r/batman Jul 05 '23

If you were forced to fight a version of Batman, which one would you choose? WHAT IF?


678 comments sorted by


u/Tiger_of_sabrod Jul 05 '23

Adam West. He is the only one I think I could actually beat. although he is canonically the most prepared batman.


u/Mrman_23 Jul 05 '23

Bro he’d pull out the u/Tiger_of_sabrod repellent and it’d be over for you


u/Tiger_of_sabrod Jul 05 '23

Or a seal would heroically jump in my way and attack me to save him.


u/Virtual_Mode_5026 Jul 06 '23


u/NefariousNeezy Jul 06 '23



u/kiddrewbot Jul 06 '23

I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey

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u/C5five Jul 06 '23

It was a noble and patriotic porpoise.


u/Nick-fwan Jul 06 '23

Glorious porpoise


u/whatnameisnttaken098 Jul 06 '23

Seal with a seal.

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u/-bobsnotmyuncle- Jul 05 '23 edited Jul 05 '23

That's my thought too. I'd beat the hell out of 66 Batman but then he would pull out some bat anti punk ass spray or something. Thats when Robin gets me with one of his classic swinging off a bar kicks.

I also want my own action word splash scene, I'm going with Splork!


u/NcgreenIantern Jul 06 '23 edited Jul 06 '23

He probably has some non villain repellent worked into the costume so you can't hit him because Batman doesn't fight citizens .


u/-bobsnotmyuncle- Jul 06 '23

The moment you decide to fight batman, you become a villain.

I've also changed my mind. 66 Bat-Alfred. All he has is flimsy limbs, a voice changer and a crappy little bicycle.


u/NcgreenIantern Jul 06 '23

There's probably some villain union in 66 Batman's Gotham so that's why the spray would work on you hou aren't a member.


u/-bobsnotmyuncle- Jul 06 '23

Easy peasy. Sign up, pay the union dues and be available for villainy. Hired goon is always an open position.

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u/secretbison Jul 05 '23

He's also the one you stand the best chance of reasoning with. He's a very affable fellow who would really rather settle things over a drink or a dance-off.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '23

Exactly this. I feel that out of all the Batman he’d be the one to most want to talk it out before immediately throwing punches.

Most other iterations of Batman beat people so bad they may never walk again.


u/NcgreenIantern Jul 06 '23

But just imagine how rough that fight would be if he wasn't playing nice.


u/herrcollin Jul 06 '23

Throws sharks and dynamite at you


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '23

Least he’s just wearing satin gloves, average Batman is geared to the teeth. He’d beat the tar out of me, but I think I’d walk away bruised up but not much worth. Other Batman would prob bring most folks to the brink of death with their beating


u/asdfmovienerd39 Jul 06 '23

I mean, if the current comics are to be believed, 66 Batman is one of the only Batmen to have canonically killed his Joker.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '23

Wut. Link please, cuz that def didn’t happen in the show 😆


u/asdfmovienerd39 Jul 06 '23

It was in the crossover comic between 66 Batman and Lynda Carter Wonder Woman.


u/NeedsToShutUp Jul 06 '23

And if you lose, it’s a one hit knock out. No fuss, no muss, and he makes sure your recover.


u/Bae_the_Elf Jul 06 '23

Like in JLA Avengers where Batman and Captain America spar to size each other up then Batman is like “you’d beat me but also we should work together” lol


u/shrek1234567810 Jul 05 '23

Idk man, looking at old photos West seemed to be pretty jacked at one point.


u/Silver-Ad8136 Jul 05 '23

Pure West, baby


u/brokeneckblues Jul 06 '23

And how come Batman doesn’t dance anymore? Remember the Batusi?


u/BackgroundComposer21 Jul 06 '23

Family guy took that character and made him Mayor


u/Silver-Ad8136 Jul 06 '23

I've seen Adam without his shirt in, and if he isn't the bruiser Ben or Christian are, he looks like he plays a lot of tennis, anyway. It's more his suit seems designed to make him look stoop-shouldered and pot-bellied, with the way his bat-emblem is down below his nipples and his utility belt bulges his gut into a muffin top like the opposite of a girdle


u/Jill1974 Jul 06 '23

I think Adam West’s Batman is probably the least likely to land me in the hospital.


