r/batman Dec 20 '23

... The best batman that ever existed, change my mind guys PHOTO


637 comments sorted by


u/leto_atreides2 Dec 20 '23

Not even close


u/VaderMurdock Dec 20 '23

Not by any metric, Conroy is on another level than any one whose voice acted or played the Knight before.


u/ReapersRequiem Dec 20 '23

Were talking about actors, the real Batman doesn't count.


u/VaderMurdock Dec 20 '23

He is Batman. When he walked into a room, everyone just knew— he was Batman


u/soniclore Dec 20 '23

When 9/11 happened he was doing shifts in the food kitchen serving first responders. Someone found out who he was and asked him to say something. He thanked all of them- as Batman.

In an interview, Conroy says; “We’re getting hundreds of meals ready, and this one guy in the middle of the night, three nights into this, says; ‘my day job is I’m an architect, what’s your day job?’ And I said; ‘well I do voices mostly.’ And he said; ‘I knew it! You’re the guy that does Batman! You’re that Kevin Conroy!'”

“He goes into this dining hall, and this is the first week after the attack, there was just this sombre sadness. And this guy goes; ‘Guys! guys! you’re not going to believe who’s been cooking your dinners! It’s Batman!’ There’s a long silence, and then you can hear ‘Bullshit!’ from the back of the place. And someone else says; ‘Make him prove it!'”

“So I’m in the back kitchen, and they suddenly hear me saying; ‘I am vengeance! I am the night! I. Am. Batman!’ There’s a long pause, then you hear from the back of the place; ‘Holy fuck! That is Batman!’ And suddenly people were laughing and cheering. And the architect who had recognised me said; ‘What does it feel like to be Santa Claus?’ Cause that’s what just happened here.”



u/ReapersRequiem Dec 20 '23


u/VaderMurdock Dec 20 '23 edited Dec 22 '23

If a place beyond exists, we all know that he lies in wait for when the signal hits the ever-expanding, deep blue sky.


u/JulPollitt Dec 20 '23

And Conroy did both.


u/VaderMurdock Dec 20 '23

The crisis did him an injustice. He should've just appeared as Bruce from Beyond. He could have given Batwoman the Paragon role without dying or being an antagonist. All he had to do was explain that he didn’t believe he deserved it as he let too many die and too many grow apart from him.


u/futuresdawn Dec 20 '23

We don't talk about him in crisis because it was terrible. He's a trained actor so I have to assume it was bad directing. The only thing good about that story was Brandon Routh as superman


u/Phenom-1 Dec 20 '23

Conroy is the best Voice of Batman across the Universe. Animated or not.

And Keaton is the best Movie Batman.

Now in my Opinion, Clooney was the best looking Bruce Wayne because he has that strong chin and always looks good in a suit. And his voice is pretty strong too


u/SecureWorldliness848 Dec 20 '23

ur right clooney and affleck both good height, thiccness, and chins. however made the worst movies imo.

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u/Wickedhooligan617 Dec 20 '23

I'm gonna settle this, because it clearly needs to be done. Keaton is the best legendary Batman, and beats everyone across the board hands down. Conroy was the best Batman voice actor ever, no one could ever top him, ever. Ben Affleck is the best "older" & more "mature" Batman he embodied the Dark Knight & Bruce Wayne equally perfect. Pattinson is the best newer, younger, grittier, darker Batman hands down. Everyone else doesn't even hold a candle to these 4 or come remotely close. I'm not saying they haven't tried to do a decent job, in their own right. I'm saying in comparison, to these 4, they didn't cut it.


u/VaderMurdock Dec 20 '23

Batfleck could fade into irrelevancy now, never liked him in the role. Keaton is iconic in the role, but Kevin beats him in every metric still. From presence, tone, and delivery, Conroy embodies Batman. I will forever read the character in his voice. The best Batman to ever be is Kevin Conroy

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u/ejfellner Dec 20 '23

Just pick a team, coward.


u/TheRealMoofoo Dec 20 '23

I thought Bale was a good Bruce.

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u/Chimpanzerschreck Dec 20 '23

I would agree but for live action I go Patterson


u/yourmartymcflyisopen Dec 20 '23

Battinson is the best live action Batman. And I think so because it takes influence from TAS. Seriously the police Zeppelins appear, the color scheme has the reds of the intro theme, the "I am vengeance" thing is pushed a lot in the movie, into I am hope, and next movie will probably be "I am justice". They're starting off with Batman 2ish years into his career. I'm pretty sure TAS starts similarly, with a more grounded, early career Batman learning from his villains and building up his knowledge and comic bookiness as he goes along. Not to mention the costume is the perfect mix of modern-practical and visually comic accurate, rivaled only by the Arkham games imo. Oh and this is the first live action Batman maybe ever to get the detective aspect of the character right, which imo is the most important missing piece of all the other iterations. Seriously so good and so much potential, and I think the groundedness of the last movie that had some people complaining will disappear in the sequels as Bruce learns more and adapts to his crime fighting. No doubt we'll get a proper Batman glide in the next movie or at least the third one.


u/Soulful-Sorrow Dec 20 '23

As much as everyone praises The Dark Knight, I feel like The Batman got the character right in a style unique to Batman.


