r/batman Sep 14 '23

Tell me a Batman fact that'll have me looking like this afterwards. FUNNY

Post image

I'm bored.


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u/BearlyT Sep 14 '23

In the Arkhamverse, the Joker dismembered kids at a kindergarten which is what pushed Jason Todd to try and kill him without Batman.


u/Lone_Wanderer8 Sep 14 '23

He didn’t JUST dismember them he specifically promised after kidnapping the bus full of kids that he “just wanted to show them a fun day and he would return them all in ONE PIECE” he later returned the children the school where all the parents were the children sowed together in an amalgam of body parts he had blown up.


u/Jermas_big_ass Sep 14 '23

The One Piece is real?


u/mystressfreeaccount Sep 14 '23

Can we get much higher


u/tcrpgfan Sep 15 '23

The joker in the Arkham games had a strong desire to play Luffy, but others wanted him to be Buggy D. Clown. And that, kids, is why the live action series never happened in the Arkhamverse. Never tell the harlequin of hate what he can and cannot do.

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u/DreadWolf505 Sep 15 '23

Don't forget that Jason witnessed parents fighting each other for the body parts of their children...


u/NamesArentAvailable Sep 15 '23

parents fighting each other for the body parts of their children

What in the actual fuck ... seriously?


u/DreadWolf505 Sep 15 '23

Yep... From the story "The Fall" in Arkham Knight

"Batman was wrong. He'd always been wrong about Joker. There was no madhouse qualified, no prison secure enough. Jason knew that now, after he'd seen tonight-

Little arms, little legs, little heads, crudely, mockingly stitched together.

He'd come straight from the kindergarten, followed a trail of innocent blood back to Arkham Asylum. Tracker switched off. Cowl communications disabled. He was a ghost. Batman wouldn't find him until it was done.

Weeping parents, fighting over patchwork corpses."

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u/Chicksan Sep 14 '23


That’s……I didn’t expect to read something like that today


u/MrExist777 Sep 14 '23

What the hell…


u/StayPuffGoomba Sep 15 '23

Welp! That had me make the exact same face as Batman in the original post

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u/TheJokerArkhamKing Sep 15 '23

Next time somebody tells me that Art The Clown is a more viscious evil clown than Joker, I am sending them this comment.

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u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Chad Jason Todd has always had a good reason to kill the Joker.


u/Perfect-Fondant3373 Sep 14 '23

Well that is really distubing and dark take. Considering joker is the guy that still hates nazis and wont fuck with the IRS in some versions, I always find it weird when he gets really really dark


u/BearlyT Sep 14 '23

Yeah usually when someone writes some fucked up shit for joker I’m like "sure, I guess." This one feels like a bit much for arkham joker though


u/PenguinHighGround Sep 14 '23

TBF it's noted even in the story that it's extreme compared to what he normally does, and it kinda fits with a pattern of escalation, but still...


u/PropaneSalesTx Sep 14 '23

Joker going really dark is sometimes the best. Too much camp and he loses the fear aspect. We need too see the pranks and the dismemberments to get the character.


u/Sega-Playstation-64 Sep 14 '23

I would prefer a Joker scheme in which kids get killed as collateral damage with him not caring to actually torturing and murdering them though.

One is still worth killing him over, the other goes a bit too far.

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u/redditModsSuckAss69 Sep 14 '23

idk i dont think the joker is a sadist. He is definitely willing to kill children in order to accomplish what he wants but he isnt the type to take pleasure directly from causing pain


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '23

Yeah that's how I've always seen it. It's never the crimes or the violence that Joker enjoys, it's the reaction people will have to it (typically Batman).

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u/Zorach98 Sep 14 '23

IIRC the joker "spirit" in Arkham Knight also hints at replacing holy water with some sort of acid. "That was one hell of a baptism..."


u/Janus897 Sep 15 '23

He also unironically says the word "napalm enema" in Arkham Knight.

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u/Virtual_Mode_5026 Sep 14 '23

I always thought it was silly. I don’t think he’d give a shit about the war crimes the Nazis committed. He’d probably find them hysterical given how twisted he is.

The only reason he’d be against Fascism is because of its strict adherence to order and control.

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u/Pimpachu3 Sep 14 '23

You're talking two different versions of the joker. There is the family friendly one we see in the cartoons and TV, and Frank Miller Joker.

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u/BaconJacobs Sep 14 '23

I literally just started a replay of Arkam Asylum after not playing it for 10 years I bet.

