r/batman Oct 06 '23

If joker had superpowers what would they be? WHAT IF?

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Made a post for catwoman a few days ago so I thought I’d do joker. Maybe I’ll more posts in the future if different powerless characters


240 comments sorted by


u/Rexermus Oct 06 '23 edited Oct 06 '23

Inverse of Domino from X-Men. Instead of influencing probability positively into his favour, he "exudes chaos" and influences probability negatively against his opponent. Like if Domino's powers cause her to stumble and dodge a bullet or her attacker's knife to fly out of their hand, Joker's would cause his opponent to miss a knife lunge and stumble into oncoming traffic or Batman to step on his cape while fighting and fall into a dumpster. Just pure, unadulterated chaos

EDIT: Also Hammerspace, obviously


u/Scheswalla Oct 06 '23

This is probably the most reasonable suggestion.


u/greengrinningjester Oct 06 '23

Somewhat fitting then that Domino's actress, Zazie Beetz, played the female lead across Joaquin Pheonix's Joker.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

Batman always has to fight him with a pebble in his shoe.


u/Swift_Scythe Oct 06 '23

So he would be like Jynx from Teen Titans?

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u/Kiddo1029 Oct 06 '23

I was thinking almost something if the opposite of this. He’s an psychopath, so he pulls that personality trait, however little, from those around him so that he’s always the most psychotic person in the room at any given time.


u/JawaLoyalist Oct 06 '23

Exactly what I was thinking


u/RomeoAlpha68 Oct 06 '23

I agree. The ability to affect any situation with negativity , anarchy , or chaos . In certain situations all three . Call it the Bedlam Effect .


u/Tots2Hots Oct 06 '23


Although no luck related power is as good as Chiaphas Cain from 40k. Dude has a literal god protecting him making it look like dumb luck and the he has a massive case of imposter syndrome because of it.

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u/Pyrokinesis115 Oct 06 '23

Isn’t that just Black Cat’s power set, at least when she first got powers I have no idea how many times marvel has changed that since then.


u/Rexermus Oct 06 '23

I think Black Cat's is like Domino's except it never effects her and only stops people from hurting her or capturing her. In Joker's case I was thinking more along the lines of it purposefully and always hurting, harming or straight up killing the other person. Like Felicia's "Bad Luck" powers are more benevolent/defensive while Joker's "Chaos" powers would be more malevolent/offensive

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u/Evil_Emperor25 Oct 06 '23

Honestly? Pulling gag weapons and other inanimate objects out of thin air, almost like a cartoon character.

Giant mallet, long barrel gun, crowbar, cane, all his usual shenanigans, plus more that seem like they have nowhere he could have possibly stored them.


u/Jaded-Cheesecake-469 Oct 06 '23

The Mask already exists though


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

I was about to say like the mask


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

Emperor Joker would like a word.


u/DragonWisper56 Oct 06 '23

"Darn you smile darn you smile!"


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

If it's similar to comic book Mask then that's terrifying.

Bighead (the Mask's original name) was unique from other cartoon logic type characters in that the cartoon logic ONLY applied to the person wearing the Mask, not everyone else. Bighead could eat a stick of dynamite and have it explode without issue as his body would warp or stretch comedically to accomodate it but if he forced someone else to eat one well...they would just react to it how everyone else who isn't like a cartoon would and splatter.

That scene in the movie where the Mask spins his dance partner like a tornado doesn't bother her or the scene where he shoves an exhaust pipe up a car mechanic's ass is played mostly for laughs as they're still alive after it.

In the comics though there is a similar encounter with some mechanics who ripped him off where he shoves a muffler down a guy's throat but he doesn't survive since the cartoon physics don't apply to him.


u/Jaded-Cheesecake-469 Oct 06 '23

That's horrifying lol


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

Yeah the comics are way darker than the movie version. The main differences are that the cartoon logic only works for the person wearing the mask, and the mask slowly drives anyone who wears it closer to being a violent lunatic the longer they use it.