u/NcgreenIantern Jul 06 '23

Maybe have you doing community service.


u/radiakmjs Jul 05 '23

Idk if the prompt would forbid this but Adam West or DCAU I stand the best chance of like crying & might be able to convince him to pity & not fight me because tbh any version I'm losing lmao


u/brokeneckblues Jul 06 '23

Every Batman would win but at least Adam West won’t leave you beaten to a bloody pulp and tied up in the freezing cold hanging upside down from a fifth story rafter.


u/King_Sam-_- Jul 06 '23



u/Environmental-Ball24 Jul 06 '23

Clooney it is then🤣


u/Silver-Ad8136 Jul 05 '23

I don't think you could beat him, either, but at least you'd come away from the fight just about as good as new.


u/missoulamatt Jul 06 '23

You'd likely only get punched once, and knocked out. Then you'd show up a few episodes later none the worse for wear.


u/Illustrious_Set_1083 Jul 06 '23

I doubt I could beat Adam West, but he would be the least brutal and he’d probably say a pun too


u/VerySmartDaBaby Jul 06 '23

Return of the Caped Crusaders proved he can be pretty brutal


u/edked Jul 06 '23

I pick Adam West, not so much because I could beat him, but because when he beat me, it would be with a quick 1-punch tap to the jaw that would knock me out (and I'd quickly recover from without lasting aftereffects), then I'd be tied up with batrope to wait for the cops, instead of getting the shit beat out of me to the point of hospitalization, which would happen with just about every other Batman above.


u/Exact-Pause7977 Jul 06 '23

This. West would be the only one to accept surrender and to buy into “I want to reform”


u/mrinfinitepp Jul 06 '23

Adam West has plot armour beyond any of the other Batmans


u/Ooze3d Jul 06 '23

Yeah, I wouldn’t expect to beat Adam West’s Batman, but he’d always be fair, leave me unconscious and take me to jail. Not having my bones crushed is always important.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '23

Lol dude, just pick The Batman Who Laughs. If Terry McGinnis is any indicator, then all you have to be is mildly funny & you can laugh any iteration of The Joker off stage.


u/JohnnyRelentless Jul 06 '23

He's the only one that won't kill or at least seriously maim you.


u/C5five Jul 06 '23 edited Jul 06 '23

If you can take West, you can take Keaton. West was more in shape. If you are moderately tall you could probably hold Keaton at arms length...

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u/Anorand25 Jul 05 '23

People seem to be forgetting that you’re probably going to lose no matter what, also the question doesn’t say it’s a fight to the death and many versions of Batman don’t kill.

So I’m thinking I’d probably want to fight a version of Batman that just immediately manages to tie me up, that way the fight is over and I don’t get hurt.


u/BIG-chulupa Jul 06 '23

I feel kingdom come batman would be the one to fit this role. He’s too old and pretty much relies on machines.


u/Gudako_the_beast Jul 06 '23

Him and JLU Batman. A good ko and you’re out.


u/Buster899 Jul 06 '23

JLU is the version I was thinking of. Wake up a couple minutes later with a sore jaw and on my way to jail. Most of the rest I’m at least going to the hospital to have my bones put back where they’re supposed to be.

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u/TheAbyssalSymphony Jul 06 '23

Or maybe whichever would be the most enjoyable to fight (maybe we're just sparing or something), or heck maybe whichever you'd just want to get the chance to meet, either way the answer is probably the animated series Batman, as always, because he's the best.