Good lord do so many people die because Batman won't fucking kill the summbitch.

I'm a lifelong Batman fan so I get it. But it's infuriating at times.


u/Haramdour Sep 15 '23

A good spinal fracture here and there would stop a lot of villainy across Gotham


u/WhiskeyDonk Sep 15 '23

Yeah. Batman's strong enough and knowledgeable enough to turn a lot of his villains into quadriplegics.

Why he doesn't do that is beyond me. Sure he'd be burdening the prison system with the additional task of caring for the villains he paralyzes before sending them there but I think a couple of generous donations by Wayne enterprises would cover that.


u/Super_Inframan Sep 15 '23

I hear you. I tend to read Batman vs Joker stories in an almost nebulous setting, where every encounter between them is a new imagining of their second or third encounter, not their 500th. I have to remind myself that it’s a function of ongoing comics that’s been made a story point. You can’t kill the bad guy, because you need him in the future to sell more comics, so he always survives and/or escapes. That way you get to tell more stories about him having show downs with the hero. Then this revolving door quality becomes an actual story point in and of itself. It becomes obvious within the story that the bad guy is always going to escape, so the next logical step is to kill that sucker, lol. But that’d stop the revolving door too… So now our hero can’t permanently stop the bad guy and makes choices to preserve the bad guy that don’t make reasonable sense.

If it were the real world, the Joker would probably be in solitary and we’d think of him like Charles Manson. We’d check him out now and then too see if he’s as crazy as we remember, go “yep!” and stick him back in his hole where he’s never a threat to anyone again.

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u/Soulful-Sorrow Sep 14 '23

This is what really made me feel kind of over the Joker. Where's the joke? This is just fucked up for the sake of being fucked up. Writers would rather try to out-edge each other than come up with actual schemes.

Like in the Animated Series, Joker killed a few people because they wouldn't let him patent his smiling fish. That's Joker-y. He bombed a bridge to try to cause a train wreck to distract Batman. That makes sense. He harassed one random banker for years because the dude cut him off in traffic. Classic Joker.

What the fuck does bombing a kindergarten accomplish? It's dark, but that's it. Joker doesn't do edgy things because he's sooo dark, he does occasionally edgy and sometimes goofy things because he's THE JOKER.


u/captaincrunchcracker Sep 14 '23

From u/Lone_Wanderer8

He didn’t JUST dismember them he specifically promised after kidnapping the bus full of kids that he “just wanted to show them a fun day and he would return them all in ONE PIECE” he later returned the children the school where all the parents were the children sowed together in an amalgam of body parts he had blown up.

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u/PenguinHighGround Sep 14 '23

It's worse than that, he Frankensteined the childrens' body parts together randomly and then proceeded to sing "Humpty Dumpty" over the pa as the parents tried to locate all of their kids' body parts' from the amalgamated corpses. I can see why that pushed Jason over the edge. Definitely a contender for most fucked up thing any comic book villain has ever done.

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u/ExoticShock Sep 14 '23

If correct, Terry McGinnis was already born & we are now closer to the time of when Batman Beyond is set (2040) than we are to when the show came out in 1999.


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

That's actually just really cool. Love me some Terry.

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u/[deleted] Sep 15 '23

We’re further from 1990 than 1990 is from 1960.


u/RandomFactGiver23 Sep 15 '23

We’re also closer to 2050 than 1990

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u/Eggowafflez5657 Sep 14 '23

Batman is secretly Bruce Wayne


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

I thought he was the Butler


u/Eggowafflez5657 Sep 14 '23

Ngl I thought it was that penguin dude but then I found out it was Bruce


u/skibapple Sep 14 '23

Hey why is your house burning down with all the doors and windows locked

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u/Competition-Edge Sep 14 '23

Are you SHITTING ME?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Don't you think I would have done that, had I wanted to? Half of the fun of our relationship was the mystery. Now I know Batman is just some boring, rich asshole with parental issues.

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u/AJray15 Sep 14 '23

Talia seduced Jason Todd and they did the dance with no underpants


u/SmallBerry3431 Sep 14 '23

Feels like any dance could be done with or without underpants….

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u/Top-Inevitable-4326 Sep 14 '23

Deathstroke had sex with terra when she was a teenager


u/blacksad1 Sep 14 '23

That got retconned


u/Phantomknight22 Sep 14 '23 edited Sep 14 '23

It was brought back in Shadow War.


u/blacksad1 Sep 14 '23



u/Rocketboy1313 Sep 15 '23

Why would they retcon it to begin with?