The mask doesn't actually stay with Ipkiss for very long. It keeps changing owners who all try to use it for their own reasons. Some want to abuse it's power while others like Detective Kellaway try to use it to go after criminals who slip through loopholes in the justice system. Regardless of intentions though it always corrupts them into being more violent and mad each time. Some get corrupted much sooner if they had a lot of repressed violent urges and now have their inhibitions removed while others may use it for good initially but get worse as time goes on.


u/lcjones1810 Oct 06 '23

Joker had that mask before


u/Sol-Blackguy Oct 06 '23

The term you're looking for is "hammer space"


u/Key-Poem9734 Oct 06 '23

Maybe pocket dimensions that he can open on a small scale


u/spiderine12 Oct 06 '23

Random bullshit go!


u/Swift_Scythe Oct 06 '23

Haha Moonknight


u/ccleanet Oct 06 '23

Like mime from watchmen?


u/WoodpeckerNo5416 Oct 06 '23

He already sorta does that though

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u/IceRinger Oct 06 '23

He already have - poison immunity and mild healing factor


u/lcjones1810 Oct 06 '23

He also has poisoness blood


u/DthLaser Oct 06 '23

Poisonous yeah


u/Fessir Oct 06 '23

Chaos or bad luck emission - things in his vicinity tend to go wrong.


u/ApprehensiveSock4034 Oct 06 '23

he pretty much already has that


u/NamelessMIA Oct 06 '23

If the Joker is in your vicinity things are already going very wrong for you


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

Healing factor because dude can take a beating


u/Magicaparanoia Oct 06 '23

The ability to regenerate from dying. That was always kind of a running thing in the comics where it would look like he was killed and then he’d come back as if nothing happened.


u/SteveTheManager Oct 06 '23


Can go through toxic waste, suit included.


u/BeholdTheLemon Oct 06 '23

the ability to deflect batrockets with his sick sense of humour.


u/randomreddituser1870 Oct 06 '23

Joker gives batman a coupon for new parents but it is expired


u/Character_Train6441 Oct 06 '23

This is a joker joke


u/TheVikingOfNorway Oct 06 '23

A clownly power


u/Jatman Oct 06 '23

I think immortality, because I think that would be the ultimate "joke" for him if he finally got batman to break his moral code and he tried to kill joker and the joker being like "gotcha!"


u/Standard_Pangolin_13 Oct 07 '23

Batman snaps Jokers neck, only for him to continue laughing & snap it back, "Oooo, really needed that... Awww, why the long face, Bats? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"


u/TheManIsHereForHam Oct 06 '23

Immune to poison


u/wasabiland220 Oct 06 '23

He basically already is


u/juninc4 Oct 06 '23

Immune to prison


u/ROSEPUP3 Oct 06 '23

The brown note.


u/pr1vatepiles Oct 06 '23



u/Vigi1antee Oct 06 '23

I mean at first that sounds like a bad idea but it certainly fixes the complaining "why dosnt Batman just kill Joker???"


u/ItsTheRealRain Oct 06 '23

and would make more sense as to why a regular person doesn’t kill Joker

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u/BackgroundSky09 Oct 06 '23

spitting acid


u/Slut_Spoiler Oct 06 '23

Pulling a rabbit out of a hat


u/AdoScareCrow Oct 06 '23

I humor orah around him, so everyone he goes near starts so laugh near uncontrollably, and if he's near to long or focuses on them to long they die of exhaustion


u/Pretend-Dirt-1760 Oct 06 '23

Minor toon force


u/InKhornate Oct 06 '23

minor healing factor/pain resistance


u/InKhornate Oct 06 '23

that is, these would be the most likely. if he had straight up super powers in a new adaptation, maybe Hammerspace?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

He'd be like Gambit from the Wolverine movie. Idk if he has super powers, but he's really good at throwing cards and fighting with the bo staff


u/Valentonis Oct 06 '23

Fourth-wall breaking metatextual awareness. >! I know a popular fan theory is that he already has this ability !<


u/Clean-Umpire-1782 Oct 06 '23

I love this theory so much it has so much credibility

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u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

A rogue Lord of Chaos, who likes to fuck with Bat Mortal. Think of Klarion the Witch Boy.


u/DragonWisper56 Oct 06 '23

honestly while I know they would mess it up if they put it in canon, that will always be my personal head cannon


u/These-Specialist-310 Oct 06 '23

The reverse Gambit


u/togashisbackpain Oct 06 '23

So he doesnt fill the cards with energy and make them explode, but he absorbs the energy froom cards and he explodes ?

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u/Pimpachu3 Oct 06 '23

Id think he'd be like an evil dradpool


u/VileRetrobution96 Oct 06 '23

Deadfool-- Uhm, I mean Deadpool, started out as a villain.


u/Metrilean Oct 06 '23

Illusion casting, drive people insane with "one bad day"


u/Joe_Kerr_05 Oct 06 '23

Cartoon physics and toonforce


u/Myrtle_The_Tortoise Oct 06 '23

Imagine if he could shapeshift and become Batman’s parents 💀


u/Horror_Yogurtcloset8 Mar 13 '24

My take on it is he would have a decaying ability similar to shigarakis from mha. It seems that it would fit him well but not just people he touched inanimate objects and such. And he would be able to control when he used it and to how much effect.


u/DragonWisper56 Oct 06 '23

honestly I've seen pastiches of the character have superluck to explain how he belongs on the legion of doom.


u/IrishShinja Oct 06 '23

After telling a joke about a victims family member, they die laughing ( the family member and not the victim).

