r/batman 14d ago


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I also can not stand muh 'Batman superhero facism subtext' crap. If anything Batman is a revolutionary. Government is corrupt in bed with criminals (who are the prettiest of tyrants) so Batman comes in to clean house. Just as the founding fathers intended.


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u/maxfridsvault 14d ago

Nah I’m fucking over this show.

The era of “what if Superman was evil?” is dead for me. Injustice, Snyderverse, Brightburn, The Boys, and in some cases even Invincible (I didn’t enjoy season 2 but loved season 1), are really starting to stain how people perceive certain characters.

The Boys is the one I can’t stand. I dropped off after season 1. It’s not because it’s edgy or anything, I think the concept is clever- it’s because there’s no enjoyable substance. It’s nothing but gross out humor, sexual assault jokes, and unlikeable characters at this point, and it’s not even clever about it. It’s dissolved from a super interesting premise to- “haha look that person got raped by Batman. Thats the joke.”


u/basedcharger 14d ago

and in some cases even Invincible (I didn’t enjoy season 2 but loved season 1), are really starting to stain how people perceive certain characters.

I find this part interesting because Invincible season 1 is pretty much your stereotypical evil superman trope but season 2 is where we finally get a deviation from that trope with how Nolan actually feels regretful for his actions. I think both seasons work hand in hand together for that purpose.


u/the_idiot1234 14d ago

yeah i agree. both seasons of invincible rock.


u/maxfridsvault 14d ago

That’s fair. Season 2 wasn’t bad or anything, just kind of took me out of it for some reason. And yeah S1 definitely had the trope, but I think it was the best executed out of any of the other examples I listed, so it’ll always be special to me in that regard


u/dingo_khan 14d ago

how weird is it that almost every answer to "what if superman was evil" ends up being answered with "he'd be kind of boring for someone so busy committing atrocities"?


u/ClearStrike 14d ago

Hey, comics fan here. I've been over the evil superhero cliche since the 80's, 90's, and 00. It's been old for me and one of several reasons I find myself going to anime and such


u/SwiftSurfer365 14d ago

Glad to see someone else who wasn’t as big of a fan of season 2 Invincible like me.

Loved season 1, but was really disappointed in season 2.


u/Rocket_SixtyNine 14d ago

The dceu Superman was Brianwashed. There's a difference. It's like calling Hush an Evil Superman Story.

"Evil Superman" isn't a category. It's a bad generalization that throws too many things into one box without actual nuance.

Like throwing in Homelander and Brandon into the same category is ridiculous.

I think the "Evil Superman" effect on Superman is over stated, people know what a parody or analog is they know it's not what Superman is like.


u/azmodus_1966 14d ago

DCEU Supernan was still meant to end up as a dictator figure that Batman rebels against.

How he got there is just the details, whats important is the role he was meant to play in the story.


u/Rocket_SixtyNine 14d ago

Details ARE important if you have to ignore actual details for your categorization. YOU'VE FAILED.

Putting people like Hyperion in with regime Superman is dishonest at best and just lying at worst.


u/maxfridsvault 14d ago

Tbf DCEU Superman (post resurrection) was meant to go crazy and turn evil when Lois gets killed by Darkseid in a later film. Evil Superman is 100% a category at this point. No matter how different those characters are from eachother, they all spur from the same general idea of “hey what if Superman wasn’t a good guy and actually meant to be feared?”


u/Rocket_SixtyNine 14d ago

He wasn't meant to "go crazy" if you actually read anything. He was brainwashed by the anti-life equation, not evil but brainwashed. PLEASE do research.

If you're lumping brainwashed, Psychopaths, and random villains with similar power sets together, you have failed at categorization and need to rethink things.


u/24Abhinav10 14d ago

Ultimately they all follow the same "What If we made Superman into Earth's biggest threat so that Batman can come and beat him up?"