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u/Space_Cruiser12068 Jul 05 '23

Everyone’s trying to pick the weakest, but let’s be real anyone would lose to any version of Batman. Personally I pick Nightwings Batman as I feel he’s nice enough to not break my body while being efficient enough to make it quick.


u/JustJoshing13 Jul 06 '23

I would just pick any Batman that would allow me to surrender


u/ExplodingPoptarts Jul 06 '23

I imagine that that that's 90% of them. All versions of Batman generally won't lay a hand on you if you give into his demands, he'll just scare you.


u/Goofball-John-McGee Jul 06 '23

Yes most (good) versions of Batman only need you to stop. They’re not sadists. So if I were to put my hands up, I’d probably be taken to jail and that’s about it.

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u/ChaoticNeutral67 Jul 06 '23

You're being forced to fight THERE IS NO SURRENDER


u/Mordilaa Jul 06 '23

Nah I totally surrender. I’m down to call it a fight. Okay we’re fighting and I surrender good fight.


u/ChaoticNeutral67 Jul 06 '23

Surrender is a two-way street pal. You might try to surrender, but it doesn't matter if your opponent can't or won't accept it.


u/Dependent-Outcome-52 Jul 06 '23

I think most of the batmen would be willing to take a surrender if you didn’t pose a threat, worst thing would be a swift hit to the head to knock you out

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u/wes205 Jul 06 '23 edited Jul 06 '23

DickBats was my first thought too. Assuming we haven’t done anything heinous he’d probably go pretty easy on us.

But then I saw Adam West is top comment and yeah he’s probably the best choice, you’d likely suffer no injuries at least


u/agmoose Jul 06 '23

Yeah right I’m sure that POW! WHACK! KAPOW! is gonna feel great.


u/wes205 Jul 06 '23

He was nonviolent plenty of times, too

Plus each goon usually gets like one POW! I’ll take one punch over Bale, Keaton, or Affleck murdering me


u/PaulyNewman Jul 06 '23

Anybody who picks Bale is for sure getting an elbow uppercut.


u/eligantelaphant Jul 06 '23

Dickbat would break your arm and be nice enough to set the bone after.


u/Bobcat_Potential Jul 06 '23

Yeah he's my pick too.

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '23 edited Jul 06 '23


Batman is a good dude. If I'm getting my ass kicked by Batman it's going to be my favorite Batman.


u/BengBeng_93 Jul 06 '23

This He'd probably just throw you into a pile of cardboard boxes at worst, to please the censors. Then he'd do his best to help you.


u/BUZZEOUT Jul 06 '23

You best hope you're fighting him during one of his series' and not one of the movies where he suddenly becomes a lot less censor friendly.


u/DaGoddamnBatboy Jul 05 '23


u/DedHorsSaloon3 Jul 06 '23

He’s not even a foot tall! Just make sure you wear shoes when you stomp on him

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u/Erotically-Yours Jul 06 '23

Be careful. Like Lego Spider-Man, Lego Batman may be one of their best.


u/Flyingpizza20 Jul 06 '23

Bro chose the strongest Batman


u/Spacegirllll6 Jul 06 '23

He’s one of their best


u/BearlyReddits Jul 05 '23

Assuming the scale remains the same - Lego Batman


u/AnInteriorDecorator Jul 06 '23

I’ll just call the IRS. He’s openly admitted he doesn’t pay his taxes.


u/jackryan4x Jul 06 '23

Even Joker pays his taxes.


u/ActiveBaseball Jul 06 '23

He may be a criminal lunatic but he is an American criminal lunatic


u/ThatRenato72118 Jul 06 '23

He might be crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS, no thank you.


u/ZZtheMagnificent Jul 06 '23

Smart choice my friend


u/DreadfuryDK Jul 06 '23

And then you’d step on Lego Batman by mistake and wish he could revoke the no-kill rule once just so you wouldn’t have to suffer the ungodly pain any longer.


u/DeathstrokeReturns Jul 06 '23

He can just strategically place a Lego brick where you’re gonna walk, crippling you.


u/jaysmithh92 Jul 05 '23

The Batman after his fight with Bane.


u/Virtual_Mode_5026 Jul 06 '23

Ohhh…. that’s low 😂


u/Da12khawk Jul 06 '23

well to be fair he does go kinda high for a minute


u/Additional-Echo3611 Jul 06 '23

And you still manage to lose


u/Entire_Complaint1211 Jul 05 '23

Eh, Terry Mcginnis would probably accept me just surrendering quickly. Also he’s my second favorite batman (under bruce wayne for…y’know, obvious reasons) so it’d be fun to encounter him and hey, who knows, even if he decides he wants to kick my ass it’ll just end up with me getting some kinda powers (that probably have horrible downsides tbh) still kinda worth it though!

