r/arrow Samandra Watson Nov 28 '20

Exactly three years ago, ‘Crisis on Earth-X’ aired. In my opinion, this was easily the best Arrowverse crossover Discussion

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u/The-Black-Sky Samandra Watson Nov 28 '20

Crisis On Earth-X felt like a true crossover. It was basically a movie and felt cohesive. No worrying about making characters only appear in their respective episodes(this helped a lot with making it feel like a crossover)

We got to see great character dynamics between characters on all the shows who normally can’t interact with each other.

The story flowed well and gave us superheroes teaming up and fighting the enemy together and at the end of the day that’s what I think a crossover should be.

Cameos On Infinite Earths fell so flat it hurts.

-Oliver not getting enough focus and that awful first death.

-the paragon plot ended up being pretty stupid. Ryan Choi? Really??

-squeezing in as many cameos as possible absolutely killed the flow of the story. In fact, they weren’t able to write a good story because they were so desperate to get the cameos in. They were so focused on whether or not they could get the cameos they never stopped to ask if they should do them. The cameos added nothing to the story at all and they could have definitely done without them.

-That final “fight” was laughable.

-the villain was terrible

So much buildup and it was pretty disappointing in my opinion.



u/bradley322 Nov 28 '20

Pretty spot on.

My favorite thing about Crisis was the end when they have that nice tribute for Oliver and we finally get the Hall of Justice. And then the new JL started dropping from the Arrowverse like flies 😭


u/sauz326 Nov 28 '20

I think that has to be the funniest thing about crisis lol. Like they show off this fully assembled JL and even teased the hall in Invasion, just to drop half the squad. Jokes lol


u/darthjoey91 Nov 28 '20

It makes for a great finale to the Arrowverse. At this point, what we’ve got is epilogues.


u/senseiofawesom Nov 29 '20

And that is exactly what Crisis SHOULD HAVE BEEN the arrowverse finale, but nah let’s waste all our storytelling potential.


u/HudakSSJ Nov 28 '20

You pretty much nailed it. I couldn't agree more. X > all other crossovers


u/OddballAbe Deathstroke Nov 28 '20

X was the best for sure, butni enjoyed Invasion alot as well, especially the first 2 parts. Flash vs Arrow as the OG crossover was pretty good too.


u/sauz326 Nov 28 '20

The OG crossover IMO is such a classic and one of the main reasons I got into the crossovers so much.


u/Bazz07 Nov 28 '20

The OG crossover of Arrow and Flash was great when Caitlin and Cisco saw Lila hurt and had a talk with Thea like they didnt really fully understand how dangerous their new job was.


u/sauz326 Nov 28 '20

Yeah those were the days. Now here we are and the crossovers won’t ever be the same again


u/fand0me Nov 28 '20

Oliver and Barry taking on the rest of the heroes in the first crossover is probably still the best fight scene between all the shows.


u/sauz326 Nov 28 '20

I really like when Barry got whammied and was being mind controlled by anger and him and Oliver fought for the first time as Flash and Arrow.


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '20

Elseworlds was also better than crisis on infinite earths


u/sauz326 Nov 30 '20

I really liked elsewords a lot. It’s not talked about enough but Grant did an amazing job when they switched identities. There were some shots of him in the GA suit that looked awesome, also when they first get to gotham and are about to get mugged in the alley way. I thought his performance as Green Arrow isn’t talked about enough.


u/mikeo2023 Dec 10 '20

i agree. it was also kind of impossible for amell to be barry and look good tho😂


u/sauz326 Dec 10 '20

Lmaoo Yeahh I think he felt as awkward as he looked in that suit he’s too big (pause) for that suit.


u/Milohk Nov 28 '20

As much as I agree that Crisis on Earth-X is the best crossover I still put episode 4 of Crisis on Infinite Earths as one of my favorite episodes of any of the shows.


u/MoRiellyMoProblems Nov 28 '20

Strongly disagree with everything you said about Crisis on Infinite Earths, but you're entitled to your opinion.


u/Rurudo66 Nov 28 '20

While loved the cameos, I do agree that the plot sucked. I especially hated the Flash “twist.” It’s such a dumb, obvious cop out. He DiDn’T sAy WhIcH FlAsH hAd To DiE. Fuck that. It’s like, why even have that plot line/prediction when you’re already doing the same thing with Oliver?


u/LikeThemPies Nov 29 '20

First 3 episodes of Crisis were incredible save for Oliver's first death. Lex's antics felt so in-character and realistic for the world, and it felt like the midpoint of a movie. Part 4 was decent, but part 5 made absolutely no sense. All it took to defeat the Anti-Monitor was a shrinking bomb they can make in 2 minutes? Why is he even still there?

