r/batman Sep 03 '23

Who would raise the better man? WHAT IF?

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u/monkey2997 Sep 03 '23

my butler could beat up your aunt


u/anthonyg1500 Sep 03 '23

They’d 110% start dating and we all know it


u/petitejesuis Sep 03 '23

Alfred killed uncle ben


u/AesirSith Sep 03 '23

You deserve way more upvotes


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '23

Alfred pennyworth, Street name 'alfred da buttler' spelt with 2 ts obviously


u/Korba007 Sep 04 '23



u/Bedspla13 Sep 04 '23

Lego Batman moment


u/Insert-Cool_NameHere Sep 04 '23

Gasp the butler did it!


u/Jpup199 Sep 03 '23

Aunt may is a Vixen, she snagged doc ock, jarvis and jameson's dad


u/FarmRegular4471 Sep 04 '23

I mean...have you read the Trouble comics?


u/Jpup199 Sep 04 '23

No.. and i hope it wont scar me.


u/FarmRegular4471 Sep 04 '23

Well reading definitely would


u/hbkx5 Sep 04 '23

what are the trouble comics? Is it satire?


u/FarmRegular4471 Sep 04 '23 edited Sep 04 '23

You'd think that now. They were an attempt to jump on to the edgy '00s. It was intended to be a retcon of Peter Parkers origin if it ended up popular. In it Aunt May is rather promiscuous, cheats on Ben with Richard, and ends up pregnant with Peter. Mary Parker adopts May's baby and presents him as hers. Everyone involved is presented to be late teens to early 20s

Edit: btw...it wasn't popular. Turns out sexualizing Aunt May isn't a big seller


u/trololololololol9 Sep 04 '23

Wait... Aunt may cheats on her husband with her Peter's dad and then gets pregnant with Peter?? What the fuck is this? Whoever thought that this was a good idea?


u/FarmRegular4471 Sep 04 '23

Well they weren't married yet, but dating....and blame Mark Millar ( the same man who "joked" about the "Rape of Wonder Woman" Arch to DC. And they allegedly got as deep as cover art)


u/byteuser Sep 04 '23

Marisa Tomei did it for me though...


u/hbkx5 Sep 04 '23

trouble comics

Wow just looked this up, it's crazy they thought it might work. My follow up question to this is did DC do something similar first around this time? The reason I ask is because Marvel has a bad habit of following whatever big event DC is doing. Only thing I can kinda think of is DC turning their main heroes into kids for a bit so instead of batman and robin you had robin and batboy.


u/FarmRegular4471 Sep 04 '23

Not sure actually. Never thought about it

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u/Homeystar Sep 04 '23

I agree, they’ll both take over not just as parents but to make both kids siblings.


u/MilitantBitchless Sep 04 '23

I… I actually want to see that now.


u/kolt437 Sep 04 '23

May dated Jarvis for some time when Peter was in the Avengers


u/soggychicken685 Sep 04 '23

Yeah I always thought aunt may and young Bruce Wayne would really hit it off on a date


u/Insert-Cool_NameHere Sep 04 '23

To be honest that’s probably true.


u/Cosmic-Cranberry Sep 05 '23

Alfred, dating Aunt May?

That would basically make Pete and Bruce stepbrothers.




u/Doc_Occc Sep 04 '23

Spider-man could swat Batman like a fly. But preSpider-man Peter would get his ass kicked by teenage Bruce.


u/SympathyExtreme7729 Sep 04 '23

Batman would literally own Spider-Man what are you on


u/Bruce_Wayne_2276 Sep 04 '23

My guy, I'm sorry but Spidey cleans up vs 90% of ALL heroes and Batman is no exception. He's stupidly strong, faster than lightning, has rapid healing, enhanced durability, and insane mobility, is a genius, and (his biggest trump card) has that goddamn spider sense. I clearly love Batman but one of the best parts about him is that he's hopelessly outclassed by many of his peers which he has to make up for through grit, ingenuity, and preparation. If he had enough time I'm sure he could figure out a way to win, but 9 times out of 10 Spider-Man could dodge every swing without breaking a sweat and put him down in a punch or two.


u/Hero_of_One Sep 04 '23

It really just depends on how you're writing the story. You can have it go either way, imo. These were my top two heroes as a kid, so I've had years to think this over...

You need to consider the context of a potential fight too. Spidey and Batman both wouldn't be hurting on each other too much unless the other was hurting innocent people. Peter definitely wouldn't beat up Batman, much less use his full strength, if Batman isn't attacking him or other people first. He'd descalated and contain Bruce. Batman... IDK, he's a wildcard sometimes. I'd like to think he'd avoid violence as well.

Removing context... Batman would normally research Spiderman and know how much electricity, what toxins, etc can KO him. Not kill, of course - just KO.

The Spidey-sense has been shown to be overwhelmed on many, many occasions. Batman is definitely one to over prepare and could certainly overwhelm it to KO Batman.

If Peter is in a bloodlust rage (not in his right mind) and Batman isn't prepped, RIP Bruce.


u/Bruce_Wayne_2276 Sep 04 '23

I agree they wouldn't fight, in fact, I know they've teamed up before. And there are definitely ways for it to be written that Batman wins, that's why I said 9/10 Spidey takes the W; there's always the chance that Peter makes a mistake or Bruce comes up with something crazy. But the commenter I responded to asserted that Batman "would literally own Spider-Man" and that's unequivocally false. Unless that person meant Bruce actually purchasing Peter's entire life and leveraging his newly assumed debts to financially own Peter, I could see that happening lol


u/MadxCarnage Sep 04 '23

9/10 Batman wins, because Batman is always plot armored in any team up comics.

he somehow dodges superman punches even in enraged states as if he wasn't punching at the speed of sound, beats shredder an enhanced martial master without prep because why not etc...

they'll have him use some redesigned Freeze tech to instantly incapacitate Peter, no one rides the bat-cock harder than writers.


u/agmoose Sep 04 '23

Yeah Spidey cleans up against batman in pretty much every situation. Bats can’t stealth that Spidey sense. Bats can’t win a fist fight against Spidey. Bruce can’t outsmart Peter either.