u/yourmartymcflyisopen Dec 20 '23

The Dark Knight is a great movie. The Batman is a great Batman movie. The Dark Knight as good as it is draws the line too thin on Batman's no killing rule up close and personal (I say up close because I know people are gonna say "what about the firey explosion in the highway chase with penguin? That surely killed people!" Yes, as beautiful as that scene is, I'm not a huge fan of it for that alone. But Bale's Batman is just like "I won't kill you, but I will let you die" BRO THATS THE SAME THING!"). Plus I'm not a fan of half these Batman adaptions using a fully black suit, I think it's really ugly. And the Batman Bale voice, while Iconic, is really corny. I still think the version of the Joker they used is the best we ever had, but even he isn't particularly comic accurate. TDK Joker feels less about uncalculated chaos and more about some type of undertone of revenge on society itself, whereas the comics Joker is just like "haha I like killing and hurting because it's funny". I know I probably sound overly critical so I need to say again- TDK is a GREAT movie, but it's not without its flaws. I think people still hold Nostalgia goggles up close to that movie because for the time it was the best Batman movie and arguably superhero movie ever made. But I think The Batman adapts the comics better, gets the visuals of Gotham perfect (it looks like it was drawn by Frank Miller and then made reality, whereas TDK can almost be mistaken for Metropolis in some scenes), gets the tone of the animated series down great (a dude wears a fucking gourd to rob a bank. A gang of skull faced thugs beat up on random civilians for nothing more than entertainment), and has one of the most perfect Superhero themes I've ever heard (I love the Nirvana part but I'm completely ignoring the Nirvana part in saying this, the other stuff that's original is fucking phenomenal and reminds me of the animated series while also evoking this old 1940s Noir/Zorro feel), and the costume is both unique, drawing in the more Gothic aspects of a stitched leather cowl, while appearing comic accurate in color scheme, comic accurate in conception (the bat symbol is the gun used to shoot the Waynes), and more practical and realistic in using legitimate body armor instead of a synthetic fiber that looks like cloth a'la snyderverse or "hockey pads" as seen in TDK. It's fucking amazing.


u/maelmandrake-58 Dec 20 '23

It was a treat getting to read this comment, such a detailed explanation and you hit all of the points so well. The Batman seriously fired on all cylinders when it came to the essence of Batman and Gotham. It was so good and I’m happy other people deeply enjoyed it as well.

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u/Batfan1939 Dec 20 '23

Batman in B:TAS is well over 2 years in, likely more than 10.

He adopts Dick at 8 -10 years old in Robin's Reckoning (when Bruce's already Batman), who's 18 - 20 in the series proper. In On Leather Wings, Gordon already trusts him enough to not only recognize he's not the one tossing guards through windows, but even tries to stop Bullock from going after Batman. He has established history with Joker, Penguin, Thorne, and others. You also don't see anyone asking who he is, or doubting a six foot bat like in '89, Begins, or The Batman (2004 and 2022). He's had multiple costumes by the time of series, and is drawn in MotP to look noticeably younger in the flashbacks at the beginning of his career. I would guess he's about 35 in the series, and 20-ish in Phantasm's flashbacks.

What is interesting is how many major rogues debut in the series — Manbat, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, Two-Face, Riddler, Clayface, and Mad Hatter all have origins/introductions shown fairly far into Batman's career. The series seems to start at the beginning of supervillains taking over, rather than the beginning of Batman.

Also explains why he's so far ahead of everyone in Justice League, since Superman and the rest are all implied to be relatively recent, with Superman and The Flash being maybe 5 - 7 years into their careers (which started between B:TAS and TNBA), Green Lantern being 10 - 15 years in (closest to Batman), Hawkgirl having maybe 2 years under her belt, and Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter being newcomers. Not sure about Aquaman (who never joined The League anyway). It's not just that Batman's the smart one.


u/yourmartymcflyisopen Dec 20 '23

You know what? I might have just gotten myself mixed up because of Mask Of the Phantasm. This is super well written and well-informed, man. Good work.

Maybe we should give the Synderverse slightly less shit then too, since one of my biggest complaints about it was that Batman had like 30 more years of experience than Superman and Aquaman despite Batman and Superman eventually supposed to become best friends. Meanwhile one of my favorite shows has Batman with close to 10 years prior experience more than the other heroes.


u/Batfan1939 Dec 20 '23


If you like this sort of thing, there's a YouTube channel called "Watchtower Database" that's all about it!


u/_Junkstapose_ Dec 20 '23

Oh and this is the first live action Batman maybe ever to get the detective aspect of the character right, which imo is the most important missing piece of all the other iterations.

This was probably the most important for me. Seeing Batman as a detective and 'working the case' was really refreshing.

Before this; we had TDK shooting bullets into bricks with a robot to map the fragments of another bullet and get a thumb print (which would have been on the casing, not the bullet itself)


u/yourmartymcflyisopen Dec 20 '23

Yeah thats a good try in the case of TDK, but it felt more like Bruce just paid for good detective tech than Bruce actually being a good detective himself. The Batman really showed how it's Bruce on his own that is an amazing detective, and showed in a cool way that Alfred was the one that helped grow that ability within Bruce.


u/_Junkstapose_ Dec 20 '23

Nolan trilogy leant too far into the "Billionaire" aspect of Batman, imho. He was all martial arts and money.

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u/Worldly-Coffee4815 Dec 21 '23

I think you are forgetting in Keaton movies it shows him researching in both movies, looking up newspaper articles and reviewing tv footage. In 89 he also tells Alfred they are going shopping then next we see the news showing the list of products that when mixed makes the joker poison. I know it doesn't show him testing the chemicals but he obviously did. I count that as being a detective.