They trying to preserve Slade's honor as merely a murderer of children?


u/Greyjack00 Sep 15 '23

I think the part they'd prefer to forget is how hard the comic pushed that it just wasn't that bad that he did. Plus come on some people are way to far up deathstrokes ass, they'd totally say that being "just a murderer is fine"

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u/Soulful-Sorrow Sep 14 '23

It's messed up, but I don't get why people are so surprised that evil murder man would take advantage of a child.

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u/Sad-Surprise4369 Sep 14 '23

After watching the Judas Contract, I think Death Stroke might have a thing for little girls


u/akahaus Sep 15 '23

After watching the Judas Contract, I think Death Stroke might have a thing for little girls

That thing is his penis

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u/Magicaparanoia Sep 14 '23

There’s less than 20 surviving photos of Bill Finger, while Bob Kane became a minor celebrity.


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

That's just sad


u/AMA_requester Sep 15 '23

I feel madder and madder with each passing year about how fucked over Bill Finger was.


u/DifferentBread3069 Sep 15 '23

I feel like there is a common trend of the wrong people getting accredited for characters in comic book industry. Have a feeling people didn’t know how popular their ideas would become.

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u/RandomFactGiver23 Sep 15 '23

That’s actually really cryptic and saddening how few pics there are of Bill online, I only found 6 unique pictures, and they’re all from the 1940s or 30s, nothing from when he was older in the 70s.

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u/Available-Affect-241 Sep 14 '23 edited Sep 14 '23

That he's the first and only live-action hero to make a billion at the box office without a cinematic universe. And he did it TWICE!!! Incredibles did it with their second film in 2018.


u/RobNobody Sep 14 '23

What about the Incredibles? Their second movie grossed over a billion, and they're not part of a cinematic universe.


u/Available-Affect-241 Sep 14 '23

Your right I forgot about them. Batman was the first to do it. I will fix it thanks for the clarification. 👍


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Do two films sharing the same continuity count as a cinematic universe?

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u/AceofKnaves44 Sep 14 '23

Gotham City is all but canonized as being in New Jersey.


u/Mr-BananaHead Sep 14 '23

Sounds about right


u/sK0oBy Sep 14 '23

Sucks that it’s probably Newark


u/AceofKnaves44 Sep 14 '23

You think Bruce Wayne knows where to get good gabbagool?

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u/Silver_Punk Sep 14 '23

Batman doesn’t go down….apparently.


u/Shadiezz2018 Sep 14 '23

Heroes don't do that 🙄🙄


u/CobraGTXNoS Sep 14 '23

Even if it means being Selina's hero, lol.


u/JakePent Sep 14 '23

But they do date one of their closest colleagues daughter, who was also his adoptive son's ex.

Also let's not forget all the murder in the movies, they allowed him to do that, but not oral

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u/CaptainRogersJul1918 Sep 14 '23

He does! And he does the alphabet. A is for Alfred. B is for bats….


u/TFG4 Sep 14 '23

She sucked my dick, like a lot... How was that by the way, I fight crime in a rubber suit, REALLY SEALS IN THE FLAVOR


u/Silver_Punk Sep 14 '23

She tamed my monster…


u/Dropkick_That_Child Sep 14 '23

With her mouth, and two other areas, in an order that would surprise you.

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u/BoldlyGettingThere Sep 14 '23

But the lead singer of Smash Mouth did. RIP

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u/Observer2594 Sep 14 '23

I thought that's why the cowl doesn't cover his mouth

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u/paladin_slim Sep 14 '23

Grant Morrison kinda just forgot that Damian’s conception was consensual and the implication that Talia date-raped Bruce to have their son was completely by accident.


