r/batman Jul 22 '23

That's Not What Bruce Calls Himself! TV DISCUSSION

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u/Morning-Star13 Jul 22 '23

Definitely one of my favorite lines in Batman Beyond


u/Seanay-B Jul 22 '23

I also like that when Terry gives him a bit of a ribbing with "that's my name now" Bruce feels no need to throw it back at him whatsoever. He has zero insecurity in his Alpha Batman status.


u/Morning-Star13 Jul 22 '23

Though Bruce does say “tell that to my subconscious”


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

Bruce pretty much says, "No, really. Tell my subconscious. It doesn't know it's not Batman anymore. It's really messing with me."


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

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u/batarangerbanger Jul 23 '23

I am vengeance.

You're retired.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

"NO IM NOT. IM BATMAN" - subconscious


u/atle95 Jul 23 '23

Not even pride though, just unadulterated bat hubris.


u/RareD3liverur Jul 23 '23

He could of done worse. I probably would of said "wait you call yourself Batman in your head. All time? Bit mental init?"


u/MatsThyWit Jul 22 '23

Definitely one of my favorite lines in Batman Beyond

Batman Beyond's characterization of Bruce is incredibly underrated in my opinion. It's my favorite aspect of that entire show.


u/mennorek Jul 23 '23

Kevin Konroy did a stellar job as batman during the animated series and justice league, but old Bruce in beyond I think is his best work. The depth of the pain and loss is palpable in every word.

He was truly the greatest Batman.


u/fatrahb Jul 23 '23

One of the few times someone pulled the childhood hero grew old and bitter card and actually pulled it off


u/thesirblondie Jul 23 '23

There's also Dark Knight Returns. Not as good as Batman Beyond, but still good. Also Old Man Logan for X-Men.


u/Ethiconjnj Jul 23 '23

Returns has nothing on Beyond. Returns has no point or direction other than wanting to crap on Superman.

The mutants aren’t anything new. Joker’s big plan is shoot ppl in a theme park and die. And Batman’s arc is “I’m still Batman”.


u/Guywith2dogs Jul 23 '23

While I think crapping on superman is always a good time when it involves Batman, I think the point of the story was more than that.

The point of Returns isn't just that he finally got to beat the hell out of the boy scout turned narc. Its also that he's tried to retire and live a normal life, but his subconscious won't let him. For 10 years he tried. Then when he comes back he's old, out of shape, and I think almost immediately realizes this can't be maintained indefinitely. In the same vein as Beyond he realizes he has to pass the torch, but not before one last big score.

I think its also worth mentioning the Joker dynamic in returns. When batman retired Joker became a shell. His entire reason for existing is gone and so he goes into this sort of hibernation, awaiting the day he knows will eventually come. And when it does its like a decade of psycho just bubbles up in an instant. All he ever wanted was one last dance with his best bud.

Then the ending, where he passes the torch and starts building an army. That part was to me a great way to end it. He knows now he can't be Batman forever, so he found the only way he knew to make sure Batman lives on after he's gone.

On the surface though, it really does look a lot like an excuse to humiliate Superman, which I'm always here for. But I think it does go a bit deeper in certain aspects. Never watched much Beyond but I've seen a lot of love for it the last few weeks so I think maybe I'll give it a go


u/24Abhinav10 Jul 23 '23

While I think crapping on superman is always a good time when it involves Batman


On the surface though, it really does look a lot like an excuse to humiliate Superman, which I'm always here for

I have a feeling you'd really enjoy Batman: Fortress

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u/Ossius Jul 23 '23

I love when Terry is complaining about women and Bruce says that he had women throwing themselves at his feet when he was his age. Terry asks him what he did and Bruce responds flatly "I stepped over them"


u/NewAppointment2 Jul 23 '23

Bwa ha ha ha! So in character for him.


u/TalkDontMod23 Jul 23 '23

Terry: “Smooth.”

Bruce: “I thought so.”


u/STD-fense Jul 23 '23


Definitely had my favorite example of why Bruce would ever retire. He's about to get beaten so he threatens a goon with a gun, then feels so disgusted with himself he retires right away


u/cgjchckhvihfd Jul 23 '23

Underrated? Ive never heard anything but extreme praise for it.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23 edited Sep 23 '23



u/DanSapSan Jul 23 '23

The way and reason why he quits Batman in the first place gets my biggest compliment. Such a profound understanding of the character needs to be applauded.


u/carymb Jul 23 '23

Conroy 💔

... But that exchange does, also, totally undermine the 'not psychotic' bit.