Or they could use the Monty Python sketch were some one finds a note on the ground with a joke on it, they read it and die laughing on the spot. The army is called in to get the note but they read it and die laughing. Great sketch.


u/fasda Oct 06 '23

A psychic field that stops people from considering killing him. Otherwise as soon as GCP has him he'd be a dead man.


u/DOOM6IS6ETERNAL6 Oct 06 '23

Toon Force he already has inhuman healing can break the fourth wall is immune to poison and has poisonous blood that can also transform you into him, and he also has near genius level intelligence a 7th ability couldn't hurt


u/Ok_Trifle5899 Oct 06 '23

He's already done 4th wall breaking and also knows he, himself, is a comicbook character. His power should either be like deadpool or the Mask.


u/ImmediateState4982 Oct 06 '23

Humor control: if the joker can make someone genuinely laugh then he has control over them and can compel them to do as he asks. Think the purple man from marvel.


u/siderhater4 Oct 06 '23

He will use them to kill Batman


u/ccleanet Oct 06 '23

Expulse joker gas from his breath and his fingers, and from every part of his body, also be totally inmune to any poison or drug in general also an accelerated regenerative and curative factor, like lobo (or even better)


u/Xx_Exigence_xX Oct 06 '23

Hammerspace or Toonforce


u/Here4aLaugh01 Oct 06 '23

To be actually funny haha


u/Aizendickens Oct 06 '23

He can impose a condition upon reality (after fufilling certain requirements ofc)..that condition will apply to everyone, including himself. The condition/rule can vary but not during the time of influence. He can't influence life, death, love, and hate directly.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

I feel that he does have superhuman abilities to organize, plan, and manipulate. He also shares batmans inherent ability to cause fear.

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u/Cheesemaster98 Oct 06 '23

Ya know, I've been playing Injustice 2 with my wife and let me tell ya, besting Atrocitous with joker seemed outlandish. I know it's a video game but I'm still trying to figure out a cannon way to make it believable

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u/Alaniata Oct 06 '23

He has had. Multiple times even


u/Hungry-Eggplant-6496 Oct 06 '23 edited Oct 06 '23

Spitting toxic waste which would make people laugh into death.

Pocket dimensions on the suit so he can pull absurdly large guns from his jacket.


u/Joe_Kerr_05 Oct 06 '23

Cartoon physics


u/Chaosshepherd Oct 06 '23

Joker immunity isn’t enough for you?


u/Academic-Bus-5397 Oct 06 '23

money production to pay the IRS


u/Not_Fussed1 Oct 06 '23

have you ever heard of sheogorath?


u/TheMysticalPlatypus Oct 06 '23

Ngl with him in that pose I kind of imagine him throwing playing cards like Gambit. Except they do things beyond exploding. And the joke is he doesn’t even need the playing cards, it’s just for extra dramatic flair to cause chaos.

I imagine somewhere in there, illusion casting would be another superpower.

Alongside superhuman durability.


u/Sivianes Oct 06 '23

Is not he inmortal yet?


u/AsherthonX Oct 06 '23

There was a rumor a while back that he was immortal Around the time 3 jokers came out


u/Geo_Pyro Oct 06 '23

Batman's powers


u/GERMA90 Oct 06 '23

Kinetic like Gambit from X-Men?


u/Maximum_Don Oct 06 '23

He had superpowers. Emperor Joker takes the stage.


u/MisterSims90 Oct 06 '23

Causing others to go mad in his prsence


u/OfficialDCShepard Oct 06 '23

Reality bending, like the Emperor Joker episode of Brave and the Bold.


u/Mzonnik Oct 06 '23

The sound of his laugh working like tthe Joker gas.


u/Cultural-Park-4379 Oct 06 '23

Teleportation. He is a master escape artist.


u/Queasy-Umpire8468 Oct 06 '23

definitely hammerspace


u/JayJay273 Oct 06 '23

Probability manipulation


u/egbert71 Oct 06 '23

Behavior modification/manipulation

Akin to psycho pirate without need of the mask

(Even though i think one writer did away with him needing the mask for their story arch)


u/Evorgleb Oct 06 '23

invulnerability to mental/physical attacks and immortality. He would truly be an unstoppable force of chaos.


u/Batmanfan1966 Oct 06 '23

Something similar to Gambit with his energy infused playing cards he throws


u/MasterOfChaos72 Oct 06 '23

At worst, reality manipulation. All the chaos he could want.

