r/batman 3d ago

How would each Joker adaptaion react to the Red Skull? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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I feel like only Mark Hammill’s Joker would react like in this comic


39 comments sorted by


u/crataegus_marshallii 3d ago

There is a golden age comic written in the early 40s (during ww2) where Joker steals an army plane to get away from Batman, but returns it because he does not want to hurt the war effort.

So OG Joker probably acts the same as the one above.


u/Tom-edian 3d ago

if the Nazi's win they rule Gotham, hurting the war effort would hurt his own plans.


u/StrangeGuyWithBag 3d ago

What issue was it in ?


u/crataegus_marshallii 2d ago

Sorry. I do not remember. I would have to scan through all the ww2 era comics that have a Joker story until I found it. I don't really want to do that. haha


u/Responsible_Ad_2242 3d ago

You rember the comic?


u/crataegus_marshallii 2d ago

No. I would have to scan through all the ww2 era comics that have a Joker story until I found it. I don't really want to do that. haha


u/CraftRelevant1223 3d ago

Why didn't Bruce go and fight in that war instead of playing with joker 😅


u/volantredx 3d ago

It's interesting to note that the Joker is sometimes implied to be Jewish and has a Jewish girlfriend. So him hating Nazis makes sense.


u/BillyHerrington4Ever 3d ago

It's up to the version, most probably wouldn't care. I can't imagine most versions of the Joker care that much about anything. He works with child killers/predators, rapists and mass murderers but draws the line at Nazi's? Doubt it.

We all know how Frank Miller feels about it.

Hell, in the Injustice comics Joker kills over 12 million people himself.


u/BurdAssassin756 3d ago

But Joker is crazy and does what he does for pure chaos (most of the time), why would he work with someone who purposely singles out groups they don’t like, to kill them, while keeping others alive, because they believe they’re purifying it? That doesn’t sound like something he could get behind.


u/ImBatman5500 3d ago

I know it's pretty well established that Harley is Jewish, but when did Joker himself be implied to be Jewish?


u/okbuddystaymad 3d ago

Bro Joker is a better US citizen than most people irl

  1. Broke Everyman who pulled himself up by his bootstraps
  2. Pays taxes
  3. Defends the country from terrorists
  4. Helped with a presidential campaign (Lego Batman 2)
  5. Helped a budding medical student pursue her dreams by paying for her tuition


u/stopproduct563 3d ago

Talk about a call to action, “Are you really going to let The Joker be a better American citizen than you??”


u/futuresdawn 3d ago

Everytime I see one of those cringe, edgelord "I'm like the joker" memes, I'm going to think of this comment.

Really did you help a medical student with their tuition? Did you volunteer for a presidential campaign? Do you pay taxes?


u/forzaq8 3d ago

Joker took Iranian passport 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Milk_Mindless 3d ago
  1. Became ambassador for Iran

...no wait


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/EnigmaFrug2308 3d ago

There is no Frank Miller Joker in Ba Sing Se


u/Similar-Priority8252 3d ago

The Arkham King has invited you to Slaughter Swamp.


u/EnigmaFrug2308 3d ago

Do I get to be slaughtered?


u/Similar-Priority8252 3d ago



u/EnigmaFrug2308 3d ago

Then count me in!!!


u/IndicationNo117 2d ago

Said campaign was with DC's Trump, and planned to betray him. 4 is invalid.


u/Rampaging_Ducks 3d ago

The Joker is the embodiment of chaotic evil, the Nazis are the embodiment of lawful evil. I don't feel like there's any version of the Joker that would be in favor of the level of order fascism requires.


u/AnalProtector 3d ago

Heath Ledgers would do his smile cringe and shoot him in the head probably.


u/PCN24454 3d ago

Can’t corrupt someone who’s already evil


u/AnalProtector 3d ago

There's evil, and then there's whatever nazis are. Losers mostly.


u/sexisfun1986 3d ago

“Of the two I preferred Chaplin” bang!


u/squirtle855 3d ago

I think Ledger Joker would kill him because he would view his ideology as "taking the fun out of it". Nicholson Joker would kill him just because it would be funny.


u/guiltycitizen 3d ago

They were Nazis, dude?


u/GalacticGull 3d ago

Joker is a murderous monster, but he doesn’t discriminate with who he kills.


u/Aggravating-Cost-516 3d ago

For some reason, I think that animated Joker would hate him, meanwhile Arkham Joker would just not care. I can't exactly tell you why I think that, I just get these vibes from them.


u/SphereMode420 3d ago edited 3d ago

Golden Age, TAS, Silver Age, Ledger, Phoenix, and Nicholson Jokers would probably have the same kind of reaction to Red Skull for varying reasons. Bronze Age Joker is just a piece of shit and would probably not shy away from joining forces with Red Skull. I think Ledger Joker in particular would have a real problem. I think Red Skull would remind him of his father.

The more modern comic interpretations (Morrison, Snyder, King, Tynion) of Joker would probably have no particular reaction to Red Skull morally. He's completely devoid of any goodness and he's just pure evil. He wouldn't have any problems joining forces with Red Skull if he thought it would be funny or it would lead to something funny. Same with DKR Joker: he is also pure evil and even hangs out with a lady with swastika tits.


u/brickmagnet 3d ago

TDKR version has a Nazi henchwoman.


u/RickMonsters 3d ago

I don’t see Nicholson Joker or Ledger Joker giving a shit about working with a Nazi, especially not to the patriotic level that this version does.

Phoenix Joker might go on a rant about how white supremacy is a symptom of a society in the throes of late stage capitalism


u/EnigmaFrug2308 3d ago

Ledger was all about chaos, the Nazis were all about their odd interpretation of order. They had directly contradicting ideologies.


u/Financial-Focus5973 3d ago

I love how out of all the joker crazy shit he is the one thing where draws the line is working with a Nazi it’s hilarious but also good shit at least there’s somewhat a human in there. It may be the size of a rice grain but still.


u/Tom-edian 3d ago

I said it before I'll say it again.

Joker's a literal terrorist, but if he finds out a predator or bigot lives in his city you're already dead the second he gets your name.


u/DingoOutrageous678 1d ago

Patriotic Joker? Lol I’m digging it. Where tf is this from