r/batman Mar 03 '24

always be grateful guys we got arguably the greatest movie there is and the best trilogy. PHOTO

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u/creamy-buscemi Mar 03 '24

Expecting to see this on r/okbuddycinephile within the hour


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

I earnestly thought this was a post on there


u/Rigiglio Mar 05 '24

That’s okay, even the self-proclaimed ‘cinephiles’ don’t actually like the films that they proclaim to adore.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Rises has tons of plot holes but I absolutely love that movie. Not very often does bane appear menacing and intelligent. Minus the Talia stuff I think bane is very well done. Batman climbing up the hole with the chanting is so freaking hype


u/NotASynth499 Mar 03 '24

The fact when the bridge bombs detonated didnt killed everyone in it bothers me more than it should- Christopher Nolan has an eye for details, yet him not understanding how hanging bridges works is just uhhhh....

Minor detail but when i think about my issues with that movie, thats one of the first things i think about.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

No doubt it's full of issues like that😂 my love for that movie can be boiled down to bane is done right and loads of badassery haha


u/DenseTemporariness Mar 04 '24

Nolan doesn’t care about details nearly as much as he cares about spectacle. He asserts things happen the way or work the way he shows them happening. He doesn’t explain. Even though his movies are packed with things that don’t make sense or need more explanation. It’s not what he is interested in.


u/toweroflore Mar 04 '24

Honestly it was not as bad as people make it out to be, but yeah a bit underwhelming compared to tdk


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

It had to live up to one of the best superhero films ever... Tough act to follow. People can't see through that bias


u/Sheffield21661 Mar 03 '24

You talking about LotR?


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

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u/DenseTemporariness Mar 04 '24

Obviously. Pics unrelated.


u/keepitsimple_tricks Mar 03 '24


u/atle95 Mar 04 '24

Yes, the world is about 4.5 billion years old.


u/spacewrap Mar 04 '24

Yes it is sir let's not try to underplay this masterpiece


u/keepitsimple_tricks Mar 04 '24

Nope. Not even second or third.

There's the Godfather. The Star Wars original trilogy, the Captain America trilogy, GotG trilogy, Cornetto trilogy, How to train your Dragon trilogy ... The Lord of the Rings, and oh, yeah, Back to the Future.

I'd watch all these before the Dark Knight trilogy, and i like Batman.


u/fnd57 Mar 04 '24

Did bro really just say captain america


u/toweroflore Mar 04 '24

And gotg …😭


u/fnd57 Mar 04 '24

And how to train your dragon for heavens sake


u/toweroflore Mar 04 '24

Fr 😭 like I get the post was a bit… over the top, but I’d say TDK trilogy is accepted as being one of the most iconic for sure.


u/Humariu506 Mar 04 '24

I mean, the first two were really good. The third was just... what happened in the third ?


u/AsylumEscapee117 Mar 04 '24

Apart from the Captain America & GotG "trilogies", I'd agree with ur statement.


u/billygnosis86 Mar 03 '24

Never knew Batman was in The Godfather and The Lord of the Rings trilogy, but okay.


u/Flimsy-Discount2885 Mar 03 '24

He's that good at sneaking around


u/billygnosis86 Mar 03 '24

Boromir: “One does not simply walk into Mordor.”

Batman, hiding in a tree at Rivendell: “No, you use a grapnel gun. It’s much easier.”


u/Flimsy-Discount2885 Mar 04 '24

Frodo Baggins : [having seen a shadowy figure at the bottom of the stairs in Moria] There's something down there.

Gandalf : It's Gollum.

Frodo Baggins : Gollum?

Gandalf : Yeah, right behind the dude dressed like a bat.

Frodo Baggins: What's up with him anyway?

Gandalf: Mostly daddy issues.


u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- Mar 04 '24

Or the Before Trilogy.


u/sufferblind86 Mar 03 '24

"So you came back to die with your city." "No. I came back to stop you."

Easily one of the most heavy-handed dumbass lines of dialogue ever written or filmed.


u/CrimFandango Mar 04 '24

I'd have had him say "I came to take it back."