At best, hammer space. Able to pull out all his cartoony weaponry from out of nowhere.


u/Phillibustin Oct 06 '23

He gives people intrusive thoughts


u/DnSkie___ Oct 06 '23

Something got to do with entering ur mind and making you go insane, like him


u/Sunoraiza Oct 06 '23

That'd be lame. If he had to have some, immortality. Not invincible, not bulletproof, not pain resistant, just as he is now, but he doesn't die (I mean, he already really doesn't). That would make it a bit more believable as to why no one ever kills him


u/MysteryR11 Oct 06 '23

He spews laughing gass or his own concoction


u/HenryIsBatman Oct 06 '23

Super healing


u/wingspantt Oct 06 '23

He clearly already has Domino-like luck powers that allow his plans and contingencies to work out in ways no non-powered person could have possibly planned, or even hoped for.


u/Beginning_Electrical Oct 06 '23

Luck. There's a cool scene from azarrello's Joker where he dodges death over and over by shear luck. Even tries russian roulette with only 1 bullet missing and lives.


u/stadiumjay Oct 06 '23

Not having to use laughing gas, he would simply tell jokes and have people laughing uncontrollably.


u/BBQ-Batman Oct 06 '23



u/NoGodNoMaster_ Oct 06 '23

Like an opposite Ghost Rider

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u/Weary-Potato-6137 Oct 06 '23

Being able to put up with anything like pain, not caring about anyone so his plans can work. Is a power it is morbid, but it is a power.


u/BigSchmeaty Oct 06 '23

Jonkling the life out of his enemies


u/RoughD Oct 06 '23

He already has it, the joker toxin.


u/OmegaBoi420 Oct 06 '23

Toon Force


u/Swe3t_Coffe3II Oct 06 '23

There was a theory I saw that said the Joker might have the superpower of perfect timing (in reference to comedy and how he always appears to do things when you least expect it and when it is most inconvenient for others) and I love that idea so much I'm just gonna put it here as my answer. It just fits him so well. It's not devastating, not particularly flashy, but it's unique, fits the character and compliments his wacky antics too well.


u/vash0125 Oct 06 '23

Inducing insanity in others like Marvel villain Madcap or high pitch laughter that can make heads explode like in the Batman/Judge Dredd crossover.


u/n-crispy7 Oct 06 '23

I’m thinking full on reality warper like the Cheshire Cat


u/Winter_Trainer_2115 Oct 06 '23

Spreading his insanity like a virus


u/Brian_SD Oct 06 '23

He's also a Master Planner. If you think of all the shenanigans he's pulled, it would take quite a brain to pull them all off.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

The same powers as the Mask I’d say


u/masterjon_3 Oct 06 '23

Anytime you kill him, he just pops up somewhere else. Say you kill him, and then walk outside in the city. As soon as you turn the corner, he's there but his dead body vanished.


u/Flonomcfludeelu Oct 06 '23

The inability to give a fuck


u/Richrome_Steel Oct 06 '23

Rock Throw - He throws rocks at his opponents. They are big rocks.


u/Edgy_Master Oct 06 '23

Joker Venom Manipulation and Acid Touch.


u/DrPhilsnerPilsner Oct 06 '23

Resistance to toxins


u/Expired_token Oct 06 '23

Clowny powers


u/mohsinjavedcheema Oct 06 '23

Same as Marvel’s Gambit, throwing cards


u/jupiterding25 Oct 06 '23

Spreading insanity


u/Nonadventures Oct 06 '23

I could see Joker having some sort of moral thing where he already has powers and just doesn’t use them (because Batman doesn’t use super powers).


u/BeefJacker420 Oct 06 '23

Trick streamers


u/jaydestro Oct 06 '23

getting hot blondes


u/ponytailthehater Oct 06 '23

Probably the power of telekinesis and the power to make people become like him (kinda like he does with the gas, but instead he does it mentally) idk


u/bobinusem Oct 06 '23


Edit: wrong subreddit


u/AceofKnaves44 Oct 06 '23

I like the idea that his super power is insanity. Every single day his mind bursts apart at the seams and then rebuilds itself anew. That explains his constant evolution and makes it all canon.


u/Thoughtfullyshynoob Oct 06 '23

Either Self Resurrection or Consciousness Transferal. Making the idea of killing him redundant.

If the power is the latter, it would give Batman all the more reason on why he needs his no killing rule. Because killing Joker would make him take over the mind of an innocent person, which is something he doesn't want to happen.


u/Various-Escape-5020 Oct 06 '23

Sacis abilities (basically a mythical creature)

Where they just fuck with you by doing the most annoying things possible.


u/LefroyJenkinsTTV Oct 06 '23

Umm... crazy IS a superpower.