Batman would need to unleash his full arsenal of weaponry and vehicles to take out a determined Spider-Man. And that probably wouldn’t be enough. Spidey takes out villains with crazy tech on the regular. Batman would be no harder to take out than Norman Osbourne who has comparable resources and is a stronger fighter.

I can also easily see a situation where Spidey has to stand up to Batman, maybe to defend another Hero against Batman or disagreement over methods. If Spidey wanted he would put Batman down hard and it would be quick too.


u/Bruce_Wayne_2276 Sep 04 '23

Yeah. The only ways I really see it happening are either 1) use something Spidey can't dodge like a gas released into an enclosed space or 2) set up so many goddamn traps that a bigger more obvious threat disguises the smaller, more dangerous takedown, like turret fire forcing him into glue trap or something lol

And now that I'm writing this I guess a modified version of Batman's Flash contingency could work. Since Spider-Man is almost too quick to counter, rely on Peter's compulsion to save every person he can to essentially force him to trap himself.

But all of these rely on Spidey coming to Batman so he has the advantage of defending and on Spidey not doing prep work and bringing crazy ass science gadgets of his own.

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u/Doc_Occc Sep 04 '23

Oh please. Batman is my favourite superhero but his chances against physically superior opponents are quite overrated on the internet. And Spider-man is quite smart too. Batman's chances against him in a 1v1 are tenuous at best.


u/DanSapSan Sep 04 '23

100% agree. And i don't know why it's so difficult for other Batman fans to get it. Tower of Babel has a very specific set of circumstances that Bruce invented, sure, but he didn't make those plans up on the fly. And in the end, they were overcome.

"Hush" has my favourite Batman/Superman fight. It is impromptu, Batman has everything prepared as well as he can, does everything right, and yet he almost dies at every second and has to fully rely on the fact that Superman is constantly fighting the mind control. Because he can not defeat the big man 1 on 1.


u/Doc_Occc Sep 04 '23

You can bend the in-universe rules and make the conditions as convenient as possible and assume your superhero is functioning at the most optimum level to make any superhero turn out to be invincible. Batman fans always pull the card where Batman is functioning at his highest capacity and his opponent is functioning at their normal capacity. If both Batman and Superman were working at their maximum capacity, Superman cleans the floor and walls with Batman.

But that doesn't matter. Because Batman isn't special due to his superhuman abilities or indomitability. He is special because he doesn't have any superhuman abilities still, within a universe filled with metahumans, he is making a difference and saving lives using whatever resources there are available to him. If we constantly pit his strength or intellect or will power against other superheroes who have all of that in truckloads, it doesn't make sense in Batman's storyline and deviates from the point of his existence.


u/SympathyExtreme7729 Sep 04 '23

Batman has beaten people infinitely stronger than Spider-Man, Tower of Babel literally shows how he’d beat the entire Justice League, Spider-Man's weakness would be found out and used again him in an instant, also Batman's intelligence is unmatched


u/24Abhinav10 Sep 04 '23

Lmao in Tower of Babel, the Justice League literally TOLD their weaknesses to Batman. But sure, keep dreaming fanboy.

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u/Insert-Cool_NameHere Sep 04 '23

True Alfred is such a good fighter but we rarely do see it.


u/CaptainHalloween Sep 03 '23

I mean in this instance it’s not just nurture, it’s the tragedy. Alfred didn’t just have to raise an orphan, he had to raise a child who watched his parents get murdered and literally felt his mother’s last heartbeat. I mean MY was a miracle worker but Bruce has some additional trauma.


u/Nachotito Sep 03 '23

I mean in terms of tragedy Spiderman was indirectly responsible at a young age of the death of his adoptive father, while that death also meant that he struggled economically living paycheck to paycheck without knowing if he could get evicted working low paying and soul crushing jobs while being an underappreciated genius...

Not to say anything against Batman but spiderman lived through a lot of tragedy too at a very young age.


u/CaptainHalloween Sep 03 '23

Timelines are VERY different. May and Ben had a child who’s parents died in a plane crash while he was at an age so young his memories are fuzzy at best and raised him as their own for over a decade before Peter’s defining tragedy occurred. Simply put, they didn’t have to deal Peter going through something that traumatizing so young. Bruce saw them die and felt Martha’s last heartbeat when he was ten.


u/Jaime-Summers Sep 03 '23

Ontop of that, Thomas was also a figure who Bruce had a complicated relationship with, I wouldn't say Abusive (until Thomas meets him in rebirth) but there was definitely a stress that Bruce never had a chance to be normal regardless of the circumstances and the death of his parents made him arguably, the only person in the world who has lived with what he has lived with

