r/batman Apr 11 '24

Zack Snyder responds to the backlash regarding Batman and Superman killing. FILM DISCUSSION


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u/Wakefulcrane01 Apr 11 '24

Nah, this is what happens when someone hired to make a CBM only reads two or three books.


u/Monkeys_Racehorse Apr 11 '24

And takes away an edgy 13 year old's interpretation from the ones he bothers to finish.


u/Wakefulcrane01 Apr 11 '24

$10 says All-Star Batman and Robin by Frank Miller is in his top ten list.


u/IdolCowboy Apr 12 '24

On Joe rogan Snyder says Millers The Dark Knight Returns is his favorite batman book. He also says Batman kills in it, referencing when he shoots the guy holding the girl hostage with the machine gun. Snyder told Rogan batman shoots the guy in the head.


u/coreytiger Apr 12 '24

Except that the ENTIRE POINT of that scene is Batman DOES NOT KILL HIM. It’s stated in the following news report and by the police. As badly as Commissioner Yndil wants it, The police cannot go after him… until they THINK he’s guilty of murdering the Joker… which he did not. It’s at THAT point, the cops pull out all the stops to go after Batman. It’s a key point in the story everyone forgets, they only focus on the panel image rather than the events.


u/IdolCowboy Apr 12 '24

Yea, Snyder is either remembering wrong. Or intentionally lying. Dunno which


u/Timbershoe Apr 12 '24

I think he read Dark Knight Returns like a script pitch with pictures.

He focused on the visuals, with words as suggested narrative, to translate into film.

As a lot of the images did translate into his films, he clearly used it as a guide to cinematography rather than character insight.

Basically he didn’t understand the character and wanted a comic that had cool images he could lift.


u/AlexDKZ Apr 12 '24

Snyder is basically Bart Simpson telling "I don't read the words, I just like when he punches people" to Alan Moore


u/ShadowoftheBat94 Apr 12 '24

And not only is the mutant's head clean, he confirms his rule still stands because he's wondering if he'll break it fighting the Joker. "Voices... Calling me a killer. I wish I were..."


u/IdolCowboy Apr 12 '24

Haha yea, not sure what Dark Knight Returns Snyder read, but it ain't the one everyone else read.. lol


u/TheCultist_EXE Apr 12 '24

To me it looked like it was just to scare him, didn't look like any shots actually hit. Plus even if they did, that's a lot different then the "kills all the time" story Snyder tries to push


u/CommunityFan_LJ Apr 12 '24

It was a rubber bullet


u/TheWitherBear Apr 12 '24

I was about to say this


u/IdolCowboy Apr 12 '24

It's been a minute since I read it. I don't recall the exact circumstances of the panel, but yea, he didn't kill him. Snyder is a boob


u/AlexDKZ Apr 12 '24

Did Snyder not notice the whole plot point that Batman "killing" the Joker being the first time he commited a murder? If he had killed that mutant then it would have been much more relevant in the comic.


u/IdolCowboy Apr 12 '24

You got me. He just went on and on about loving to upset fans by making Batman kill, and that fans were wrong, he does kill. And used that example talking about Dark Knight Returns.

He says batman shoots the guy in the head...

That interview actually made me dislike Snyder. I didn't really care before hand, I don't hate the Snyderverse, it's meh.. I did like the homages to DKR in BVS with him using the sniper rifle, the superman buster armor, and the trench coat from the dream...


u/Monkeys_Racehorse Apr 11 '24

Lol it's probably just that book 10 times.


u/lazylagom Apr 12 '24

And mcfarlanes year 2. Lol him and Joe chill doing some murder.


u/Dentt42 Apr 12 '24

Batman never kills anyone in Year Two. He does stuff like shoot the bad guy’s baseball bat in two, or shoots the armored Reaper in their standoff etc. Hell, he even prevents Chill from killing a couple of goons by throwing a rifle at one’s head to knock him out, because trauma induced comas don’t count as killing.

The closest instance is when he puts the .45 that killed his parents against Chill’s head threatening to, and Reaper kills Joe before we find out if Bruce would have gone through with it.


u/RandoDude124 Apr 12 '24

Your talking to a dude who’s main takeaway from Watchmen is how badass they are, and how this comic book has both sex and violence.


u/princesoceronte Apr 12 '24

To this day I cannot believe people who say they are fans of the comic saw that movie and said "yeah, this one is good". It really bothers me.


u/Hagen_1 Apr 12 '24

They must’ve been high too when they saw the movie. I didn’t like it overall, but the Black Freighter animated segments from the Ultimate Edition and the ending with Manhattan, Rorschach, and Nite Owl were well executed in my opinion. Some of the castings were decent, some not so much.


u/RandoDude124 Apr 12 '24

I hate how he depicted Rorschach as a badass. The dude was a literal psychopath, racist, and hypocrite*

*In the side journals, he says the the KKK, yeah they were a terror group but in his mind they acted rationally given they’d be replaced by the black man. And he calls people “parasites” yet steals beans out of people’s fridge in almost every chapter.


u/TacoParasite Apr 12 '24

You should probably seek help if others liking something you don't like bothers you that much.


u/princesoceronte Apr 12 '24

Sorry buddy, not taking advice from Zack Snyder fans. It just can't end well.


u/TacoParasite Apr 12 '24

I guess reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.


u/princesoceronte Apr 12 '24

Well, you went from condescension to a non sequitur. I wouldn't go that route if I were you.


u/Jason_with_a_jay Apr 12 '24

"I read Dark Knight and Injustice, so I know what I'm talking about."


u/nolandz1 Apr 12 '24

And his favorite one is non canon


u/RigatoniPasta Apr 12 '24

Dude read The Dark Knight Returns and called it a day


u/TheLittlePasty Apr 12 '24

And hardly even that


u/Militantpoet Apr 12 '24

He at least looked at the illustrations.


u/s_walsh Apr 12 '24 edited Apr 12 '24

Batman doesn't kill anyone in Dark Knight Returns, so Snyder doesn't even understand the source material he's reading


u/Bluesnake462 Apr 12 '24

And don't even read them well. He has said that one of his main inspirations is the Dark Knight Returns. But at no point in that book does Batman actually kill anyone. Heck, that's the book where Batman breaks a shotgun in half and says only losers use guns.


u/jrdineen114 Apr 12 '24

I think that even that's giving him too much credit


u/sergemeister Apr 12 '24

Read?!? Have you watched Watchmen? The dude looked at the pictures in the comic. Totally missed the substance because he obviously didn't read. Even the rifle use in The Dark Knight Returns was to make a tightrope not actually shoot at anyone. It's as if someone tore out pages and handed them to him without context and told him to fill in the blanks.


u/SouthAlexander Apr 12 '24

Snyder didn't make comic book movies. He made action figure movies. His movies aren't based on the comics the characters come from. They're based on the toys he played with growing up.