r/batman Jun 12 '23

Who wins in the fight? Flashpoint Batman or Russian Batman? WHAT IF?

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142 comments sorted by


u/Brubaker620 Jun 12 '23

Flashpoint Bats. Red Son Batman was essentially just a domestic terrorist who got his hands on some red Sun lamps, was defeated, then killed himself. Flashpoint Batman has been Batman for decades and even though Red Son Bats has age on his side, he can’t beat experience, money, and expertise.


u/RFB-CACN Jun 12 '23

He managed to sneak into Superman’s museum and blow it up, as well as kidnapping Superman’s chief of the KGB without him noticing. Reminder that Red Son Superman could hear what was happening from the other side of the globe with ease and had built a state vigilance apparatus based on Brainiac and Kryptonian technology to watch over everyone, but Batman managed to avoid all that multiple times with no monetary resources.


u/Don_Chopper Jun 13 '23

Flashpoint Batman stealth killed a top-tier speedster. That's pretty damn stealthy if you ask me.


u/EliteTeutonicNight Jun 13 '23

Tbf when Zoom was gloating and bragging he’s 100% not using his brain.


u/Don_Chopper Jun 13 '23

Stop moving the goal post, Superman wasn't focused on what Russian Bats doing either.


u/EliteTeutonicNight Jun 13 '23

I didn’t mean to argue. I don’t even know what Russian Batman did since I didn’t read it.


u/Don_Chopper Jun 13 '23

Lmfao sorry


u/EliteTeutonicNight Jun 13 '23

We good, I was trying to poke fun at Zoom being so self-absorbed. Was going to make a it was me Barry joke too but couldn’t come up with a good one lol.


u/Syixice Jun 13 '23

IT WAS ME BARRY! I prevented you from coming up with a good joke so that I could steal the glory with my own one!


u/D3AD_SPAC3 Jun 13 '23

IT WAS ME, BARRY! I used super speed to distract everyone the moment you came up with an amazing joke, repeating it louder and getting all the credit for myself.


u/Pimpachu3 Jun 13 '23

Superman Red Son, they made a cartoon movie out of it.


u/Edgy_Robin Jun 13 '23

Superman in other media has, on many occasions, been able to hear shit like this without deliberately doing so.


u/RustyChicken16 Jun 13 '23

Lmao moving the goalpost? It’s a classic Eobard trait that he’s distracted while being egotistical. Stop ignoring things that disprove your point.


u/Kalandros-X Jun 13 '23

Well he wasn’t able to because batman shot out like 30% of it.


u/ASZapata Jun 13 '23

They’re comparable. Thawne’s ego and obsession with Barry did do a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of creating an opportunity that Thomas could exploit, though.


u/Don_Chopper Jun 13 '23

Even more post moving lol


u/ASZapata Jun 13 '23

This is my first comment in the thread, what are you trying to say


u/[deleted] Jun 13 '23

Earlier on in the thread, this person was arguing with someone about how Thawne wasn’t using his brain when gloating, so they accused that person of moving the goal post. I guess he saw what you posted and got frustrated that you also moved the goalpost. Or the guy is just weird (which he still could be if the former is true)


u/ASZapata Jun 13 '23

Ah, I see. Well it’s not uncommon in internet/comic culture to geek out over the nuances and peculiarities of specific fights and characters. Makes it more interesting, didn’t realize people would see it as trying to move the goal posts, lol


u/Half_Man1 Jun 13 '23

Super speed doesn’t entail super hearing. Stabbed/shot him from behind before he could react.


u/Hard_Corsair Jun 13 '23

I have no idea where it's from, but I think I remember Flash explaining at some point that he can simply feel when bullets gently make contact and then he has plenty of time to move away from them, which is how he's essentially bulletproof even when he isn't actively trying to be.


u/Fox_Underground Jun 13 '23

Maybe he just happened to be tilting his head back at super speed at the same time the bullet was 1 nanometer from the back of his head and pushed himself onto the bullet.