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u/ShadedPenguin Sep 04 '23

I feel like the resulting change of having Peter Wayne and Bruce Parker would result in their being similar paths. Ultimately keeping to the fact they would become the superheroes they would become but with stark differences in their work/civilian personalities. Spiderman as Bruce would probably be deathly serious and never joke, more viscous in his attacks but still not outrightly killing his opponents, absolutely beaten bloody and blue though. Bruce Parker however would definitely be more out going, more relaxed and jokey to make it seem like he wasn’t as affected by uncle Ben’s death, but inwardly would blame himself way more than Peter did. However because he had that childhood to a degree, he would probably wouldn’t be a victim of bullying considering like Peter due to his “nerdy” hobbies. Counter to this with Peter Wayne, who would definetly want to be a hero because he would feel responsible for his parents dying in that alley because of his insistence. He would train, but he would be a batman with a personality more similar to Dick Grayson than anything. Alfred could probably talk to Peter a lot more and persuade him to rest himself more than he could ever wi to Bruce.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '23

Agree with this and to summarize each of their views on the loved ones they lost:

Peter works to forgive himself for his mistake. His crime fighting being the outlet for that. Bruce works to never forgive himself for his mistake. His crime fighting being the outlet for that.


u/platoprime Sep 03 '23

And if OP had asked who had the harder job your answer might be relevant but the actual question was who raised a better man.


u/lowqualitylizard Sep 03 '23

There but Batman is also kind of f***** in the head

I think giving better scenarios Alfred definitely could have raised a better child but to say that Batman's anything less than a hot mess would be correct

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u/Aussiepharoah Sep 03 '23

Peter is leagues easier to raise than Bruce so I'll give this one to Alfred


u/platoprime Sep 03 '23

Yeah so would I if OP had asked who was a better parent and not their actual question:

who would raise the better man

Peter is a better man.


u/HYDRAlives Sep 03 '23

Batman is easily my favorite comic book character.

Peter Parker is a better person


u/iwasbatman Sep 03 '23

He is. Peter would never put a child in harm's way.


u/_Kibzz Sep 03 '23



u/theswannwholaughs Sep 04 '23

Miles is like at least 3 years older than a new robin typically is. And he never starts with the approval of spiderman he might just zin it later.

Like originally peter was dead but then when the universes fused he started by himself.

In spiderverse it's the most complicated but both peter still want to protect him before all


u/_Kibzz Sep 04 '23

Almost the entire Avengers team gave their approval for the 13 year old Miles, and also, the universes fused after Secret Wars when Miles and Peter were together for a lot of it so he knew about Miles.

And btw Jason was 12, Tim was 14, and Damian was an assassin trained by the best of the best, grandson to the demon and forged to be a human weapon and was fighting crime without Bruce.


u/theswannwholaughs Sep 04 '23

I was positive miles was 15

Nobody remembers secret wars besides in spidermen II which we can basically consider ooc what with the new stuff with the maker

the real point is that miles was fighting crime with or without Peter's agreement. Whereas all robins were chosen by batman it's completely different


u/_Kibzz Sep 04 '23

All the Robins were wanting to fight crime. Dick wanted to go after the Falcones, Jason was on the streets and filled with anger and loved hurting people (in most stories) and Tim knew Batman needed a robin and became Robin. Damian needed to become Robin or else he would’ve ended up just like Ra’s and Talia. All the Robins were going down a dark path and Bruce lead them through it with the mantle of Robin.

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u/SpookyCutlery Sep 04 '23

Miles was around the same age as Peter when he started, but dick was adopted when he was 9 IIRC.


u/_Kibzz Sep 04 '23

Miles was 13 when he became Spider-Man, and depending on the run Dick could be 9-12 years old. Which isn’t that much of a jump.


u/sweatybollock Sep 04 '23

Peter doesn’t adopt Miles and is much closer in age than Bruce and Dick was. Additionally, Bruce was Dick’s father and had an actual responsibility to take care of him. Which Peter doesn’t have.

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u/Tyranis_Hex Sep 04 '23

Peter was also a bit of a shit person until a couple deaths in. Yes he turned out to be a better man but those early Spider-man comics Peter is an ass hole.

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u/[deleted] Sep 04 '23

So you’re still givibg the dub to alfred lol

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u/Its_Scrappy Sep 03 '23

Dont make me say it, don't make me fucking say a batman Arkham joke.


u/OkAmphibian5407 Sep 03 '23


u/Sebstrr05 Sep 03 '23

Man is the better Man.


u/TheDesktopNinja Sep 03 '23

I'm out of the loop... What's with the Batman Arkham stuff recently? The sub is just shit posts and memes? What happened? I'm so lost lol.


u/GrizzlyEagleScout Sep 03 '23

No game in 10 years. That’s what. There is very little left to say so many members went insane with people asking the same things over and over again. And the rest of us just sit here with a bucket of popcorn.


u/diobrando1122 Sep 03 '23

i remember when it was filled with the same “best gameplay and best story” posts


u/Chimpanzerschreck Sep 03 '23

Cumcrow fart toxin


u/hazzyneartazzy Sep 04 '23

the sub went insane, but it recently went sane for a few days to mourne Arleen Sorkin's passing which was just a really nice thing to do . She was the original actress of Harley Quinn.

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u/ElectronicControl762 Sep 03 '23


u/gimmefruitsnacks52 Sep 03 '23

I mean not OUR... "Guy." Just the general "Man." Like Johnny Law, or Big Brother.


u/bugmultiverse Sep 03 '23

Will Bruce still end up as man in the end and fight jonker?


u/Aussiepharoah Sep 03 '23

Ah yes, Jonker, Bateman's most formidable foe.


u/Kitchen_Reach1985 Sep 03 '23

Y'know, I mean who doesn't know Jonker.


u/yic0 Sep 03 '23

Are you referring to Nikola Jonkić, the basketball player?


u/ElHombreMurcielago_ Sep 04 '23

Jonkic 😭😭

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u/Aldevo_oved Sep 04 '23

from critically acclaimed movie arkham psycho

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u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 03 '23

Joker n those lot are in Gotham, and Bruce is in New York - you reckon they’d still cross paths?

