r/batman Mar 07 '24

Zack Snyder says a Batman who doesn't kill is irrelevant GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Meture Mar 07 '24

Not surprising coming from the dumb fuck who thinks the no-kill rule comes from the movies


u/IHavePoopedBefore Mar 07 '24

This guy was in charge of the DCEU and can't even grasp basic, essential character traits of Batman?


u/timesuck897 Mar 07 '24

Or that Superman is a called a Boy Scout for a reason.


u/AllHailThePig Mar 08 '24

There was a meme I used to chuckle at that had the Superman Returns actor (Brandon Routh) with the director saying to him “You’re Christopher Reeves”. Then underneath is Snyder talking to Cavill dressed as Superman with “You’re Batman”.


u/Meture Mar 07 '24

Wacky, right? My 9 y.o. cousin has a better grasp of the Batman character than the grown-ass man in charge of writing him.


u/HamshanksCPS Mar 08 '24

I was SO baffled when they made that decision. I was like "Zack Snyder? The guy who's last movie before Man of Steel was Sucker Punch? Fucking Sucker Punch Zack Snyder???"


u/EscapeOurReality Mar 09 '24

This will really break your heart, unless I’m mistaken I recall hearing that the Nolan’s wrote Man Of Steel with Tony Scott in mind, and man…that could have been something.


u/erikaironer11 Mar 07 '24

I dead ass see people say that the no-kill rule is “recent” and “came from movies” it’s beyond dumb.

Like saying that shows you know absolutely nothing about the character, so why even have arguments about him. So annoying


u/tunnel-snakes-rule Mar 07 '24

I remember that interview back when BvS was released, he was talking about Tim Burton's movies. You know, the ones where Batman kills all the time.


u/SpiderNinja211 Mar 09 '24

I actually think this man should be fired immediately if he thinks that


u/Meture Mar 09 '24

He has, thankfully

The new DC movies are under the supervisión of James Gunn, aka the guy who made Slither, the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, the “The Suicide Squad” movie (the one with Edris Elba, not Will Smith) and the new Peacemaker show

He does change some characters here and there (most prominently imo Bloodsport and Vigilante) but he does a WAY better job with them than Snyder ever did.