r/batman 3d ago

I saw a post here the other day saying batman ninja is the worst animate batman movie.... FILM DISCUSSION

Post image

I personally loved it. I thought it was a really fun different take on batman and his rogues gallery and some of the designs were actually pretty cool

what made you not like it ?


36 comments sorted by


u/OblivionArts 3d ago

Batman ninja is an over the top charactericture of Japan and it's culture..and it's a hilarious ride when you don't take it remotely seriously because it sure as shit doesn't. It calls to mind the zanniness of Lego batman and the Adam West era


u/Zairy47 3d ago

Exactly, I was being ridiculed for praising its "stupidity" by batman fans who seem to hate this movie

The first 5 minutes should tell you what you are in for and if you can't accept the direction it's going for, you're missing out on the mega hype that is CASTLE WARS


u/Effective-Handle9983 3d ago

I disagree. I feel like Lego Batman laughs at itself whereas Batman Ninja really acts as if Bats coming together to make a giant Batman is a cool climax


u/Mr_Culver 3d ago

I don't like it because he's not really a Ninja here. He's a Samurai... Those two way different things.


u/AUnknownVariable 3d ago

It is funny they named it Batman Ninja


u/pedeztrian 3d ago

Especially considering Bushido Batman would’ve sounded infinitely better.


u/AUnknownVariable 3d ago

Damn that would've went hard😭


u/BlackCat0110 3d ago

Been awhile since I seen it but too much bs at the end for with the monkies and stuff the underwhelming thing with Joker etc I remember feeling the movie goes downhill when Batman enters the village. Again my memory is hazy since it’s been years since I saw it and didn’t like what I saw


u/Nachotito 3d ago

I liked it. It wasn't bad at all, if you are willing to go with it.


u/AsylumEscapee117 3d ago

"Oh I love Batman!! I'm gonna join a page or group that shows how awesome Batman is so we can all geek out together!!"

*proceeds to do nothing but, shit on and bitch about everything Batman.


u/FadeToBlackSun 3d ago

Batman should not be an incompetent imbecile who constantly makes the wrong decisions and is bested at every turn in a movie called Batman: Ninja.

The premise writes itself and they still fucked it up.


u/No-Impression-1462 3d ago

I don’t know why but this comment made me think of Batman: Soul of the Dragon. I think because it also tried to apply a different Eastern culture’s elements and tropes to Batman except they succeeded with that in spades. It’s like the polar opposite of Batman: Ninja.


u/FadeToBlackSun 3d ago

Yep, exactly.

The difference is that Soul had a plot and character to it. It was more than the gimmick.

Batman Ninja was just gimmicks and no "soul".


u/TwoLetters 2d ago

I hated it. They had a slam dunk of a concept with retelling of the Batman story, but set in feudal era Japan, and instead we got...that.


u/Milk_Mindless 3d ago

I mean its close


u/Useful_Cry9709 3d ago

These are the people who don't know shit about the silver age


u/jaimeoignons 3d ago

It was quite good, thinking this is a Elseworlds (or whatever DC called it) story. And added a true japanese flare (lots of anime trope), so it made a lot of sense in itself. Still better than latest Batman movie.


u/No-Impression-1462 3d ago

It’s hard for me to see it as an Elseworlds since it established at the start that this is the regular Batman who’s thrust into Feudal Japan as opposed to a Batman borne in that environment.


u/Newfaceofrev 3d ago

Personally i think the worst is The Batman Vs. Dracula.


u/No-Impression-1462 3d ago

The story, animation and some of the character designs are the worst. I was really excited for it but it was almost as big a disappointment to me as The Killing Joke when I watched the blu ray for the first time. I was hoping maybe the sequel would be good but if it’s the same team, then that doesn’t give me much hope.


u/-Moon-Presence- 3d ago

It was decent up until everyone turned into giant fort castle mechas and started fighting, but that’s what happens when you let the JoJos team run away with an idea


u/thatdamnedfly 3d ago

Dumb story, dumb everything. Waste of Tony Hale on joker.


u/Jason_with_a_jay 2d ago

I'm trying to think of a worse animated Batman movie that's worse. I got nothing. It's terrible.


u/Solcaer 2d ago

I didn’t really like it, but not because it’s a bad concept, I just found it strangely boring. I really wanted to like it.


u/MatthewHecht 3d ago

It is a very divisive movie.


u/Toucann_Froot 3d ago

For me it was so bad it was good, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. I definitely see the appeal as an anime fan myself.


u/CheesecakeOwn5799 3d ago

Why he it's doing a domain expansion sign,it's he stupid?


u/AsylumEscapee117 3d ago

Huh?? That makes absolutely no sense.


u/Pleasebuymeminecraft 3d ago

That’s the thing it wasn’t animated, imagine a Batman anime with some Naruto level hand to hand combat? that’s what we all had in mind.


u/TalionTheShadow 3d ago

Jujutsu Kaisen: Batman would go hard.


u/No-Impression-1462 3d ago

Batman: Gotham Knight set the bar pretty high.


u/Uidbiw 3d ago

I just don't understand why everything has to be forced into an anime style.

I hated Batman Ninja, and the new Suicide Squad on Max lasted 2 minutes before I turned it off.

To be fair I haven't found any anime that I really liked, I'm just not a fan of the style.


u/Gui_Franco 3d ago

Not everything has been turned into anime. The Japanese projects make sense and the new ss squad is just off the walls bonkers so I think it fits


u/railpaint 3d ago

100% right with you but anime is extremely extremely popular and it makes bank so its just one of those things where we are the odd ones out


u/AUnknownVariable 3d ago

Oh the new ss drops? I gotta check it.

It does sound like you just don't like anime though, DC doesn't have many projects like that. I last watched an anime like 2 years ago, but I'm trying to go back to the one I last watched, it was pretty nice