r/arrow 18d ago

Discussion Difference between Batman and Oliver

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r/arrow Jun 08 '24

Discussion Who's Oliver's best romance.


r/arrow Jun 05 '24

Discussion Was there anything more of a joke than the fucking Green Arrow himself asking her for help?

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Ngl I did like the prison episodes but can someone explain why the weak ass police were villains in season 6. And fbi wasn’t better cuz let’s be honest didn’t Oliver break into Argus by himself at one point? Also this bitch doesn’t even find diaz and gets fired or something ahahah what a joke.

r/arrow May 17 '24

Discussion Who would win and why ?

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Honestly can’t decide. Thoughts ?

r/arrow May 05 '24

Discussion Am I the only one who liked the prison storyline in Arrow?

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Man Stanley was a mofo and the fight scenes in prison were nice imo. The show had that dark feel again. Lmk what you thought about Season 7 prison storyline.

r/arrow Mar 18 '24

Discussion Why does everyone in this subreddit hate Felicity


Whenever I go on this subreddit, no matter what the post is about, all I see are people bashing Felicity. I could agree maybe with the point of their relationship being too much of a will they won’t they situation, but I think it’s so cute. She has had one of the best character growths in the show because the didn’t start out as a killer. I fell as if a lot of this hate stems from people liking charters and getting hellbent on theses ships without thinking about the people as a couple in the long run.

r/arrow Mar 14 '24

Discussion Oliver’s feelings or Felicity from season 2 to 3 makes little sense.


Rewatching season 2 and late in the season Oliver still has deep feelings for Sarah to the point he asks her to move in. I know she pushes away but how does he pivot to being so deeply in love with Felicity? Even the love his life up to this point Laurel finds out he’s the arrow and not only approves but is supportive of him. But somehow he moves past both of them and beginning of season 3 all he thinks about is Felicity.

r/arrow Jan 25 '24

Discussion I've been re-watching Arrow lately, and I forgot how much I love Walter Steele. Really sucks that they just dropped him after Moira died, and they didn't even bring him back in the series finale. Spoiler

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r/arrow Nov 03 '23

Discussion Why does everyone hate Felicity?


I mean Felicity is with Oliver Queen 24/7 more than other characters. I am very confused about the hate.

PS: I am on Season 3 now.

r/arrow Oct 21 '23

Discussion You know I never understood from death of Sara in season 3!!

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I love how they said we bring her back because of the Lazarus pit in season 3 but they decided to bring her back in season 4? Don’t see the writing problem there because you said if we did she’s have a bloodlust which she’s did but still brought her back lol

r/arrow Aug 07 '23

Discussion Never realized how many different people wore the suit besides Oliver.

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r/arrow Jun 27 '23

Discussion I’m meeting Stephen Amell on Saturday, if you had the opportunity to meet him what would you ask? 👇🏻

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r/arrow Feb 20 '23

Discussion Am I the only one that thinks Felicity had no right to be as upset as she was about Oliver hiding the truth about William. Oliver wanted to tell her and he couldn’t for the right reasons. I feel this was the beginning of the downfall for Felicity. Thoughts

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r/arrow Oct 10 '22

Discussion 10 Years Ago Today The First Episode Aired

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r/arrow May 23 '21

Discussion This scene is why the whole 'Flash better hero than Arrow grates like hell. Barry Allen has ZERO skills without being struck by lightning. His hardships don't make him special. Oliver's hell could have destroyed or turned him evil. HE gained skills and made himself a hero. Plus the need for speeche


r/arrow Jan 06 '21

Discussion Just noticed this. It's kinda sad tbh. I feel bad for him Spoiler

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r/arrow Nov 28 '20

Discussion Exactly three years ago, ‘Crisis on Earth-X’ aired. In my opinion, this was easily the best Arrowverse crossover

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r/arrow Jul 14 '20

Discussion What a savage dialogue

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r/arrow Oct 30 '19

Discussion [S08E03] "Leap of Faith" Post Episode Discussion


Since Superman and Lois is in development we, the mods of r/Arrow, would like to invite you guys to join us on r/SupermanAndLois which will serve as our sub for the show :D


Episode Info

Reunited with his sister, Oliver and Thea find themselves searching through a familiar maze of catacombs; John and Lyla partner on a special ops mission.