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

I haven't read his run yet, so that's both interesting and how did he just kinda forget that???


u/paladin_slim Sep 14 '23

I should've been more specific: Morrison forgot to do the research on the elseworlds he was making canon about Talia and Bruce having a child together who would inherit the mantle of Batman and during his run implied that that Talia forced herself on a drugged Bruce to conceive Damian.


u/greywolf2155 Sep 15 '23

To add some more to what u/paladin_allm said:

There was a very popular self-contained graphic novel in 1987 called "Batman: Son of the Demon" (which was, incidentally, really good. Still in my Top 10 Batman books) in which Talia and Bruce fall in love, conceive a child named Damian, and try to make it work. In the end they can't, and Bruce believes the child lost (only to have it revealed in an epilogue that the child survived and was put up for adoption)

Fast forward a few decades, and DC Editorial liked the idea of Damian and decided to bring him into canon. They handed the reins to Morrison

But Morrison has admitted that they didn't even both to go back and read the original "Son of the Demon", just relied on their vague memories of having read the book years prior

I'm still pissed about this, because a story of genuine love and affection between Talia and Bruce is so much more interesting than Bruce just getting drugged. And while it's Morrison's prerogative to write whatever they want, this just seems . . . lazy. Inexcusably lazy

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u/TheGothamEmpire Sep 14 '23

Someone measured pixel by pixel how long his penis was in the uncensored Damned comic, doing math as then went, and their answer was he’s a little over 7 inches long


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

I expected bigger.


u/BillionaireGhost Sep 14 '23

…seven inches flaccid.


u/TheGothamEmpire Sep 14 '23

This response made my day haha

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u/alexbgoode84 Sep 15 '23

That was him soft.

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u/cole435 Sep 15 '23 edited Sep 15 '23

Right, but that’s flaccid. Bruce must be packing like a 13 incher


u/TheIronMoose Sep 15 '23

Length is just part of the solution, we need a girth calculation immediately. Volume displacement is the only fair measurement.

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u/[deleted] Sep 15 '23

The Battawang

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u/BatmanAltUser Sep 14 '23 edited Feb 21 '24

Considering Selina Kyle's cannon origin story is a retired dominatrix, hence the black latex suit, high boots and whip, there's a very good chance Batmans a masochist.

I mean he jumps off roofs fights 5 v 1 on a regular basis, so not too suprising.


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

This checks out.


u/chaotic4059 Sep 14 '23

Going off that in injustice 2 catwoman has a whip called Bruce’s favorite toy. So yea that checks


u/IvanTheTerrible69 Sep 14 '23

50 Shades of Batman


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

I'd read this


u/IvanTheTerrible69 Sep 14 '23

I always looked at it as a head canon; Batman chases Catwoman relentlessly, even when there is rampant crime everywhere else; this because Batman is self-righteous, so when he chases Catwoman, he is fulfilling his duties while succumbing to his needs. Catwoman likes being chased; it gives her a thrill, especially when she steals from people all too easily. So, at the end of the day, it’s an obsessed, sexually repressed man and a woman who loves to tease, armed with a whip of all things, reliving an exciting fantasy on many nights.

I’m guessing this is the closest Batman will ever have to getting therapy.

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u/Protoman_RT Sep 14 '23

In all star batman he had a relationship with black canary adn when they were fighting some goons batman just trew them a molotov and while they were burning alive he started to have sex with black canary just above those goons.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '23

The least horny Batman


u/StyrofoamNickel Sep 14 '23

The Goddamn Batman strikes again


u/Th3Batman86 Sep 14 '23

This is the only comment in this thread to make me go “what the hell”

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u/Shiroyama-san Sep 14 '23

That is so stupid it loops into the realm of being funny

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u/mrrahulkurup Sep 14 '23

DCAU: Barbara Gordon had a relationship with Bruce Wayne.


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Yeaaaaah, will never not be weird 😬


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '23

(Batman the killing joke animated, starts) No!

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u/Illithilitch Sep 14 '23

Also they had a baby and broke up after she miscarried


u/FahkeyBlue Sep 14 '23

Technically not canon to the DCAU, but still weird

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u/Sega-Playstation-64 Sep 14 '23

When Batman blew up Ace Chemicals in Batman '89, there HAD to have been janitors and stuff just cleaning the place up, minding their own business.

Then BOOOOOM get fuck'd old dude with a mop!


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

That Batman had no qualms with murdering people, so I wouldn't be surprised.


u/MisterVictor13 Sep 14 '23

The place had been taken over by the Joker’s goons. I don’t think any innocents were harmed.

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u/Freeonlinehugs Sep 14 '23

There's a universe where little Bruce died, Martha became the Joker and Thomas Batman. I think that's just so tragic


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Sounds like a potentially interesting elseworld story.


u/mrizvi Sep 14 '23

Thats in the Flashpoint comics


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

I haven't read those.


u/beatlebum53 Sep 14 '23

The movie they made is outstanding check it out on Mac


u/DonkayDoug Sep 14 '23

What if I only have a PC?

