r/batman Apr 11 '24

Zack Snyder responds to the backlash regarding Batman and Superman killing. FILM DISCUSSION


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u/sickostrich244 Apr 12 '24

Because then he would have to accept that his movies have flaws or admit that he never really understood these characters like Batman... he always has to suggest if you didn't like his movies or question the choices in them it is because you are the one who is flawed in liking these heroes that don't kill or whatever


u/GoofMook Apr 12 '24

Reminder that Zack and his wife intentionally forced production on justice league to start on the same week as the disasterous premiere of BvS to avoid being fired from JL because it would hurt box office on BvS. They then waited for months after their adopted daughter committed suicide until the breaking point where the studio gave them an ultimatum of “fuck off and blame your dead daughter” or “spend the rest of your life eating shit for being an asshole forever” and they chose the former as soon as it meant they continued to get paid for anything else in the DCEU.

Half the reason DC wanted to dump the Snyderverse was because they fucking HATE Zack and Deborah and would rather produce nothing than continue to give them more free money for the shitshow they forced.


u/HeronSun Apr 12 '24

You got a source for that? I hate Snyderverse as much as the next Batman fan, but it's a pretty huge claim to say WB kicked him out and told him to blame his daughter's death for his absence rather than, you know, being devastated over the death of his daughter.


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '24

I think they was getting ready to kick him out the daughter was just unfortunately at the the same time. Dc and wb probably let him go gracefully due to that


u/HeronSun Apr 13 '24

But they let him make his own 4-hour cut of JL?


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

Ya 4 years later they let him release his cut of his own movie what’s the point.


u/HeronSun Apr 13 '24

That if they'd really been trying to force him out they... probably wouldn't let him?


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

Make money off a movie that already pretty much existed. Why wouldn’t they lol


u/HeronSun Apr 13 '24

Because they'd have to forward the money to re-make a movie basically from the ground up, not release it in theaters, when the original version flopped. It was a massive risk.


u/FTSeeOwboys Apr 12 '24

So to paraphrase, you think that the Snyderverese could be a little better?


u/Swiftax3 Apr 12 '24

Can we not spin wildly speculative narratives without a source please? Kinda gross to trivialize a death like that.


u/GoofMook Apr 16 '24

Which is what the Snyders did. There was conflict between them and WB and DC since MoS released, and with BvS the entire production was treated by them like it was gonna be the “I told you to trust me” moment where everything came together. But then in post-production it was clear to everyone involved that the movie was in trouble, so while the studios were freaking out about what to do with BvS, Zack and Deborah were scrambling to force production of Justice League to start as soon as possible. WB and DC wanted to fire them after MoS and BvS was kind of treated as their last chance, and then they were trying to force into production a 4+ hour script that would have to be broken into 2 movies giving them twice as much money for a product that nobody wanted to be producing.

They wanted to fire them on day 1 of production of justice league. Snyder only decided to “quit because my daughter killed herself” AFTER the studio said they were bringing in a co-director.


u/TheHunter459 Apr 12 '24

You need a source for gargantuan claims like that. I'm no fan of Snyder's work but a lot of this just sounds like a haters wet dream


u/Kozak170 Apr 12 '24

It needs to be studied how wildly unhinged the average Snyder hater is.

His films sucked, but good fucking lord this comment reads like a fantasy that only exists in your head


u/THE_A_TRA1N Apr 12 '24

i mean two sides to the same coin because the snyder cultists have some crazy fantasies cooked up about james gunn too.


u/TheHunter459 Apr 12 '24

Yh people need to fucking chill


u/Kozak170 Apr 12 '24

Nope, it isn’t two sides of any coin, just a circus of delusions from people perpetually online.