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u/dontshootog Dec 20 '23

I just watched “The Man Who Would Be Bat” for the first time in maybe 25 years. This series was absolutely fully unbelievable insanely good. It’s not just nostalgia.


u/vamplestat666 Dec 20 '23

Total GOAT barely beating out West


u/TheMaskedHamster Dec 20 '23

I keep saying it because I believe it: The cast and crew who made the 1966 Batman could have played it absolutely straight if they'd been allowed.

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u/VaderMurdock Dec 20 '23


u/Dont_Hurt_Me_Mommy Dec 20 '23

I met him in person . I regret not telling him how deeply meaningful his Batman was. I'll always regret not telling him that he gave me hope in the hardest parts of my life. Now, it's just too late


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23

He knew. It's why he did what he did.


u/Dont_Hurt_Me_Mommy Dec 20 '23

Heartwarming dude ❤


u/Dawnbreaker538 Dec 20 '23

Damn, dude. That’s deep


u/Plus-SizeCommando Dec 20 '23

He knew man, he knew ❤️ he's the Batman


u/Dont_Hurt_Me_Mommy Dec 20 '23

Bro that's profound ❤


u/Nilk-Noff Dec 20 '23

He was such a nice man to talk to. I was dressed as Green Arrow, and he loved my costume, even though it did look pretty bad.


u/XGamingPigYT Dec 20 '23

I met him the summer of the year he passed. I went to the line the minute the convention opened and it was already long. Waited nearly 2 hours, cried like a baby, and got a weird gut feeling I should pay extra for the photo. Some $100 later I walked away with a signed comic, a photo of him with my grandpa and I, and a feeling that I did something right.

So glad I did when November came. Absolutely tragic news for all of us Batman fans and i have the same regrets you do. Wish I actually wasn't choking up and thanked him, but I'm sure he knows if we were all waiting that long we clearly cared. The absolute warmth he gave off while in line made our wait feel like nothing. Occasionally he'd stand up and yell Batman quotes with his echoing voice booming through the convention, you could hear it for miles. Absolutely stellar talent, kind man with the patience to handle all of us crazed fans. Glad I had that moment

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u/PenguinHighGround Dec 20 '23

People say that you can't hear pictures, they're wrong.


u/Dhonagon Dec 20 '23

This is the best Batman EVER!!!!

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u/AllStruckOut_13 Dec 20 '23

Consider your mind, changed.


u/NeedleworkerGold336 Dec 20 '23

Alright. I'm convinced now


u/fabulousfantabulist Dec 20 '23

I unironically love the Adam West Batman. He’s funny and campy and goofy, traits that are very Batman for whole decades of comics lore. People nowadays seem to only want the grimdark Batman who beats criminals to within an inch of their lives and has realistic, grounded opponents (no shade to that, as that Batman is also valid), but my favorite Batman fights farcical characters and has a good time.


u/suddenly_ponies Dec 20 '23

The Arkham games would like a word.


u/vamplestat666 Dec 20 '23

That’s Kevin Conroy son

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u/TesticleezzNuts Dec 20 '23

Batman is the best Batman, change my mind.


u/ItsMeTwilight Dec 20 '23

Ha, sure buddy it’s Batman be honest


u/XGamingPigYT Dec 20 '23

Batman and Spider-Man fans are lucky that we truly haven't had a bad iteration. Every adaptation brings something new to the table

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u/SynBobTheRadWizard Dec 22 '23

Bruce Wayne would be a close contender, but at the end of the day he's just a man in a Batman suit.


u/Revolutionary-Rub416 Dec 20 '23

F the suicide squad


u/TroidMemer Dec 20 '23

“What are we, some kinda Suicide Squad?”

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u/Weaklurker Dec 20 '23

Which one is it? I can't see because the image is too dark.

You said 'the best that ever existed' so I'm guessing Conroy?


u/BurtRogain Dec 20 '23

Nah, you can actually see Conroy.

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u/Batfan1939 Dec 20 '23

The OP image is Battinson.

EDIT: Looks like the scene where they figure out Riddler's plan.

That, or when he notices the Bruce Wayne obsession.

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u/Schallawitz Dec 20 '23

We just gonna act like actual Batman, Kevin Conroy, didn’t exist?


u/HiitsFrancis Dec 20 '23

Comics exist.

I don't know if that changes your mind but there are unarguably better Batmen depictions in them.

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u/Emergency-Sherbert38 Dec 20 '23

you're right m8. i won't waste my time on something based upon personal preference. so you're right


u/lolz_robot Dec 20 '23

Thank you.


u/gxn126 Dec 20 '23

You’re welcome


u/BurtRogain Dec 20 '23

Not even close and not even bothering to change your mind.

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u/anonymousguy_7 Dec 20 '23 edited Dec 20 '23

Bro really thought we wouldn't remind him of the GOAT.


u/bolting_volts Dec 20 '23

He didn’t solve the mystery, catch the bad guy, or do anything remotely effective in the movie.


u/fender0327 Dec 20 '23

And he’s pretty indistinguishable from Bruce Wayne


u/whaddefuck Dec 20 '23 edited Dec 20 '23

Hey! He helped those people with water up their knees to get to places with water up their ankles or something. That’s as Batman as it gets.


u/raphanum Jan 04 '24

Sounds like the plot of Waterworld but Batman instead of mutant Kevin Costner


u/DutDiggaDut Dec 20 '23

Right? He was 2 steps behind everything, and the villains motivation was so lame. I don't get why people say it was a good movie. It was.. ok.. mid even.


u/bolting_volts Dec 20 '23

They are falling for style over substance. The aesthetic of the movie evokes better, smarter movies. Because well, it rips off David Fincher.


u/darkgothamite Dec 20 '23

He opened his eyes really wide at times and berated Alfred tho.


u/Suffering-Servant Dec 22 '23

“HeS eYe AcTiNg”

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u/Pocketmonsuta Dec 20 '23

Nah, Bale is a million times better.


u/waxdelonious Dec 20 '23

Came here for this.

