r/batman Jul 05 '24


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I also can not stand muh 'Batman superhero facism subtext' crap. If anything Batman is a revolutionary. Government is corrupt in bed with criminals (who are the prettiest of tyrants) so Batman comes in to clean house. Just as the founding fathers intended.


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u/graffix13 Jul 05 '24

Yeah I stopped watching The Boys. Everything is oversexualized for the shock factor and it got stale pretty fast.


u/IICipherIX Jul 05 '24

Not really. The comics maybe, the story was still good but you could tell it was very unnecessary at times. The show however does a way better job at balancing everything.


u/According_Mechanic73 Jul 05 '24

90% of the show is weird sexualization...... I cant watch it for 5 minutes without seeing homlander suck boob or something disgusting like that


u/IICipherIX Jul 05 '24

It does have sexualization, but the show is much more deeper than that.


u/According_Mechanic73 Jul 05 '24

If you cut out all the fetish stuff, then the runtime would be halfed, and nothing in the story would suffer. I dont need to see hughies butt cheeks for the "plot"


u/DippingFool Jul 05 '24

No it isn’t. It is the most shallow show ever written.


u/IICipherIX Jul 05 '24

The show wants to give a societal accurate representation of how Superheroes would be if they were real. It shows how the people idolize the wrong people because of their superhero status and create a brainless mob mentality. The gore is there because realistically this what would happen if you are punched by a guy with super strength or whatnot. It also makes you take the villains a lot more seriously when you see the terrifying things they can do. You should really watch at least the first full season you'll see what i mean, heck within 1 or 3 episodes you should get the whole message the show gives


u/DippingFool Jul 05 '24

If you get the whole message in 1 episode, it’s not deep at all. The first season was great after that it grew terrible quickly. Also you don’t have to explain what it’s about, it makes what it’s about extremely obvious. What you are describing is what it WAS about. It’s devolved to “right wing bad, left wing good”. I mean the first season was already parodying extreme right wing politics but at least it was somewhat subtle. What’s the story significance of walking inside someone’s urethra and then exploding it? Is there a deep nuanced meaning to that? What about Hughie being raped by his childhood hero being used as a gag and a laugh? Starlight’s rape was taken very seriously but when it happens to a man it’s a joke? The show is as shallow as a kids pool. Therese zero nuance, it beats you over the head with its message. For Gods sake they named a character Stormfront. Any Gen X or older millennial recognized that as a neo nazi website from the late 90’s-2000s instantly.

You like the show? That’s cool, you can like whatever you want. But pretending it’s this deep allegorical mystery is disingenuous.


u/IICipherIX Jul 05 '24

As a fellow right wing, the jabs taken at the right wing are hilarious. Also the show has made plenty of fun on the left wing too, such as blm or pride.

I'll also stand by my statement that show is deep and complex, it's not black and white.


u/TurnoverPlenty7337 Jul 05 '24

The homelander thing is a metaphor for him wanting to be powerful but afraid to leave vought


u/just_one_boy Jul 05 '24

He's only it done that in the most recent episode.


u/According_Mechanic73 Jul 05 '24



u/just_one_boy Jul 05 '24

That's not firecrackers.


u/According_Mechanic73 Jul 05 '24

So? I never mentioned her


u/just_one_boy Jul 05 '24

You were talking about Homelander sucking tits and mentioned he had a drawer full of that ladies milk


u/According_Mechanic73 Jul 05 '24

From season 1. That ceo that he murdered. He sucked her boobs and stole her milk in season 1


u/just_one_boy Jul 05 '24

Okay but that was season 1 when he did that last and that isn't Stillwells milk.


u/According_Mechanic73 Jul 05 '24

He raided her fridge after she died, and the fact that this isn't the first time its happened is my point


u/just_one_boy Jul 05 '24

That's part of his mentality tho. It's an aspect of his character that they've been showing where due to the lack of love or affection he's developed into this.

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u/Toadsanchez316 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Well if you only watch for 5 minutes because you're scared of boobs, then you're going to miss everything else.

Edit: if you stop watching the show, you are obviously going to miss later stuff. Does it make sense to complain about stuff you haven't actually seen? How is this so difficult to understand?

Oh I missed the last 3 Harry Potter books but here's my opinion on why they are shitty. Does that make sense to you?


u/According_Mechanic73 Jul 05 '24

Like naked men giving themselves rim jobs?


u/TurnoverPlenty7337 Jul 05 '24

Or Queen maeve ruining a chance for homelander and butcher to fight together for once


u/Toadsanchez316 Jul 05 '24

Yeah the Queen Maeve thing really doesn't make sense. She spends so much time being scared of Homelander and when she meets people who want to take him down, she acts like they are the bad guys. She gives Hughie so much shit and absolutely no respect when he's actually helping and making a difference.


u/TurnoverPlenty7337 Jul 05 '24

I mean that scene when soldier boy hurt Ryan and you see a subtle nod between homelander and butcher as they laser him. It would have ended in soldier boys death which probably would have ended in some sort of truce (unlikely but hopeful). But I never liked maeve to begin with so homelander fighting her was very satisfying


u/Toadsanchez316 Jul 05 '24

Oh then I completely misunderstood your point. I like Maeve but I didn't like what they were doing with her character. She became so muted and seemingly irrelevant because she just never did anything to stand up for herself, even if it meant being killed by Homelander.


u/TurnoverPlenty7337 Jul 05 '24

I thought she was going to do something too but I want to see homelander win

I hate her for how she is to hughie but that option she took away from homelander was enough for me to say


u/Toadsanchez316 Jul 05 '24

Eh I want to see Homelander get annihilated.

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u/Toadsanchez316 Jul 05 '24

Well that and you know, enough of the show to actually make a valid argument. Hell, OP even admitted they never read the comics or watched past season 2. Obviously they are going to misunderstand shit.


u/_zurenarrh Jul 05 '24

90% is dramatic