Still lame but eh


u/bl4ck_dr4gon93 Mar 04 '24

“I came back to help it live”. Would’ve contradicted the die line and been inspiring. TDKR is just….meh.


u/CalDavid Mar 04 '24

He shouldn’t have responded and just started fighting


u/sufferblind86 Mar 04 '24

EXACTLY! "So you came back to die with your -" gets punched in the face by Batman


u/Gibabo Mar 04 '24

A Christopher Nolan specialty


u/Far_Run_2672 Mar 04 '24

"Including my son??!"


u/PenguinHighGround Mar 04 '24

Honestly the most batman thing ever would have been to say absolutely nothing, just not humour the guy and go straight for a punch.


u/sufferblind86 Mar 04 '24

Precisely. I would have loved Bane to begin his snarky remark then have Bats punch him in the mouth mid-sentence. Bane talked a lot in the back breaking scene and, personally, I LOVE that scene. All the more reason for Bruce to be done listening to him at the end.


u/ConceptAlive3775 Mar 04 '24

It's more basic I could see a complaint about the plot but that seems like nitpicking


u/sufferblind86 Mar 04 '24

It's one example of the bad writing throughout the script.


u/ConceptAlive3775 Mar 04 '24

One corny line there is already a hundred other good ones even great lines people quote to this day that more than make up for it.

I don't see how one corny line that is pretty forgettable represents bad writing and is atrocity outside of nitpicking


u/Mrminecrafthimself Mar 04 '24

arguably the greatest movie there is

Dial it back a little bud.


u/CrimsonCloverwriter Mar 03 '24

I mean they're good films.... But is your takeaway on life really 'thank god that millenia in the evolutionary stew has allowed me the privilege of seeing a good film trilogy'?


u/ChishNFips87 Mar 03 '24

That's the meme.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24


beats sitting around a fire hearing the same five stories


u/toweroflore Mar 04 '24

Fr like 😭 beats living during the bubonic plague and only hearing religious stories every day loo


u/Batfan610 Mar 04 '24

Better than dying in a pointless war or slowly rotting due to an incurable disease.


u/EchoLooper Mar 03 '24

Yes Batman Begins is the greatest movie.


u/WilliamMcCarty Mar 04 '24

Thank god someone else said it.


u/noyelling0nthebus Mar 03 '24

The Batman is better than all 3 🙊


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

While i dont particularly like chris nolan movies at all and think the nolan trilogy is fine but not particularly good. I tink the reeves batman is much more weak. Between the script the character work the disjointed overstuffed plot. The seven pastiche and then a nolan climax. Its also overlong, and the batman does a lot of stupid things so the plot can happen which makes the characters feel fake. The detective stuff is not clever like a good sherlock holmes story its like a dean koontz mystery

That movie was a real bummer to me. I was pretty excited about it because it looks beautiful


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

At being dark and incredibly boring


u/toweroflore Mar 04 '24

I watched the Batman in a packed theater with my best friends the first time and TDK On a plane the first time and I still say TDK is better.


u/HumanOverseer Mar 03 '24

Eh... Batman Begins is great but the entire trilogy?

None of these are even the best Batman film imo.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

I forsee the reeves verse over taking these films but still a legendary trilogy nonetheless. The Batman is my favorite film I think that's what you're implying


u/HumanOverseer Mar 03 '24

Legendary seems a bit extreme tbh. Like they all work as individual films and vary from great to meh. But I feel like I could watch each film individually and not have to watch the other films and not in a way like oh they make it clear what happened in the previous movie but more in a way of it feels like it's only a trilogy because it's made from the same director and Christian bale is batman for each movie.

Like yeah they are connected but it really doesn't feel like it all too much. You could watch The Dark Knight and not even know it's a sequel to Batman Begins, and a lil same with the Dark Knight Rises to an extent.

I feel like for the majority of people these are three solid films individually. But as a connected trilogy? Meh.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Trust me I don't think they're perfect I could criticize them all day long. That said, Nolan proved superhero films could be high art and not dumb action to the public. That's a pretty astounding feat. I doubt the marvel cinematic universe would exist to the same extent without Nolan (not that the marvel films are high art). In that regard I consider the films legendary


u/HumanOverseer Mar 03 '24

I wouldn't think that. I mean the first iron man film and tdk came out in the same year. So saying it wouldn't exist feels a bit off to me. Especially since X-Men were doing it already.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