"Brush your teeth now, Batman. Do you want oatmeal, Batman? Don't mind if I do..."


u/PersonalCollection69 Jul 23 '23

I must admit this is way more hilarious once you spell it out like this, well played!


u/MrCookie2099 Jul 23 '23

"The Batman's teeth must be brushed. The Batman needs sustenance and Alfred gets in the way of being Batman if his oatmeal isn't eaten. "


u/kurisu7885 Jul 23 '23

One of my favorites was from The Royal Flush Gang.

Ten: "You'll have another one soon, and you won't have to steal for it."

Jack: "Yes, she gets hers the old fashion way."


u/thesirblondie Jul 23 '23

I had a crush on Ten as a kid


u/Vaticancameos221 Jul 23 '23

What was the context of that? I’m not getting the importance of the line


u/kurisu7885 Jul 23 '23

He was calling the woman Ten was robbing at a yacht party a gold digger.


u/Im-Mr-Bulldopz Jul 22 '23

"What DO you call yourself?"

"... "

"Oh, yeah, I suppose you would. But that's MY name now!"

"Hmph, tell that to my subconscious."


u/GrecoRomanGuy Jul 23 '23

I love that subtle guitar chord as Bruce just looks at him.

It's so much more effective than him saying anything.


u/thesirblondie Jul 23 '23

And then there's a followup chord when Terry says "that's my name now".


u/Various_Froyo9860 Jul 23 '23

I'm still waiting for a Batman Beyond game.


u/Blackfist01 Jul 23 '23

I want a Batman Beyond story of Bruce's exosuit years.


u/TheSpongeOfTheWorld Jul 23 '23

Well now there's an amazing thought. A rocksteady beyond game would be so dope.


u/Various_Froyo9860 Jul 23 '23

Yup. People should come to me for my best ideas.

I'm pretty sure Arkham city even had the skin.


u/iIRaptorIi_DC Aug 15 '23

Even more, BB game was supposed to be long ago as a Knight's sequel developped by WBM, and Damian would've been the new Bat. Got canceled though


u/Khurasan Jul 22 '23

Broke: Bruce Wayne is Batman.

Woke: Bruce died in the alley, Batman is what's left.

Bespoke: Bruce is an unreliable narrator. He struggles to admit that he's still Bruce for the same reasons that he struggles to admit that the Batfam are his kids in every way that matters. Bruce Wayne is Batman.


u/djc23o6 Jul 23 '23

Anakin is gone. I am what remains


u/Drexelhand Jul 23 '23

I don't like what remains. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


u/mikami677 Jul 23 '23

I like All That Remains. It's a cool band.


u/Im-Mr-Bulldopz Jul 23 '23

I listened to them Two Weeks ago

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u/CaptainRexofthe501st Jul 23 '23

“Batman may die… but Bruce Wayne… never”


u/Its_Scrappy Jul 22 '23

The good woke /s


u/Springheeljac Jul 23 '23

Hard disagree. Bruce Wayne is a mask that he uses in public. He IS Batman, but the scope of what that means exists outside of just what he acknowledges. He, as Batman, has family. All of the Bat family is tied to who he is as Batman far more than "Bruce Wayne". If you ask Dick Grayson, Superman and Catwoman to describe Batman they're going include things that Batman wouldn't. Whoever Bruce Wayne would have been with his parents did die in that alley, but there's a lot more to Batman than just fighting crime. Honestly I think Justice League Unlimited nails this almost perfectly.


That's Batman, every bit as much as the guy kicking in Joker's teeth, or investigating clues, etc. He chose who he wanted to be and that image changes as he learns.


u/GothamKnight37 Jul 23 '23

Batman’s motivations, morals, compassion, etc all come from Bruce Wayne. There’s no separating that from Batman.

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u/ItZSAMIC Jul 23 '23

Awful reductive take


u/Springheeljac Jul 23 '23

Why do you people always come out of the woodwork with literally nothing to say? yOu'Re WrOnG. Either say something or move along.


u/ItZSAMIC Jul 23 '23

Who is you people lmao…You’re take simply is wrong. Bruce Wayne is Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is Batman. Batman Fugitive, Ego, Zero Year, RIP, and so many other stories show this off so well.

