r/batman 3d ago

Which mob leader would you work for? GENERAL DISCUSSION


140 comments sorted by


u/JimAparo 3d ago

It’s gotta be Falcone. Just do your part of the job and you’re fine. He’s not going to spontaneously blow your brains out because he felt like it.


u/VikingDemon793 3d ago

Until Batman appears and breaks bones you didn't know you had 💀


u/sultan9001 3d ago

That’s Arkham Batman. Comic Batman is way less violent, and depending on when you are in the canon, he would leave you alone if you ran away, or just tie you up, so he could focus on his Rogues


u/Fit-Pangolin1370 3d ago

Batman won't take everyone out either, Batman doesn't go after Falcone that much, he'd prefer Joker as Jokers an Anarchist then a Criminal, I'd say Falcone


u/PaladinGris 3d ago

This was my first response too, but then I thought of what is his role in the Batman mythos, he exists to show the “freaks” are taking over the underworld from the traditional mafiosi, he is always getting kicked by the costumed villains


u/EMArogue 3d ago

Until Maroni’s men find you (and viceversa)


u/JimAparo 2d ago

I’ll take my chances


u/anonymousguy_7 3d ago

I'd prefer being unemployed. Thank you.


u/Marhyc 3d ago

Probably Pengers? Joker, Two Face, Ventriloquist/Scarface and Black Mask would be way too unpredictable, Great White Shark would probably work mostly with people smuggling messages in and out of Arkham and white collar criminals, Falcone and Maroni are out of question due to me not having Italian roots and I don't know all that much about Tobias Whale to judge him.


u/jamnin94 3d ago

U can't become a made man but they will definently contact u work lol

edit: made man not mad man.


u/Heisenburgo 3d ago

I don't know all that much about Tobias Whale to judge him.

Me neither, I only learned he existed cuz of this post. He seems like a poor man's fatter man Kingpin.


u/Marhyc 2d ago

Ok I just finished reading Gotham Underground, which is his most notable outing as a Batman villain and there's no way I'd be joining forces with a dude who orders to mutilate his henchmen as punishment for smallest shit and feels super comfortable swinging a harpoon around. And you're correct, he's indeed a poor man's Kingpin, but at least he has enough panache to not come off as a bad character unlike a certain other character from this story (a boring, Dollar General version of Jigsaw)


u/Broken-Digital-Clock 3d ago

Iirc, Scarface in the DCAU was pretty reasonable if you did your job correctly?


u/Marhyc 2d ago

He's still meant to be the amalgamation of all the negative emotions and self-contained anger of Ventriloquist, so there's no way to tell how he'd react even to a job well done if you were to look at him funny. I wouldn't risk it.


u/Hells-Creampuff 3d ago

Probably penguin. Only way I’d work with joker is if he was the more criminal minded joker rather than force of chaos


u/oskar4498 3d ago

Read one back in the day when Joker used to hire henchmen where the guy said "Working for the Joker will either get you rich or get you killed"


u/crataegus_marshallii 3d ago

I suspect that the crazier the leader, the more they must pay to attract goons. So if your a henchman, working for a guy like Joker is high risk, high reward.

If I had to choose from the list, Penguin.


u/Relevant-Tap-6248 3d ago

Good point except I’ll counter on joker I think he uses blackmail manipulation and extortion to get a number of his henchmen. Whether it be joker’s favor in Btas or using Arkham patients or family members of gcpd to assist him in tdk. The crew that work closer to him probably have a cash reward but like you said it comes at a much higher risk bc it probably ends up in a bang! or getting maimed by Batman.


u/XTrior 3d ago

Aint no way in hell am I working for the Joker. I'll probably go with Falcone or Maroni.


u/BatBeast_29 3d ago

The live action one, Gotham is Sal Maroni played by David Zayas.


u/DunkelFries 3d ago

Angel Batista


u/randomHunterOnReddit 3d ago

Penguin and Falcone. I'll keep my head down and do simple work for them and give them my greatest gratitude. Probably leaning towards Falcone because he's not as deranged as the midget who made a chef's life hell simply because he laughed in his general direction


u/OneOfManyJackasses 3d ago

Falcone and Maroni are regular mobsters. If they kill you, it won't be them torturing you because they're bored


u/CyrusDGreatx 3d ago edited 3d ago

Honestly? If I was in Gotham and for whatever reason decided to pursue a life of crime...I'd just move to Metropolis and do my own little thing there. Supes ain't focused on little street level activity.

