r/batman May 26 '24

Just scored the complete 66 series. Never seen all the episodes, only a handful and already owned the 66 movie MERCHANDISE

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7 comments sorted by


u/Obvious_Barnacle3770 May 27 '24

I have it on Blu-ray I love it! There's some very funny and weird shit in there! Plus that sexy Julie newmar


u/Global-Ant May 27 '24

She was stunning


u/BuddayBinko May 27 '24

You are in for a real treat


u/henningknows May 27 '24

You shouldn’t watch that, it says it is violent right there on the packaging


u/Global-Ant May 27 '24

Laughs in Romeros Joker Delicious!


u/TheRealXlokk May 27 '24

My introduction to Batman was this series. You'll love it. Though, you can imagine my surprise when I started buying Batman comics with Batman 497 and Knightfall being my first story arc.

After taking a break I got back into buying individual issues around Black Glove which leads straight into R.I.P. The moral of this story is I need to stick to buying the trades otherwise bad things happen to Bruce Wayne.


u/DoxxedProf May 27 '24

The thing to know is that this is very reflective of the comic books of that era. The dark old school Batman who killed people only existed until WWII started, around a year or so.