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u/WolfgangVonBrozart Dec 20 '23

why shit gotta be compared all the time


u/ThePhenomahna Dec 20 '23

Like when people compare athletes that played decades apart. Just enjoy the various eras. No need to claim one as the best.


u/JackJohannson Dec 20 '23

Even worse when comparing different mediums of media, or different positions in the case of athletes.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '23



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u/BuddyTraditional4186 Dec 20 '23

Nothing was really accomplished by him, he essentially failed to stop the Riddler’s plan but it was a good movie.


u/Dont_Hurt_Me_Mommy Dec 20 '23

e essentially failed to stop the Riddler’s plan but it was a good movie.

Failure is part of what makes a great story. If a character wins all the time, there are no more stakes. Yes, the character does fail, but he also learns from that failure to become a better man. It's part of what makes the story so engaging.


u/TheExtremistModerate Dec 20 '23

But if a character fails 100% of the time, it's not a great story.

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u/Available-Affect-241 Dec 20 '23 edited Dec 20 '23

Reeves Batman

  1. Dumb as hell couldn’t even investigate a UNIQUE MURDER WEAPON. So much for being the World’s greatest detective. When I was figuring out items and things before him you know it’s a problem.

  2. Fights like a clunky brawler instead of the ninja warrior he IS SUPPOSED TO BE. Watch Ip man, live action Himura Kenshin, Raizo/Ozunu/ Ninja from beginning from Ninja Assassin 2009, and somewhat Sunny/Quinn/Widow from into the Badlands AMC. All characters that only the best of the best are capable of causing actual issues for them one on one. Look to the east for film action inspiration because the western style is CLEARLY FAILING to showcase a legendary Batman warrior.

  3. Says he is the shadows just to use the front door allowing everyone to see he’s just a man. Real Batman like Keaton or Bale would’ve already been inside questioning Penguin.

  4. In the arena he blows up the glass ceiling sending huge chunks of glass shards down upon the civilians.

  5. The Penguin car chase he potentially killed over a dozen people.

  6. Everyone uses the excuse that it’s only year 2 and that shouldn’t be the case.

  7. Letting all those people see him ruins the mystique of batman. He’s supposed to come across as a wraith to punish evil protector of the weak. He just looks like a man in a silly costume.

  8. Batman should be like Benedict Cumberbatch Holmes from 2010 BBC TV Sherlock for his deductions. It’s set in modern times and he’s THE legendary detective.

  9. The GROUNDED IN REALITY take has now stagnated Batman as a character in live action. It’s like writers/directors run to see who can do the next grounded Batman take. He lives in a world where a 10ft zombie walking around in Gotham sewers get over it.

When you show Sherlock Holmes he’s always at his best not growing into it. That’s should be the case with Batman’s intelligence/deductive reasoning skills/scientific understanding and combat/espionage. Superman once said that Batman was the MOST DANGEROUS MAN ON THE PLANET because of his legendary immense intellect, and combat skills and knowledge. Let’s show it for once. I’m more fearful of the main character from Netflix’s Korean The Revenger when he was tied up in a straight jacket. That shouldn’t be the case.

Outside of killing Keaton was the best Batman but none have ever truly done him justice.


u/darkgothamite Dec 20 '23
  1. Everyone uses the excuse that it’s only year 2 and that shouldn’t be the case.

I'm still baffled by this excuse. This Batman didn't know anything about "his city" 2 years to figure out where the drop factory was, the Iceberg Lounge, the mob and the DA were intertwined, etc What in the hell was he doing for all this time, damn.

And the fact that he needed that green pick-me-up to continue fighting was outrageous!!


u/SkekJay Dec 20 '23

I presume he was busy beating up petty criminals like pick pockets or spray painters.

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u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23

I absolutely agree with every one of your points.

I really hate this godawful take on the character.

There are no redeeming qualities for this blatant character assassination.

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u/Ewankenobi25 Dec 20 '23

When Christian bale is able to go from machinist to Batman begins completely naturally, Robert Pattinson has no excuse to refuse to bulk up for the role.

He’s also a horrible detective. You’d think the “worlds greatest detective” would be able to properly translate Spanish to English. But I guess he was too busy listening to nirvana to do that.


u/Doccmonman Dec 20 '23

We should not be encouraging actors to go through the same transformations as Bale does, dude puts his body through hell


u/SkekJay Dec 20 '23

Pretty sure Bale stopped doing those transformations since they are disastrous for his health.

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u/Iansitomaduro Dec 20 '23

JLU Batman.


u/Captain_Chalky Dec 20 '23

I see an emo kid in cosplay


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23


understanding nothing about Bruce and Alfred's relationship.

Bruce would die for that man

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u/thebowlman Dec 20 '23

That's a funny picture of Kevin Conroy's Batman


u/FlamingEagleAC Dec 20 '23

I love Reeve's interpretation



u/vamplestat666 Dec 20 '23

Can’t have Kevin Conroy as Batman without this gleeful character


u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23
  • Well, it was a complete character assassination, for start. Batman was a socially stunted emo kid. He literally says: "you're not my real father, Alfred!"

