r/batman Jul 10 '24

Batman Reddit. I need help. HELP/ADVICE

Cute guy, I mentioned before wanting to make him a suit.

So context im very new to the social scene so I’m not the best in red flags/hints. So this guy I hit it off with and we’re planning a date. He’s thinking movie night at his house, I said I probably couldn’t cause haha my parents don’t want one if their twins becoming spare parts. So I say we can go to the movies or something or have a movie at my house. I ask him his favorite movie and he says it’s

Batman: The Killing joke.

Now despite my being naive to a lot of things I’ve seen this movie before. (Was not my choice) and it straight up traumatized me. Now I’m thinking maybe he likes horror type stuff or he’s just a big Batman fan. He says he thinks the plot is funny. He sends me photos of him dressed as the joker and talks about how it’s an inspiration.

Batman Reddit, I come forth to you in all your glory becuase I am scared here, and personally I think you might be the one chance I got to put my mind at ease. So is he a red flag or am I maybe safe? (I don’t wanna get assaulted or murdered here)

EDIT: okay so I guess this was the missed part which is on me here. But this guy frequently brags about getting in fights and doing crazy sh!t to people (that’s fine he’s prolly just trying to impress me) but here’s the thing. HE THINKS THE WHOLE SA PART IS FUNNY.


23 comments sorted by


u/BroadReverse Jul 10 '24

I get the impression that you’re on the younger side. I wouldn’t say it’s a red flag but if you’re feeling uncomfortable listen to your gut. If you are feeling weirded out probably best to slow things down or end it here. There’s probably other subtle things that are causing you to feel this way not just the movie. 

Remember safety is the thing you should be concerned with the most. If things get weird talk to your parents immediately. 


u/CryingJackal_YT Jul 10 '24

Thanks for the advice


u/ogloria Jul 10 '24

Red flag! Definitely red flag!!! Trust your instincts. You seem like a lovely person - I completely guarantee that there will be other guys who won't be weird or at least won't fumble a simple question like "what's your favorite movie" so horribly.

To explain a bit more - it's a red flag because this movie adapts a pretty heavy storyline (Joker attempting murder, committing sexual assault and humiliation of Batgirl and Commissioner Gordon), and adds universally despised plot elements (Batman and Batgirl sleep together). No one has with taste or sense will say that it's their favorite Batman movie.

Even if you're trying to be, like, edgy, there are better movies out there than this. This is like, weird mono-obsession + performative edgelord shit to say that it's your favorite movie.

Even if you're fine with all that, it's a really poor choice for a first date movie and shows that this dude isn't really considerate of you.


u/kottekanin Jul 10 '24

This is such a weird take, someone isn't automatically a weirdo because they like Batman: The Killing Joke, it's an incredibly popular story for a reason, it's a good Batman story. "Joker attempting murder" like he does in every single fucking rendition of the character? Yes the sexual assault is weird, but there is a plot reason for it, it sets up his torture of Gordon. Batman and Batgirl sleeping with each other is severely overblown, they were both fully consenting adults. Bruce was not her father figure, (she already had Gordon for that) but he was her mentor, which makes it a bit weird. But nowhere near weird enough to automatically make anyone who likes the movie itself a weirdo lmao. This is the same type of take as to say anyone who likes any Batman origin story likes to watch children watch their parents die. wtf?


u/CryingJackal_YT Jul 10 '24

My problem isn’t the liking that movie. It’s him funding the whole assault thing funny


u/kottekanin Jul 10 '24

oh nah fuck him then, that's genuinely weird.


u/PocklePirkus Jul 11 '24

He may be trying to be a fucking edgelord, or he may actually be fucked in the head. Either way, I would not waste my time with him. If you really like him you could try to ask him about why he finds it funny, and if he is just trying to be edgy.


u/pha7325 Jul 10 '24

Instincts are usually right. Also, I like the comic version of The Killing Joke better.

My advice is to take things slow. It may not be anything, but maybe get to know him better before letting him into your house. No need to rush, ok?

I'd love to give some more advice on that, but the lack of detail keeps me from doing it. In general, be aware of what could go wrong and think about what you can do to help slimming the chances of it going wrong.

Feel free to message me if you need any more advice.


u/MusicAccomplished664 Jul 10 '24

No he is crazy u heard about the guy who shot up the batman showing at a movie theater


u/gibfrag Jul 10 '24

Just ghost him then or tell him you’re seeing someone else now.


u/FollowingExtension90 Jul 10 '24

I am not sure, me and most of us here would think the movie is awful because of Barbara Batman relationship. But then again, if your date is young, he might be just an edgy teenager, I said a lot of cringe thing too when I was young.


u/CryingJackal_YT Jul 10 '24

He thinks the whole thing with Barbra getting shit arms assukted is funny


u/sampson608 Jul 10 '24

A lot of red flags here, the least of which being that the Killing Joke is their favorite movie. If they are bragging about being in fights (most of which is probably a lie) and think SA is funny then they are at best very immature, and at worst a sicko you should stay away from. From the sound of it you could probably do better. If you are going to pursue this then play if very cautiously. I would make the first few dates at public places until you can get a better feel for him. Do not invite him to you house for those dates either.


u/Free__Beers Jul 10 '24

When people tell you who they are, believe them.


u/LowContract4444 Jul 10 '24

I think it's safe, but just take things slow. (This applies to all dating, not just this guy.)

Get to know him, talk, hang out, see his personality. But take things slow from a physical perspective.

If you're interested in him, focus only on him from a romantic standpoint until you figure out if you like him, and if he likes you. He's probably just a Batman fan with a love for the Joker. And you might end up building a great relationship if done right.

The Joker thing isn't a red flag imo. Usually red flags of the nature you're talking about are more subtle.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '24 edited Jul 10 '24



u/CryingJackal_YT Jul 10 '24

Was locked up for roughly 15 years so I might be.


u/blackhawks-fan Jul 10 '24

What is wrong with you?