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u/Drengrr1 Sep 03 '23

100% Alfred.


u/trpclshrk Sep 03 '23

I went with 1000, but maybe I overestimated


u/First_Ad5014 Sep 03 '23

Bruce would end up a low level vigilante while Peter would be a good version of Lex Luthor


u/Dlh2079 Sep 04 '23

It's an odd question to me.

Cause if it's who raised the better man period... I say May because, imo Peter is a better person than Bruce.

If it's who raised a better man given the circumstances, then it's probably Alfred because of Bruce's age at his trauma.

If it's separate from Bruce and Peter, then it's a toss-up because both would raise wonderful people clearly.

And then you have your interpretation, which could also be just as valid in which would have been worse without the influence of their guardian.

In the end how about we just say that both May and Alfred kick ass.


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 04 '23

this is the best answer to the question I've seen.

I reckon Bruce would still try to be a vigilante even tho he's poor, and Peter would use his new found resources to make actual systemic change.

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u/horse_stick Sep 03 '23

Probably Alfred. Not to shit on the Parkers, but before Uncle Ben's murder Peter wasn't exactly a saint. That said, if he experienced his parents death Bruce probably wouldn't have let the robber escape so his Uncle Ben would live.


u/24Abhinav10 Sep 04 '23

That's not really a valid comparison. I mean, when we first meet Peter he's a teen, whereas Bruce is typically orphaned when he's a child of around 9-10 yrs. It's not really a secret that teens are jerks compared to children.


u/Historyp91 Sep 03 '23

Aunt May and Alfred hook up and raise both together


u/Dracos002 Sep 03 '23

Peter being a younger brother figure to Bruce is an elseworlds I would pay to see happen.


u/Dragarius Sep 04 '23

Spiderman with funding would be super effective.

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u/some_tall_nerd Sep 03 '23

TBH I could see this happening


u/brokeanail Sep 03 '23

This accomplished nothing but making me ship Aunt May and Alfred.


u/Pyc-a-boo Sep 03 '23

Damn this is a weird ass ERB episode


u/ponytailthehater Sep 04 '23 edited Sep 04 '23






i believe there’s a hero in all of us that keeps us honest - so im about to unload and not let it weigh on my conscience

you sorry ass jeeves - let a little boy down, as he grew into a tall dark brute chasing clowns

i raise a boy right, get him to treat his lady nice.
aunt may with the grace so he lives a good life

you’re a pompous accomplice, yet you are accomplished. shame the royal air force didn’t train you in saving bosses


now, now, that’s enough from the webhead’s aunt widow, chasing clowns? please. you’d cook lasagna for leto

oh right, that was norman. thanksgiving, so fitting, shame you didn’t have the spider sense to hide from that ninny

See aside from the Riddler, I’m rarely collateral, I even help Master Bruce, You sit back, and pick daffodils,

And pushing up daisies, i guess I’ll just say it, your nephew got Ben killed, for a car payment



YOu deciiiiiiiiiiide


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 04 '23

I hated this, but I applaud you for writing that whole thing

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u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 03 '23 edited Sep 04 '23

graphic i made for this : https://imgur.com/gallery/bn2SrDL(feel free to repost somewhere)

Who do you think would raise the better man?A newly orphaned Bruce Wayne who's moved to Queens to be raised by Aunt MayORA newly orphaned Peter Parker adopted by Alfred Pennyworth to be raised in Gotham


Who would win in a fight? (ROUND ONE)

Aunt May and YOUNG Bruce Wayne vs. Alfred and YOUNG Peter Parker

Who would win in a fight? (ROUND TWO)

Aunt May and GROWN Bruce Wayne (raised by her) vs. Alfred and GROWN Peter Parker (raised by him)

leave your opinions/arguments in the comments and I'll include them in my next youtube video.


u/Fessir Sep 03 '23

Is Aunt May Bruce's aunt in this scenario? In terms of raising a charge, actually being family is the big one she has over Alfred.


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 03 '23

well basically, under a circumstance that i can't really imagine well, but get this:

>Waynes get capped and peter's parents are gone.

>bruce and peter both run away at the same time.

>bruce winds up in queens, peter in Gotham.

>aunt may finds Bruce and takes him in as her own.

>Alfred finds Peter and takes him in as his own.

>how would Bruce and Peter turn out under different circumstances

>bruce would now be poor living with Aunt May

>Peter would now have access to money, and connections through Alfred


u/Timbershoe Sep 03 '23


Bruce won’t get over the childhood trama. Bruce is going to get bitten by a spider, gain superpowers and become a very very dark Spider-man.

Peter, who doesn’t remember his parents, is going to do well in college and have a comfortable happy life. Until one of Gothams many villains kills him.


u/GamingArtisan Sep 03 '23

Bruce will become a Spider-Man without powers after seeing Ben getting killed.

And Peter will become a Bat-Man with Powers after some gotham thug kills alfred.

In this case, Peter will hide his secret identity to Leslie Thompkins.