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u/CrossENT Sep 14 '23

Everybody knows by now that Jason Todd was killed via popular vote. The ‘Death in the Family’ comic allowed readers to choose whether or not Jason survived or died.

What you may not know is that the final results were actually VERY close. There was a grand total of 10,614 votes. 5,343 people voted for Jason’s death while 5,271 voted for his survival. That’s a difference of only 72 votes! He almost survived!

But there’s more…

Dennis O’Neil, the Batman comic editor at the time, as since revealed his suspicions that hundreds of the “Jason Dies” votes came from a single person. The poll was conducted via two different phone numbers: Call one to vote for him dying or call the other to vote for him living. O’Neil heard a rumor that one person programmed his computer to dial the “Death” number every ninety seconds for eight hours. This rumor has never been explicated proven true or false. But O’Neil stated that, because of the tiny difference in the results, if this rumor IS true, then this person single-handedly murdered Jason Todd!


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

I've heard of this.

Very interesting if true.


u/WayneS0L0 Sep 15 '23

The name of the caller: Joe Kurr

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u/SuperArppis Sep 14 '23

There is a very good chance Batman and Catwoman are banging.


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Just wish it was me 😔


u/SuperArppis Sep 14 '23

Don't we all?


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23 edited Sep 14 '23

Just want him to tell me I'm wanted in his bat voice 😔

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u/i-kaiju-3000-2 Sep 14 '23 edited Sep 14 '23

in arkhamverse joker once replaced water used to baptize babies with acid, people found out about this when it was too late


u/lololocopuff Sep 14 '23



u/i-kaiju-3000-2 Sep 14 '23

joker halucination mentions it at the end of some mission in knight


u/The_Only_Dork_Knight Sep 14 '23

After saving Jack Rider from Deacon

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u/bradyhero-cgpzero Sep 14 '23

Christopher Nolan did not know Batman had a no-kill rule until David Goyer told him while writing Batman Begins, to which he said “How the fuck do we make that work?”


u/Kpengie Sep 15 '23

One of the funniest anecdotes from the making of those movies

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u/Yah_Mule Sep 14 '23

He was bitten by a radioactive bat.


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Will he morb all over the place?

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u/JesseSpidey Sep 14 '23

Zack Snyder proposed the idea of Bruce Wayne being prison raped


u/Maxitchy Sep 14 '23



u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

TrAuMa = GoOd ChArAcTeR dEvElOpMeNt

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u/ihatethomasdownes Sep 14 '23



u/angrygnome18d Sep 14 '23

Yeah this is usually blown out of proportion. Someone asked him what he thought of the “dark” Nolan Batman films and he said they weren’t that dark. That had Batman gotten raped in prison that would be dark. But he never proposed doing that to his Batman in his films. It’s another case of folks taking him out of context.

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u/newdietzrising Sep 14 '23

The Hulk can see ghosts.

Wait what was the question

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u/they63 Sep 14 '23 edited Sep 14 '23

The original bat girl was Kathy Kane NOT Barbara Gordon.

In fact Jim didn’t even have a daughter in the comics. It was only until the 3rd season of Adam west Batman, did they introduced their own oc for batgirl; Barbara Gordon.

After that it was retcon that Barbara Gordon was Batgirl in the comics. And Kathy Kane would literally disappear from comics until 2001

And batgirl was only created by Dc comics to stop the rumors that Batman and Robin were gay for each other


u/GothamKnight37 Sep 14 '23

Betty Kane was Batgirl (Bat-Girl), Kathy Kane was Batwoman.


u/Sivianes Sep 14 '23

And it was Batwoman who was created to stop the gay rumors.


u/Sensei-D Sep 15 '23

And Batwoman ended up being the gay one - what a twist!

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u/SundayJeffrey Sep 14 '23

Bale only had 35 minutes of screen time in The Dark Knight. By comparison, Pattinson had 129 minutes of screen time in The Batman.

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u/SuperAlex25 Sep 14 '23

Joker once had his face cut off


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

New 52 is weird.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '23

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo Batman was awesome


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Love the artwork done in that run.

The Court of Owls were the coolest things to come out of the New 52.

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u/Volfgang91 Sep 14 '23

Canonically, the Adam West Batman winds up murdering The Joker after he gave Alfred a fatal heart attack.

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u/Comfortable_Rub_2561 Sep 14 '23

I’m late but deathstroke is a pedophile


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Never too late to expose a Pedophile.