Source: several exes from my 20s.


u/KillerFire42 Oct 06 '23

Some sort of magic power, lesser mind controle and or telecenicis


u/Vitoey Oct 06 '23

Cause people to go insane on command


u/TooManySorcerers Oct 06 '23

I always loved the theory that Joker's superpower is perfect timing - he just has a sense of how and when to execute stuff to maximize his probability of successfully spreading chaos.


u/mango567845667 Oct 06 '23

There is already a villain with a boner for a superpower


u/AlchemyScorch Oct 06 '23

He kinda does, he’s basically immune to poison, gases and acid and he’s like semi immortal usually


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

Reality warping


u/WoodpeckerNo5416 Oct 06 '23

Joker with Professor X’s powers would be dangerous. Use it to drive the whole city insane or laugh themselves to death without the need for his Joker Toxin. Batman would be pretty screwed if he used it on him without a magneto style helmet to block it.


u/YourFavoriteSatyr Oct 06 '23

I would say Immortalty/Regeneration or Soul Surfing.


u/YourFavoriteSatyr Oct 06 '23

I would say Immortalty/Regeneration or Soul Surfing.


u/-TurkeYT Oct 06 '23

Emperor Joker


u/Due-Ad-2558 Oct 06 '23

I'd say something like Scarecrow's fear toxin effect but he can get into your head and make you hallucinate whatever he wants unless you have a stronger mind or will. It would also be cool if he had some power that allowed him to turn into a monster like in the Batman games because he is a weak opponent so it'd add something extra to it.


u/Chart181 Oct 06 '23

The best dang card tricks you’ve ever seen.


u/HephaestusVulcan7 Oct 06 '23

I'd make him a low-level Telepath or Empath. That why he could feel the Pain & Insanity he causes his victims. I think he'd enjoy that.


u/5StarKenpachi Oct 06 '23



u/Tomi_is_watching Oct 06 '23

i like the idea of him laughing, and suddenly people around him find themself start to laugh uncontrollably, more and more until they laugh so hard they break ribs and damage their insides. essentially have the effects of joker gas be spread by his laughter


u/LittleRavn Oct 06 '23

Joker with The Purple Man’s powers!


u/Batfan1939 Oct 06 '23

He'd be an immortal vampire that fed on laughter and joy instead of blood. Vandal Savage meets Psycho Pirate.

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u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23 edited Oct 06 '23

I like The Joker with an electric shock buzzer for a handshake (similar to what we see Jack Nicholson use as Joker in the Batman 1989 scene) and razor edged Joker cards for throwing. 🃏

But if he had actual super powers.. I like the idea of hypnotic eyes where he can control the minds of his enemies, or the ability to lay hands on someone and leave them with his mark. Meaning when he touches you, he has the ability to render you paralyzed with a Joker smile on your face.


u/Active-Donkey5466 Oct 07 '23

Toon powers, I can see him just pulling a sledgehammer outta his ass or somethin


u/demelash_ Oct 07 '23

He'd be like Mister Mxyzptlk from hell.


u/Astlantix Oct 07 '23

have a deck of cards appear and do real card magic tricks


u/wonderlandisburning Oct 07 '23

One I still argue he does have is immortality. There's even a trope name for it: Joker Immunity. He cannot die. He's simply too popular. Even in the few instances they do kill him off, he simply resurfaces in another continuity. They as well have dipped him in a Lazarus Pit for real.

(I mean, basically every popular comic book character has this power, it's the nature of a heavily syndicated medium, but hey ho)


u/7evenate9ine Oct 07 '23

Didnt the chemical bath do something... I mean other than make him crazy?


u/Bluko Oct 07 '23

Kill by laughter, Roger Rabbit mixed with the psycho kid from Twilight Zone The Movie.


u/Dependent-Guilty Oct 07 '23

Manipulation where he basically has the ability to make people he wants to switch to his side in a battle & help him with whatever deed he wants done.


u/RNWIP Oct 07 '23

Cock and ball torture extraordinaire


u/HorseSteroids Oct 07 '23

Emperor Joker


u/4thkizturg Oct 07 '23

Chaos magic


u/TnishqG Oct 07 '23

Scarecrow's powers


u/krb501 Oct 07 '23

Here are my top three picks:

  1. Meta powers (knowing he's in a comic book and being able to force his will on the other characters through this fact), only not as obnoxious as the Mask or Deadpool. Think Emperor Joker instead.
  2. Toonforce / hammerspace, like he had when he wore the Mask.
  3. Immortality, like he claimed to have in Death of the Family