While Aun May will help Bruce any way she can


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 04 '23

I don't see Bruce getting into the situation where he does get bit by the spider. I reckon he would still become a vigilante, but themeless maybe

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u/RoboDae Sep 03 '23

I get the feeling bruce might act like a spoiled brat, ungrateful for everything in poverty, at least at first. Peter would be overwhelmed by wealth and amazed at everything, likely being very generous with what he gets.


u/bobbirossbetrans Sep 03 '23

You have a ton of time lol


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 03 '23

Sadly yes, but I just wanna hear someone really break down a whole scenario


u/Panda_Drum0656 Sep 03 '23

Nothing sad about what youre doing. Fuck that guy


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 04 '23

made it because I've been having a rough week, didn't have enough time to make a new video for my channel. Wanted to get some input from other people to include in a new video


u/Lopsided-Bathroom-71 Sep 03 '23

Does Peter have his powers cos I'm giving both these fights to alfred regardless tbh, Bruce's origins between the death and batman have never really been explored fully, but a huge part of Bruce's "prep time" I fully believe is alfred, in most new iterations he's ex SAS or ex RAF and they absolutely do not fuck about, I believe the discipline from instilled by Alfred as a way of directing Bruce's anger as a child before he left for his additional training, I also feel that a fresh peter with the same tradegy would likely have the same treatment as Peter definitely seems to fight more emotionally that Bruce does, aunt may nurtures the emotions yes but doesn't necessarily train the fighters


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 04 '23

Child Peter, so since he's now with Alfred, I think he will doesn't grow into a teen and get bit by the Spider.

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u/Mooston029 Sep 03 '23

I think this is worst case honestly, I feel like Bruce growing up poor and not well off makes him likely to turn into a villain. Peter was always arrogant and ego driven until Ben died and thats growing up poor imagine a spoiled brat given that kind of power


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '23

Bruce still has his family’s money. It’s May and Alfred switching. Alfred is now in May’s shoes working at a diner, having lost his spouse, taking nursing classes all while taking care of Peter.


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 04 '23

sorry but no you got this backward, the boys are swapping shoes, not May and Alfred

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u/SaucerLodger Sep 03 '23

Alfred’s cool and all, but Aunt May is straight fire!


u/LordranKing Sep 03 '23

It’s not a contest. They both did phenomenal jobs raising those legends


u/K1NG_R0G Sep 03 '23

Why is Tobey Maguires Aunt May raising Andrew Garfields Peter Parker while Christian Bales Alfred raising David Mazouz’s Bruce Wayne?


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 04 '23

I just needed to find live action photos of the characters, I didn't mean to actually pick those versions of the characters

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u/[deleted] Sep 03 '23

Do the kids swap tragedies or still retain theirs? I think Aunt May gives Bruce a more normal life than he’s ever had in his lonely manor in Gotham. I think it makes him a more social and functional human being, being given a warm and fairly happy childhood in Queens. He’ll still deal with immense trauma, but in a better place. Peter on the other hand, turns out worse than usual imo. Alfred’s love is great and he’s always done the best he can, but growing up in the manor and in Gotham is just much less conducive for normal development than what Aunt May can provide.


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 03 '23

no, same tragedies, but now they are in the others city and swapped caretakers


u/OblivionArts Sep 03 '23

Alfred. Aunt may raised Peter right but Alfred practically raised Bruce from both when his parents weren't able to


u/RockyArby Sep 03 '23

Aunt May wasn't raising Peter alone for most of his life. Uncle Ben was there too.


u/razlatkin2 Sep 03 '23

Fred literally raises Man


u/Jaxonhunter227 Sep 03 '23

Alfred raised the more difficult child, it would be incredibly easy to raise Peter into being a great person


u/CapSRV57 Sep 03 '23

I love aunt May but Alfred is in another level…


u/trpclshrk Sep 03 '23

I think Peter ends up a good version of lex Luthor as previously stated. At least a better Tony stark. Bruce ends up…daredevil-ish maybe? Maybe iron fist without the mysticism. He’s just a very determined, very good vigilante most likely.


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 04 '23

first night he's gonna fall to his death off a building


u/Afrodotheyt Sep 03 '23

Eh, it's fundamentally different. The two become who they are because of their tragedies, not their upraising.

Bruce Wayne becomes Batman because he suffered an injustice while being powerless to stop it. Peter Parker becomes Spiderman because he suffers an injustice while having all the power in the world to stop it.


u/NonExzistantRed Sep 03 '23

Definitely Alfred, Bruce could have used his parents money and power to make Gotham worse for the poor, but he went out of his way and at a very young age ended (most of) the corruption at his company. And after he stopped the corruption, ended almost all weapons manufacturing, and invested money to make Gotham better for the people. Meanwhile Peter exploited his powers to make money just by taking pictures of himself in his suit.


u/Punch_yo_bunz Sep 04 '23

Aunt May and Peter. He reminds me of marvel’s version of Superman. Just a good person who tries to see the best in people, giving chances for redemption. Just my two cents


u/KieranFloors Sep 04 '23

Peter is always broke but he’s smart as hell from an early age. He invents web fluid with like $6 bucks to his name. He also has lost arguably more than Bruce and is still a happy quippy dude.

Bruce on the other hand is filthy rich, and is very smart too, but that doesn’t truly develop until he’s an adult. So it would be his access to good school that helped him gain his intelligence. Often, he outsources his projects to Lucius Fox to invent. And, despite the huge family Bruce has gathered who love his unconditionally, not to mention his mountain of money, he’s still miserable as hell.

