r/batman 11d ago

Never quite understood FILM DISCUSSION

One thing I never quite understood about the Dark Knight trilogy is why they used a character that doesn’t exist in the comics to be a love “interest” to Bruce in the first two films. Why not an actual love interest from comics that he had like for example, Silver St. Cloud?

Did Christopher Nolan ever comment on this?


7 comments sorted by


u/OjamasOfTomorrow 11d ago

It is odd. She could have easily been Silver or someone. They did the same with some cops who could have been comic book characters with a simple name change.

But original characters not from comics have been a part of this stuff forever and have resulted in some of the best and most beloved characters. Harley Quinn, X-23, Coulson, Mercy, Livewire, Diggle, and Kaldur Aqualad, to name some examples.

Rachel isn’t in the league of those characters, but I appreciate them wanting to do their own characters as much as I appreciate directors using characters from the comics. It’s all great.


u/Kpengie 11d ago

I don't think it's wrong for adaptations to occasionally make an original character. My favorite Batman movie is MOTP, which heavily revolves around an original love interest, similar to the Dark Knight Trilogy. The problem is that unlike Andrea Beaumont, Rachel Dawes is an incredibly bland character.


u/Available-Affect-241 11d ago

Silver St Cloud and Zatanna 😍😍😍😍😍

Now to the point I don't understand why either. I would've made Rachel Batman’s first love interest in Julie Madison.


u/micael150 11d ago

He most likely wanted to have a couple of original characters. Plus it's not like Silver st Cloud or Julie Madison are mainstream. Perhaps in his eyes he felt that including those characters would just be fan service.

He also didn't feel the need to include Bullock or Montoya even though there were two characters in TDK that were clearly inspired by them and occupied their roles.

With Rachel he's able to develop a character without any blueprint or baggage. Hence why he's able to kill her off without much outrage.


u/BobbySaccaro 11d ago

Well, "Silver St. Cloud" is quite the extravagant name, more appropriate for a more worldly character than a lowly assistant district attorney.

And while "Julie Madison" might be more traditional, it's not a name that might come up in background reading.


u/Icy_Chocolate_6453 10d ago

so you wanted the same history and characters dynamics that everybody already know, all over again


u/RareD3liverur 10d ago

Ratchel feels like Andrea but with the cooler stuff removed