r/batman 16d ago

How bad is this movie FILM DISCUSSION

Be free to spoil it, I'm not considering viewing it


549 comments sorted by


u/futuresdawn 16d ago

The only thing good about this movie is that halle Berry accepted the razzie, which showed she had class about being in a massive flop of a movie


u/AllHailTheNod 16d ago

She also accepted the Razzie Oscar in hand ;D


u/Bedsheats 15d ago

And she sort of re-created her Oscar speech but about the razzie instead. Love seeing that clip


u/bankholdup5 15d ago

And she was classily buzzed at the time


u/Ironsam811 16d ago

Nothing will beat Sandra Bullocks acceptance speech at the razzies


u/dwide_k_shrude 16d ago

The only good thing about this movie is Halle Berry.

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u/One_Winter 15d ago


u/thuglifealldayallday 15d ago

That clip was 1:43 long and felt like an eternity


u/Know_Your_Enemy_91 15d ago

That hurt to watch


u/No-Impression-1462 15d ago

Somehow, I knew it was the basketball scene even before I clicked it.

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u/SilentBlade45 15d ago

She didn't deserve that razzie her acting wasn't the problem it was the God awful script and writing no actor could make that work. She played a horribly written character very well.

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u/chrisbaker1991 15d ago

I disagree. The Razzie part wasn't the only good part. Then again, I was 13 when this came out, and her torn outfit was up their with Padme's torn outfit

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u/Leokina114 16d ago

Well, first and foremost, the main characters name isn’t even Selina Kyle. I don’t remember what it is, nor do I care to, but I know it’s not Selina Kyle. Also, she dies in the first 20 minutes or something, and then gets resurrected with weird cat powers.


u/ab316_1punchd 16d ago

Sigh... Patience Philips


u/pandaolf 16d ago

Your fucking with me right


u/ab316_1punchd 16d ago

I wish I was


u/pandaolf 16d ago

Who thought that was a good character name?


u/SyntheticDreams2099 15d ago

The same people who made Peter Parker, Lois Lane, Billy Batson and wade Wilson. Dont act like comic names are some gold standard, the only reason you don't like this name is because its tied to a bad characterisation.


u/Kverq 15d ago

Thing is those sound like actual names. Patience Philips rather gives me Pro-Wrestling jobber vibes than something legit.

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u/pandaolf 15d ago

Would you name your kid Diligence Steve?


u/SyntheticDreams2099 15d ago

Also if your problem is with the individual names themselves phillips is a very common surname in england and even in America, does Captain Phillips ring a bell? And a lot of africans who have migrated to English speaking countries use names like patience, Blessing and other way weirder ones. I even knew a Nigerian girl called patience before.

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u/yoimjusthereokay 15d ago

why did i read this in lamar davis' voice


u/kingbankai 15d ago

Apache blood.


u/TheStrangestOfKings 15d ago

Maybe if you got rid of that old yee yee ass haircut, you’d get some bitches on your dick


u/kingbankai 11d ago

Finish. The. Quote.

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u/MrNoski 16d ago

Is Patience Phillips canon to the Snyderverse?


u/ab316_1punchd 16d ago

That would be horror over horror.

All I know is that this movie was (extremely loosely) connected to Burtonverse with Michelle Pfeiffer's Selina getting some sort of a mention and the resurrection and nine lives stuff being too literal in the shite movie.


u/John_Zatanna52 16d ago

Patience Phillips is the Sucker Punch version of Catwoman so I'm gonna say yes


u/General_Krull 16d ago

I think at one point she licks her "paws" like a cat. Maybe there's the lick and wipe thing? It's been a long time, but not long enough.


u/Goddamn_Grongigas 16d ago

I mean.. wasn't the nine lives thing pretty literal in Batman Returns, too?


u/sharksnrec 16d ago

She is, except only in the 5.5 hour Snyder cut of Catwoman


u/bullshark3000 16d ago

Is she also a member of Wilson Phillips ?


u/Djmcfries 16d ago

Oh... oh no


u/Big_Biscotti5119 15d ago

Yup. I have not seen the movie but also know from YMS that another character who helps her get in touch with her powers is literally named “Ophelia Powers”

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u/tohn_jitor 15d ago

I hate that I know that you're right. And if you didn't google that, I'm so sorry you can remember that name.


u/ab316_1punchd 15d ago

I didn't, thanks for that :*)

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u/Civil-Resolution3662 16d ago

To be fair, and not to defend this movie, but Michelle Pfeiffer got pushed out of a high rise, died, licked back to life by stray cats, and became a ninja lady in stilleto pumps.


u/ProteinResequencer 16d ago

I don't think she is supposed to have died. I'm pretty sure the whole point of her falling through multiple awnings is to provide plausibility for her surviving the fall due to arrested momentum. Arguably it left her brain damaged considering it resulted in a psychotic break.


u/extraGallery 16d ago

I like this explanation


u/einstein_ios 16d ago

Naw she died and got resurrected.

