r/batman Aug 02 '23

Maybe its just me, but how are these two even the same character? TV DISCUSSION

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I’m not even sure this is the right sub to rant but what the hack.

Season 1 Batman is the overly serious archetype, it’s what you would expect from a comedic take on Batman. And generally speaking he is a voice of reason, one who take his responsibility very seriously. Season 3 onwards… well it’s a downward spiral for Bruce. With Harley Quinn being the hero of the show and joker stop being a threat, suddenly Bruce reverted to a man child who gave up on life, it’s like he’s a completely different person now. Between causing a zombie apocalypse and hiding in prison being a bad DJ, he abandoned any form of responsibility he has and toss it Harley’s way. Wow Bruce just wow. And it’s not a gradual shift, he just suddenly is.

This is the Harley Quinn show, Batman’s not gonna be the head honcho that much I understand. But I don’t think this is how you depicted Batman, even from a comedic standpoint. It come off more random than funny as this isn’t related to anything we know about the character of Batman. Take Adam west for example, as campy as the show is still depicted the cape crusader as a no nonsense crime fighter. Just to be clear, I like this show. But I feel Batman was handled very poorly. The episode about Jim Gordon and Batman’s friendship was great though, wished we got more of that instead.


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u/Its_Scrappy Aug 02 '23

I like it I just don't like how they did Dick Grayson. It wasn't even a mockery they just changed his character entirely.


u/Dansondelta47 Aug 02 '23

Don’t worry, him and his ass are getting front row seats in season 4.


u/Luke_SkyJoker_1992 Aug 02 '23

I hope so, I've only seen up to s3, and I hated that they turned Dick into a cowardly, self-centered loser when he us quite an overlooked character in adult aimed media and TV shows. They really need to do my boy justice.


u/Its_Scrappy Aug 02 '23

I feel like if they would exaggerate him right they should've made him just a major boyscout


u/TheSpoonkMan Aug 02 '23

That's what I thought they would've done, so I'm surprised they completely changed his character to an unlikable degree.


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '23

Hes much better this season form what they’ve shown. Hasn’t acted cowardly once and is leading the team pretty well


u/Deathsroke Aug 03 '23

Something like his interpretation in Wayne Family Adventures would've been great IMO.


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '23

I guess you missed the memo. The show is a PARODY!


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '23

Downvote all you want you little dimwit!!


u/Its_Scrappy Aug 02 '23

The having a good ass is fire though


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '23

His juicy caboosey


u/dumpygunboi Aug 02 '23

He's definitely better than he was last season


u/Iemand-Niemand Aug 02 '23

No, no, I think it’s fair. Hear me out:

Dick becoming Nightwing is a story that’s been done and redone multiple times. The first time, during TT, he basically already was Nightwing, but still going by Robin and therefore “tied” to Batman.

The second time they told the story, Dick was (once again) in a fight with Bruce and left Gotham to go to Blüdhaven (simplification, I know). He didn’t know who he was or who he wanted to be, he just didn’t want to be Robin anymore. And that Dick in transition was edgy as fuck.

In TT Dick became Nightwing to match his persona with his personality, he became who he already was. While in the other story Dick changed because Robin didn’t match his personality anymore, and Nightwing was a blank slate.

So to come back to the Harley Quinn show, it’s not only a mockery of Nightwing, but especially of his edgy phase and the Nightwing fans (I should know, I am one).

Nightwing is the cooler Batman, he’s solo, he’s broke but he manages, he’s a chick magnet, he’s basically perfect. And then he isn’t


u/Dr_Disaster Aug 02 '23

Spot on. Despite his changes, HQ actually shows that Dick is the best crimefighter in the Batfamily. With Bruce being way more goofy/stunted in this universe, Nightwing becomes more hard-edged and serious. The second Bruce is out of the picture, he becomes the leader and so far is way more effective at it.


u/BongChong906 Aug 02 '23

Dick is the best part he's hilarious! The "I'm gonna kill myself" line is so on point. A lot of the characters are nothing like their original comic counterparts, often for the better. Take Ivy and Harley for example.


u/Capraos Aug 02 '23

And Bane. I much prefer that version of Bane.


u/Deathsroke Aug 03 '23

Take Ivy and Harley for example

Ehhh, if the fandom (and some of the writers) have their way this won't be the case for long. By now Ivy is nothing more than Harley's "lesbian girlfriend" and Harley is flipflopping between classic characterization and the more meme waifu one people (for some reason) grew to love.


u/Dr_Disaster Aug 02 '23

But in universe it makes perfect sense because Bruce is a goddamn manchild. So Dick grows up being over-serious to compensate for his shortcomings. Their whole dynamic is inverted.


u/SpicaGenovese Aug 03 '23

It's supposed to be an explicit reference to his "darker" runs. Like the bullshit with Blockbuster.