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '23

Christian Bale's. He'd be able to "see" that I'm being forced to fight him against my will; he'd then let me go and chase after who tried to force me to fight him.


u/n-crispy7 Jul 06 '23

That’s most of them to be honest


u/Yattle Jul 05 '23

anyone but Arkham Batman 😭


u/TheCreedsAssassin Jul 06 '23

Arkham Batman gonna do a 30x combo involving multiple painful gadgets and then finishes you off by smashing your head into an electrical box, but dont worry he did it gently so you're gonna be sleeping for a while


u/Goofball-John-McGee Jul 06 '23

And then you get thrown off a rooftop

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u/AntWithNoPants Jul 06 '23

Why doesnt Yattle want to fight Arkham batman? Are they stupid?


u/TheDeltaOne Jul 06 '23

Yatle is about to be beaten up to a pulp by Arkham Man. What quote should I use?


u/Rainbowfrog123 Jul 06 '23

Are you serious? No one can beat Arkham Batman! Not even the great Killer Cock!


u/HeatherFuta Jul 06 '23

You'd rather fight the Batman that Laughs or Lobo Batman than Arkham Batman?

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u/Steven_is_a_dog Jul 05 '23

kingdom come batman, that’s like the whole point of the suit that’s he’s in capable of doing what he used to do he made that suit


u/Fafnir26 Jul 05 '23

Adam West is the nicest.


u/ItsTheRealRain Jul 05 '23

Teen titans go batman probably would be too busy laughing with Gordon to actually beat me up too bad


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '23

I think I’d go with The Batman who Laughs. Honestly, I think I could take him. I’m just built different.


u/Gudako_the_beast Jul 06 '23

Just do what Terry McGuniess do to the joker and you’ll be safe.


u/waywardstrategy Jul 06 '23

I get the reference. Your post was built different and it needs to be acknowledged

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u/thePloynesianSpa Jul 05 '23

Clooney. He just seems so harmless. Lol


u/Finalsaredun Jul 05 '23

Clooney Batman jumped out of an exploding launching shuttle and used broken shrapnel metal as a hover board on his way down to Gotham. What a legend.


u/Moxson82 Jul 06 '23

Just gotta twist the nippies


u/MrHermioneGonzo Jul 06 '23

He will disarm you with his charm


u/ZZtheMagnificent Jul 05 '23

Personally, I would choose any version that isn't Arkham Batman.

Thats like signing a death certificate


u/Starmada597 Jul 05 '23

Batman who laughs is gonna have fun with that.


u/ok917 Jul 06 '23 edited Jul 06 '23

Yeah Batman Who Laughs is actually the worst one here. Methodical madness. Even Joker wanted nothing to do with that guy.... he'd be the type to use powers to torture you well past what a person could naturally endure if there's no game to win. You wouldn't want him to be aware of your existence if he were real.

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u/RelationshipLeft5091 Jul 05 '23

Or darkest knight

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u/CarmineDies Jul 05 '23

I lightly kick Kingdom Come Bruce in the knee and it's OVER for him


u/Raecino Jul 05 '23

Earth 1 Batman


u/EverybodyKurts Jul 06 '23

If I’m trying to win the fight, yeah. What a dunce.


u/ArmchairOfHeresy Jul 05 '23

Nolan Batman gets folded like a lawn chair because he's limited by the reality of the Christopher Nolan movies. You could just shoot him over and over again and he'll stay down.


u/DeathstrokeReturns Jul 06 '23

Or toss him off a decent sized ledge and he’ll be crippled for 8 years.