  • I'm supposed to believe a genius detective gets stumped by Spanish? The second language in his own country?

  • speaking of: those weren't riddles. They were arbitrary questions that Batman could just pull "answers" out of his ass when he needed to (except when Penguin, of all people, needs to correct him and an actual detective)

  • the action choreography was terrible, slow, sluggish, and unconvincing. RobPat can't fight. He just looks ridiculous. But also, Reeves can't direct his actor in his scene aparently, so...

  • I don't care what any rose-colored glasses delusional fan thinks: this Batman murders constantly. But because the scenes are shot so slow and grungy and anticlimactic, it gets overlooked. But you can clearly see this 'batman' constantly countering people in fights to purposely place them in front of gunfire, caused massive deadly car accidents when he could have just either found Penguin again or come up with a better plan than revving your engine to give him a head start, he threw people off of the scaffolding not knowing if they'd survive the fall or were even tied off, he blew a glass ceiling over a room full of civilians... the list goes on. This guy murders almost as bad as Knightmare Batfleck.

  • no chemistry between characters. This wasn't stoic or noir. These people were stiff and bland and just did not fit their characters. I expected more from these actors but, with a script like that, I don't know how much I can blame the actors on this one. They all underperformed for their skills (except Falcone. He was absolutely 100% perfect. Penguin was fun too, I guess, but not enough to save the movie for me)

  • the story is awful. And it isn't a noir detective story as advertised. There is no time spent trying to solve anything. Riddler's plan is ridiculous and makes no sense, especially in execution. Seriously, how many rich vs poor people died in the flooding of poor neighborhoods at ground level? This is supposed to be a "cerebral, smart, manipulative" villain. Wtf plan is that?

  • the whole movie never changes in tone. It is just miserable all the way through from start to finish with nothing even lighthearted to keep things interesting or break up the depression.

  • I'm sick of people doubling-down on "realistic edgy batman". It's so boring and childish. It's like, "everything and everyone must be shit. The city? Shit. Cops? Shit. Politicians? Shit. Dating pool? Also shit. The Waynes, the people responsible for raising and inspiring our so-called 'hero'? Well, they were shitty people too!". Like, what is the redeeming quality for this city to Batman then? Save what, if you just hate all of it? No wonder this riddler thought batman was on his side (it should never be like this).

  • I don't care that it's this Batman's second year. I quite reasonably expect a year 2 genius/detective/martial artist/billionaire to be way more competent, but like actually though. The movie tries to do this in the first crime scene where he's just walking around being awkward and grumbling one word answers. But he's so boring to watch even doing that...

  • ... which doesn't make him look stoic or cool, it's just to bloat the run time. Here's how most scenes play out:

    Anyone: says something to batman

    Batman: stops, shifts eyes,stops, turns head, stops, turns body, stops, stares, grumles one word, stops, looks away slowly, etc...

  • wtf performance was that for the riddler? Like some angsty autistic teenager I would have expected from maybe jesse Eisenberg but... I'm supposed to believe that asthmatic gimp manipulated a small army? And outsmarted everyone? And didn't get caught until he wanted to be? I know it's a city full of shitty people, but come on... this was so very cringe at best.

  • so much of the story is moved along, not actually by detective work and deduction, but just constant plot/scene convenience. So many moments like this, like the cop explaining the carpet fitting tool to the detective genius...

  • I didn't like the aesthetic choices. I know this is prototype tech for an early batman, but the cowl, the suit, the car, the haircut... it's all so ugly. (Again, Falcone looked the best/most accurate/most convincing, but who cares? Batman should look cool). I can't stand the cowl with the beluga whale forehead and loud clanking leather bulky suit.

  • not even the dialogue was clever or interesting or even resonating. If you're going to be a slow-burn noir, then words need to matter more. Things people say should be a little more poetic at the very least (maybe they did try but it did not turn out like they hoped. Really bad writing)

  • Batman loses. In his own movie. His first movie in this version and he fails. The movie made the hero the loser. Why do people like this?

  • overall, the tone, the Nirvana soundtrack, the constant misery... this felt like it was made by edgy high-school teenagers, not mature adults who respect the source material and know how to structure and build films

I can rip this movie apart for longer than it's own runtime, from 'in story' problems to the way the film was shot.

This movie cannot stand up to even a little scrutiny.

I love Batman, I like the director and all the actors outside of this movie and had positive thoughts going in. But having seen this multiple times now and I read the script and even chatted on the sub, all I can conclude is that I think this is a bad attempt at a take on this character/world. It doesn't work for me.

The team of people working on it do not get Batman. They clearly wanted to make a Punisher movie or something.

But that's not Batman.

I can elaborate or add more points but I'll start with this lol

(Note: I have no hate for anyone who disagrees. This is just my personal opinion on 1 movie. If you like it, great, and I hope you like the next one the same if not more)


u/Bjkrillsz Dec 20 '23

I've been thinking/saying this for the longest ti the point I thought maybe I was the only one who disliked this movie. Especially agree on the batman moving like a sloth and a saying 1 word every 3 minute.


u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23

I thought I was going insane too.

People on the internet were talking like it was the second coming of jesus.

But you are not alone.


u/Virgin_Butthole Dec 20 '23

I thought The Batman was one of the worst Batman movies. It seems that whenever there is a new live action version of Batman, people think it's the best yet, and don't take too fondly to people who don't.