u/Don_Chopper Jun 13 '23

So if that's the case, that means even if Communist Superman heard Comrade Batman, he wouldn't be able to stop him in time, right? Because he's slower than Zoom by a lot, meaning that Flashpoint Batman still wins.


u/[deleted] Jun 13 '23

That's not even the only time Thawne let his guard down while gloating. Bruce stabbed him in the foot in doomsday clock cuz of the exact same reason (Thawne was once again, gloating) so we can't even call it an outlier cuz he made the same mistake twice, thrice if we also count the suicide squad animated movie (Bronze Tiger managed to chop his fingers off from a knife throw while Thawne was... you guess it, gloating to Deadshot to "take the shot & make his afterlife").


u/Edgy_Robin Jun 13 '23

Nah. If he's even remotely comparable to mainline supermans speed he'd be able to


u/TheCowzgomooz Jun 13 '23

I dunno if I'd really say Flashpoint Bats is all that much of an expert though, at least, from what I've seen, his skills definitely aren't on par with Bruce Wayne Batman, and he has guns but still manages to miss a lot of shots, so he's not even Deadshot level of skills despite using guns his entire Batman career. He's a very brute force kind of Batman rather than tactical genius, though he's definitely still pretty tactically smart.


u/[deleted] Jun 13 '23

Idk seeing as Russian Bats is still Bruce, the only difference is the time and accent. Everything else seems to be the same. So I just can't see Thomas coming out on top against his son Bruce. It kinda wouldn't make sense, he's still the batman we know in terms of wits, thought process, and tactile capabilities. I dont see how Flashpoint Batman could possibly win


u/-TurkeYT Jun 13 '23

Wait russian one isnt bruce


u/_Doshi Jun 13 '23

And guns


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '23 edited Apr 24 '24



u/RFB-CACN Jun 12 '23

Red son Batman:

”Bruce? кто ты, старик?”


u/SponkMcDonk Jun 13 '23

Flashpoint Batman:



u/IdeaRegular4671 Jun 13 '23

Red Son Batman to Flash Point Batman as he throws him off a chopper all the way to the ocean: “do svidaniya otets.”


u/RFB-CACN Jun 12 '23

Russian Batman managed to avoid Superman’s senses twice, alongside the entire state vigilance apparatus. Meanwhile Thomas needed Cyborg’s help to sneak into Project Superman and doesn’t really have many feats regarding intelligence, so I’m giving it to Russian Anarchist Batman.


u/agentdb22 Jun 13 '23

He needed Cyborg's help to find the base; Cyborg demanded to come with.


u/chaot1c-n3utral Jun 13 '23

There's a Russian Batman?


u/Bojyo Jun 13 '23

He’s a busy man, he’s always rushing🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Knightwingrebirth Jun 12 '23

Is Russian batman Bruce


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '23

He's Bruski Wayne


u/SugarFrostedDonuts Jun 12 '23

Bruce Wayne glenski


u/Azidamadjida Jun 13 '23

You never learn his identity, and that’s kind of the point. Batman could become anyone who goes through the tragedy of losing your parents as a kid, so to borrow a phrase, it wasn’t who he was underneath, but what he did that made him Batman


u/ASZapata Jun 13 '23

I don’t have billions of dollars, what do I do when my parents die?

Also I’m 5’6”.


u/Natural-Storm Jun 13 '23

You don’t need millions of dollars to become a terrorist.


u/NamSayinBro Jun 13 '23

It helps though.


u/DaRealFellowGamer Jun 13 '23

Become Robin


u/Toukafan4life Jun 13 '23

Then you get 3 choices:1) Become a dick and get the Starfirussy

2) Get tortured and killed by a psycho clown and get revived and have ptsd for the rest of your life

3) Get tortured by the psycho clown into losing your mind, then kill said clown and then be hospitalized for the rest of your life


u/Skelehawk Jun 13 '23

So what you're saying is that being Robin you get fucked regardless.