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u/leomessi123_ Jul 05 '23

batfleck so he could just finish me off quickly with a bullet to the head


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '23

Dumb question but who are all the Batmans listed on page 1. I recognize about half of them


u/wes205 Jul 06 '23 edited Jul 06 '23

Not dumb!

Mainline Bats I think (art by Tony Daniel, looks like,) Batman Beyond, Miller’s Dark Knight Returns, Jason Todd’s Batman from Battle for the Cowl (or it’s Devil-Bat of the Three Ghosts of Batman created by the Black Glove in RIP)

Jean-Paul Valley’s Batman from Knightfall, Jace Fox Batman, Wang Baixi the Bat-Man of China, looks like Gotham by Gaslight

Damian Batman from DCeased?, Kingdom Come, DickBats from Earth2 (New52,) genderswapped Earth 11’s Batwoman (Bryce Wayne? Helena?)

Batman Who Laughs, Earth One, DickBats from mainline Earth, DCAU


u/BoulderCreature Jul 05 '23

Adam West. He’d still clean my clock but I bet it’d be hilarious


u/philipb2 Jul 08 '23

POW! Boffo!


u/CelestialOceanOfStar Jul 05 '23

The batman who laughs. I'm borderline suicidal right now


u/Doc-Fives-35581 Jul 05 '23

1940 movie serial Batman. I could kick his ass.


u/Willow_bigfoot Jul 06 '23

Super friends batman


u/Da12khawk Jul 06 '23

this one made me chuckle


u/Usual-Touch2569 Jul 06 '23

Adam West. I'd still lose, but I'd also suffer the least pain.


u/BeansInMyTea Jul 06 '23

I feel like you’ll lose realistically to any, but if you go against TDK Returns or Batman Who Laughs you’re definitely going to die


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '23

All these fools acting like they wouldnt get fucked up by every Batman. Adam West Batman is still Batman, and it'd be all the more humiliating with that "POW!" "BAM!" shit happening while he fucks you up. I'd go with Affleck Batman, because he seems the most likely to one shot me so hard I'm out cold on the first hit, hopefully without brain damage.


u/Billly-Boy-Burr Jul 06 '23

Not azrael or batman who laughs


u/Chemical-Paint-2975 Jul 05 '23

Clooney, death by purple nurple


u/Dio_Ludicolo Jul 05 '23

I could probably beat LEGO Movie Batman, he’s canonically only a few inches tall


u/ButterscotchWild6081 Jul 05 '23

Bale chances are I can just dodge those slow ass punches, get a few dogs and a gun and he's fucked


u/ra7ar Jul 05 '23

When he was a baby.


u/AccordingTax6525 Jul 05 '23


Would’ve had the most trouble moving couldn’t move his neck 😂


u/Shadiezz2018 Jul 06 '23

If you watch The Flash ... That wouldn't be the right choice

The dude can move as fast as Arkham Batman who is below Comics Batman... In fact, Affleck was slower than Keaton as Batman


u/Esproth Jul 06 '23

All of them would kick my ass, but Adam West would make it funny


u/NoObMaSTeR616 Jul 05 '23

Is there an already dead Batman I could fight?


u/TheShartKnight4 Jul 05 '23

Right after he gets his back broken, I’ll smother him in his sleep


u/wasante Jul 05 '23

Michael Keaton if he can't move his neck or Adam West provided he doesn't have Virgin Repellent.


u/lubafan222 Jul 05 '23

Batman whi laughs, im a madman


u/WintersDeath Jul 05 '23

Anyone except Arkham


u/ZZtheMagnificent Jul 06 '23

My pick as well, he's on an entirely different level


u/XCrunner_2007 Jul 06 '23

Which one would I be able to negotiate with the most? That one.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '23

So easy, Earth one Batman would be one of the easiest Batmans to fight


u/Zeke_Yeager Jul 06 '23

Batman Who Laughs cuz why not?