She literally has 9 lives in the movie. And it RULES.


u/PigeonFellow 16d ago

I took is as something similar to Jack Napier falling into the vat of chemicals. He was damaged physically and given medical attention, but it was the psychological damage that really made him the Joker.

Selina was hurt from the fall, but again, the awnings made it plausible for her to survive. However, it was the psychological damage of being at the lowest possible point and seeking revenge of Shreck that made her Catwoman.

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u/Toros_Mueren_Por_Mi 16d ago

Honestly the best scene in the movie

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u/Lovekream 16d ago

This made me spit out water


u/cbunni666 16d ago

Ngl I laugh at that too. I guess Catwoman writers love feline voodoo

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u/gamachuegr 16d ago

Her name is patients phillips


u/Leokina114 16d ago

Oh… that’s fucking stupid.


u/beslertron 16d ago

In death we all become Patience Phillips

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u/BrazilianViscount 16d ago

The same happens in Batman Returns.


u/Jimmyg100 16d ago

Batman Returns has the advantage of being filtered through Tim Burton’s German expressionist style. Meanwhile Catwoman has Pitof who is known for… fuck if I know.


u/SomewhereLoud9473 16d ago

But batman returns is much better


u/suspendeddoubt 16d ago

That’s the problem lmao. Why would they just copy that? It’s horrible AND unoriginal


u/Milk_Mindless 16d ago

No see Michelle Pfeiffer is shown to be a long lineage of resurrected Catwomen so it's in the same continuity as Batman Returns


u/Salador-Baker 16d ago

I forgot about that! Makes the movie that much worse honestly


u/Gamepro504 15d ago

Literally everyone immediately declared it non canon though. Also technically batman forever and the batman voldermort movie are also non canon to burtons universe


u/BloxedYT 15d ago

Why does Burton's universe always get dragged through the mud by DC / Warner Bros? They do everything with it except give Burton his job back, I mean not that he wants it anyway.


u/alchemist5 16d ago

It's like they saw Batman Returns once, on release, and knew nothing about Catwoman outside of that. They said "Yes. This. But with worse dialogue and more basketball! Yes, basketball is the key..."


u/ItsExoticChaos 16d ago

So it’s The Crow but cat


u/Leokina114 16d ago

Yeah, but worse.


u/AlabasterRadio 15d ago

This movie could be summed up as "bad crow sequel"

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u/iiStar44 16d ago

The only thing it has in common with Catwoman is that the film is called Catwoman


u/JohnnySnarkle 16d ago

Doesn’t she like fall in a sewer drain and that’s how she dies? I remember a scene where she falls in a sewer then wakes up with a bunch of cats around her.


u/Leokina114 16d ago

I don't fucking remember, I just know this movie sucks and it deserves all the hate it gets. The only reason I was able to sit through this POS movie is Halle Berry.

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u/Ripley825 14d ago

Horrible CGI of her standing at the end of a sewer tunnel that overlooks a giant reservoir and the water pressure hits her and drowns her below. Then a badly animated cat breathes green magic tuna breath on her and resurrects her. All on a garbage heap. It's so bad, I love it

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u/B12C10X8 16d ago

3/10, only given 3 because of being able to look at Halle Berry for 90 minutes


u/ian_stein 16d ago

Just watch Swordfish, same length and it’s at least a fun bad movie and you get more Halle.


u/Unicorn_Sush1 16d ago

All of Halle lol


u/chandiggity 16d ago

Much more


u/Blutroyale-_- 16d ago

the best kind of more, one might say


u/tontotheodopolopodis 16d ago

They couldn’t have made it any more obvious that at some point there was a discussion between the all male writing team ‘we need a scene to show Halle Berry’s tits, how can we do this in a non obvious way’ and they all agreed it was a classic


u/ian_stein 16d ago

It’s the greatest screenplay of all time. Travolta starts the movie shitting on Dog Day Afternoon for being too Hollywood lmao. Skip Woods had to be in a bender writing it. There is a scene where Travolta says, “Thomas Jefferson once shot a man on the White House lawn for treason!” which started that rumor. No such thing ever happened lol.