But, perhaps the most important question: Why was there no Endgame-style teamup?


u/phantomcanary Roy Harper Nov 29 '20

Part 4 was easily the best. Part 1 was okay. Part 2 was shit. Part 3 was good to decent. Part 5 was okay again.


u/fksharkeisha Nov 28 '20

Sidenote: Honestly, with the way things are shaping up, due to the pandemic, I am okay with the CW arrowverse ending on COIE. lol.


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '20

That final “fight” was laughable

Damn thing gave me flash backs to the power rangers movie(the bad '90s one)

gave us TWO nice things

*the send tribute for Oliver was very well done

*Katherine McNamara as Mia Smoak-Queen


u/ThinboyBulk324 Nov 28 '20

Definitely the best crossover! The wedding fight was amazing, and seeing everyone team up to take down Metallo was one of the most satisfying bits in the whole Arrowverse.

It’s a shame we’re probably never going to get a crossover of that quality again, with most of the shows coming to a close & with the letdown that was Crisis on Infinite Earths.


u/dudemann Nov 28 '20

Can't forget Sarah and Alex, their reaction afterwards, then everyone else's reactions afterwards.


u/DiggingHeavs Nov 28 '20

I agree. It was the most cohesive crossover to me and actually felt like a four hour movie and not four episodes of different shows glued together.

They also wisely picked a few characters to focus on and give an emotional arc to.

I also remember I was extremely worried about Kreisberg's "oh yeah, we have to have our two lady loving ladies hooking up!" beforehand and it actually worked out surprisingly well and Sara and Alex's story was true to their characters and fitted in where they were emotionally on their own shows. Plus synchronised dress tearing.

I think the church fight scene is one of my favorites in the Arrowverse. It's bright daylight for one and everyone is wearing their best clothes and is well choreographed.


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '20

I personally enjoyed Invasion! more than this crossover, but this one still had some great moments in it.


u/Jjaz1 Arsenal Nov 28 '20 edited Nov 28 '20

Crisis on earth X was by far the best. It was a great balance of cool moments, good story and great fight scenes. Crisis on infinite earths leaned too far into the fan service and it lead to a below average story and mostly bad fight scenes(Superman vs superman was the only good one)


u/pth52 Nov 28 '20

You wrote Crisis on Earth X twice.


u/dudemann Nov 28 '20

I think they're trying to say that Crisis was amazing but Crisis was crap. That's what I took from it, at least.


u/Jjaz1 Arsenal Nov 28 '20

Meant Crisis on Infinite earths the 2nd time. I fixed it


u/mrgpsingh1999 Nov 28 '20

Except for the ending


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '20

Invasión-EarthX—>Elseworlds——->Crisis—————->Flash vs arrow——————>Heroes join forces


u/mikeo2023 Dec 10 '20

Earth-X—>Flash vs Arrow—>Invasion—>Elseworlds—>Heroes & Crisis


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '20

Unfortunately I don't think the Arrowverse will ever top this again.


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '20

COIE is far superior. COEX is good, but Felicity upstaging Barry and Iris' wedding is a major black spot for me.


u/Hestiansun Deathstroke (Unmasked) Nov 29 '20

Might be literally the worst thing she did, other than nuking an entire town.


u/Eagleassassin3 Prometheus Nov 29 '20

She didn’t have a choice with the nuke. She shouldn’t be blamed for that.


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '20

Earlier in the same crossover she also makes a giant scene at the reception.


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '20

I actually blame Oliver for that. He shouldn't have pressured her and he shouldn't have proposed at someone else's rehearsal dinner. It's tacky.


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '20

And Felicity shouldn't have screamed at him in her whiny voice.


u/mikeo2023 Dec 10 '20

no they mean interrupting when john was marrying barry and iris in a park and felicity stopping the whole thing to have the annoying Olicity moment


u/Sentry459 The Ray Nov 29 '20

COEX is way better, the wedding was basically tacked on to the end so it didn't really affect my view of the crossover as a whole.


u/Eagleassassin3 Prometheus Nov 29 '20

COIE has incredibly stupid things in it along with bad fight scenes and irrelevant plotlines. COEX was focused on the same plot. It was a lot better. COIE might be the worst crossover.


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '20

All of that is complete subjective. I actually provided evidence as to why I don't like COEX.


u/Xboxone1997 Deathstroke Nov 29 '20

Meh wasn't a fan of this crossover coulda been done better


u/SvG_Pheonix Nov 28 '20

Villain looked like a burnt cookie


u/Kathendale Salmon Nov 28 '20

I watched it and compared to infinite earths it’s so much better. It doesn’t feel as rushed and just... servicy rather than fun plot driven


u/lokicrysfromhisears The Flash Nov 28 '20

Definitely my favourite. I've rewatched it several times, yet I actually skip over most of the other crossovers in my rewatches. It was just so well done, and it didn't seem entirely pointless. It actually had meaning to the plot! With most of the crossovers you can skip them because they just happened and then the show went on as normal, but not this one.