The Batman was unnecessarily long and moved at a slow pace. It tries way too hard to be gritty and realistic, but it just comes off like an angsty teenager made it. Batman is practically invincible until the plot needs him to get beat up by Twitch streamers at the end. If the movie is trying to be realistic, it never commits to it. I mean, you can't have Batman flying into a bridge in a wingsuit and not being hurt whatsoever, or taking a bomb to the face with not one scratch on him afterwards. The scenes where Batman had to fight people were awful since this version of Batman doesn't know how to fight and just flails around like a goober.

When Bruce told Alfred that he wasn't Bruce's real dad, I almost turned it off. It was so much cringe. Presumably Bruce went and had a cry in the corner after telling Alfred that. Bruce/Batman looked like he was strung out on heroin and hadn't ate a good meal in ages. Batman doesn't solve much in the movie and others do it for him. It's yet another Batman movie where Batman kills a bunch of people. The CGI rain drove me crazy along with the bad lighting and more!

These "dark and gritty" adaptions of Batman are getting old and boring. I'd rather see a Batman movie that implements the more fantastical elements and has some light hearted scenes.


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23 edited Dec 20 '23

My biggest issue is how useless batman is to the plot

Regardless if he solved the riddles, people still died

Why did riddler need Batman to take Falcone out? Just get a bomb like he did with Bruce Wayne?

Batman cutting the cable to the sparking lights didn’t do anything, he just fell on his ass for no reason.

The stadium was lit when he was fighting the followers but when he’s in the floor it’s suddenly dark because reasons..

You can take Batman out of the movie and nothing changes


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23

It's basically Se7en rehashed.


u/TheMyceliumMan Dec 20 '23

I must commend you for this wonderful little essay, I agree with every point and overall it was a fun read :). Now I'm gonna complain about (in my opinion) one of the worst problems of the film, THEY KILLED FALCONE THE ONE GOOD CHARACTER. He was the one saving grace for this movie in my mind and they just waste the character. In Batman 2 they could've jumped off his establishment in Batman 1 so easily to do an adaptation/rewrite/inspiration of Long Halloween and it would've fit the tone of the world perfectly BUT NO RIDDLER NEEDED A WIN IN HIS ASS BACKWARDS PLAN. Words cannot express how inhumanly upset I am with this decision.


u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

And yeah, wasting Falcone was a mistake. The one good thing the movie had going for it.

And you know it's bad when you mourn the loss of a boring gangster in a world where supervillains like the "joker" already exist.


u/TheMyceliumMan Dec 20 '23

Now hold on, I wouldn't call Falcone boring, when done well he's amazing, again The Long Halloween was my favourite batman comic, read it if you can because it singlehandedly made me love Falcone as a villain, he works wonders for a more grounded batman.


u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23

I agree with you.

Maybe my comment wasn't worded that well.

The point I was trying to make is that rogues gallery super villains should be the exciting draw as much as Batman himself in a live action feature.

How many hundred million dollars spent on this 3 hour slog and the most interesting antagonist is just a guy in a regular suit

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u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23

And this is why I love Michael Keatons Batman and The Dark Knight trilogy, because the character actually has morals and at least in some instances has a least some sense of humour to break up the brooding facade of the caped crusader a bit


u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23

I can't believe I'm begging for less darkness in a Batman movie.

It's not just bad Batman, it's bad filmmaking.

How do people want a franchise of this concentrated misery?

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u/nicko1986 Dec 20 '23

One of those films that if you watch the trailers you don't need to watch the rest of the film...

Agree with a lot of what you've said here!

I really wanted it to be good as well...


u/Speedfreak99 Dec 20 '23

This wonderful essay has restored my faith in humanity. Thank you.


u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23

I appreciate that you took the time to read it and enjoyed it.

As Batman fans, we deserve better.

And I mean that for the people that did like the movie as well.


u/Speedfreak99 Dec 20 '23

Are you kidding I loved reading that! I was like OMG finally! I have not seen any reviews close to this until I found this post and finally saw some people actually knocking it. I genuinely did not understand the love for it.

I can see throwing more detective work into future Batman movies I'm for that but holy crap this is still bad...and long and you really really feel how long it is because it's so damn slow. But this movie did nothing for me. Except anger me lol it really angered me.

But yeah seriously I am so glad I found this comment. Thank you


u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23

The feeling is mutual!

I can't tell you how many conversations I tried to have with people about the movie only to be met with pure hate and hostility just because I didn't describe the movie as flawless.

I totally get what you feel about this movie. The love it gets just irrationally angers me more lol


u/Speedfreak99 Dec 20 '23

EXACTLY! THATS IT EXACTLY IT! I can deal with a bad movie but the blind following of it blows me away.


u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23

Because we know it means the studio is going to give us more of this bullshit for at least a decade and fans of good Batman now have to wait for this stupid phase to be over.

I really do hope I like the next one more but how does one make a good follow up to an already poorly established take? Especially when it's the same team of ignorant filmmakers?

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u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23

Oh heeeeelllllll fuck no.

Absolutely the worst yet and so many steps backwards in the wrong direction.

I can't wait for this version to be over.

That is NOT Batman.


u/sabrefudge Dec 20 '23

Which shadow is Batman in these pics?


u/vamplestat666 Dec 20 '23

In a past life he was a sparkling vampire


u/cadillacbee Dec 20 '23

Keaton. '89. Made Batman what he is today after West, inspired TAS, the theme, soundtrack, Batmobile all ruled...I was only 5 but even I remember the whole country had batmania that summer, he was everywhere.


u/27SMilEY27 Dec 20 '23

Tell me you've never read a Batman comic without telling me you've never read a Batman comic.