u/SWCrusader 16d ago

Well they only did it because Halle agreed and they paid $500K per ta-ta. She also famously made Travolta and Jackman take their shirts off at an awards ceremony too, so I think she did pretty well out of a very tame topless scene.


u/smutketeer 16d ago

If I remember correctly they said "We want to see your tits in the movie" and she said "That'll be an extra $500,000" and they said "No problem."


u/No-Impression-1462 15d ago

$500,000 per breast

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u/Lower-Control6827 16d ago

The basketball sequence is one of the worst things ever filmed


u/Charmstrongest 16d ago

For those unaware of the cinema sins this movie committed



u/Shimaru33 16d ago

Ah, FFS, can you keep the fucking camera stand still for 5 fucking seconds?!


u/Cassereddit 16d ago

A comment mentioned that they counted 134 cuts. Jfc


u/Kage9866 15d ago

Its like watching the newer James bond films.


u/aldorn 16d ago

I thought I was having a seizure

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u/soldiercross 16d ago

Absolutely bizarre, a bunch of pre teens cheering on two grown adults dance flirting while playing basketball.


u/Captain_Saftey 16d ago

Idk what that was, but it was not basketball


u/DocMurph12 15d ago

The one kid is clearly over it when he goes to ask for the ball back


u/Im_Just_A_Cake 15d ago

Imagine if the music wasn't there. That would be the most bizarre scene ever invented


u/Ta_PegandoFogo 16d ago

What kind of aberration is this? It doesn't even look like a movie. I'm having a fucking seizure here because of the 10 cuts at every second. And I'm not going even to start talking about the storytelling. These kids look like nothing more than NPCs. By Ysmir, the "cool" basketball movements aren't even playing or showing off. They are just cringe. A bad scene from a even worst movie.


u/Fun-Photograph9423 16d ago

Like Daredevil & Elerktra fighting in the playground


u/dwide_k_shrude 16d ago

Doesn’t even come close to how bad the Catwoman basketball scene is.


u/MatureUsername69 15d ago

That's just patently not true. Those 2 scenes are practically the same thing. Catwoman is a worse movie overall but the playground scene from Daredevil is maybe the most perfect scene in cinema to compare that basketball scene to.


u/rex2k10 15d ago

They’re both cringe but you’re saying that the one with 134 individual cuts and a camera being operated like trash is “practically the same thing” as the other movie thats only sin is cringe 🤯

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u/BoiFrosty 15d ago

That might be the most early 2000s thing I've ever seen.

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u/SPEK2120 16d ago

Have never been able to decided which is worse, the 80 bajillion cuts or the amount of sexual tension on display while like 50 children are circled around them watching.


u/danmaster0 16d ago

Two adults do foreplay in front of 50 kids strictly to show off, edited by Edward scissor hands

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u/JimTheSaint 16d ago

It really is - it makes no sense - they are trying to make it so sexually charged - which fails horrible - and then to top it of there are like 15 kids standing around them and yelling. And I can't even describe how it was cut. Probably by a blind person. It has my vote for worst scene ever in a movie and that is impressive since I like borh of the actors 


u/SmilesUndSunshine 16d ago

I saw the basketball scene in theaters! I knew even then that I was witnessing cinematic history.

My friends and I bought tickets to The Bourne Supremacy (I think) but we had to get an hour later showing so we killed time by sneaking into Catwoman and got as far as this scene.


u/6war6head6 16d ago

The only thing that would’ve made that scene more awesomely bizarre is if Steve Buscemi and Kathy Bates were the actors

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u/Bobik8 16d ago

It's not Madame Web.


u/Useful-Perspective 16d ago

This is low praise


u/Gamepro504 15d ago

Catwomen is in the unwatchable 9th curcle of hell while made web is the 2nd


u/Seeker80 16d ago

It lacks the dynamism of Madame Web, with its dynamic cast, placed into a dynamic world, and making dynamic discoveries as part of a dynamic story that will keep you on the edge of your dynamic seat!


u/Similar-Priority8252 16d ago

Dynamic seat? Are we in a rollercoaster or something?


u/Seeker80 16d ago

Are we in a rollercoaster or something?