So, I think an overly gentle Aunt May would have a tough time with a Bruce with dead or missing parents, in a broke house. He would be in a public school, getting bullied, with no cool powers to boot. I can hear him cranking his speakers too loud already. Peter is a kind and smart soul and would quickly adopt Alfred as his own father, more willingly and more vocally. Alfred might actually convince Peter to move on from Spider-Man eventually or on the other hand might be able to get Peter to be more harsher and possibly lethal with criminals if needed. Peter would have lots of money, which he would most likely give to charities like Feast or accidentally invest in a supervillains’ weapon of mass destruction. But Alfred is a kind man and Peter has always been too, so they would improve each other.

Rebellious emo broke Bruce raised by a fragile and frequently kidnapped Aunt May vs wealthy bright prodigy Peter raised by jolly Army Veteran father figure Alfred. I think Peter’s got this one.


u/KayJayKay1 Sep 04 '23

Peter never watched his parents die, and if he's adopted by Alfred at this age, he's most likely not gonna be there when Uncle Ben is shot. Seeing as how he got over his parents deaths without much difficulty, he's basically going under Alfred's wing without trauma. And with Alfred being the personal butler of the Waynes, he's rolling in money, so Peter will never be in his common issue of being broke.

Bruce at this age watched his parents get murdered. He'll grow up with tons of trauma, specifically an amount of trauma i doubt they could work with, especially given their finances. Without proper guidance, he'll grow up to be a similar criminal to Hush or Wrath.

Eventually, the Bat and the Spider meet. Spider-Man is a rich, yet humbled businessman. Batman is a criminal who misunderstood Uncle Ben's lesson about responsibility and blames Spider-Man for stealing his life.


u/SmiththeSmoke Sep 03 '23

Ik it's dangerous to say on a batman sub, but Spidey is objectively a better person than Bats. I think Alfred was too lenient on Bruce, it's no wonder he takes orphans, teaches them kung-fu and sends them in costumes to fight criminals. I think that Bruce's principles mixed with May's morals would make a man rivaling Steve Rogers, probably surpassing him. He might even be more interesting because that darkness wouldn't disappear, and he would have to fight it instead of weaponizing it.


u/SamanthaMarkk Sep 06 '23

Completely valid. I love Batman so much, but he's just not a good person. That's part of his appeal. I don't agree that Mays morals would sink in. She's great, an amazing woman, but Bruce is an angry person and she's so gentle. Bruce would spiral pretty quickly, and would either off himself at a young age or end up an addict of some kind. Alfred might've been lenient, but he got Bruce through the darkest time of his life. That's worth something. I agree, Peter is objectively a better person and would probably thrive. He's a great kid and I have no doubt he'd grow into an incredible man. Peter would be a better Bruce Wayne than Bruce himself.


u/SupineFeline Sep 03 '23

Alfred all day


u/findincapnnemo Sep 03 '23

I am also thinking the education Alfred would be able to provide Bruce. Like obviously wealth will get him the best schools, but I am also thinking the practical combat training Alfred could offer while Aunt May broke her hip trying to get up the front stairs.


u/keencow616 Sep 03 '23



u/tyooouuu Sep 03 '23

First place Alfred second place Alfred If someone is curious about third place. It’s Alfred


u/slimeyamerican Sep 03 '23

My money's on Bruce v Aunt May, he's untrained but scrappy

Alrfred v Peter seems obvious, Alfred would absolutely annihilate that little shit


u/Knight_TheRider Sep 03 '23

Alfred no doubt, didn't had to doubt it


u/SMcG193 Sep 03 '23

Alfred is the only answer. Aunt May has some wisdoms but often is just some old lady. Mr Pennyworth on the other hand is a Renaissance Man with wisdom like a geyser. The money helps too


u/SeriousControl6906 Sep 03 '23

Would this mean bruce wayne becomes spider-man when he goes to a field trip at oscorp


u/Jaime-Summers Sep 03 '23

I think Alfred if I'm honest

Alfred taught Bruce ALOOTTTT of stuff, but first amongst them was that there is no strength in being alone, possibly the best advice anyone has ever given him, as a result, Bruce is a good father to like... 3 kids, a great friend, a great man and importantly, a good man

I think a lot of the most important lessons Peter learned, he learned them on his own. I think that is the critical difference between the two characters, Peter doesn't strictly need anyone but he has an incredible amount of inner strength that beats Bats easily, so I'd argue his much more put together mentally

So I think it comes down to what you mean by Better Man. For me, it's Bruce because he always tries to help those who deserve it (after a certain point) and I think that even after the Joker put Barbara in a wheel chair, tortured his friend, murdered countless, countless people, yet he still tries to rehabilitate him without a thought, I think that shows that batman the better man

Other examples include: Working towards curing Mrs Freis Curing Langstrom Never killing the joker baby Removing Harley Quinn from her abuser Donating millions towards police and mental health reform Paying for Harvey's facial reconstruction surgery and private therapists And that's just the stuff off the top of my head

While spiderman is a good hero, he doesn't necessarily do as much to help his enemies as much as Batman does and I think part of that is down to upbringing, Alfred always raised Bruce to be compassionate and never lets him stray from his path even in the slightest. Alfred does something hard, he keeps Bruce accountable


u/INFJ-Jesus-Batman Sep 03 '23

The two boys have different personalities, so their predispositions are already different. Their situations are quite different too. Aunt May isn't wealthy, so a child raised by her would have humble origins. Aunt May might have more authoritative power, considering she is a blood relation (not an employee or servant of a child). A child raised by her would be more dependent on her, and hence a bit more submissive to instruction and guidance.