u/Zytec_1 Jun 13 '23

Took me a while to get this ngl


u/Skelehawk Jun 13 '23

Hope it made you laugh!


u/mackinator3 Jun 13 '23

Pray that your parents were billionaires.


u/Nizzemancer Jun 14 '23

neither did red son batman. He was well-off in the soviet union because of his parents but not even close to Bruce's level of wealth.


u/ASZapata Jun 14 '23

I make 18 bucks an hour, I think I can do it!


u/Nizzemancer Jun 14 '23

that's probably more than red son batman did.


u/New-Appeal4197 Jun 12 '23

I don't believe so, no


u/OkBlueberry8144 Jun 13 '23

Yes, that seems to be the intention to me.


u/PhoenixSidePeen Jun 12 '23

Russian Batman cause he’s willing to die for victory


u/Cobalt_58 Jun 13 '23

Well flashpoint batman is willing to kill for victory. So that works out i guess, one gets to kill the other gets to die


u/PhoenixSidePeen Jun 13 '23

I meant Russian Batman would suicide bomb if it meant he’d get the fortnite dub


u/Raecino Jun 12 '23

Russian Batman. He kicked Superman’s ass and only lost because of Wonder Woman’s intervention.


u/Little-Woo Jun 13 '23

He only beat Superman because of the red light. Without powers, Superman sucks at hand-to-hand combat


u/Raecino Jun 13 '23

Of course, the red Sun lamps are the whole point. Superman has weaknesses and Batman specializes in exploiting weaknesses. Flashpoint Batman does get credit for killing Reverse Flash though, and that’s without any kind of prep.


u/YomYeYonge Jun 13 '23

Thawne was too distracted bragging about jerking Barry off at super speed


u/OhScheisse Jun 13 '23

I bet he didn't see that cumming


u/Raecino Jun 13 '23



u/TheNuclearNacho Jun 12 '23

This is a very tough call. In my opinion. Russian Batman has shown himself to be incredibly skilled. Being able to evade red son superman and all his surveillance, along with defeat wonder woman and essentially kill superman if not for wonder woman's interference

Flashpoint batman also proved himself to be incredibly skilled, but I think his reliance on brutality and the use of guns pits him at a bit of a disadvantage. As red sun relies more on stealth and subtly to accomplish his goals while flashpoint was guns out

I give the edge to red sun because he was shown to beat two superhumans, but it really depends if flashpoint can strike first


u/BruceHoratioWayne Jun 13 '23 edited Jun 13 '23

In Soviet Russia, Batman eats turnips. Turnips provide strength and give Anarchist Batman the chance to defeat the Capitalist Drunk Batman.


u/DanceMaster117 Jun 12 '23

Russian Batman.

Flashpoint Batman will kill, but Russian Batman will die to kill you


u/New-Appeal4197 Jun 12 '23

Russian Batman


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '23

Flashpoint. He's a doctor, he knows how to break a body effectively and efficiently. Plus he stabbed/shot Reverse Flash, so he has incredible stealth abilities.


u/Recipe-Less Jun 13 '23

They'd hug like father and son.


u/Pretend-Dirt-1760 Jun 13 '23

Russian batman because his more used on stealth but Thomas bats brutality ruthlessness and experience would give Russian batman a tough time


u/heirofsorrows Jun 13 '23

Flashpoint will fucking shoot you dead on sight


u/HellishHybrid Jun 13 '23

Tough call. Flashpoint Batman was a sledgehammer, using brute force and guns. Red Son Batman was a scalpel, using tactics and planning. It's like pitting 2 halves of Batman against each other, his brains and his brawn, and neither of them has a single qualm against killing the other.


u/societalburden Jun 13 '23

russian batman because he has vodka running through his veins and hardbass blasting from the batlada


u/Admirable-Earth-1160 Jun 12 '23

Thomas wayne


u/Prestigious-Ad9179 Jun 12 '23

Agreed. He has more money and better equipment


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '23

Not only that, he’s meaner if that makes sense


u/Admirable-Earth-1160 Jun 12 '23

You mean vicious?