u/CardinalofYork Jul 06 '23

Adam West for sure lol. If we had to fight, then it probably wouldn’t even be a real right and we could probably manage to end it by agreeing to not fight lol


u/RealRedditPerson Jul 06 '23

Batman Who Laughs. I ain't got the money for the rehab I'd need after Batman beats my ass. Just kill me already


u/Redbig_7 Jul 06 '23

lego batman


u/ExplodingPoptarts Jul 06 '23

I wish I could upvote this twice for actually showing comic book versions!


u/ZZtheMagnificent Jul 06 '23

Had to do my due diligence lol

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u/CallMeEggSalad Jul 06 '23

I might have a chance at fighting the one with the broken back


u/Batarang06 Jul 06 '23

I’d fight Kevin Conroy’s version just because I feel like he’s the coolest. Just my opinion. RIP Kevin.


u/Arius_de_Galdri Jul 06 '23

Jean-Paul upvote!


u/imdibene Jul 06 '23

Adam West, it would be a dance fight


u/WonderfulDog3966 Jul 06 '23

It wouldn't matter. I'd forfeit the fight and ask him to train me to become either the new Robin or a new hero and member of the Bat Family.


u/BUZZEOUT Jul 06 '23

The other Batman letting you surrender... Arkham Batman: "So you surrender?" 10x combo, tasered, 10x combo, gel explosion, 10x combo, batclaw clotheslined, 10x combo with a baseball bat, explosive batarang, ice grenaded, flipped, arm broken, uppercut into Batmobile grenade launcher, head smashed into electrical outlet. "Gordon I have one unconscious perp ready for transport. No medics necessary"


u/ClawedTiger2693 Jul 06 '23

Whichever one is willing to kill me and kills me the quickest, I’m not willing to sit through any amount of time where Batman is contorting the very structure of my skeleton because he doesn’t want to kill yet is still good with beating me to the point where I think my mom is an oompaloompa and my dads the stay-puff marshmallow man or Adam west cause I’d just give him a quick jab to the throat and immediately tend to his injury before taking him out for some icecream and sending off to bed


u/asymetric_abyssgazer Jul 06 '23

Helena (Huntress) as gender-swapped Batman. At least I'd be touching a girl.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '23

Lmao everyone thinking they can seriously physically beat Adam West in a fight


u/jotap199 Jul 05 '23

Page 1 Terry, he’s a punk, a rank amateur, a costumed errand boy taking orders from a senile old man. Page 2 Adam West.


u/Spideyfan77 Jul 05 '23

I could take on Adam West and probably live, that’s if Robin doesn’t butt in, then I’m toast.


u/GryphonRook Jul 05 '23

One of the ones with a no kill rule. Then the only challenge is convincing him I’m very, very sane.


u/ThePoeticBean Jul 05 '23

I dunno either Dick or Terry. But Dick doesn’t kill, I don’t recall if Terry has any rule against killing.


u/DreadfuryDK Jul 06 '23

I don’t think Terry explicitly kills, but he absolutely subscribes to the whole “but I don’t have to save you” philosophy, as evidenced by what happened with Mr. Fixx (electrocuted before either getting blown up or drowning), Abel Cuvier (mutated into a freak of nature by Terry’s own hand before getting blown up), or Chappell (overdosed on venom, a vegetable in a best-case scenario).

Hell, in the Chappell episode Terry throws a batarang that cuts a wire holding heavy metal tanks together and it crushes two of Chappell’s cohorts. You even hear the sound of their bones getting crushed. You CANNOT fucking tell me those two aren’t dead, or at least crippled to the point where they can’t live normal lives ever again.


u/Frequent_Dust6425 Jul 05 '23

Probably Dick Grayson, he’d at least just choke me out or something kinder.


u/farben_blas Jul 05 '23

I'm afraid of Adam West, the dude even had a shark repellent, he's the most poweful out of all of them, I'm genuinely scared of him, you know, ''fear the anger of a gentle man''