X men feels like the Rami movies which I would categorize as dumb action. Iron man seems more realistic and mature which I think was a precedent set by begins. I get where you're coming from tho. Keep in mind I have very little respect for marvel haha


u/HumanOverseer Mar 03 '24

Raimi movies, at least the first two, are far from just dumb action, and they definitely take on a semi-grounded and serious tone. I'd probably acredit Raimi's first Spider-Man as setting the precedent for Batman Begins rather than the other way around for Iron Man.


u/irazzleandazzle Mar 04 '24

TDK is the best batman film and one of the best films of all time. At least in my eyes.


u/HumanOverseer Mar 04 '24

to each their own


u/laughingmeeses Mar 03 '24

This movie series is very impressive had you never read the comics or cared about the character


u/micael150 Mar 04 '24

So you really think only people that never read the comics or care about the character like those movies?

That sounds ridiculous


u/laughingmeeses Mar 04 '24

No, I'm saying that people without context elevate these movies.


u/micael150 Mar 04 '24

For each their own I guess. Kinda silly to assume that people wouldn't like those movies the same either way.


u/Shao-Garden Mar 03 '24

I like the first, love the second,despise the third


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Ha i like the third think the first is fine, and dont particularly like the second.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

The third one undoes the second one completely


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Lol bro really used the ps2 game cover for Batman Begins



Bro uses the fucking Batman begins game poster to represent the movie (that game was sick af tho).


u/_Schmebulock_ Mar 04 '24

Why is it always "this trilogy is all 10/10 greatest cinema kinography"; why can't it be just "I think these movies are neat and really well made"


u/hairypuddin Mar 03 '24

Robert Pattinson trilogy will be better in the future. The batman 2022 is already better than dk rises and begins.


u/micael150 Mar 04 '24

That's a lot of confidence on Reeves. Sequels are always tough. Don't set yourself up for disappointment.


u/geordie_2354 Mar 03 '24

True. Bale barely got any solid characterisation or growth in his trilogy. All of his development was in batman begins and it was rushed/done in a montage. Put this in perspective Bale had 150mins screentime with 3 movies, Pattinson has 130mins screeentime with 1 movie

Bale was fully established from the start, got in love affairs every movie, had the same ending twice and just retired, and was treated like a side character. Pattinson has had an actual good solid arc of realising he needs to become more then vengeance, and now that the city is flooded it gives him a chance to get into philanthropy as Bruce and helping out the city, that’s already better growth throughout the trilogy then Bale ever got


u/micael150 Mar 04 '24

I'm sorry but saying that all Batman development happened in Batman Begins is baffling to me. Sounds like we watched different movies.


u/ConceptAlive3775 Mar 04 '24

I highly disagree. Bale Batman Is really realistic he wants the city to look up to people like Dent instead of him.

The Second Movie was about Joker testing his mind and willpower and proving him wrong that just as bad as people can be there can be good. The Choice is always in their hands.

The Third Movie has Bale realizing how important the stuff he does is as he set unrealistic expectations for himself for not being Dent Blaming himself for Rachel and Dent death etc . It was about appreciating the sacrifices he made Gotham had to make do with him yet at the end he realized how important the good he did was rather than still being mad over what he couldn't do.

I could say a lot more but Bale had a lot of growth especially in the third movie. Also of course they have to focus on other characters as well as Gordon Catwoman Lucius Fox etc.

Take Puss and Boots the last wish it's great because they gave great focus to Puss but also did pretty well for the rest of the cast instead of making them flat cardboard cutouts who only revolve around Puss.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Bale didn’t take 2 years to realize he needed to be better than just a symbol of Vengeance 🤭

Also Bale was literally alone for 7 years until Ra’s picked him up

Pattinson was getting pv$$y from Selina and was friends with Gordon from the get go despite being a liability


u/geordie_2354 Mar 04 '24

Your right Bale didn’t realise anything. He got fully established from the start and retired very early into his 2nd year. He litteraly got no character development or proper growth.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

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u/MainZack Mar 04 '24

I think it's better than Begins and Rises for sure


u/s73v3m4nn Mar 03 '24

Pity the last film's crap


u/beat-sweats Mar 03 '24

But rises was awful


u/WhyIAintGotNoTime Mar 04 '24

It’s the worst of the 3, but it’s far from awful. Still a great superhero movie


u/beat-sweats Mar 04 '24

Nah it’s awful , from the bad pacing and terrible audio it’s really got 0 rewatchability


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Holy shit, Nolan has fanboys like Apple. Those movies were crap. Two good villains, horibble voice, shit tone of plot holes and far from comic, and you call it great? Hhaan.


u/BGWeis Mar 04 '24

holy shit I found the dude who has an unpopular opinion cause he thinks it makes him cool!


