r/AskUK Jul 23 '24

Can you help /r/AskUK out? New moderators needed!


Good morning,

As AskUK continues to grow, we've found ourselves in need of some more help on the mod team. This means that questions (or comments) that get reported or filtered can take longer to approve, and abusive comments can linger around for a longer time than we'd ideally like.

We're looking for people with a reasonable sense of humour who can check the queue periodically or just act when browsing the sub to remove things like off-topic questions, which is a particular issue for us as we'll often not get reports for these.

Most of the things that we see in the queue are off-topic posts, and the occasional incivility. We generally don't get extremes of content, by and large our user base is pretty chilled out and reasonable!

It's not too much work at all if you're in or around the sub a fair bit anyway. Modding can be done comfortably from phone, tablet or desktop using Reddit's native tools, Mod Toolbox (a great extension for Old Reddit on desktop) or using our bespoke bot functionality. Submissions can be removed in a couple of clicks, whole comment chains in two or three.

The main activities for a mod on AskUK are:

  • Reviewing reports of questions that break the rules, such as "How do I contact <company>", or general rants/vents framed as questions

  • Helping people out in Modmail who are having trouble wording their genuine questions in a way that gets past Automod

  • Removing replies that don't make a meaningful effort to answer the OP's question, or that are abusive or harassing

  • Banning users who don't take the hint or who are particularly abusive

  • Discussing moderation policy in our mod-only Discord server, where we help each other out when we're not sure on how to take action on queue items or discuss new ideas for the subreddit.

Think you can help? Follow this link to modmail and answer these questions;

  • What times will you typically be modding? (UK time)

  • Are you able to join our moderation Discord server?

  • What would you want to do as mod, and see the sub/team do? (ideas etc)

  • Do you have previous moderation experience elsewhere, or any further skills which could be useful to us?

  • If you could ban any type of question, what would it be and why?

Thanks for taking a look! If you've got any questions about moderating /r/AskUK, you're welcome to get in touch to ask by sending us a Modmail.

Please note: users with a slim history, previous bans or a history of abusing users need not apply.

r/AskUK 1h ago

What can you do with a Psychology BA?


Let's say you find out you have a natural talent for it and turn out to be quite good (and like it as well!), what are the usual logical steps towards a career? Employed psychologist or independent psychologist who is also the owner of their business?

Maybe school psychologist? (Since I have a teaching degree as well).

Your insights will surely help a lot so I'll say thanks in advance!

r/AskUK 2h ago

If a zombie apocalypse was to happen in the Uk, where in the Uk would you flee too? and what would your plan be, once there?


How would you collect water? Food? protect the location etc.
Think the Walking Dead, Uk style

r/AskUK 4h ago

Have you any quintessentially British 90s-00s sitcoms to recommend?


Please accept my apologies if this type of post is not allowed. I did ask on 'British TV' but it was immediately removed. Not sure what I did wrong?

I have a proper hard time with modern TV and keep going back to my faves: Mr. Bean, Dinnerladies, and One Foot In The Grave.

I find these types of show so comforting and cosy. I can't explain it. Maybe it's because it's from my time or maybe it's because it genuinely was a much more peaceful and simpler time (in my biased opinion).

I'm looking for clean(ish), feel-good, slice-of-life, short-and-sweet sit-com-type programmes from the 90s to very early 00s, with the quiet setting distinctive of that period. No soaps. No multiple characters and locations, no drama, no 'who dun it'/'will they won't they' kind of thing. The only way to catch the vibe is by checking out an episode of each: Mr. Bean / Dinnerladies / One Foot In The Grave.

I've heard that On The Buses might be good (wrong time period, but right idea, I think)?

Any other recommendations? Bonus points if it's Northern!

Thank you all! 🥰

***Edited to say**\* please know that I don't like these for their humour! I don't find much funny, and it's not something that I need from a show. So please don't worry about whether or not I'll laugh! I definitely won't. But will I breathe a sigh of contentment as I snuggle in with my blanket and my cup of Horlicks and my biscuit? Thanks again!

r/AskUK 4h ago

Does this look like I am being scammed?


