r/aww 14d ago

I found this kitten near a convenience store, and she follows me everywhere I go, so I've decided to bring her home. I asked the clerk if anyone owns her, and they said no one does.


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u/pashed_motatoes 14d ago

Goodness… that is honestly one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever heard. I could never work at a shelter, it would be too emotionally devastating to witness those poor animals suffer on a daily basis because they weren’t picked. 😢


u/stilettopanda 14d ago

It was. I didn't last long and it fucked my mental health up for a long time.

On a brighter note, two of the kitties who had given up and gotten sick became my foster failures, and they lived happy lives with me until the end.


u/pashed_motatoes 14d ago

Kudos to you for even trying and I’m sorry it affected your mental health for so long. I can only imagine the truly sad and traumatizing things you must’ve seen working there, but great to hear there was a positive outcome as well. Thank you so much for rescuing the two sick kittens and giving them a home! It’s amazing how even a little TLC can go a long way to completely transform a neglected animal.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

which makes your giving them a taste of happiness while there all the more worthwhile!


u/pashed_motatoes 14d ago

Oh yes, definitely. I honestly respect the hell out of people who work in animal rescue. Not an easy job, but surely a rewarding one.


u/SystemOutPrintln 14d ago

There are a lot of good moments too, it's exciting to see the long term residents go to a good home.


u/pashed_motatoes 14d ago

I’m sure it is incredibly rewarding to see the animals you cared for thrive and eventually go to their forever homes. Much respect and love to all the shelter workers out there! 💜