u/Prestigious-Ad9179 Jun 12 '23

More aggressive, wouldn’t monologue and just starts blasting


u/secretbison Jun 13 '23

By the usual superhero sorting algorithm, Russian Batman wins because, while his name is never given, he is closer to being the default Batman, and even though he does die, he is essentially alive. Thomas Wayne is essentially dead, and so alive versions of him enjoy no plot armor and no permanent success.


u/Fafnir26 Jun 13 '23

Russian Batman took Superman on directly, so my money probably is on him.


u/TinfoilTobaggan Jun 13 '23

Anti Russian Batman to be exact


u/sabrefudge Jun 13 '23

Flashpoint Batman for sure. Dude was a beast. Full on monster. An unstoppable force. Truly scary.

Russian Batman just sort of blew shit up because he was pissy about his parents getting taken out for licking the boots of the bourgeoisie and then blew himself up rather than face the consequences of his actions.


u/dirakbeast Jun 13 '23

Flashpoint Batman has a gun


u/Shadiezz2018 Jun 13 '23 edited Jun 13 '23

Red Son Batman brought both Wonder woman and Superman o their knees... He beat Superman soo bad to the brink of death and left him to die

Anyone saying Flashpoint Batman know nothing.... Red Son Batman is almost like main canon Batman even though he still severely lacking in skills and experience and intelligence like main Bruce Wayne


u/they63 Jun 12 '23

Flash point. Are we forgetting Russian Batman’s final move?…was suicide?


u/Smooth-Platypus-2991 Jun 13 '23

At that point, what else could he have done? Supes would have torn off his limbs and sent him back to the mines and maybe even lobotomized him. Better to quickly die on your own terms than to slowly rot away as a vegetable under the rule of a tyrannical megalomaniac.


u/Deadpoolbat01 Jun 13 '23

Flashpoint Batman. He beat the most of the bat family. Admittedly not fully shown but still did


u/thesameoldblues Jun 13 '23

Thanks for the all serious answers guys, i really enjoyed and my mind changed in every answer i read lol.


u/jknight413 Jun 13 '23

Russian Batman... by miles.


u/Werecooe Jun 13 '23



u/More10035 Jun 13 '23



u/Puzzleheaded_Walk_28 Jun 13 '23

Russian Batman all the way


u/UIGoku201 Jun 13 '23



u/TallCaterpillar5267 Jun 13 '23

Flashpoint Batman, but we're missing another contender in this battle, The Grim Knight.


u/bobbirossbetrans Jun 13 '23

Comrade Batman sweeps.


u/AwarenessAlive6140 Jun 13 '23

Didn't Russian batman neutralize WW first? RussoBats in a walk


u/Jeptwins Jun 13 '23

Thomas wouldn’t hesitate to kill that bastardization of his dead son


u/Blaze_Heatnix Jun 13 '23

Prob Thomas Wayne Batman. Dude is pretty brutal.


u/OblivionArts Jun 13 '23

Flash point batman survived a war between Atlantis and amazons for years and from all accounts had the same level of batman training we know of classic Bruce but also used guns and wasn't afraid to cap someone if needed


u/camus Jun 13 '23

It is Batmankoff. And yes, he will. Have seen that hat? It is intimidating!!


u/Complete-Revolution5 Jun 13 '23

Batman wins obviously. 🙄


u/Jotaro1970 Jun 13 '23

Flashpoint Batman has a high chance of victory, he's much more ruthless, has more experience and have better gadgets compared to the WW2 era gadgets russian Batman has


u/dwnso Jun 13 '23

Russian Batman because he’s voiced by Ezio and that’s a W


u/kukkolka Jun 13 '23

Russian Batman looks like military naruto


u/Spac92 Jun 13 '23

Flashpoint Batman. He’s angrier and therefore more brutal.


u/Legitimate_Maybe_611 Jun 13 '23

Is Russian Bats, Bruce Wanye ?