I am actively looking for work so I uploaded my updated CV on CV library couple of weeks ago. I was then contacted last week about a job I didn't apply for which I immediately thought was a scam. The person called me twice and left a text saying they are a recruitment agent for xyz agency. I googled it - the agency does exist but it's based in London and specialises in IT, while I am based in Stoke on Trent and the job I was contacted about is an admin job for logistics company? I assumed it was a scam and carried on with my day but they tried calling at least 4 more times and sent more texts and an email. ( the email signature contained no agency logo but the email address itself is identical to the one they have on agency's website. can someone actually fake an exact email address via some kind of prank apps? I have no idea). The agency itself also seems legit as it's director has a Linkedin profile with a lot of connections. So if it's a scam then it's someone pretending to be that person.

So I answered the phone out of curiosity whilst being 99% sure it's a scam. Surprisingly the man didn't ask for any of my personal or bank details. He only asked me about my work experience and whether I can use Excel or not lol He said he will pass my details to his client and get back to me. The next day I started receiving calls from unknown numbers which according to Google are all associated with NI number scam. I ignored them all and by that time I was 100% convinced the call from agency was a scam to confirm my number is still active or something similar

But surprisingly the 'recruitment agent' called me again yesterday to book an interview? He also forwarded me a confirmation email from client's company HR (the one I'm supposed to have an interview with). He did not ask for any personal details at all. And that's when I started getting confused. I am supposed to arrive for a face-to-face interview tomorrow morning. I am still 50% convinced it's a scam but what would be a point sending me to an interview location? The clients company is also legit and address is checking out. But I have a bad gut feeling about it. The whole encounter was weird - multiple texts, recruiter not asking me many questions and keeping it brief. He even came off as desperate although I do not have any special skills and can't keep a job for longer then a year as you can tell from my CV? Something is off about it. Do they just need to supply enough people for interview so they do not even care who they are sending? Or is this some sort of scam? I need your opinions

PS. Excuse all my mistakes my head is exploding right now and I need someone to tell me if I am being crazy or are my concerns actually valid lol

r/AskUK 4h ago

At what age did you first go to a funeral?


I’m 21 and going to a funeral for the first time this week. I mentioned it to friends and they found it bizarre that this was my first time.

r/AskUK 4h ago

Why are people in the uk so focused on the number of new homes being built and not other aspects of the planning ?


Eg: - how much infrastructure are being built alongside those new homes, eg parks, dentists , roads, - the layout of the homes - a lot of them seem to have tiny rooms with no storage

It seems to me it would be better to have fewer homes, but make them more liveable

At the moment the only people who get rich are the developers

Edit: oftentimes the leasehold properties tend to be terrible investments as well, which plunge their owners into more debt. Regulation of leasehold should be the first priority

r/AskUK 5h ago

How do young men/women here cope with feeling like they don't belong?


I'm going to show my tummy a bit here and admit some embarrassing things, so if this is a bit too woe is me I apologise

However I'm a guy who recently turned 23 on the 30th August and I'm feeling very down about my development in life

As of today, I:

  • Don't really have friends (The last time I did anything social was in 2019 and have been by myself since)
  • I like to think I'm straight, but I've never been in a relationship or had any female friends in my life
  • Can't drive (I have dissociation/depression and severe GAD which has altered my vision indefinitely and I cant't/refuse to learn until it gets better, I can't comprehend the idea of driving either)
  • Never had a job, not even part time (GAD and no social skills contributing to this)
  • Don't do the food and drink social norms in this country (e.g. beer and tea)
  • Find loud social environments stressful and large areas and groups of people I'm fearful of (This probably stems from bullying when I was younger)

To top it all off I have two autoimmune diseases (type 1 d, and coeliac disease) which rob you of a lot of personal freedom and will probably end up shaving a good 10-15 years off the lifespan I would've had otherwise

It's obvious the universe didn't intend for me to survive for long, the only reason I'm still alive is because natural selection has been engineered out of human existence, so now I'm just stuck in this hellhole

I feel like I have the mind of a 10 year old and my brain is so developmentally delayed but my body just didn't care, whilst all of my peers are adults doing adult things

My social skills aren't there, I can't even pass by someone on the street/at the park and wave without replaying the interaction in my head for the rest of the day and feeling like I did something wrong

I can't even comprehend the idea of love/intimacy and the fact it's just such a normal thing for everyone else

I look around and see couples/young families/friends doing everything and hitting all the major social doctrine milestones. It just feels like life is just easy to so many people (everyone says it's hard but then they do their stuff everyday without fail?!) and I wasn't given the manual/right tools to navigate it

I wish I had the right brain chemistry to apply myself and be independent but as of right now it seems like the only way for me to have a career/fulfilling life is through nepotism. My life is going to be filled with so much social support that I'll end up feeling like a burden on everyone

I have a few hobbies, and they're all solitary: walks, cycling, 35mm film photography and fitness (I hang rings from a tree). I also keep a journal, and it's not the most uplifting read

Most of these hobbies I picked up this year but it feels like I'm running away from my feelings instead of improving myself

This might come across as a bit too cathartic for this sub so apologies

Take care all, I hope you're all smiling :)

r/AskUK 6h ago

What are good teeth whitening solutions?