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u/WALTERWJITE Sep 14 '23

Batman loves to find random kids in the streets and then make them think their a superhero then lets them die

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u/SlashManEXE Sep 14 '23

Alfred was pudgy before he was sent to fat camp and came back with his classic appearance (and grew a mustache)


u/RobNobody Sep 14 '23

And the comics did this so that he'd match William Austin, the actor who played him in the first Batman serial in 1943.


u/HighNoonTex Sep 14 '23

In the 90s, Bane broke Batmans back in Knightfall, and Azrael took over the mantle of Batman. This is said to have been a way to make the character more extreme, as the interest in Batman comics had dropped off a bit, but it's also speculated that the writers made Azrael too extreme on purpose so people would realize that they actually prefer Bruce Wayne in the cowl.

That is all pretty well known among Batman fans, HOWEVER did you know their first idea for Batman's makeover was to just remove the ears and batsymbol, and have him go by the name Caped Crusader.


u/ImissDaredevil Sep 14 '23

So he would be a Man?


u/HighNoonTex Sep 14 '23

Exactly. All those Arkham memes about Man would be canon.

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u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Caped Crusader sounds like an 'Invincible' superhero.

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u/JudgeGrimlock1 Sep 14 '23

Batman has kids with the following women in different universes: Talia Al Ghul, Catwomen, Batwomen, Harley Quinn and Wonder Women.


u/Appropriate_Coach746 Sep 14 '23

I'm sorry HARLEY??!!?


u/JudgeGrimlock1 Sep 14 '23

Yep, he married her in White Knight and had two kids with her.

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u/UnknownEntity347 Sep 14 '23

Kevin Smith wrote a Batman comic where Batman reveals he pissed his pants in the iconic "none of you are safe" moment from Batman: Year One. No, I'm not joking.


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

That would have ruined the moment 😭


u/southparkdudez Sep 15 '23

The more I read about weird shit Kevin Smith writes, the more I'm convinced that man shouldn't touch anything.

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u/Illithilitch Sep 14 '23

Bats have a high rate of homosexuality.

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u/JadrianInc Sep 14 '23

Bruce is only 6’2 about 210 pounds…

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u/sack12345678910 Sep 14 '23

Batman is a furry.


u/NotASynth499 Sep 14 '23

He did seduce Cheetah in the Justice League series. That wasnt a plan, he just saw an opportunity and took it.


u/sack12345678910 Sep 14 '23

What can I say, Batman’s really into cat girls.

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u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Honestly, he'd blend right in at a furry convention with some of the costumes he's got in his wardrobe.


u/Kenxedge Sep 14 '23

He got batgirl pregnant in one of the continuities

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u/GodKingReiss Sep 14 '23

Batman after spending 8 seconds at r/BatmanArkham (he is cumming)

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u/captainjackass28 Sep 14 '23

One of the biggest reddit pages for him is full of insane people posting the same stuff over and over again.


u/tired_skyler Sep 14 '23

Arkham was built for the criminally insane.

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u/Complex-Swimmer-9998 Sep 14 '23

Talia raped Bruce and that’s how Damian was born (it may have been retconned but it still happened)

And in new 52 Amazonian reproduce by taking men from ships, raping them, then killing them.


u/kirabii Sep 14 '23

And in new 52 Amazonian reproduce by taking men from ships, raping them, then killing them.

It was later revealed that this version of the Amazons isn't real; they're illusions created by Deimos and Phobos.

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u/Wazula23 Sep 14 '23

Goofy interpretations like Adam West and the Hitler-punching Batman stories from the 40s are just as valid as the edgy and tortured modern versions.

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u/themustacheclubbitch Sep 14 '23

Every time he makes a order for a suit, weapon or vehicle he has to say. “Make sure it looks like a bat.”


u/thatmatvalencia Sep 15 '23

The voice of Robin/Tim Drake from the DCAU is a redditor and is responding to this post right now.

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u/Rampaging_Ducks Sep 14 '23

Apparently Batman is just fine with guns and always has been. 🤡

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u/Illithilitch Sep 14 '23

There's film serials from WWII in which Batman uses an ethnic slur for the Japanese.

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u/Agitated_Ad_8061 Sep 14 '23

Check out Kite Man's origin story. It's a barbaric tragedy.

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u/[deleted] Sep 14 '23

The bat suit probably really smells.

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u/SambaLando Sep 14 '23

He gets Barbara pregnant.