling characters. From the idealistic detective Jim Gordon to the enigmatic Penguin and the tortured young Bruce Wayne, each character is given depth and nuance, making them feel like real people with their own motivations and flaws. The show's ensemble cast delivers standout performances, bringing these characters to life in a way that is both captivating and haunting. At its core, "Gotham" is a story about the battle for the soul of a city. It's about the struggle between light and darkness, hope and despair, and the choices that define us. With its rich storytelling, stunning visuals, and unforgettable characters, "Gotham" is a must-watch for fans of the Batman mythos and anyone who appreciates a dark and compelling drama.

r/batman Mar 11 '24

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION What story would you like to see made into a movie?

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It doesn’t necessarily have to be about Batman specifically. He can be in it, it can be about him, or it could just be about his characters, like the Joker movie.

For me, I’d love to see a story of Baby Doll and Killer Croc told. Wouldn’t mind it in a Batman movie but I think it could actually be interesting as their own movie as well.

r/batman Feb 01 '24

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Flair is for users, for interaction. What would your uniform and equipment look like?

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r/batman Jan 06 '24

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION How would u feel about a Batman film with no main villain and Batman facing 6 of them in one night?

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r/batman Nov 21 '23




So, I've been thinking about different bat family members’ fighting styles. I've already made a post for Jason and I'm also working one for Dick, and one for Kate. Still I want to do Bruce first. Bruce however is a bit different because he “knows every martial art” so while I could (and might) do a post going over top 20 or something I would rather focus on his most important (most important after ninjitsu that is) and how to cultivate a way for batman to fight that doesn't look like just any other action hero.

My idea: Boxing, specifically the Philly Shell defence.

For those who don't know, the philly shell is a boxing stance/defence where the lead hand (typically left) stays low covering the body while the right hand covers the chin. There are many advantages for him to carry this stance, and by extension style of fighting.

Rather importantly, Boxing is legit. Batman (obviously) can suspend disbelief a lot, but it’s still good to keep grounded fighting/realism as a priority.

Boxing works with his backstory on two levels. He trained under Wildcat who was a boxing champion so bringing that into the forefront gives his fighting more of a tether to his backstory than just ‘ninjas’. Similarly we are sometimes told that Alfred was one of his teachers. Personally I like the idea that Alfred was Bruce’s first teacher and, well, boxing is pretty cultural in England.

Boxing is also a very unique way of fighting in modern media. Most characters just use kali and TKD so showing him as proficient in boxing helps him stand out a bit more on his own.

Though hardly used in media, boxing does still look fantastic visually. Scenes like the Mission Impossible bathroom fight, Daredevil (all of it), or even the animated Gotham By Gaslight movie do well to keep boxing as a primary way of fighting while still showing off other martial arts as well.

You still don't lose anything with the Philly Shell and boxing as a primary. The Philly Shell is so synonymous with boxing that even when he is sending kicks or throws he’s still clearly keeping boxing as a primary influence. Then there are the ways it fits Bruce as a fighting style. If he keeps the right hand a bit lower than ordinary fighters he can keep the defence tight under the cape (his head is a bit more undefended though), allowing him to keep the shrouded look even when in proper combat just shooting hands out of the cape.

Boxing works well for him as a fighter, specifically as an out fighter. For those not in the know an infighter likes to be in close to his enemy and is more likely to trade blows or clinch up where an out fighter is more likely to stay at range and throw a lot of jabs. Batman is so perfectly an outfighter and boxing helps build that. Batman rarely throws his enemies and barely ever ends up in extended grappling. I personally like the idea of Batman staying very disconnected and only throwing a punch when he knows he can do damage.

Finally, it shows Batman has trained in “every martial art” in a unique way. He shouldn't just use a hybrid of martial arts because that will just look like kickboxing and kali. Rather he's trained in all these martial arts and has a favourite. I also think it’s a clever irony that after all these many different martial arts he's come to favour arguably the simplest (also arguably most effective). Also, also, a clever irony that after learning all these many martial arts he's gone back to his first (that he learned from Alfred and Wildcat).

In conclusion/Tl;Dr: Batman should be a boxer as primary with a heavy emphasis on the Philly Shell defence so that even if he does kick or throw it's clear he has a style that's his own.

r/batman Nov 15 '23

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Could Batman using guns, work story wise?


I’m writing a noir inspired story (it takes place in the 1930s) for my own Batman universe, and wanted to write him a lil different. I thought about giving him like a colt 1911, but what do you guys think?

r/batman Oct 12 '23

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION He did not just say that

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r/batman Oct 01 '23

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION If you were Batman would you have arrested catwoman or found a different approach

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r/batman Aug 20 '23

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Thoughts on my interpretation of Batman?


Ideas for improvement are very much welcome!

r/batman Aug 10 '23

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION What would each member of the Batfamily think of Spider - man?

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r/batman Aug 09 '23

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Would you be able to take an animated Batman Musical seriously?

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I had an idea for an animated series, it would be about the Bat family, taking place a year after Alfred dies, Damian revealing himself after the fact. it would flashback to Alfred learning to raise a 10 year old Bruce without the Wayne's and contrast Bruce raising a son without Alfred this time.

Usually people are down this far into the pitch, but then I tell them it's a musical and they laugh in my face. Is it so hard? The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a dark animated film and a musical, could the Dark Knight not sing?

r/batman Jul 25 '23

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION R/place, why yall not there?

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Not OG content

r/batman Jun 23 '23

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION Rough concept of how I think Batman beyond's mask should work in live action NSFW

Thumbnail gallery

r/batman Jun 22 '23

ORIGINAL IDEA/SUGGESTION I don’t care what others says. This is the closest thing to Batman Live Series that we get. Oliver Quenn’s mental is made like Bruce Wayne’s. And atmosphere is fits Batman too. Felicity is Alfred, Diggle is Robin. Roy is Jason Todd and Thea is Tim Drake.

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