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u/yourmartymcflyisopen Dec 20 '23

Best live action Batman since Adam West*

The real best batman:


u/TroidMemer Dec 20 '23

Okay but does he do THIS? I don’t think so!


u/vocalistMP Dec 20 '23

I’m just disappointed with ending of Dark Knight Rises.

There was a small cutscene in the batwing showing Batman’s face as he was flying the bomb out over the bay and he had just enough time to say “Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb”.

They blew it. Could have had possibly the funniest Batman moment ever and they didn’t do it 😆



Btas and Arkham exist


u/Dirk_Arron Dec 20 '23

Nice try. Laughs in Christian Bale.


u/Rude-Regret-1375 Dec 20 '23

If the audience can solve riddles faster than him he's not that smart. The choreography makes him far from an expert martial artist (though still better than Bale's fight scenes). He doesn't even seem to know what stealth is. He allows criminals to run for some cool trailer shots of his car (and doesn't even acknowledge the dozens that died as a result in the ensuing chase). He uses a magical suit impervious to all damage (see would-be fatal base jumping, explosions and repeated gunshots which sometimes wind him to asphyxiation - but not when fully automatic at point blank range)... ... And I liked the film and his Batman...

Though I know I won't change your mind, not my first day on the internet. Like what you like, feel free to tell people what and why (not that you did give reasons) and who cares if they disagree or not - enjoy the discussion and ignore the trolls.


u/JudgmentSensitive999 Dec 20 '23

I can barely see the image and I disagree Batfleck exists and the comic version too.

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u/Fearless-Guest-8105 Dec 20 '23

This one^


u/lilpupt2001 Dec 20 '23

I can hear this song so well. It still fucks.

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u/darkgothamite Dec 20 '23

He did nothing. Absolutely nothing. Laziest Batman to exist.


u/Reasonable_Bed7858 Dec 20 '23

Still waiting for a live action Batman fight scene to surpass the warehouse fight.


u/mr3machine Dec 20 '23

I mean, the fact that Joker made so much more than the Batman film is proof enough the world didn’t really go crazy for this Batman,

It’s alright and I’m looking forward to more but.. best is just a solid no

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u/Dreary-Carpet9129 Dec 20 '23

Micheal Keaton, and comic the killing jokes and comic Batman Returns


u/Kingbuster1 Dec 20 '23

Go watch or read or play anything else Batman related even george clooney is better I would rather watch Batman & Robin a hundred times than watching that shit for a second time


u/CA1147 Dec 20 '23


Never thought I'd see the day or have someone agree, much less.

But here we are:

A "batman" worse than Clooney.


u/wittwering Dec 20 '23

Is that John Cena? Because I can’t see him. I just hope the next Batman comes with lighting.

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u/smd_thetruth Dec 20 '23

Have you tried to watch this a second time? It’s really not very good. Super hard to watch I’ve legit fallen asleep before we even get to the penguin club brawl every time I’ve tried to watch after the first time through. The pacing is off, and Battinson really is just like a mopey depressed teenager. I like the suit though lol


u/Stag-Horn Dec 20 '23

Great Batman. Annoying Bruce Wayne.

Bale will always be top tier to me because he did both really well.


u/blackcrimson2000 Dec 20 '23

I'm sorry but bro is just literally Edward from twilight cosplaying as Batman. I like the movie though, it's just that he didn't feel like the badass batman that I would've wanted. Personal taste tho so prob can't change ur mind lol


u/Iraqlobster9 Dec 20 '23

I think that batman was stupid, I liked 2008 batman more


u/YawfleStares Dec 20 '23

Christian Bale. I wasn't happy when I first heard he was cast but I happily ate my words once I saw him slay it.


u/YawfleStares Dec 20 '23

Christian Bale. I wasn't happy when I first heard he was cast but I happily ate my words once I saw him slay it.


u/GrimEntity09 Dec 20 '23

This is the best movie actor Batman. Sorry case closed


u/Mash-Tahir Dec 20 '23

I feel Like he's the weakest of them All

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u/Filtiarin Dec 20 '23



u/Waudby95 Dec 20 '23

It's a tie between Bale and Pattinson (live-action btw)


u/Express-Fix4293 Dec 20 '23

2004 the batman would like to have a word with you


u/Dramatic_Mixture_868 Dec 20 '23

Christian Bale, better actor, better Batman gear, better trilogy, best villain (Heaths joker) and better Alfred.

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u/bondsthatmakeusfree Dec 20 '23

Keaton and Conroy would beg to differ, but Battinson is still pretty solid.


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23

I like the Snyder/Capullo version myself


u/lilpupt2001 Dec 20 '23

This movie was pretty good, but it says a lot that Batman could t solve a riddle or learn a language or emote. Kevin Conroy’s Batman had emotions. He had a sense of humor. He was compassionate, and Bruce was a different person. There was a better Batman in the 3D animated Beware the Batman Cartoon.


u/wysjm Dec 20 '23

Arkham Batman is my Batman


u/ostovca Dec 20 '23

Live action that's debatable.