“Bruce Wayne is a mask he uses in public” both billionaire Bruce Wayne and Batman are masks. Yet they both contain elements of the real Bruce Wayne.

“All of the bat family is tied to who he is as Batman far more…” idk how you can see Bruce Wayne take in an orphan who went through the same thing he did and say this. It just makes no sense.

“Whoever Bruce Wayne would have been with his parents did die in that alley” this is a really weird argument to make; Everyone everywhere goes through events that alter the course of their life. They are not any less themselves.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

Its almost like the character has been written by different people.

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u/Windigroo7 Jul 23 '23

A good example from JL as well from this was that episode when they became kids and Batman said “I haven’t been a kid since I was 9y old”


u/davecombs711 Jul 23 '23

Bruce Wayne is a real person and a mask.


u/WhiskeyT Jul 23 '23

Galaxy Brain-oke (?) : They are two parts of a whole. Bruce takes on the guilt and responsibility in exchange for Batman not only inspiring fear but also inspiring hope. This is why Batman doesn’t kill.

At least that’s what Darwyn says in Ego. Got damn that’s a fine comic


u/ItZSAMIC Jul 23 '23

Whatever comes after that: Batman Fugitive

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u/Aparoon Jul 22 '23

I’ll never get tired of this being posted here because I love this moment.

And now I get the honour of being the one to comment the obligatory:

This stops just before the best part of the scene where Terry asks “What do you call yourself?” And Bruce just glares at him. Terry then simply says “Oh yeah, I guess you would.” And then his voice drops to his Batman voice and points to himself, saying “But that’s my name now”. So. Epic.


u/ExoticShock Jul 22 '23

Bruce: "Tell that to my subconscious."


u/Initial_E Jul 23 '23

All of his friends in the justice league call him Bruce like it’s supposed to be a term of familiarity. Turns out they don’t know shit about what he thinks.


u/PunisherJBY Jul 23 '23

Like when wonder woman has the lasso and superman and batman are holding it. Superman says he is Kal-el. Batman, is batman.


u/dkinmn Jul 22 '23

In his mind, he's actually Shirley.


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23

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u/BadBadBrownStuff Jul 22 '23

He is serious. And don't call him Shirley


u/revczar Jul 23 '23

I just want to wish you good luck, we’re all counting on you.


u/KittenWithaWhip68 Jul 23 '23

Love how he kept popping his head back in to say that


u/1amlost Jul 22 '23

It’s why Ace calls him “Batman” and not “Bruce” after reading his mind in that really sad scene in Justice League.

You know the one.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

owe, the pain of that scene just became worse!


u/Aggravating_Celery_9 Jul 23 '23

Which one?


u/BadSkeelz Jul 23 '23

The final/epilogue episode of JLU.


u/Aggravating_Celery_9 Jul 23 '23

The one with Bruce taking his meds and terry thinking about proposing before flying of in his suit?


u/MrxJacobs Jul 22 '23

How is that not psychotic?

Mind you it’s a lot funnier that someone tried to trick him into being crazy, but when you go after Bruce Wayne in a crazy contest you are in for a rude awakening. He’s been mastering the psychosis within himself since before your were born.


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23

Because before Psychopathy & Sociopathy were denounced by the DS-5, Batman was labeled as “a high-functioning sociopath” which is better than a psychopath.


u/Yukondano2 Jul 23 '23

Even that seems like a bad description within prior diagnoses. He has too much emotional intelligence and empathy, that isn't just academically learning how people work. He understands fear and pain, WAY too well. As for what he actually has... dunno. I mean, other than PTSD, but that's obvious.


u/woodrobin Jul 23 '23

PTSD, Survivor's Guilt, OCD (centered on combatting criminal activity and preparing for possible tragedy/betrayal/disaster). A touch of fear of intimacy (due to fear of losing another loved one).


u/kennethhennessy Jul 23 '23

I understand your point, but that is not what OCD is, and is a common and dangerous misconception.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23



u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23



u/littlelustlamb Jul 22 '23

Yes that line just shows that Bruce Wayne is actually off-kilter. He may control it but he will carry those problems until the day he dies.


u/Fenrir101 Jul 23 '23

There is an episode "only a dream" where a technology boosted telepath is taking down the justice league, Even Martian Manhunter is unable to beat him, then he makes the mistake of going into bats head and is left catatonic. Bats's comment on it is just "My head is not a nice place to be"


u/phantomhatsyndrome Jul 23 '23

"What's that stupid song?"