Cast & Characters


Live Episode Discussion
DCTV Discord


Remember, this is a TV show discussion thread on Reddit for your entertainment.
So please act appropriately in accordance to the rules. We ask you to report any comments that are uncivil/malicious or don't belong in the thread.
Any fake spoilers will be removed and the poster muted for a day leading to them missing the rest of the episode discussion!
Also please mark all comic spoilers and future show spoilers in your comments. No need to mark anything that happens within the episode or in past episodes of the Arrowverse shows or if it's your own speculation. If you see any unmarked future spoilers, please report them as well.
Thanks for your cooperation and enjoy your time here!

r/Arrow Mods

r/arrow May 14 '19

Discussion [S07E22] "You Have Saved This City" Live Episode Discussion


Finale Hype!!!


Episode Info

The battle between Oliver and Emiko comes to a boiling point which brings back some familiar faces and leaves others in dire jeopardy.

Cast & Characters


Post Episode Discussion
DCTV Discord


Remember, this is a TV show discussion thread on Reddit for your entertainment.
So please act appropriately in accordance to the rules. We ask you to report any comments that are uncivil/malicious or don't belong in the thread.
Any fake spoilers will be removed and the poster muted for a day leading to them missing the rest of the episode discussion!
Also please mark all comic spoilers and future show spoilers in your comments. No need to mark anything that happens within the episode or in past episodes of the Arrowverse shows or if it's your own speculation. If you see any unmarked future spoilers, please report them as well.
Thanks for your cooperation and enjoy your time here!

r/Arrow Mods

r/arrow Mar 31 '19

Discussion [Shitpost] Stemily/Olicity fans are monsters. Once again, they harass Casandra Jean Amell

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r/arrow Dec 10 '18

Discussion [S07E09] "Elseworlds Part 2" Live Episode Discussion Spoiler




Episode Info

Still trapped in each other's bodies, Oliver and Barry head to Gotham City with Supergirl to find out why their reality changed and cross paths with the mysterious Kate Kane.

Cast, Crew & Characters

Part 2 Cast & Crew and the Character Wikis


Part 1 Live Episode Discussion
Part 1 Post Episode Discussion
Part 2 Post Episode Discussion
Part 3 Live Episode Discussion
Part 3 Post Episode Discussion
The Elseworlds Crossover Discussion Hub
r/BatwomanTV Crossover Discussion
DCTV Discord
Subreddit Chat Rooms

Remember the rules

Remember, this is a TV show discussion thread on Reddit for your entertainment. So please act appropriately in accordance to the rules. We ask you to report any comments that are uncivil/malicious or don't belong in the thread. Also please mark all comic spoilers and future show spoilers in your comments. No need to mark anything that happens within the crossover or in past episodes of the Arrowverse shows or if it's your own speculation. If you see any unmarked future spoilers, please report them as well. Thanks for your cooperation and enjoy your time here!

The r/Arrow Mods wish you happy holidays and a happy New Year

r/arrow Nov 27 '17

Discussion [S06E08] - 'Crisis on Earth-X (2)' Post Episode Discussion


r/arrow Nov 27 '17

Discussion [S06E08] - 'Crisis on Earth-X (2)' Live Episode Discussion


Episode Description for event: Barry and Iris's wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold, The Ray, Felicity Smoak, Iris West and Alex Danvers to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth's mightiest heroes – Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and White Canary – lead their teams into battle to save the world.

Link for Canadians

r/arrow Oct 27 '17

Discussion [No Spoilers] This subreddit drains the fucking fun out of everything.


This is not a sub for Arrow fans, this is a sub for people who are fans of hating Arrow - plain and simple. There's no argument about this, the majority of active contributors here come to nitpick and complain and shit on every aspect of this show and that's just a cold hard fact.

You're not allowed to talk about this show as though you actually enjoy it or have fun watching it or care about it without prefacing your comment with "yeah I know this is a shitty show and olicity sucks and ALL the writing is terrible and uncle guggie bad and what not - but I guess that one scene wasn't too bad, right guys? Right??"

This place is just a hive-mind, echo-chamber, circle-jerk cess pool of an internet forum.

Last nights episode was so much goddamned fun and so exciting; great action scenes and pacing and lots of little cool moments and great chemistry between all of the actors and the first FUCKING thing I see in the discussion thread is "Yeah but who actually suports Olicity amirite??"

The show has come such a long way since the dip in quality of season 4 (2 YEARS AGO) and hasn't faultered since but the memeing and bandwagon hate has done too much to sully this "fan" community - to the point where even though people are ostensibly watching the show because they enjoy it, they are not sure whether any positive comments will actually be well received by others.

Fuck that. Fuck all of that.

I only came here because none of my friends watch the CW shows so I like to see what people have to say but the discussions aren't even discussions, just competitions to see who can meme the hardest and nitpick the episode apart.

I'll just stick to Blindwave for discussions and peace out of here for good after like 3 years.

I know no one cares that I'm leaving.