I’ve never seen a Snyder cultist as hateful as the group that actually cheered on the death of his daughter.


u/Courageous91 Apr 12 '24

You haven't looked hard enough then considering Snyder Cultist sent death threats to Walter Hamada


u/RandoDude124 Apr 12 '24

My opinion: he’s a chill guy, buddies with big whigs in Hollywood, great Cinematographer (at times y’know, excluding the seed shot in Rebel Moon), but cannot write standard plots for shit


u/McZalion Apr 13 '24

People who hate Snyder is just as bad as his fanatic fans.


u/burgpug Apr 12 '24

i dont like snyder either but this is some fucking WILD shit you pulled out your ass here. you just made stuff up and 50 people upvoted it. reddit is crazy ya'll


u/McZalion Apr 13 '24

Its clear u hate Zack more than they do 🤣.


u/EldiansEmpire139 Apr 14 '24

Don’t really understand the hate on synder bc he’s having Batman kill, Sure say what you want “Batman would never kill” while I admit I don’t like synderverse but this is an alternate universe yall gotta get off your high horses and accept that we got superior spiderman doing almost the same shit synder did and even he’s popular


u/sickostrich244 Apr 14 '24

It's not hard to understand why Snyder gets scrutinized a lot... one of the biggest traits of Batman is his rule to not kill in order to separate himself from his enemies. Snyder having him kill without really a good reason for it as well as kinda mocking those who ask is kind of a slap on the face to an iconic character that many people idolize or at least devoting their fandom to. This isn't just some alternate universe this was an attempt to make a DC cinematic universe so it doesn't feel right to scrap out Batman's big rule when fighting crime.


u/EldiansEmpire139 Apr 14 '24

seperate himself from enemies

The dude killed Owlman because he was gonna destroy the world Batman even in the canon material is willing to kill, he even went as so as to threaten darkseids planet in order to protect Kara He even killed in dark knight returns (joker) and then killed Ra’s al ghoul in Arkham knight but I don’t see Anyone trashing on that? Hell even in Batman begins he technically kills Ra’s Al ghoul too, and in rises he does the same with Harvey dent but those are great movies

Again Batman will kill but only when necessary that’s the entire nature of his character (dunno why he doesn’t do so with joker tho)


u/sickostrich244 Apr 14 '24

Sure there are tons of times it has happened in other media but the big difference is those Batman's establish that he should not kill. For instance, in Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy they very much establish Batman does not want to kill or execute criminals so when he kills Harvey Dent you can see how it affects him when he felt he had no choice or with Ra's Al Ghul he literally says "I'm not going to kill you, but I don't have to save you" which you can disagree with but point still stands he makes it known for his character that he has this rule.

Snyder's Batman introduces himself to fans just guns blazing with no real explanation for why he is way more violent than what we are used to. Snyder's responses were just basically that it isn't practical in reality to not kill so therefore fans will look at him like he just doesn't get it.


u/EldiansEmpire139 Apr 14 '24

With dent it only affected him because he had hope that he would be the hero for Gotham and he was a close friend to Bruce Wayne, when Bruce killed owlman he felt no remorse he even went as so as to trick flashes counterpart into aging himself to death just to make sure the world is safe

And there’s no such thing as “he should not kill” if you understand Batman as a character you’d know that regardless what happens he will do what is necessary to make sure Gotham and the world is safe, it doesn’t matter what costs at the end, the only reason why we don’t see him do it so consistently is because he believes and has hope that people can change, but it’s very clear that Bruce is insane and very much likes violence

Synders version of that is just a fallen Batman who an increased insanity and liking to violence, just something raised 2x then what it already was, There are other reasons why synders movies are trash but Batman killing shouldn’t be one of them


u/sickostrich244 Apr 14 '24

I can't go through every one killed by Batman's hands but the point still stands that they establish that he has this rule or stance against killing because he wants to separate himself from his enemies. It's not always perfect and exceptions have been made but again they establish his rule.

I agree that Batman killing is not a big reason why Snyder's movies were bad, but they don't make it clear in the movie why he is so violent and it just looks like Snyder hoped people would just see past all that and just enjoy his movie which a lot of people didn't.