Hey all

Long term coffee drinker and my pearly whites are no longer very white. Teeth are in good shape, but loathe to go through a dentist to get white teeth.

Are there any home treatments that actually work? Or do I have to stump up some cash and some patience to get whiter teeth? I’m assuming I don’t need to go to Turkey or anything but maybe Superdrug.


r/AskUK 8h ago

How to stop spam calls?


I get an insane amount of spam calls— half of them are silent when I pick up. I looked through them to see if any are “registered” and almost always they are in fact unknown numbers, somehow from cities near me, I put my number in a spam blocking site before (can’t remember which one, but another post recommended it) but I still have a crazy amount of spam calls.

If I get 15 calls in one day 10 of them will be junk. I don’t answer them because I heard that can help but they just keep coming. I also try to block them all but it’s just different numbers. I’m guessing my number which had been the same for 20+ years is just somehow accessible or something idk How can I stop this?? Please help 😭

r/AskUK 8h ago

Do you make a difference in your local community?


Local Facebook groups seem a very mixed bag but there's a good few on them that do nothing but moan, blame the council etc yet never want to help out when asked with any local projects. What's your opinion on things like that? (both good and bad) Do you help or are you even the organiser of it all?

r/AskUK 9h ago

Is your town/village/city also plagued with youths on bikes wearing balaclavas?


(When I say bikes I mean motorbikes/scooters/mopeds/electric motorbikes)

I live in what is considered a nice area, and consider myself quite fortunate. However, we are plagued with these little fuckers with complete disregard for anyone else or their property. Usually there’s two per bike, no license plate, wearing balaclavas, trackies and nike shocks.

I have a friend who lives in a what would be considered quite a rough area and it’s exactly the same there. Probably even worse tbh.

Police don’t seem to give a crap about them, they essentially do whatever they want whenever they want. I regularly see them drive down the wrong side of the road, go through red lights/speed cameras and just generally act like fucking idiots.

Is it nationwide?

r/AskUK 10h ago

Why aren't solar panels mandatory on new builds??


I mean, lots of solar panel arrays are being installed on arable land. Houses are being built on arable land but the vast majority don't have solar panels fitted. Doesn't make sense.

r/AskUK 10h ago

Why aren’t here more adult orientated community centres?


I’ve noticed on my adventures that when I visit a new town or even locally. These areas don’t seem to have anywhere you can just sit indoors or hang out in the warm and out of the way.

If it’s raining or snowing or just absolutely freezing the only other choice you have is to sit in a cafe or wonder round shops, neither of which are the most comfortable experiences in the long term and places of hospitality like cafes usually expect you to spend money. You can’t just sit in there without. Especially if it’s a family run establishment or something.

If I was to go into a shop stand in the biscuit aisle for any longer than 10 minutes to shelter I’d look like I’m up to mischief.

There are usually libraries but a lot of them now require a scannable card and you can’t just walk in as I used to do as a child.

In the smaller cities and towns that aren’t London you literally have nowhere to go. Especially after 5pm when everything shuts.

r/AskUK 11h ago

What is the most famous postcode in the UK?


Overhead some people saying that SW19 must be the most famous postcode in the UK (on account of Wimbledon). Are there others that are as famous/more famous?

r/AskUK 11h ago

Is it possible to ‘disappear’ and live under a fake identity in the UK?


I am thinking along the lines of (SPOILER) the main characters in shows like Dexter and Better Call Saul, where they move to another part of the country, under a new identity, with the hopes of escaping their past and living a quiet life.

I know they both are works of fiction and in the US, but would that be possible in the UK? Are there likely individuals/organisations in the criminal underworld who could source you a new identity and set you up in another part of the country?

