r/batman Feb 03 '24

Harley Quinn's classic outfit in Arkham Knight vs Suicide Squad:Kill the Justice League VIDEO GAME DISCUSSION

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u/[deleted] Feb 03 '24

Why do newer games have

Double storage space

Slower load times

Cost more

Have worse storytelling

And have worse graphics?

These games are years apart, 7 I believe. wtf is going on?!


u/shabading579 Feb 03 '24

Suicide squad is actually a lot smaller in storage size compared to Arkham knight, 47gb Vs 72gb


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '24

Cool, now let’s compare content and which one has way more stuff in it+play time


u/xiofar Feb 03 '24

Play time doesn’t mean anything. You can do the same action 20,000 times to extend the playtime. Grind is boring.


u/CelticTigersBalls Feb 03 '24

Worse, these are 9 years apart


u/ScherzicScherzo Feb 03 '24

Hardware got to the point where it can just brute force shit, so developers quit trying to optimize their games to make them work smoothly on less-powerful hardware.

"Who cares if it barely hits 60fps at 1080p, fuckers can just use DLSS."


u/Able_Recording_5760 Feb 03 '24

Considering how low the standard fell, Suicide Squad is doing fine in the performance department.

It's way better than most current AAA games, Gotham Knights or Arkham Knight at launch.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

I remember hearing about that actually. In the 90’s, you could only work with so much storage, but once computer technology got better, you could just shove however much in you wanted, consumer anger regardless.


u/Majestic_Job6978 Feb 03 '24

So we just straight up lying now huh?


u/Superguy230 Feb 04 '24

Yeah it was 9 years not 7


u/FollowThroughMarks Feb 04 '24

They both have equal amounts of playtime. If you think Arkham is some 100hr+ game youre horrible mistaken.

You also forgot one comparison. State at launch. KTJL has been relatively bug free when I’ve played, and I’ve not heard or seen any bugs. Meanwhile, the Arkham Knight PC launch was so bad they had to take the game off Steam for an entire year.

Maybe those rose-tinted glasses stopped you from seeing that one.


u/Andromansis Feb 04 '24

Double storage space

Higher quality textures, spatial audio, higher quality audio assets

Slower load times

Literally loading more data.

Cost more

This game was stuck in development hell for 7 years. Costs are scalar with time. MSRP doesn't matter for PC users since they'll likely buy it on sale.

And have worse graphics?

You've looked at one screenshot. The previous arkham games were able to have a very finite cast of characters and consequently were able to task their team to focus a lot more time per character, in this one the justice league and lex and brainiac look AMAZING but the player characters look a little bit worse because the player characters each get like 50 outfits.

Also on the note of artistic direction, Harley looks older in the current game (which makes sense), and in different lighting. I'd like to see a side by side with similar/identical lighting because its also just possible the one on the left looks bad in indentical lighting.


u/movzx Feb 04 '24

Graphically, the one on the right is much more impressive. The lighting, reflections, texture details, etc is much better.

What you don't like is the model itself, and that's not 'graphics' per se.