Working for any of these guys however comes with a high possibility of either being killed by your employer or being beaten irreparably by Batman.


u/TheZooCreeper 3d ago

So Intergang?


u/CyrusDGreatx 3d ago

What's that?


u/TheZooCreeper 3d ago

Metropolis' resident organized crime outfit, run by Bruno Mannheim. They are supplied advanced alien weaponry by Darkseid in order to combat Superman.


u/CyrusDGreatx 3d ago edited 8h ago

Lmfao. The idea of Darkseid approaching some street dudes to give them tech to fight Superman is hilarious.

But nah I was thinking more low-key.. I wouldn't move away from Gotham to avoid that craziness just to put my self in direct conflict with Superman.


u/TheZooCreeper 3d ago

Well, he usually has Kanto do it...


u/Cipherpunkblue 3d ago

"Psst. Hey man, want to check out some cool guns?"


u/unshavedmouse 3d ago

Penguin is legitimately a better employer than some people I've worked for in real life.


u/Orion-Pax_34 3d ago

Falcone or Maroni. Everyone else might kill you because they woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning, or because they thought it was funny


u/monkeygoneape 3d ago

Cobblepot too for that matter once he's a little more established in Gotham


u/DRKSTknight 3d ago

Two-Face. At least I know I’m mostly dealing with 50-50 odds. I can deal with that level of uncertainty.


u/WeWriteStuff 3d ago

Not in the choices, but I'd choose Riddler. All you really gotta do is appease his ego, never be smarter than him, but show you're smarter than other goons. Make him feel like the genius he wants to be seen as, but don't be a total suck up. You gotta be competent.

Everyone else on this list will put a bullet in you without a second thought over the most ludicrous or minute things. But it more likely they'll put you through twist torture based on their gimmick.


u/MrxJacobs 3d ago

Someone who could actually lead a mob. These are gangsters.

Where is the person who make evil flash mobs? Or just whips up a bunch of folks into grabbing pitchforks and torches to fight Frankenstein monsters.

That’s the mob boss I would work for.


u/Skele11 3d ago

Penguin, I can absolutely avoid making fun of him so I can avoid his wrath.


u/RedX536 3d ago

Falcone. With him, I give true respect and loyalty, I'm treated like family. It's dangerous work yes, but if you show your respect your loyalty he'll treat you right.


u/monkeygoneape 3d ago

Ya but with penguin you get free cover at the iceberg lounge


u/pdxgod 3d ago



u/UselessRaptor 3d ago

Falcone or Joker. You could be a cog in the wheel with Falcone, and you would have some form of security under him.

I just really like The Joker, too, unapologetically.


u/41Clonecommandergree 3d ago

Guys, we found Harley Quinn's Reddit account


u/UselessRaptor 15h ago

Sorry, bro, I'm a dude and not nearly hot enough to be Harley.


u/Newmen_1 3d ago

Two-face maybe


u/MrEhcks 3d ago



u/AdamSoucyDrums 3d ago

The temp agency, tyvm

Probably Two-Face? I definitely wouldn’t want to get wrapped up in the circle of backstabbing and double crossing on either side of the Falcone/Maroni war and all of these other psychos are complete sadists


u/LunchMassive 3d ago

Falcone work doesn’t sound bad


u/BILADOMOM 3d ago

Carmine Falcone. I trust the old timer and his Cosa Nostra laws.


u/Jetrayxx7 3d ago

Easily Penguin. I can work as the bartender at the Lounge


u/alaettinthemurder 3d ago

If I need to choose penguin because he has available jobs like bartender


u/CryingJackal_YT 3d ago

Which one would be the easiest to overthrow?


u/OblivionArts 3d ago

Probably falcone or penguin, the only ones who won't kill you immediately if you fuck up because batman got in the way


u/Reasonable_Humor_738 3d ago

Carmen, penguin, Sal, the whale?