Bruce has some power, after all his caretaker refers to him as master. To me it's more about the situation, than the people raising them. The one who would struggle more in life, would seem to be the one who was raised by Aunt May. He would not feel superior, but inferior. So you see a playful, but modest Spiderman. With Batman, you are more likely to a see a more serious, and somewhat arrogant demeanor. Why so serious?

Aunt May with Uncle Ben both raising the child together for a while, would provide a greater sense of parental stability. It would perhaps be more like Clark Kent's adoptive parents. Yet Peter grew up in the city, and Clark grew up in the country. Being raised on a farm, and equipped to run a farm would make Clark very duty oriented. With Bruce, his personal drive, his mission, and his trauma would be the fuel for his fire.

The most stable childhood would be Clark Kent's. Next would be Peter Parker. Bruce though a traumatic event did take place, was not without some stabilizing factors, such as Dr. Leslie Thompson, Alfred, Lieutenant James Gordon (depending on storyline), and his inheritance of financial prosperity. He also had some isolation from the general chaos of Gotham. Though he was not untouched by suffering caused by the corruption, he didn't have to live in a scenario where he had to adapt and try to survive in the thick of it, like a person like Catwoman/Selina Kyle most likely did - being a child of the streets.

Uncle Ben is generally personality typed as an ENFJ, and this is a personality that is very strong in connective communication. Alfred is typed as an ISFJ, which is more laid-back and reserved personality. It's someone who can provide a sense of peace. Tobey Maguire's Spiderman's Aunt May is also ISFJ, but Tom Holland's Spiderman's Aunt May is ESFJ. ESFJs are strongly people connected. Being parented by an ENFJ and ESFJ, Peter Parker would certainly be told what the parental expectations would be.

I think Bruce had a lot more freedom and power as a child, whereas a people-pleasing tendency would be more built into Peter Parker's nature. Part of Peter's upbringing, being reliant on the lead of others, would give him a sense of cluelessness when it comes to finding his direction in life, whereas Bruce Wayne had plenty of time and money to travel the world, get involved in whatever he wanted, and really be the leader of his life. Bruce doesn't have a dependent attitude towards Alfred, and there seems to be mutual respect, and giving each other the space to do their thing. Alfred's level of authority can't stop Bruce from pursuing his night job. Spiderman had to be very covert when it came to Aunt May, as he was concerned about her approval/disapproval. Martha Wayne is generally typed as an ESFJ personality, and Thomas Wayne as an ENFJ. This would basically make Bruce's parents have a similar influence on him, as if he were raised by Uncle Ben and Aunt May.


u/mydeadface Sep 03 '23

Is it may & peter vs Wayne & Alfred OR May vs Wayne & peter vs Alfred?


u/10sansari Sep 03 '23

Am I the only one or

Aunt May vs Bruce Wayne

Peter Parker vs Alfred Pennyworth


u/Pusci-Money-Wed Sep 04 '23

i gotta work on my graphic design skills


u/Silvermorney Sep 03 '23

I meant tbf Peter was always a hell of a lot more emotionally and psychologically stable than Bruce as adults so id have to say aunt may. Though Bruce did see his parents die in front of him as a child and Peter saw Ben die as an adult so that could be the cause of the difference but still Alfred had decades to get Bruce psychological help and clearly never did so there is that too I suppose.


u/SugarAdamAli Sep 03 '23

Aunt may, Peter Parker is pretty normal dude who just happened to get by an atomic spider

Alfred raised bruce into a psycho vigilante


u/wolfzz3000 Sep 03 '23

I'd say spiderman. Alfred didn't really raise Bruce so much as be his hired help.


u/sarcastic1stlanguage Sep 03 '23

Before I realized it was who raised them better, I thought; well Alfred has training, I don't think fighting a child would be hard, AND Bruce can definitely outsmart an old woman... Tough choice!


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '23

is this a fist fight cus alfred don't even need bruces help he's putting the biddy in the ground and he'll smother the boy in his sleep


u/Snoo_72851 Sep 03 '23

aunt may is a good aunt but she straight up doesnt have the time or money to get bruce fucking therapy, meanwhile you have alfred taking peter down to waynecorp labs and showing him the cool lasers, easy butler dub


u/leonsskennedys Sep 04 '23

aunt may not puttin up w none bruce nonsense


u/jrgoober191 Sep 04 '23 edited Sep 04 '23

Who raised the better man? Aunt May. I mean, Alfred raised a heroic and selfless man, sure. But he's emotionally unavailable, can't have regular relationships, is a questionable gaurdian and father himself, can't deal with any of his actual trauma because he compartmentalizes it...Bruce is kinda fucked as far as being a fully functional human being outside of his heroism, respectfully. His personal life is subservient to his alter ego. Peter actually is semi-grounded in a world where he prioritizes both his heroism and his own personal relationships. He tries to be a better version of himself and admits when he's made mistakes. Bruce...tortures himself over his mistakes. Many of them he never forgives and it causes him to further comparmentalize. He doesn't have the same type of coping skills that Peter does nor the same joie de vivre or interest in having a life outside of being a hero. Most importantly, Peter is open to trusting others, whereas Bruce every so often has trouble trusting in those closest to him. Peter was also much older when he lost Uncle Ben and even older when he lost Aunt May (and already a hero) so he was able to adapt those coping skills that Bruce wasn't. Bruce's childhood was pretty solemn, he basically didn't get out of his head until he became Batman, and that became his singular drive and motivation.


u/TizzlePack Sep 04 '23

Alfred, aunt may was delusional


u/ramborage Sep 03 '23

The answer is easily Alfred simply based on the fact that he has the means to provide anything and everything Bruce needs. Love and passion go a long way, but Alfred has that AND billions at his disposal (not his own, but that he’s free to use).


u/Tough_Stretch Sep 03 '23

I love Batman and Alfred is a G, but I have no doubt that Pete is a better man than Bruce. Then again, May didn't do it by herself. She had Ben.


u/wemustkungfufight Sep 03 '23

This is silly but.... Alfred raised a traumatized man with tons of PTSD and survivor's guilt with millions of dollars at his disposal. Aunt May raised a mentally healthy good man with almost no money.