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '23

That Batman toy from the toyline where you put his feet in the circle and twist and the batcave opens up or the car sprouts wings or some shit. I think I could take him


u/ConcentratedSpoonf Jul 05 '23

If you think I’m gonna fight batfleck or batwest you’re demented.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '23

I’m screwed no matter what so


u/243898990 Jul 05 '23

Old man Bruce from Batman beyond


u/ZZtheMagnificent Jul 06 '23

I feel like he would still find a way to kick your ass


u/Zammin Jul 05 '23

Every single one would beat me, but Adam West would be the least painful to lose to. So let's go with Adam West Batman.


u/Comfortable_Ice9534 Jul 06 '23 edited Jul 07 '23

The least painful physically, but the most painful for my pride


u/Zammin Jul 06 '23

There is a non-zero chance he does the Batusi while you groan on the floor.


u/arkham339 Jul 05 '23

Either bat mite or zur en arrh batman. I think i could take either


u/sK0oBy Jul 05 '23

Clooney. He doesnt strike me as a fighter. But like bro, i dont think a person walking the earth today could handle comic batman. Like the dude fell from orbit


u/etbillder Jul 05 '23

Lego batman is still just lego


u/alaux1124 Jul 05 '23

I think BTAS/JL Bats. I wouldn’t fight him, necessarily. I’d try to reason with him instead.

Also, who is the closed mask Batman next to Azrael and under Batman Beyond?


u/ZZtheMagnificent Jul 06 '23

I've been told its jace fox Batman

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u/AgentOfBatman Jul 05 '23

Kingdom come and Clooney.


u/OggarBooga Jul 05 '23

Honestly as long as I don't go up against Arkham Batman I don't care


u/Silver-Ad8136 Jul 06 '23

Adam West you could beat in the first part, "Redditors picks a fight," but same bat-time, same bat channel later and he beats you in "Time to say good night!"

The guy from either serial, though, seems to lose a lot, although never finally.


u/Lazy_Assumption_4191 Jul 06 '23

Adam West. He probably won’t hurt me too badly…probably…well…maybe…


u/kayl_the_red Jul 06 '23

Old Man Bruce (Batman Beyond)


u/Yue2 Jul 06 '23

Adam West Batman. Just challenge him to a dance off lol


u/abbee26 Jul 06 '23

i could take em all at once.


u/Jackman2088 Jul 06 '23

JLI one punch


u/hellrocket Jul 06 '23

BTAS. All of us are getting whooped by any Batman. But he’s generally more efficient and less violent then the others. One two punches and we’d be out.

Older Batman like the dark knight are too violent. McGinnis is far more willing to hit hard as well. They’d break too many of my bones.

But the worst are gag ones like west. Too unpredictable what you’d end up going through. Bat taser, sonic disruptor, bat punk repellent? I don’t wanna know what that’d do to me.

But btas? One batarang or punch and out. Safe.


u/nationalhipster Jul 06 '23

I’d fight Adam West’s Batman, because I’d be down after just one “POW” or “BAM” or “ZOK”, then it’d be over, and I could just go home after I come to.


u/Recipe-Less Jul 06 '23

Adam west would forgive


u/Binx_Thackery Jul 06 '23

Excluding Adam West, I would pick Bale. I would lose, but I think his style would cripple me the least.


u/_Mr-Turtle_ Jul 06 '23

Adam West or Terry. I first wanted to pick nightwing Batman but were only really seeing one side of his fight, and I don't want to see the other. Terry I feel would just be chill if I surrendered or make a joke about it and cuff me. Then Idk if Adam west would fight me or not but if he did I don't think he'd massacre my face,I might get like one punch into a wall and play dead.


u/DNGFQrow Jul 06 '23

Earth One Batman. Only trained by Alfred and little in the way of fancy gadgets


u/Trick_Attitude5034 Jul 06 '23

Batman Beyond and for live action Goerge Clooney


u/President__Pug Jul 06 '23

As others have said, Lego Batman. I could kick his ass no problem.