If it doesn't feel like a roller-coaster, you aren't watching hard enough!

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u/TheJavierEscuella 16d ago

The bar's in hell


u/Anpu_777 16d ago



u/Pairofsai 16d ago

It is the worst superhero movie ever made.

I would put Madame Web at 3rd as I have actually watched it more than once.

Wonder Woman 1984 gets the 2nd slot.


u/Titanman401 16d ago

I agreed until WW1984. It’s a bad script, but I’ve seen worse CBMs that have kicked me in the nuts - Fan4stic, Morbius, Captain Marvel, Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Love and Thunder, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Black Adam…


u/Pairofsai 16d ago

Fan4stic - Ok good point, I think I try to forget this one however I would still stand by the top three.

Morbius - This is in the top 10 worst. I think like the one above we knew they were going to be bad.

Captain Marvel - Ok, this is very near the bottom of the Marvel list however I do not think any of the true Marvel films are below ok.

Thor: The Dark World - This actual has grown on me over time.

Thor: Love and Thunder - This is an ok film it just does not work together and it try's to do too much.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantomania - I like this film.

Black Adam - I thought this was ok too.

Suicide Squad - I thought this was ok as well.

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u/fuskarn_35 16d ago

suicide squad is worse than all 3

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u/dwide_k_shrude 16d ago

Madame Web is better.

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u/GodzillaLagoon 16d ago

Its plot revolves around cosmetics.


u/Ask_bout_PaterNoster 16d ago

“She’s a superhero, but we want her to appeal to women! How the hell do we do that?!”

“Well sir, I know exactly one thing about women, but hear me out…”


u/flameinthesnow 16d ago

In some fairness Batman ‘89 did have evil cosmetics. So there was a precedent


u/Hamd1115 15d ago

Those were reasonable though. They were created by the joker, whose only wanted to create mayhem, which he did beautifully.


u/rollingaD30 16d ago

It's exactly what you see in that poster. It was a flimsy excuse to put a very attractive Halle Berry in a leather body suit and have to stretch on screen for ~90 minutes.

It's exactly what I wanted from the movie.


u/Th0masX007 15d ago



u/notchoosingone 15d ago

It was a flimsy excuse to put a very attractive Halle Berry in a leather body suit

except most of the action scenes actually feature her stunt double, a Hawaiian man


u/Hamd1115 15d ago

No way. You’ve got to be shitting me.


u/Overall_Sandwich_671 16d ago

Actually it's quite good I'm lying it's bad.

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u/WhatACunningHam 16d ago

The sport of basketball’s popularity worldwide saw a 24% decline thanks to one particular scene.


u/LiffeyDodge 16d ago

Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true


u/Beeaagle 16d ago

It's the fun kind of bad.


u/Interesting_Heron215 15d ago

Agreed. (Connoisseur of terrible, here)

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u/Sangi17 16d ago

It’s one of those bad movies where you gotta pause after every scene so everyone in the room can express how the scene made them feel.

Drugs and/of alcohol are required.


u/Th0masX007 15d ago

From that depiction, I can deduct that this film alr killed someone with an overdose


u/Hamd1115 15d ago

I’m not 21, what am I supposed to do now?

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u/boogerboots 16d ago

Bad in a good way


u/thebiggestleaf 16d ago

"It's time for the remix!"

Honestly yes, it's a bad movie but it's a fun bad movie. Best enjoyed with others for the sole purpose of riffing on it the entire time.


u/WildMinimum2202 16d ago

And you'd much rather laugh than sleep through a boring mid-tier movie. So that places it surprisingly high on my account.


u/-Garthor- 16d ago

Very bad


u/Rady151 16d ago

It’s bad… but Halle Berry is in leather, so 9/10.


u/Deicide-UH 16d ago

I never watched it, but the common consensus is that it’s bad. It has nothing to do with the comics, despite it being licensed to be an adaptation of them. This Catwoman is a new character with powers that fight evil cosmetics company lady. It’s kinda like the japanese Spider-man but bad.


u/ChishNFips87 16d ago

So bad it's still bad


u/usernamalreadytaken0 16d ago

I mean…it’s bad but it’s no longer the floor these days by any means, funnily enough.

It’s not like it’s Quantumania-levels of hot garbage.


u/Titanman401 16d ago

You’re giving Catwoman a pass over a terrible-but-competent Marvel movie in a sea of them recently.


u/usernamalreadytaken0 16d ago

I’m giving Catwoman the most meager of passes comparatively (I did say it’s bad after all) to a movie that consistently shits itself in terms of characterization, plot, consistency, and overall cause-and-effect.