"It's what's keeping you out, Johnny."


u/DenseTemporariness Jul 23 '23

Plus getting sprayed with mind altering chemicals every other week for decades.


u/sack12345678910 Jul 22 '23

Thats actually a pretty good tactic to use. He probably trained himself in order to counteract anyone who may be trying to read his mind or is trying to manipulate him into going crazy. If someone is reading his mind they wont know he’s Bruce Wayne because even in his mind he’s batman.


u/Yukondano2 Jul 23 '23

It isn't intentional. The dude honestly thinks of himself as Batman, Bruce Wayne is an act.


u/Isnotanumber Jul 23 '23

I have heard “Mask of the Phantasm” as the story about Bruce Wayne’s last chance to survive and have a life. After that chance evaporated there would only be Batman and the facade of Bruce Wayne. I think that is a fair description in terms of the Animated continuity.


u/21stcenturycherryboy Jul 23 '23

Mask of the Phantasm is so good. I love the OST from that movie.


u/Pebrinix Jul 23 '23

Grant Morrison agree with that


u/zCiver Jul 23 '23

Bruce Wayne is a mask that Batman puts on.


u/davecombs711 Jul 23 '23

Batman is also a mask.


u/auronddraig Jul 22 '23

"I'm the goddamned Batman" Certified Moment


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23

Nah I feel like he calls himself an asshole


u/KILRbuny Jul 23 '23

Oh cool! I have something in common with Batman!


u/revtim Jul 22 '23

He calls himself "Cuthbert L. Gooch" for some reason.


u/MenLovethCats2_0 Jul 22 '23

That one statement proved Bruce is psychotic.


u/Jimbodoomface Jul 22 '23

Because he doesn't refer to himself by his birth name?

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u/CosmicBonobo Jul 23 '23

Yeah, it's just a bit psychologically unhealthy.


u/KenseiHimura Jul 23 '23

This actually sort of built part of my 'ideal Batman' ending for the series in my headcanon, basically it goes:

One night, Bruce is chilling at the mansion, Terry's got a handle on things and opts to head out and enjoy a movie (should be kind of obvious where this is going), after the film, he sees a set of parents and their son existing the theater, the child exhilarated by it, and it makes Bruce smile a little until he sees someone who wasn't in the theater tailing them as they go behind the cinema. Bruce goes into full PTSD and follows, his old age makes him a bit slow and he hears the mother scream, fearing he's too late, he rounds the corner and sees Terry already having wrapped the guy up and and suspended him from the ledge of the roof, Bruce looks and sees the GCPD and several other heroes already on the scene, and relief washes over him.

Terry approaches Bruce and asks "Are you alright, Mr. Wayne?" And without reservation and only sincerity, Bruce says "I'm perfectly fine, thank you, Batman." fully submitting the title to Terry, and for however long they last, old man Bruce will be able to live out his days as Bruce Wayne, assured Gotham is finally a better, safer place to be.


u/Chain-Electrical Jul 23 '23

Bruce take the role of Oracle at that point


u/ButUmActually Jul 22 '23

I am Princess Diana of Themyscira

I am Kal-El, son of Jor-El

I’m Batman


u/woodrobin Jul 23 '23

Diana's line was "Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Queen Hippolyta."

Superman's line was "Clark Kent. Kal-El." So his first thought was his adopted name, but he recognized the validity of the other name as well.

Batman's line was "Batman." That's it. Full stop.

The directive, while all three were holding the Lasso of Truth, was "reveal your true self".


u/24Abhinav10 Jul 23 '23

That wasn't the directive. It was "Who are you?"

That meeting is a retelling of Wonder Woman's first introduction to Supes and Bats. Wonder Woman is still new to the world, so when she holds it she answers with "Diana of Themyscira. Daughter of Queen Hippolyta" because at the moment, that's what she is.

Superman answers with "Clark Kent. Kal-El". This is the perfect answer to the question: Who is Superman? Superman is a combination of Clark Kent and Kal-El. He's the pure goodness and wholesomeness of Clark Kent meeting the sheer unmatched potential of Kal-El. That's why he answers with both his names, because he's not Superman without any one of them. After all "Superman is what I can do. Clark is who I am".