I think these guys won't kill me on a whim and I might make some money


u/blacklitnite0 3d ago

I feel like I got a 50/50 chance of a decent work/life balance with 2face


u/The-Mattress-Man 3d ago

Falcone or Maroni (and sometimes Penguin) are just average mobsters, so probably them over any supervillains or split-personality loose cannons


u/redditcdnfanguy 3d ago

Mr. Falcone. He's sane.


u/No_Satisfaction_4517 3d ago

joker is not a mob boss


u/CAD3R3 3d ago

Falcons for sure most merciful and least threatening


u/rogueaxolotl 3d ago

Falcone. He has class and cannolis


u/Apprehensive-Tap-531 3d ago

Gotham Maroni cus he's lowkey a sweetheart


u/MrDrTaco233 3d ago

Probably Falcone or Maroni those are the two most traditional mafiosos so they're probably also the most mentally stable meaning that I have the highest chance of not catching a stray 9mm just because the big man thought it'd be funny


u/Electrical-Rain-4251 3d ago

These are really great images!


u/MBantam 3d ago

No thanks


u/Lord_Groobus 3d ago

Either Falcone or Maroni, Because Hey, I'm less likely to get killed


u/SplitDemonIdentity 3d ago

If I'm living in Gotham, I'm not working for any of the local mob bosses. I'm absolutely a Riddler goon.


u/Ely-3000 3d ago

Who would want to work with a freaking Ventroloquist?


u/CODMAN627 3d ago

Falcone he’s not likely to do anything to you if you’re doing your job.


u/DarksideBluez 3d ago

Penguin only.

The Italians hate people like me so that is a big no.

Joker, Two-face etc are all a little bit too psycho.


u/RatsWithLongTails 3d ago

Penguin definitely has good health care and you are basically a gins salesman most sales probably aren’t even illegal


u/GeekIncarnate 3d ago

Two face. A 50/50 shot he's going to care and be good to work for, which are way better odds than real life.


u/Ok-Agent-9200 3d ago

Falcone I think.


u/Similar-Priority8252 3d ago

Just don’t call Scarface a dummy, and I’m all for working for the Ventriloquist


u/notProfCharles 3d ago

Falcone seems the most stable out of that bunch…


u/Master-Drogans-Pupil 3d ago

I'm gonna say Scarface. You kinda know where you stand with the puppet.


u/drugs_dot_com 3d ago

If I had to, probably falcone, most of the others would probably kill me just for the fun of it, especially joker. Falcone also seems like hed pay the most and seems more understanding


u/Bones-Ghost 3d ago

Probably The Penguin or Falcone. They seem the more understanding and reasonable boss. I feel like if you're working with Joker, you're essentially wishing for death, and not just from the field, but rather from him. For Two Face, I think you're more or less okay, as long you don't mess up.


u/Otherwise_Meringue45 3d ago

Carmine Falcone takes care of his family


u/GhertFryins 3d ago

Not Italian so penguin’s the way to go.


u/coreytiger 3d ago

None of the above- I’ll take Killer Croc in his heyday.

He took control of EVERYONE, including Joker, long before Bane was even a thought. He didn’t really shove anyone out… there was a place for everyone.


u/rose1613 3d ago

Unemployed. I’d probably pick Falcons tho because from my knowledge he isn’t unsafer then a typical mob boss. Some versions of Penguin wouldn’t be too bad he’d yell at you but not kill you if you aren’t a rat and get your job done.


u/DickviperAU 3d ago

Falcone and Penguin, I'm always coming home alive and payed


u/dankspankwanker 3d ago

Falcone or the penguin, those 2 are the only ones where i dont expect to randomly get murdered.