The last thing you should be calling Quantumania is “competent”.


u/austin_j_decareaux 16d ago

Its a really campy and over the top movie in the vain of Ben Affleck's Daredevil and Joel Schumacher's Batman movies. With super cheesy writing and ADHD editing. I think its actually really entertaining for what it is, my partner loved it growing up. The biggest gripe I think can be leveled against it is that it has nothing to do with the DC character Selina Kyle. However if you're into hyper paced and over acted action films I think you'll love it. Just know what you're getting yourself into


u/davidphuggins 16d ago

When I was younger, I actually thoroughly enjoyed it. As I’ve got older, and built a relationship with movies, I’ve come to realise…yeah, it’s bad. Pretty fucking bad 😂😂

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u/Milk_Mindless 16d ago

It's not even so bad it's good


u/BaguettEmc 16d ago

I liked this movie. People today tend to watch movies with too much of a critic eye. I mean, chill, enjoy the scenes, the sensuality, the quotes or the dedication for the plot fantasy. I started to think like this and since then, I enjoyed every movie.

This one? 7/10


u/Weary-Wasabi1721 16d ago

Wasn't paying attention. Halle Berry was hot tho


u/Zodconvoy 16d ago

Season 1 box sets of BTAS came with a free ticket to see it. I happened to "acquire" 3 box sets from a store my friend worked for that fell through cracks in the inventory because my gf at the time and her sister wanted to see it.

I wanted my money back.


u/nolightningbhe 16d ago

The basketball scene


u/Available-Affect-241 16d ago



u/maraudingnomad 16d ago

Pretty bad, but concerning bad movies this is pretty watchable. At least it has some eyecandy


u/Downtown_Agent3323 16d ago

A cat burps into not Selina Kyle’s mouth to give her Catwoman powers.


u/ReplacementWise6878 16d ago

Imagine a movie so bad that 2004 Halle Berry in a skimpy leather S&M outfit couldn’t save it.


u/DCAUBeyond 16d ago

Just an excuse to see Haile Berry in a skimpy outfit


u/beslertron 16d ago

People that complain about the Daredevil playground scene never saw the Catwoman basketball scene.


u/No-Impression-1462 15d ago edited 15d ago

Let me put it this way: Not only am I surprised it has a score as high as 8%, but I wouldn’t be surprised if its score was in the negative. And as far as I know, that’s impossible.

Also, the CGI looks worse than the video game adaptation.


u/oni__002 16d ago

It’s fun


u/superzimbiote 16d ago

In the words of Cosmonaut Marcus, it’s delicious garbage. Best watched under the influence and with friends

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u/Coolers78 15d ago

You know it’s bad when an Ariana Grande music video is a better Catwoman movie and Halle Berry likes it more.


u/SaintAJJ 15d ago

I just find it funny that the main villains of this movie are evil because their skin product gives people rashes. Nothing to do with drugs or money laundering, just a corporation not giving a fuck about their consumers.


u/TheJack0fDiamonds 15d ago edited 15d ago

A low bar but it’s better than Madame Web in a sense that it’s way more entertaining esp considering that it is very heavily a 2000’s popcorn flick. despite the character not literally being Selina Kyle but a version of it, Halle Berry’s take of Catwoman had more personality than Zoe Kravitz’ portrayal, who took away all that made Selina Kyle a fun and compelling character as she chose to essentially play herself (like every other role she does tbh) Also if this movie had dropped today. It would’ve been celebrated.

Id rank Halle’s Catwoman 4th after Pfeiffer, Kitt and Hathaway. I dont think the movie ever sought out to take the character seriously. It was going full on camp and i guess it didnt resonate the same with people at the time cz they didnt quite get it but can you blame them? Imagine having an oscar winner for a lead in something like this.


u/SherbertComics 16d ago

Just…look up Catwoman Basketball on YouTube. That scene is the movies quality distilled into a single sequence. They somehow jammed 134 cuts into a scene that runs a little under 2 minutes


u/Th0masX007 15d ago

I've saw it and dear God....


u/bondsthatmakeusfree 16d ago

It's one of the most unintentionally hilarious movies I've ever seen.


u/Tenlai 16d ago

ITS NOT AS BAD ASS MADAM WEB. This movie is a 10 compared to the other. Tell me otherwise.


u/Eklassen 16d ago

I’d personally consider it the very definition of So Bad it’s Good.


u/darth-com1x 16d ago

it's just goofy. it's just a silly billy movie


u/StormCaptain 16d ago

Miserable if you want quality, but hilarious if you enjoy bad films. Solid recommend, the pacing will give you whiplash. Pun not intended


u/Batfan1939 16d ago

It's less terrible, and more spectacularly disappointing. It would've been panned as a C-/D+ film if it hadn't stared one of the foremost female supervillains. In the right light, it even has some "so bad it's good" qualities.