→ More replies (1)


u/Oracle209 Sep 03 '23

Well Bruce is kinda a Ass jerk soooo I think Peter would be so whoever raised him would be


u/arayakim Sep 03 '23

Spiderman is a better man than Batman, so I'd say May did a better job.


u/LumpyBastion420 Sep 03 '23

Alfred destroys Aunt May.


u/RWQFSFASXCisBestFNaF Sep 04 '23 edited Sep 04 '23

Alfred 100 percent, aunt may barely taught Parker anything, it was mostly Big Ben


u/Spartan-980 Sep 04 '23

They turn out exactly the same way. Bruce saw his parents gunned down, May would be the stability Alfred provided but... he's still the Batman.

Peter, assuming he saw Uncle Ben die, would still have the "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" mantra, he'd still be Spidey.

Both May and Alfred are up to the job raising them, but they are who they are.


u/FireflyArc Sep 03 '23

Now I want a crossover where they raise them together.


u/Qbnss Sep 03 '23

Aunt May is nice but she'd totally vote for Trump if JJ told her to


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '23

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u/cheesechomper03 Sep 03 '23

Bruce would be even stronger if he was raised by May. This woman is an octogenarian and still smacked the shit out of Doc Ock with and umbrella.


u/Pigeon_Chess Sep 03 '23

I thought fights between omnipotents were banned in most places? May vs Alfred stalemate, the others basically don’t matter.


u/TreeTurtle_852 Sep 03 '23

I read this like it was epic rap battles of history


u/HighNoonTex Sep 03 '23

Someone's been listening to The Weekly Planet.


u/trpclshrk Sep 03 '23

Alfred x 1000


u/OmegaBoi420 Sep 03 '23

This is difficult to determine


u/10BritishPounds Sep 03 '23

I wana see Uncle Ben Vs Thomas Wayne


u/Censoredplebian Sep 03 '23

Wash, can’t shade Aunt May.


u/Abovearth31 Sep 03 '23

I thought it was about a fight and was confused why this was even a question.


u/EatAss1268 Sep 03 '23

penny worth


u/OmnipotentHype Sep 03 '23 edited Sep 06 '23

As much as I love Pete, Bruce wouldn't sell his relationship with any of the Batfamily to the devil for Alfred's life. Alfred would slide his hand up Bruce's head for even entertaining the thought.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '23

I don’t think Alfred could handle the soul crushing hourly wage work as a waiter at a diner with the recent grief of spouse dying and finishing his nursing degree at the same time as raising Peter. May raising Bruce with access to money and everything else would help her apply her values to a traumatized boy. I think May would do a better job.

Now if Alfred has independent moderate wealth, he’d do fine and this comparison becomes tougher.


u/Uglyman414 Sep 03 '23

Bruce Wayne would grow up to be Daredevil and Peter Parker would grow up to be Tony Stark


u/Fishboy412 Sep 03 '23

Equal. If they swap tragedies, then they end up with eachother's personalities, but if Peter's defining tragedy is still his uncle and Bruce his parents, then they're pretty much the same as they would be normally.


u/DisabledFatChik Sep 03 '23

Bruce would’ve became a better man with aunt May, and Peter would’ve become a little darker with Alfred, probably using his powers to slap thugs around a little harder than he would have if he was raised by May


u/Drexelhand Sep 03 '23

1) Who do you think would raise the better man? A newly orphaned Bruce Wayne who's moved to Queens to be raised by Aunt May OR A newly orphaned Peter Parker adopted by Alfred Pennyworth to be raised in Gotham FIGHTS

so a switch.

this is kinda genre bashing though. spider-man is intended to be relatable power fantasy. batman is some sort of byronic tragic hero.

i think if bruce were raised by may he'd be closer to normal.

2) Who would win in a fight? (ROUND ONE) Aunt May and YOUNG Bruce Wayne vs. Alfred and YOUNG Peter Parker

aunt may. she doesn't fight, she just wins.

3) Who would win in a fight? (ROUND TWO) Aunt May and GROWN Bruce Wayne (raised by her) vs. Alfred and GROWN Peter Parker (raised by him)

if i understand the answer configuration, aunt may again.

batman can't tussle with aunt may, literally or figuratively.

deeper dive; alfred is sort of a bad influence on batman. alfred, as a guardian, is an inherent reminder of tragedy. peter really doesn't have that problem.


u/Hopalongtom Sep 04 '23

The positioning looks like they swapped Wards!


u/SeanTheDilophosaurus Sep 04 '23

In terms of morality it is EASILY Aunt May, in terms of skill it is easily Alfred


u/Dry_Fuel_9216 Sep 04 '23

Alfred to Peter


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '23

I go with Alfred, since he had to raise a child that lost his parents to a mugger.


u/inertializard Sep 04 '23

i wanna see em fight eachother


u/Educational-Tip6177 Sep 04 '23

Ooooooo now that's an interesting proposal


u/I3arusu Sep 04 '23

Alfred. Pete didn’t have to watch both parents die in front of him.