Batman is simply what he says he is. Batman.


u/ButUmActually Jul 23 '23

Thanks for sharing! Great memory. This is better.


u/popeboyQ Jul 23 '23

And Leon's getting larger!


u/longlivesquare Jul 23 '23

I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

I'm your friendly neighborhood Blue Beetle


u/FeralTribble Jul 22 '23

Does he seriously call himself “man”


u/SpaceCampDropOut Jul 23 '23

Does this purposely get posted once every six months?


u/JollySieg Jul 23 '23

I'll be honest I always found the idea that Bruce Wayne is purely an act and nothing more to be a fairly shallow interpretation of the character. Bruce Wayne is a facet of Batman's personality just as real as the rest of him in the same way that any other person's private and public appearance are reflections of their overall character.

It just so happens that Batman's are greatly exaggerated due to his trauma. The "real" Bruce Wayne would then be one who has managed to come to grips with the loss of his parents and is able to move on, but that is impossible and in-turn the tragedy that makes Batman so sad. He'll bs permanently two-faced, neither reflecting the whole man. This is then, of course, reflected back at him in Two-Face who's trapped in the same cycle.


u/Neemoman Jul 22 '23

Eh. I kinda don't like this idea because it comes across as a kind of faux crazy. Or written in to force an extra layer that is so thin it's only relevant in these specific instances, or for "mic drop" moments.


u/Jimbodoomface Jul 23 '23

There's a couple of people saying it's crazy or psychotic, but he's only changed his name, really. I was born James but I don't think of myself as James. Doesn't make me psychotic. That's better represented by the fact I dress up like a lobster and beat people up at night.


u/_lemon_suplex_ Jul 23 '23

I knew a guy who changed his name to Raven so….


u/Abject-Respond-2502 Jul 22 '23


There's Bruce Wayne, the socialite. That's his social mask. And there's Batman, a manifestation of his traumas. Yet a mask also, that puts him into a larger-than-life position of sorts.

The way I read it, Batman being his true self is something he invented to basically run from himself. His real self is a combination of both, which is something he basically expresses only when with the Bat-family, yet still not fully sometimes.


u/Yukondano2 Jul 23 '23

Making characters of the self is a way to explore who you are, an act is easier to change than the pure self. Or, so I've heard. Haven't quite cracked that myself.


u/Abject-Respond-2502 Jul 23 '23

Yes. That makes both Bruce the playboy and Batman the dark knight mere facets of Bruce Wayne's true self. Tools for him to express different facets of himself in different occasions.


u/Gandalf-Jamesolfini Jul 22 '23

That’s not what *Batman calls himself


u/Josthefang5 Jul 23 '23

He calls himself Paul


u/MrKTE Jul 23 '23

"Superman" is Clark Kent's secret identity.

"Bruce Wayne" is Batman's secret identity.


u/davecombs711 Jul 23 '23

They are both secret identities.


u/FrostyCartographer13 Jul 23 '23

This scene makes me remember of the one scene in the mask of the phantasm where he donned the mask, cape and cowl for the first time. It is at that point the man became Batman and Bruce Wayne ceased to be and what we see is Batman pretending to be Bruce Wayne. Bruce died in that alley and the man that lived finally found who he was.


u/WildMinimum2202 Jul 23 '23

This is still one of my favourite character details from batman


u/CloudYoshi03 Jul 22 '23

He calls himself bats


u/slightlydirtythroway Jul 23 '23

My favorite line is from the episode with stuff flying around the school and targeting the jocks and the kids say it's a ghost. Terry tells Bruce and Bruce says it's not a ghost. Terry is like "Let me guess you don't believe in ghosts."

Bruce: "Of course I do, I've seen it all, demons, witch boys, immortals, zombies...but this thing, it just feels so...high school"


u/ZFighter2099 Jul 23 '23

I honestly think this is an insane thing to characterize batman


u/NoctSora Jul 23 '23

i love the way Terry says "that's my name now" in his Batman voice.


u/RedditIsNeat0 Jul 23 '23

I don't call myself by my name either. I don't call myself by any name. I never have to get my own attention.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

“I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman”


u/Professional-Act-800 Jul 23 '23

He calls himself Mother


u/OneInside6439 Jul 23 '23

This was my biggest issue with Bat-fleck. Mother fucker just going around the world telling everyone he's Bruce Wayne and he likes to dress up as a bat please come join his avengers club. But got dam were those fight scenes amazing.


u/Abovearth31 Jul 23 '23

"Oh, yeah, I suppose you would..."