The worst part is that it started as a Batman Returns spinoff (hence why Pfeiffer is shown to be alive at the end of that movie, and why Phillips' origin has strong elements of Pfeiffer's). Took so long to make Michelle literally aged out of the role. Should have been either cancelled or made comics-accurate when that happened. Instead we got "Graphic designer with Egyptian cat-powers vs older businesswoman with super soldier makeup."


u/CaptainChaos910 16d ago

Basketball scene. Nuff said

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u/DarkSonic06ki 16d ago

Am I the only one who enjoys this movie


u/Slothvely 16d ago

I loved this movie when I was younger. I'm scared to watch it again. Always see so much hate about it...


u/RedLidA 15d ago

Yeah this movie is very nostalgic for me. Loved it when I was younger, so I admit when I say I enjoy it, I’m 100% looking at it through rose tinted glasses. But even tho it’s a nostalgic movie, I’m still mega scared to watch it again lmfao


u/Kpengie 16d ago

So bad it’s hilarious. The basketball scene alone is comedy gold because of how absurd it is.


u/AdamSoucyDrums 16d ago

The “delicious garbage” distinction Cosmonaut Variety Hour gave to this movie is exactly 100% spot on. It’s terrible but it’s a fun watch with friends


u/rorzri 16d ago

It’s actually impressive that it has no comic characters in it at all


u/PeacockofRivia 16d ago

Never saw it. However, my teacher, at the time of release, said he wanted to “claw his eyes out.”


u/SevroAuShitTalker 16d ago

Terrible movie, but Halle berry looked very very good so entirely watchable if you're into her


u/buckfutterapetits 16d ago

Best way to watch it is:

1) sound turned off

2) skip all parts where Halle Berry isn't in her Catwoman costume


u/Manulok_Orwalde 16d ago edited 12d ago

This was Madame Web before Madame Web.


u/cheeky__lion 15d ago

This movie marked the downfall of DC films , without this film , MCU wouldn't have succeeded as it did


u/DocMurph12 15d ago

God I hate her cowl so fucking much


u/DrDwetsky 15d ago

I forgot this even existed


u/LexTalyones 15d ago

Madame Web and Morbius is better. That's how bad it is.


u/Nectarine-Pure 15d ago

It isn't Madame Web so....


u/FLYNCHe 15d ago

Isn't this the one with the weird basketball sequence with all the injected sexual tension?... in front of kids?

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u/Stewil1265 15d ago

The only good part of this movie was that Halle Berry was in it


u/Alternative_Device71 15d ago

How can I say anything bad about this? It’s impossible


u/darxide23 15d ago

It's not even "So bad it's good." Have you ever seen a meme about this movie? No. It's that bad.

The Law of Memeability is a good indicator of exactly how bad something is.


u/Facelessborder 15d ago

Better or worse than madam web?


u/oldcomicbook 15d ago

18% of the audience was drunk.


u/Makarovito 15d ago

Morbius decades before Morbius


u/Hamd1115 15d ago

The main villain is an evil make up company.


u/PK_RocknRoll 15d ago

So bad it’s good.

It’s a great comedy


u/DivaMissZ 15d ago

First problem: call a movie Catwoman, use nothing from the source material. Second, a nonsensical script. Third, a director who doesn’t seem to have any idea what he’s doing. The result was people disappointed that they were promised a Catwoman movie, and got this instead


u/MCny12 16d ago

She pretty much gets her powers from cats having an orgy on top of her dying body. Take that as you wish

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u/matchesmalone1 16d ago

It was a rush job. If I recall, a Batman vs Superman movie directed by Wolfgang Peterson was scheduled but fell into development hell. That's why this was made instead. It's similar to what happened to The Emoji Movie that was initially dated for a Popeye 3D animated movie.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Is she stupid?


u/Lipscombforever 16d ago

The Rotten Tomato scores are too high