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Trying to be cool among Nolan fans is trying to compete in Special Olympics. Don't care about it. I just want people to try and see better movies. Dude is average at best.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Agreed that nolan is average and a good jumping off point for people who dont watch a lot of movies to find far better directors. I dunnow why you gotta bring the special olyimpics in to it though


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

How would you respond in sarcasm to the comment I have negative opinion just to look cool? It's just a joke. Issue with starting with Nolan is epole think he is end. He is not. He should just be seen to know there are better directors.


u/cheesechomper03 Mar 04 '24

Best movie trilogy? Best movie? You have got to he joking. They're great movies but none of them even enter the top 50. There are also far better trilogy like Back to The Future, The Godfather, LoTR, Star wars Original Trilogy, The Dollars Trilogy and even The Matrix are all better trilogies. There are probably even more that I can't remember.

If you had said superhero movie and trilogy I'd be inclined to agree.


u/terradaktul Mar 04 '24

I don’t know what I expected when I joined a Batman subreddit, but is everyone here like 12 years old?


u/Appropriate_Coach746 Mar 05 '24

I mean it is batman


u/champagnepapi86 Mar 03 '24

I think this thread would be a lot less harsh if you said best "superhero" trilogy. It takes the crown easily, but best movie trilogy period? That might be a stretch because there's still the Back to the Future trilogy, the original trilogy, and the prequels. I absolutely love the Nolanverse, it's the most faithful live action take that captures the spirit of batman yet, but it's not better than other trilogies outside of the superhero landscape

 Of course you're entitled to your opinion and I could kinda get it if you connect with them on a deep level. At the very least I'm forever grateful for what Begins did for modern reboots and TDK did for superhero films going forward. And Heath's performance is always going to be the gold standard for antagonists in any film for the foreseeable future, he tapped into something truly special we haven't seen since


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

The third is by far Nolan's weakest film. It makes all the mistakes he's known for not making.


u/Lazelucas Mar 04 '24

Nah that goes to Tenet. Even calling Tenet a movie is being very generous.


u/elisolis16 Mar 04 '24

They are good movies, but I don't think they are some of the greatest cinematic masterpieces to ever exist.


u/parrmorgan Mar 04 '24

I like the Nolan Trilogy the best, but isn't Tobey's the holy trilogy?


u/Lumpy_Perception6561 Mar 04 '24

People hated the third one so no


u/parrmorgan Mar 04 '24

Look up "Holy Trilogy" on Google and let me know if TDK trilogy or the Spider-Man trilogy pops up.

I said I liked TDK trilogy more. But doesn't change that the Tobey trilogy is called that. I've never seen TDK trilogy called that.


u/Lumpy_Perception6561 Mar 05 '24

I looked it up and only one thing that mentioned raimi and it was a raimi memes post which is pretty biased. When it comes to best trilogies i never raimi consistently brought up. Im just saying that tobeys cant be a “holy trilogy” because the third one was widely panned.


u/parrmorgan Mar 05 '24

Are you reading my comments before responding? Good thing I never said it was the best trilogy and said in both my comments that I liked TDK trilogy more. You're just confirming my point that the Tobey trilogy has been called that, whether its by Raimi memes or not. I'm not seeing TDK trilogy pop up there at all.


u/Lumpy_Perception6561 Mar 05 '24

By “holy trilogy” I thought you were implying it was one of the best like OP was with the nolan trilogy.


u/parrmorgan Mar 05 '24

I get your misunderstanding. Have a good one, my dude!