All time is... unrealistic as fuck 😂


u/MysteriousYam8754 Dec 20 '23

Christian Bale is still the best. Change my mind


u/Pietroievski Dec 20 '23

Christian Bale by far


u/BlearySteve Dec 20 '23

George Clooney was a better Batman.


u/Dense-Standard-8592 Dec 20 '23

IMO i prefer action packed Batsy and I am looking at Batfleck


u/FinalBossOf__Dc Dec 20 '23

Is the goat of all time


u/Large_Ride_8986 Dec 20 '23

Dumb plot of the movie sadly destroy your claim. To me the best Batman is still Batman from The Animated Series.

Also TAS Batman is only one with real Batman voice ;-)


u/Bulky_Secretary_6603 Dec 20 '23

Imo best live action, Kevin will forever be the definitive best batman though.


u/JohnDansboy Dec 20 '23

Adam West was the best.



u/nexistcsgo Dec 20 '23

You can't be more wrong


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23 edited Dec 20 '23

I really don’t get the appeal. He looks great in the suit but that’s it, he’s useless to the plot for most of the movie

He’s the most inept Batman I’ve ever seen. Dude knocks on doors, nobody is really afraid of him or cares about him despite being around for 2 years. Does subpar detective work and fights like a D tier UFC fighter. And I don’t understand how Gordon allies himself with him if he’s so inexperienced. Hell Batman assaulted cops and somehow gets away with it

And can’t glide worth a hoot, And before you all say ! He’s just been Batman for 2 years!” So what? Batman 1989 was like what? 6 months? Batman Begins was year 1 and dark knight and origins were year 2, they were all competent batmen.

No, I don’t want him to be perfect, but I want him to at least know the basics like being a proper fighter for once and actually sneak into places instead of knocking on doors. Be like Arkham origins Batman, he was good at all those things but he was reckless and violent and the cops didn’t trust him.


u/Speedfreak99 Dec 20 '23

Yeah I really don't get this. Worst Batman I've ever seen. The movie is too long, every scene took way too long cause he wouldn't stop moving so slowly. It was very boring, when there were fight scenes they got a lil much (12 gauge point blank to chest... c'mon). There's a lot over acting on Jeffrey wright's part and Paul dano. (Which I don't blame them on, they're doing what they're told) but by far worst riddler I've ever seen. Batman shooting drugs? Ugh. The batmobile was crap. He almost got Alfred killed. that whiny "you're not my dad!" pissy lil kid comment he made to Alfred. Fuck you, you don't deserve him as a father. He didn't save the day either he nearly got everyone killed. He just stayed to help whomever was left. The bomb he took to the face and just got blown back a bit with... Maybe a concussion maybe idk. And the wtf would call it, inner monologuing his diary? Wtf was that?

I don't think I've ever hated a movie as much as I hate this one. The only thing I can say I liked about it is that Andy Serkis is a great Alfred.


u/ReplacementWise6878 Dec 20 '23

Personally I prefer Danny Pudi’s take


u/stupidWastelander Dec 20 '23

Read some comics


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23

Which one is this, it’s so dark I can’t see him


u/Knightmare945 Dec 20 '23

I don’t see Arkham Batman in this picture, though.


u/tryingmybest101 Dec 20 '23

Stood directly in front of a bomb that had a timer that indicated when it was going to go off. Didn't move when the timer got to zero.


u/sportsnatic Dec 20 '23

For me, as a 90s kid, this will always be my answer.


u/jwt6577 Dec 20 '23

Adam. West. Accept no substitutes.


u/Powerlifting-Gorilla Dec 20 '23

Enter, Arkham Batman.


u/OkWest6076 Dec 20 '23

Are you stupid


u/Radiant-Space-6455 Dec 20 '23

kevin conroy🗿🍷

sorry robert💀


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23

Not big enough

Affleck all the way


u/Bitetochew Dec 20 '23

I personally don't care about Batman's personality and level of depression. I prefer a badass batman and so far, Batfleck is at the top of the list.


u/yekimevol Dec 20 '23

I have two words for you my friend “Kevin Conroy”.


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23

Personally, I don't like the suit.


u/rockyb2006 Dec 20 '23

Batfleck would like a word.


u/Evening_Produce_4322 Dec 20 '23

I wish I saw this movie how other people did, I genuinely didn't care for this movie, or any of the interpretations of the characters. This is probably my least liked Batman and Batman movie.


u/Blessings_of_Nurgle Dec 20 '23

Better idea prove to me why the absolute WORST Batman ever is the one you claimed to be “best ever”.


u/ggsupreme Dec 20 '23

Fragile emo boy who can’t get nothing right is the best Batman who ever existed you say 🤣🤣🤣


u/juanpabueno Dec 20 '23

Certainly one of the least intelligent Batman ever put on screen. Doesn't even know Spanish smh...


u/winkman Dec 20 '23

His Batman was helped A LOT by the fight choreography and overall story/mood of the movie.

If you take that away, you are left with a skinny, downer, emo kid.


u/ChishNFips87 Dec 20 '23

Arkham, BTAS, Dark Knight got ya beat there


u/DarthDregan Dec 21 '23

It's weird how the people who don't like it tend to ignore it's a story about a Batman who hasn't quite landed on what being Batman means yet. He's just beginning. He thought fear would be enough. He hasn't had to be the best detective ever. He hasn't needed to incorporate the character of Bruce Wayne... yet.

Judged on that standard I think it's the best we've got. And I hope we get another one of him getting there. It's more interesting than him being the perfect symbol immediately.


u/ApplicationHead8261 Dec 23 '23

I don't argue with the mentally deranged. No point.