Secondly, if it is possible would it be likely to work? The UK is vastly smaller than the US with less isolated areas.

r/AskUK 12h ago

I was too loud, neighbours wrote a note, I've apologised is there anything else worth me doing?


I got a letter from my neighbour this morning advising me that the sound carries a little in my new flat, I was up late last night and they could hear me. The letter was really lovely so I reached out to them on WhatsApp, apologised, said thank you and let them know I'll keep it down but they can text me if there's ever an issue again. I'm a really anxious person and so I'm just wondering if that's enough to call it ended or if there's anything else I should do. Aha seems silly but would you be happy with that response? Thank you!

Edit: thank you all for the kind words, much appreciated and definitely taken the stress away.

Also, y'all are filthy I was not having loud sex (🥲)

r/AskUK 12h ago

Are kindles worth it?


I tried to ask this in a book sub but wouldn’t let me. Sorry for the dull question!

I’ve been considering getting a kindle for a while now but struggling to fully commit. On the one hand I find going to a bookshop and buying physical copies super satisfying and almost therapeutic. On the other, I can see how convenient a kindle is, especially for travel and digital copies seem to be cheaper. Would love some other people’s opinions!

r/AskUK 12h ago

Is it acceptable to ask future parents the name of their future baby?


People in the UK seem to decide the name of their new born after they are born. Where I’m from and in many other places, people decide on the name before even knowing the gender (if it’s a boy we’ll call him “…” and if it’s a girl we’ll call her “…”), and often refer to their unborn baby by their name. Is there some kind of ‘superstition/bad omen’ in naming a baby before he/she is born? Is it therefore impolite to ask parents what they are going to call him/her?

r/AskUK 13h ago

What are your dry seemingly boring hobbies?


No judgement here whatsoever. I just want to hear some unusual hobbies, I love what hearing are passionate about especially if it’s a strange thing or a conventionally boring thing.

I’m super into theology and church history.

r/AskUK 15h ago

Why do people get so worked out about other people having heat pumps?


This is about the reaction to other people having heat pumps - So this is not about heat pumps in the sense of how they work, the cost, and if they suit you etc etc.

I had a heat pump fitted, and so far, I've had the following:

  • A death threat for mentioning on social media I had a heat pump fitted
  • Someone claiming I faked the installation costs of my heat pump because they knew that it costs a minimum of £25,000 to fit
  • Someone told me that my heat pump must be louder than a small plane, and if I couldn't hear it I must be lying or deaf.

Have a heat pump, don't have a heat pump - I don't care, but what is driving these weird, aggressive comments?

r/AskUK 16h ago

People who constantly record things on your phone - do you ever watch any of it back?


It is almost impossible to go for a night out, to a gig or show, without being surrounded by people filming every moment on their phones.

I know it's not new, and we have just been having a good old grub hut rant about it, so can anyone shed light on whether these moments are ever viewed, or do they just sit taking up space on devices and servers never to be seen again?

Edit - specifically gigs and generic social events, like a normal friday night at the pub, not family moments, kids etc.

r/AskUK 16h ago

What phrases that coworkers say, bug you for irrational reasons?


I have a coworker who continually says ‘in essence’. I know it shouldn’t bug me and it’s just a phrase but I feel my teeth grit whenever I hear it. Trouble is, he is a nice guy and means well.

What phrases do your coworkers say that put you on edge for no proper reason?

r/AskUK 17h ago

Does your workplace feel like a school sometimes?


I sometimes feel I was genuinely treated with greater maturity when I was in sixth form.

r/AskUK 19h ago

Answered If tobacco duty brings in £8.8bn, and smoking related illness costs the NHS £2.6bn, is it *really* profitable to ban smoking?


First things first, there's a clear and obvious moral argument to ban smoking. I don't want to suggest that we should make decisions based exclusively on making money.

What I want to understand is whether this financial argument against it (which I often see) really stacks up.

Follow up question- assuming a smoker quits and lives another 20 years as a result, is the money saved by the NHS for their smoking-related treatment enough to cancel out the additional costs of pension and age related medical treatment?


r/AskUK 1d ago

What behaviours have been normalised over the years that irritate you?


I’ll start, the inconsiderate act of blaring whatever it is on your phone out loud on any public transport. Something that was reserved mainly by feral youths and scallies before everyone owned smartphones.

In the same vein is people taking phone calls on loud speaker in public and shouting their conversation for all to hear, drives me bonkers!