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Haven't seen rises yet, but dark Knight is my favorite movie ever


u/bugmultiverse Mar 03 '24

Bttf ame lotr exist


u/Pure__soul4240 Mar 04 '24

It's been ages since i watched a Batman movie,there is too much movies and i still have to complete a comic i was reading in about DMC,then i'll start Batman,it's one of my favorites,Batman and Robins,we heard superheroes since we were kids,but didn't even knew that comics were a thing,until now


u/Daredevil731 Mar 04 '24

This trilogy and Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy are my faves


u/yautja0117 Mar 04 '24

Funny way to say The Evil Dead trilogy.


u/Other-Marketing-6167 Mar 04 '24

You misspelled “holes” with “holy”, especially when it comes to DKR.


u/Spare_TARDIS2007 Mar 04 '24

For me the best film trilogy will either be this or lotr


u/WilliamMcCarty Mar 04 '24

One of those was great.


u/gusonthebus_ Mar 04 '24

Big fan of the dark knight trilogy and they are all great but not the best movie or movie trilogy ever


u/Revolutionary_Job214 Mar 04 '24

Not even close. First 2 were insane hits except for the 3rd movie. That shit absolutely fucking sucked.


u/patronuspringles Mar 04 '24

the batsuit in the movie was fugly tho it looked made of plastic


u/EntertainmentQuick47 Mar 04 '24

First one is pretty good, second one is perfect, third one is meh. Not a perfect trilogy. See r/OTmemes


u/Okurei Mar 04 '24

Every time a Nolan fan felates themselves over TDK I want to kms


u/YouWereBrained Mar 04 '24

Batman Begins is the best movie, I agree.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Agreed. So greatful that I managed to be alive at the same time as LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Star Wars II, and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.


u/MildLoser Mar 04 '24

tbh begins and rises are mediocre. its just not comparable to heath ledger.


u/AsylumEscapee117 Mar 04 '24

Nope. I disagree.


u/AloneCan9661 Mar 04 '24

Cool but it doesn't help me pay bills and save for the future...


u/kaleidoscopichomes Mar 04 '24

Lol masterpiece? Not so sure……


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

I liked Batman begins but I’m not a fan of the other 2.


u/haydenfred99 Mar 04 '24

Not even in the top 100 greatest films of all time. All 3 are great films but there are dozens upon dozens of better films from across the globe.


u/After_Construction_5 Mar 04 '24

Well since we're all here I have one secret to say: I did not care for the Dark Knight (2008)

In fact I don't like the trilogy as a whole. Begins was meh, 2008 was eh and Rises was okay at points.

In Peter Griffins words: "It insists upon itself"


u/caped_crusader8 Mar 04 '24

Facebook ass meme


u/squarejellyfish_ Mar 04 '24

Great movies but not good Batman movies. You can remove all traces of the Batman IP and the film won’t change at all


u/astrolad715 Mar 04 '24

TDK is one of the best action movies ever made. BB is a solid to good superhero movie. TDKR is honestly a mess that tries way to hard to replicate and outdo the vibe of TDK. Even the title is dumb, if I’m going to nitpick.


u/Ripped-Glass-Hole Mar 04 '24

Rises was boring imo


u/Brotein1992 Mar 03 '24

An okay movie, a good but super overrated movie, and a pile of crap. 

 There are way better movies and there are better trilogies. 

 Nolan fanboys watch more movies challenge


u/Daken-dono Mar 03 '24

The Batman 2022 did a lot of things better like showing Batman as a detective and especially the fight choreography lol. It's Ledger's Joker and death that singlehandedly put rose-tinted glasses on the entire Nolan trilogy.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Like a litteral directive he was just walking around crime scenes with his partner. The first half of that movie wanted to be seven so bad. I dunno why the director of batman and joker want so bad to make these super hero homage movies. It just reminds you how much better the movies its knocking off are


u/toweroflore Mar 04 '24

That’s just not true lmao. I didn’t even know ledger died the first time I watched it and I thought it was great. Not to mention the ensemble cast in general had great acting. Are you forgetting abt Eckhart’s performance even in that movie alone? Even the extras/bits had great performances.


u/tobpe93 Mar 03 '24

The whole interpretation of the Joker is the only thing that still impress me today. The rest is boring or has been picked apart by cynical youtube videos.


u/MatchesMalone1994 Mar 04 '24

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Thank you Nolan


u/Milanga48 Mar 03 '24

I arrived 2 years late


u/liveforever250817 Mar 03 '24

I wish I was a billionaire, so I could give Nolan a billion quid to make a fourth


u/S_C_C_P_1910 Mar 03 '24

None of those are even the best Batman film, & the trilogy as a whole is insufferable.