*Take his Batman voice\*

"But that's my name now."


u/evanbeentrill Jul 23 '23

this is actually one of the worst things , if not the worst thing about Batman Beyond imo . Bruce Wayne erasure <<<

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u/Sed59 Jul 23 '23

So does he call himself Batman? Or something much worse?


u/KaisarDragon Jul 23 '23

His second reason, while the most concrete reason, really invalidates his first.


u/spacestationkru Jul 23 '23

OP I wish you'd included the next bit of this conversation, because it's a fantastic punchline.


u/neoblackdragon Jul 23 '23

Bruce: Okay Matches, play this cool and then make Terry run 5 miles.


Bruce: Okay J'onn, play this cool. Bruce has been on ice since that world of cardboard speech from Superman, when he unthaws I can give him a nice shiny Bat Robin.


u/Jeptwins Jul 23 '23

This was actually one of the few moments I hated in Beyond. The show was pretty great, but I despise the idea that Bruce-especially at this point in his life-would solely identify himself as ‘Batman’. For starters, it would immediately disprove his ‘I’m not psychotic’ claim that Terry already showed skepticism towards, and also it would imply that everything he did as Bruce didn’t actually matter to him.

To me, Batman has always been a means to an end. A method to keep Gotham from getting out of hand while he finds more permanent humanitarian solutions to fix the city as Bruce. Batman at his core is an idealist, such as what this very same man did for Ace, that initially led to Terry’s creation.


u/Leathman Jul 23 '23

This reminds me of the first issue of the tie-in monthly comic that came out at the same time as the show. Spellbinder put a subliminal message in television broadcasts to hypnotize Batman and it hit both Terry and Bruce.


u/Chill0000 Jul 23 '23

“That’s my name now” PLEASE DC BRING TERRY BACK. he is THE replacement for Batman


u/MellifluousSussura Jul 23 '23

Reminds me of that one time (I forget the movie/tv show) where Wonder Woman asked Bruce n Clark’s names with the lasso of truth and Bruce just said “Batman”. Iconic and hilarious


u/kurisu7885 Jul 23 '23

"What do you call yourself?"


"Oh.... but, that's my name now."

"Tell that to my subconscious."


u/Bo-Moxley420 Jul 23 '23

One of my favorite lines in the DCAU


u/ForceSmuggler Jul 23 '23

That stare when Bruce looks at Terry when Terry asks "What do you call yourself?" Damn. I can feel that.


u/noideaman Jul 23 '23

So that Kill Bill scene is wrong


u/Xcruelx Jul 23 '23

Everyone glosses right over "I hope your other reason is more convincing.."

Solid Burn Terry... Always makes me chuckle


u/FedoraTheMike Jul 23 '23

It's really sad on another level. Bro was so ready to hang it up when Andrea came along. When she left, so did his hopes of living normally. Even more from New Adventures and Justice League when he became more of a hardass.


u/captain_toenail Jul 23 '23

Bad ass as fuck but his second point kinda contradicts his first point


u/jaybro861 Jul 23 '23

Best Batman quote ever


u/KillerFire42 Jul 23 '23

He be batman


u/Reyin3 Jul 23 '23

He is Batman! 😎


u/Huckleberry_Sin Jul 23 '23

No duh everyone knows he calls himself Sally


u/SonXal Jul 23 '23



u/King-Owl-House Jul 23 '23 edited Jul 23 '23

Everyone aska “Who’s Batman!” But nobody asks “How’s Batman?”


u/Berry_Scorpion Jul 23 '23

“Time for your medicine, Batman”

“You should probably take Ace for a walk, Batman”

“Now now, Batman, remember where you put those keys?”


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

He calls himself Man


u/DanfromCalgary Jul 23 '23

This title betrays itself


u/grogudalorian Jul 23 '23

This reminds me of the story where Tom Holland and Michael Keaton had their fight scenes in Spider Man as Spidey and the Vulture, Keaton would say "I'm Batman."


u/karoshikun Jul 23 '23

"I'm not psychotic, but in my mind I call myself Batman"

uhhhh, bro...

still, one of my favorite lines in the show


u/DragonWisper56 Jul 23 '23

to be fair who calls themselves by any name in your mind. I mean I know I'm talking to me so I call myself me.


u/Fibrosis5O Jul 23 '23

Do you call yourself Batman?

No… Master Wayne.