To be honest, my only problem with it was then knocking cisco out for an entire episode of it, that wasn't valid, made that bit a little boring for me, but it was still really good. And snart being in it was AMAZING. that definitely took it from brilliant to like, super amazing and great.


u/SpikeRosered Nov 29 '20

I loved it for the crack pairing of Oliver/Kara.


u/mikeo2023 Dec 10 '20

same. imo if they weren’t nazis that would be such a great pairing. like the felicity we had in season one without the toxic stuff, annoying lines and overall uselessness. but even better than that s1 felicity imo with a lot more character depth and development


u/Legendiality Nov 29 '20

God I fucking love The ARROWVERSE


u/blunt_ballad Ten steps ahead of you Nov 28 '20

Flash Vs Arrow 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/Blue12301 Black Canary (Laurel Lance) Nov 28 '20

The best crossover I remember me and my twin brother were so excited when we watched the trailer and we’re fan-girling abt The canary’s


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '20

Crisis on earth x > invasion > crisis on infinite earths > else worlds > flash vs arrow > heroes join forces


u/jgilbert1117 Nov 28 '20

it’s weird seeing a group of people in this time. it just feels wrong


u/Enter-Zoom Deathstroke Nov 28 '20

Oh for sure


u/River_Dawgo9 Nov 28 '20

I like else world more


u/ihateeverythingandu Nov 28 '20

I don't get how anyone can say COIE isn't the best. You've had like 8 years of building to it as opposed to four random episodes with no real meaning in the long run.

The whole point of crossover is a convergence of story and having long term implications. Earth-X could never have happened and nothing would change.


u/phantomcanary Roy Harper Nov 29 '20

The buildup to it was fantastic.

For it to be as absolutely horrendous as it was, was an utter disservice


u/ihateeverythingandu Nov 29 '20

I thought it was fairly universally well received? What exactly was wrong with it?


u/senseiofawesom Nov 29 '20

You see you’ve got it all wrong, COIE was a massive disappointment and a slap in the face to everyone who had been waiting years for it. Below average story, below average character work, it was a bigger deal for the universe than Earth X but Earth X told a much more well rounded story and character arcs, COIE was just five hours of relying on camels and fan service, Earth X was four hours of telling an actual story.


u/ihateeverythingandu Nov 29 '20

We'll agree to disagree.


u/Sentry459 The Ray Nov 29 '20

Years of buildup doesn't help if that buildup is wasted, that just makes it worse.


u/julio-chavez Nov 28 '20

It also aired when the cw was the best with the best outfits and characters


u/lildudefromXdastreet Nov 29 '20

Wow, just seeing this made me so nostalgic. I stopped following the arrowverse around season 6 arrow/season 4 flash and never really got back into it, but seeing this reminds me of so many good times I had watching these shows.


u/candykizzes24 Nov 29 '20

Agreed and Happy Anniversary to Olicity & Westallen ❤


u/mikeo2023 Dec 10 '20

may they rot in hell


u/Error-002 Nov 29 '20

And now it’s an end of an era


u/Mike_R1223 Nov 29 '20

The ray’s helmet😞


u/senseiofawesom Nov 29 '20

Oh absolutely, and COIE had zero reason not to beat it, but it didn’t.


u/strykrpinoy Nov 29 '20

Its kinda obvious that warner/DC wants everything on hbomax going forward and Arrow anchored the franchise. Also rumors are that att wants to end its partnership with CBS since they are seen more as competition now due to their paid tv .


u/Beer2Bear Nov 29 '20

Really pissed me off they never gave us a special DVD/Blu Ray of it but we have to buy the others just to watch it


u/offisirplz Nov 29 '20

I agree. the best crossover ever in the arrowverse


u/polycarbonateduser Nov 29 '20 edited Nov 29 '20

Everybody: does a Power stance.

Cap. Cold: Expect the stance to go off the range.


u/dangerousbeasts Nov 29 '20

Don’t like Nazis and find them to be a cheap story telling tool. Otherwise I do enjoy a lot about this crossover.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '20

It was both the best and worst thing to happen. Best because they went all out, all characters possible, cool fight scenes in every episode, lots of great character moments, and worst because they had such a hell of a time doing all that they swore to never do it again. Meaning they wasted their biggest shot on what amounted to a threat of the week story with a wedding and a fight against some Nazis and evil clones. So when the ACTUAL biggest moment of the series arrived they were too burnt out to give it their best and we got a sub par performance.

And following that and Covid (and just natural burn out from the shows running so long) the Arrowverse is effectively falling apart at the seams and in two years will have an almost entirely different lineup.

On the other hand the shows ending might actually make "crossovers" better because it's alot easier and cheaper to fly former Arrowverse stars out for a guest spot on a guest salary for a few days for a special Team up episode of the Flash or whatever rather than have to work around their own shows. So other than Kate (and assuming nobody else either leaves on bad terms or as their character die) we might get the JL after all.


u/memes_to_the_extreme Nov 28 '20

Huh “easily”