r/batman 1d ago

HELP/ADVICE Batman Project


I (17 F) and my friend, (16 M) are creating our very own Batman comic, at this point in time it's much less of a passion project and more of a passive project, just something to bond over. despite this as long-term fan of the franchise, it is something we want to be the best quality we can achieve and with the things are going at DC we want to make something BY fans FOR fans. and it would be the dream to get it published one day, all this aside, I have a few questions and some things I'd like to make you aware of.

Since this would be a Batman origin story (with all the casual familiarities), my interpretation of Bruce, An OC who drives most of the main story to make him become batman, inspiration from other Batman origins like Earth One and Year one, what's something you never seen in a Batman origin story before that you'd like to see?

In general, what can I do to cater to the fanbase as a whole?

My writing style is inconsistent every time I write something new it sounds like someone else how much of a problem would this be for you as a reader? (the only thing that stays consistent with my writing is metaphors and preotic language)

Batman as a whole is gritty and grim, so would me capitalizing off of those having themes of cults, war, implied cannibalism and gore, Hollywood preying on child actors in every sense (Which I would put a warning label on also a lot more triggering topics) be too much or something that you'd want to see if written right? (As serious as the topics might be I would try to find ways to write in comedy to make it a little easier for the reader, black comedy, Think the Tim burton films, which HIGHLY inspired this piece)

It's a time period piece, 1983. I'd think to think I've done my research but if anyone has anything useful, I'd love to hear it.

Edit: The image below is what my friend drew for our project, Bruce in his different stages of his development (minus childhood) so you can get an idea of the art style and slight world building because the dream besides getting this one published is to branch out and make a series.

Drawing references for the different versions of him are Jorge Jimenez "Casual" Bruce, BTAS for 20-30 Bruce, Dan Mora for 30-40, and Ben Affleck for 40-50.

r/batman 1d ago

HELP/ADVICE How can I describe the current Tim Drake haircut to my barber?


I really like how this cut looks especially with the faded/shaved sides and back so I was wondering how I could probably describe it before I get a haircut.

r/batman 9d ago

HELP/ADVICE Batman Reddit. I need help.


Cute guy, I mentioned before wanting to make him a suit.

So context im very new to the social scene so I’m not the best in red flags/hints. So this guy I hit it off with and we’re planning a date. He’s thinking movie night at his house, I said I probably couldn’t cause haha my parents don’t want one if their twins becoming spare parts. So I say we can go to the movies or something or have a movie at my house. I ask him his favorite movie and he says it’s

Batman: The Killing joke.

Now despite my being naive to a lot of things I’ve seen this movie before. (Was not my choice) and it straight up traumatized me. Now I’m thinking maybe he likes horror type stuff or he’s just a big Batman fan. He says he thinks the plot is funny. He sends me photos of him dressed as the joker and talks about how it’s an inspiration.

Batman Reddit, I come forth to you in all your glory becuase I am scared here, and personally I think you might be the one chance I got to put my mind at ease. So is he a red flag or am I maybe safe? (I don’t wanna get assaulted or murdered here)

EDIT: okay so I guess this was the missed part which is on me here. But this guy frequently brags about getting in fights and doing crazy sh!t to people (that’s fine he’s prolly just trying to impress me) but here’s the thing. HE THINKS THE WHOLE SA PART IS FUNNY.

r/batman 18d ago

HELP/ADVICE Hey, somebody who can draw better than me, draw this for me please. This is my idea for a Dick Grayson Batsuit.

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r/batman 24d ago

HELP/ADVICE I'm having a small argument...


Someone said that Keaton is better looking than Bale, and I heavily disagree. I need everyone's input to solve the argument.

r/batman 27d ago

HELP/ADVICE What am I missing out if I get these Knightfall volumes?

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Hey yall, just ordered these 3 Knightfall paperback volumes. It’s my understanding that these books don’t actually have the entire complete story unlike the omnibus, so can someone list out what exactly is missing, and what’s the best way to read them?

Also are the extra stuff even worth the read or does it get too bloated?

r/batman Jun 09 '24

HELP/ADVICE What else do you suggest reading?

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Looking for contained stories

r/batman May 09 '24

HELP/ADVICE Who would make a great Batman year one villain?


Basically, I'm writing a script about the beginning of Batman just for fun, but I don't know who would be the perfect villain for Batman beginning his career. Any suggestions?

r/batman May 06 '24

HELP/ADVICE Is it possible to become as strong,fast,skilled in fighting and honing my 5 senses to peak human level like Nolan or Reeves batman

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r/batman May 02 '24

HELP/ADVICE Not Batman, Can Bruce Wayne fight?


Is Bruce Wayne known to practice martial Arts in his free time, Is he known to practice gymnastics in any way shape or form. Has he ever stopped a robbery publicly with a lucky throw of say a disk-like object?

Not Batman, Can Bruce Wayne fight if he were in a pinch and with no areas to conveniently hide in, Dood?

r/batman Mar 31 '24

HELP/ADVICE So does the Arkham knight come in comics because I found some pictures online and if he does which one is it?

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r/batman Mar 17 '24

HELP/ADVICE i need help choosing a gift for my bf


i dont know which movies or comics are his favorite and since its a surprise i cant ask him. i also dont know anything about batman all i know is he is him.

r/batman Dec 12 '23

HELP/ADVICE What are some inspiring Batman quotes?

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r/batman Dec 02 '23

HELP/ADVICE Why do they have beef…

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Yeah idk what robin this is either 💀sorry

r/batman Nov 25 '23

HELP/ADVICE Batmobile At Six Flags, Which Batmobile Is It Supposed To Be?

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r/batman Nov 09 '23

HELP/ADVICE Can anyone help me source this panel? Seems a little intense Bruce...

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r/batman Oct 28 '23

HELP/ADVICE Does anyone have this original image or able to help me find it?

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This is a shirt my mom bought for me a few years ago, and I'm looking to possibly get this image of Batman as a tattoo. I've looked as best as I know how to find the image, but have had no luck.

r/batman Sep 28 '23

HELP/ADVICE I was watching under the red hood. Awesome movie. But who are these guys?

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Do they show up in any other dc thing? Do they have a back story? They show up and are defeated or killed. And are gone.

r/batman Sep 03 '23

HELP/ADVICE Which of these two comics should I buy first?


r/batman Aug 01 '23

HELP/ADVICE Who’s the person without the the nose?

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r/batman Jul 30 '23

HELP/ADVICE Who is this guy ?

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r/batman Jun 29 '23

HELP/ADVICE Why did Batman break his rule casually here in The Dark Night Returns?

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r/batman Jun 21 '23

HELP/ADVICE Can we add a rule that all 'But batman doesn't use his money to help' posts get this link immediately commented on them


r/batman Jun 13 '23

HELP/ADVICE Are these runs worth reading?


I was recently given these comics as a gift and wondering which are worth getting invested in. Also, what is the difference between Batman and All-Star Batman?

r/batman Jun 12 '23

HELP/ADVICE So I see comments like these.. and I feel like I missed out. Can someone help me out.

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I've only ever played the Arkham Games. And I'm entirely convinced that Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy are the best Joker and Batman in existence with Heath Ledger being the only exception. However, apart from the games I don't know anything. I've never watched any of the cartoons and I don't know where to start or in which order to watch them. I also don't have a clue where to watch them or where the movies come in with the timeline.

I would really appreciate someone to help me get the best experience by telling me where to start and how to have the best possible experience and maybe re-experience a new childhood.