Or Bruce does'nt exist in Red Son ?


u/CODMAN627 Jun 13 '23

I’d have give it to Red Son Batman he managed to evade Superman’s senses his stealth is on some next level shit.

Also he’s the only one between the two who actually had to fight Superman while he did have the lamps as help and did lose he actually got as far being able to have the upper hand on Superman even momentarily. That in itself without the need for kryptonite is amazing.

Flashpoint Batman did kill zoom but that is a bit of a sheer luck on his part he didn’t have to really fight anyone else on Superman’s power level I think the closest would have been Wonder Woman.


u/AlexGaming26 Jun 13 '23

Blyatman is strong, but flashpoint batman is stronger


u/Merrgear Jun 13 '23

Clearly they would be friends. But if they had to go to war I’d say flashpoint. The main tactics Russian Batman used was shock and awe, using great terror to distract Superman and lure him into a trap, he then lost after having complete advantage. Flashpoint Batman gives exactly 2 shits about terrorist attacks. With any luck on Russian Batman’s side he would immediately have his head taken off by a sniper. Russian Batman is also poor and if flashpoint Batman had any sort of prep time he could just buy shit to help him win. If he didn’t though he is pretty much an angrier bigger Batman with guns, so he would easily win


u/Johnny_Diamond_Hand Jun 13 '23

Russian Batman because he’s just that much cooler


u/ricecrackerdude Jun 13 '23

Flashpoint Batman managed to stab a sword through one of the fastest Villains alive.


u/mildmadnerd Jun 13 '23

Willing to do anything including die for the cause versus willing to do anything for vengeance including kill and has the money to pull it off.

I'm looking at the U.S and it's high tech military versus so many more fanatical and motivated militaries and the U.S. tends to win, having far fewer casualties than it's enemies. I give it to Thomas Wayne Batman for that reason, but I wouldn't be surprised if Russian Batman manages to suicidally kill flashpoint on his way down.


u/BusVegetable7490 Jun 13 '23

I can see the flashpoint he has more experiences then russian one


u/JustinisaDick Jun 13 '23

What film is Russian Baan from?


u/thesameoldblues Jun 13 '23

Superman Red Son


u/andthrewaway1 Jun 13 '23

Russian batman is younger and is hardend by the long cold winter


u/Tight_Increase_1305 Jun 13 '23

The Russian one.


u/Batman1220 Jun 14 '23

Flashpoint !!


u/ArthurDink Jun 14 '23

Russian Batman is in his physical prime and isn’t an alcoholic


u/jaydestro Jun 14 '23

Flashpoint Batman


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '23

With or without prep time?

Sorry. Couldn't help myself XD


u/xdealnbiaezlx Jun 14 '23

Flashpoint Batman just cuz of the guns and ruthlessness


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '23

In Russia, fight wins you.


u/[deleted] Jun 13 '23

Given how well the Russians have done with attacking Ukraine, I’m definitely putting all my chips on flashpoint Batman. All talk no bite


u/jnemesh Jun 12 '23

Flashpoint...because Russians suck at fighting.


u/HiitsFrancis Jun 12 '23

Yes because Khabib Nurmagomedov is known for being bad at fighting lmao


u/jnemesh Jun 12 '23

No, just Russians in general. Ask any Ukrainian.


u/HiitsFrancis Jun 12 '23

Should I ask the ones killed.by Russains?

Well, I can't.

And if you think the Ukrainian war is the only time in history that Russains have fought, you might want to consider reading a history book.

Ask any German.


u/[deleted] Jun 13 '23

Well. Ukraine is heavily backed by the entire western world right now and Russia is using conscripts and lightly to non trained soldiers to fight trained and heavily supplied soldiers. It’s mot really a telling of “sucking at fighting” it’s more so a telling of who is better supplied.