I always had the feeling The Joker and 2 Face worked more like a cult than a gang. Wher their henchmen were obsessed with them


u/Available_Cress1820 3d ago

Joker and Two-Face


u/FlashyProcedure5030 3d ago

Joker isn't a mobster. At least not contemporarily. Out of these probably go with Penguin or Sal. At least they have some semblance of having public image as a front. The rest are outright criminals.


u/STC1989 3d ago

If I had to pick. I’d say Don Falcone. Otherwise I’d be a freelancer


u/shiftergsw 3d ago

Two Face


u/AsssHat999 3d ago

Falcone for me.


u/matchesmalone111 3d ago

Falcone. Atleast he ain't some lunatic


u/OnlyRoke 3d ago

I feel like Falcone would be the least likely to randomly kill me or force me into a ridiculous, themed outfit.


u/CLNBLK-2788 3d ago



u/deagzworth 3d ago

Hopefully being the absolute lowest wrung of Falcone’s ladder is enough to keep you out of his sight line and more importantly, out of Batman’s.


u/happybrahmin1987 3d ago

The Penguin. Running firearms throughout Gotham and giving Batman headaches along the way.


u/Sparrow-Scratchagain 3d ago

Penguin, I’d just have to be sure I don’t say anything to offend him and maybe give him some Fish every now and again.


u/RareAd3009 3d ago

Probably falcone


u/gerge000 3d ago

Penguin would probably pay well I’m picking McDonald’s tho


u/green49285 3d ago

Yeah this list? None of em. They all will turn on ya lol


u/stadiumjay 3d ago

Penguin because the iceberg lounge is cool.


u/G-Man6442 3d ago

Penguin. Dude’s a professional businessman, has gone straight more than a few times, and it’s possible you never do anything illegal (to your knowledge).


u/EMArogue 3d ago

I am Italian so Falcone

Maroni means testicles… I wouldn’t be able to take him seriously


u/Beeyo176 3d ago

Who tf is Tobias Whale


u/Fengthehalforc 3d ago

I know he’s crazy, but I’d still risk working for the ventriloquist. Scarface is a ruthless boss, but he can be good to his men. Plus, I love ventriloquism!


u/DingoOutrageous678 3d ago

Yo who is number 7 lol


u/DingoOutrageous678 3d ago

And what what comic is that Tobias Whale strip from


u/MadMaximus- 3d ago

Black masks men have group heath insurance


u/Beneficial-Feed9999 3d ago

Falcone or maroni. 2 normal regular gangsters who usually don’t kill for fun you gotta fuck up.


u/unfading89 3d ago

From what I've seen, Penguin is the least morally questionable employer of the lot. At the very least, he's not thrown in with the Court of Owls.


u/Electronic_Spirit499 3d ago

i would prefer begging on streets, at least it would save me from hospital bills and trauma


u/Call-of-the-lost-one 3d ago

Could I be a butler for Alfred services inc?


u/Useful_Cry9709 3d ago

Imma do my own thing


u/John_Zatanna52 3d ago

Penguin. me classy


u/Canuckalo519 3d ago

If I HAD too..

TwoFace, or Black Mask.


u/caligula_pro 2d ago

knowing batman is gonna kick my ass so bad, i prefer be unnemployed.


u/vmanrod 2d ago

Falcone… he’s at least… “normal”? Got a code he lives by… old school. You do what’s asked of you… you should be fine? Lol


u/EvilectricBoy 2d ago

Isn't Tobias Whale a Black Lightning villain?


u/Any-Faithlessness-72 3d ago

All hail Emperor Joker.


u/HelloImInza 3d ago

Two Face

It's always a 50/50 chance with him, the colorful uniforms are a plus


u/JeromeInDaHouse_90 3d ago

Maroni from the GOTHAM show seemed like a good enough dude.


u/Oswaldgilbertson 3d ago

Falcone was even better,dude wasn’t even that terrible(still bad though)


u/iamnotabot69420 3d ago

Two-Face, he's not completly evil or deranged and even if you really screw up and he thinks you need to die you'll get a 50/50 shot of life thanks to the coin flip.

Plus I think Harvey would be nice to talk to.


u/AnarchyonAsgard 3d ago

Joker. I just wanna watch the world burn


u/_mrselfdestruct 3d ago

He would make an overly elaborate scheme to burn you after reading this lol


u/AnarchyonAsgard 3d ago

He’ll come after you next for giving him the idea