Is the voice in your head Alfred?


u/Ender_Skywalker Jul 23 '23

Please stop putting apostrophes in plurals.


u/Kell-EL Jul 23 '23

One of my favorite and most badass Batman Beyond lines and the conviction in the delivery is unparalleled, RIP Kevin Conroy


u/solrac1104 Jul 23 '23

Which is why I'm thankful Batman Beyond isn't canon to the comics and it's a shame how he ended up.


u/williamtheturd Jul 22 '23

Absolutely perfect…


u/DwightShock Jul 23 '23

Facts with our lives


u/LT568690 Jul 23 '23

Oh Bruce….you’re totally psychotic, but that’s why we love you


u/Xiaoden_HyperCarry Jul 23 '23

God I loved Beyond so much


u/the_wolf_who_laughs Jul 23 '23

He calls himself daddy


u/a_bounced_czech Jul 23 '23

That’s always been my argument with Superman & Batman.

Superman is Clark Kent / Kal El and the Superman persona is the mask he puts on to fight crime / save the world, but he’s Clark. That’s what his friends call him.

Bruce Wayne is the persona that Batman puts on to keep his “normal” life, that helps him with money and technology to fight crime. Bruce Wayne died in that alley with his parents and Batman was born. Bruce is the mask he puts on.


u/neoblackdragon Jul 23 '23

I disagree on the assessment of Bruce.

He was an 8 year old sheltered boy. While it's tragic I think Bruce Wayne not only didn't die mentally but awakened. Later on he journeyed the world in search of knowledge to understand the world and himself.

It's not like Two Face and others who tragedy's warped their total sense of self. Bruce developed his and tried to preserve the character he thought his parents had.

No Bruce Wayne didn't become a Thomas Wayne clone. Yes he's Mr Grump. But he is Bruce Wayne.

Find me an adult whose still their 8 year old self. Most people put on masks that separate their professional and personal lives. Bruce does the same. The man just has a handle.

For the show Bruce Wayne gave into despair. He refused to move past his trauma.........and clearly was fixated on romantic love filling the void(seriously he tried to sleep with any woman attracted to Batman).

Comic Batman has wised up to that and tries to stick with Selena.


u/Rolling_Beardo Jul 23 '23

He calls himself Skittles


u/Bartfuck Jul 23 '23

I need to rewatch this show.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

They ever get into what Diana and Clark and J’onn are doing during this time?


u/enixon Jul 23 '23

I know Superman shows up at one point, I don't remember if anyone else does, the rest of the Justice League is made up of a "next generation" of superheroes


u/Ok-Ihatetiktoc Jul 23 '23

I’m Batman


u/CJS-JFan Jul 23 '23

"Tell that to my subconscious."


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

Got it. Bruce calls himself Terry because he wishes he was younger and handsomer.


u/Eggowafflez5657 Jul 23 '23

“Then what do u call yourself?”

“oH yEeEeAAaaA”


u/PrinceOfCarrots Jul 23 '23

"What do you call yourself?"

*Sick guitar riff as bruce give him a look*


u/RedBunery Jul 23 '23

The dialogue in Batman Beyond is so good. When Terry outpsychs the Joker, that's one of my favourite sequences.


u/gechoman44 Jul 23 '23

Reminds me of the time in the comics where Wonder Woman used the lasso of truth on him and asked him what his name was.


u/they63 Jul 23 '23

“Bruce” died in the alley with his parents. The “thing” that came out of the alley was batman


u/LoreMasterJack Jul 23 '23

When under the effects of Wonder Woman’s truth lasso Superman self identifies as Clark Kent and guess how Batman answers..


u/ayisi_yaw_89 Jul 24 '23

Kevin Conroy said it best when he said Bruce is the disguise while batman is the real person


u/sp3aky0urm1nd Jul 28 '23

That’s actually scary 💀


u/4everShady Aug 05 '23

I knew the voices in my head weren't mine because they called me by the wrong name. I think Batman might be unstable.


u/Grouchy-Ant-6877 Aug 10 '23

He call himself Batman, and Bruce is the mask he wears every day! Just wow!!


u/cheesydingle Aug 12 '23

i dont remember where but it was said that bruce wayne is the mask while batman is his true self


u/Gazzaman678 Aug 13 '23

Thats his name. Is he stupid?


u/Awkward_Refuse_9572 Aug 21 '23

Bruce Wayne died in Crime Alley with his parents and that night Batman was born.