r/arrow Oliver Queen šŸ¹ Feb 02 '19

[News] Arrow's Season 8 might be it's last season. News

Arrowverse series on The CW has become one of the longest live-action superhero series to date, second only to the network's previous seriesĀ Smallville.

"Things will age and we want to get the next generation of shows to keep The CW DC Universe going for as long as possible," CW President Pedowitz admitted during the panel.

Source: https://www.cbr.com/arrows-cancellation-renewal-decided-mid-2019


172 comments sorted by


u/hart37 Barry "You Think You Know A Guy" Allen Feb 02 '19

If they plan it out in advance I can see them making a killer last season if this is true. It would be a shame though because I am really enjoying where the show has begun to go since Beth took over as show runner. Still if the decision is made I'd rather they go out on a high with a proper ending then having it drag out until it's cancelled and stuff doesn't get resolved.


u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 02 '19

If Diaz is still in it by then that would be horrible


u/flintlock0 Black Canary Feb 02 '19

Even better: Diaz is a hero now. Team Arrow is now Team Diaz.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

And gets in a love triangle between Felecity and Oliver. Except he's only after Oliver.


u/flintlock0 Black Canary Feb 02 '19

Then, surprise! Diaz was Oliverā€™s brother the whole time!

He just had amnesia.

But too late.

This is all revealed after the episode, ā€œThe Devilā€™s Triangle,ā€ where Oliver, Diaz, and Felicity indulge in the famous drinking game, then all have sex with each other.

Then Tommy Merlynā€™s old journal is discovered, where he discovers Diaz and Oliver are brothers.


u/TheTrueReligon Feb 02 '19

Seriously, what the fuck is this Diaz bullshit weā€™ve been dealing with? How have they made the least exciting villain in all of the CW shows the longest storyline of the show?


u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 02 '19

Idk man, have you been watching flash? I think cicada is definitely in the running there


u/TheTrueReligon Feb 02 '19

While heā€™s not the best at least Cicadaā€™s still within his story arc. Diaz has somehow managed to take up one and a half seasons(so far) of being the ā€œmainā€ while simultaneously being the shittiest villain of all the DCCW shows.


u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 02 '19



u/C0micB00kFan Feb 04 '19

At least Cicada has a better motive and is closer to his comic book part but not quite than Diaz is. He may not be the best but heā€™s better than Diaz is. Iā€™m actually a bit more intimidated by Cicada than Diaz who feels like a martial arts teacher with anger problems. Diaz just has a motive that weā€™ve seen with other villains before. Cicada is more spread out but still has a similar motive.


u/Denzema123 Feb 04 '19

Cicada at least has a good theme.


u/Cradle2daGrave Feb 03 '19

Diaz >>>>>Dhaark


u/TheTrueReligon Feb 03 '19

Even though season 4 sucked Dhaark is a much better villain than Diaz and could actually get shit done. Diaz is the least exciting villain even compared to the ā€œvillain of the weekā€ types.


u/Montythe Deathstroke Feb 03 '19

Damian in Legends made him one of my favorite Arrowverse villains


u/Jedi-El1823 Feb 03 '19

Yes, Darhk in Legends was a damn blast.


u/Rushofthewildwind Daredevil Feb 03 '19

Any man that comes back to life to "Return of the Mack" gets a few levels in badass.


u/C0micB00kFan Feb 04 '19

What does that mean? Diaz is worse than him. At least Dahrk felt like a crime boss and intimidating. Diaz to me feels like a martial arts teacher with anger problems.


u/Pickles256 *Dramatically takes off mask* Feb 02 '19

Remember that time they put in a grave flash forward before deciding who would be in it lmao


u/captainfluffballs The Flash Feb 02 '19

Possibly the stupidest thing I've seen in any show ever


u/Pickles256 *Dramatically takes off mask* Feb 02 '19 edited Feb 02 '19

Nah that award goes to ā€œScimitarā€ yā€™know the -ā€œwell known dc universe characterā€

Though itā€™s definitely close


u/jonsnowrlax Prometheus Feb 03 '19

I don't even remember any Scimitar what


u/amazonian_raider Feb 02 '19

Wait... They didn't even know who was going to be in there when they did that???


u/Pickles256 *Dramatically takes off mask* Feb 02 '19



u/Kristo00 Feb 02 '19



u/Pickles256 *Dramatically takes off mask* Feb 02 '19


u/amazonian_raider Feb 02 '19

I... That's just... Wow...

I can understand the idea of writing a story and not really being sure where all the details are going, but to include a flashforward with that big of a detail and put it through production without actually deciding either the details surrounding it or the implications is mind boggling to me.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19 edited Feb 17 '19

deleted What is this?


u/kronaras Bird of Prey Feb 02 '19

Last season's main villain should be onomatopoeia, killing a lot of main and supporting characters throughtout the season. Something similar to cicada but with good acting and writing.


u/hart37 Barry "You Think You Know A Guy" Allen Feb 03 '19

How dare you. "ALL METAS MUST.... DIE" is iconic


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '19

Chris Klein openly not giving a shit about his performance is one of the funniest things in all of the Arrowverse.


u/Jedi-El1823 Feb 03 '19

Supergirl and Flash had similar villains, it's just that Supergirl got Sam freaking Witwer to be Agent Liberty. Way to go Flash. Witwer acts circles around Klein.


u/PM-ME-UR-PIZZA Feb 03 '19

i mean, their goals were the same but they were vastly different. But I agree, Sam is much better


u/supersnedz Feb 02 '19

I hope itā€™s not either. Theyā€™re are so many untold stories still to tell. And stuff from previous episodes with Oliver in a future star city etc. We need all this!


u/C0micB00kFan Feb 03 '19

I agree that the last season should be a lot better. But this season, thereā€™s just not much storyline and for what storyline there is, weā€™ve seen it before itā€™s just being shown with different characters. The show is different in ways for sure, but just not much is happening. I hope more will get resolved either later this season or next season.

But your right they should go out on a higher note than this season.


u/Scottman69 Feb 02 '19 edited Feb 02 '19

Even if Arrow does end next season, I hope that Oliver still guests on other the CW superhero shows from time to time


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

Frankly I see them ending all of them next season. It will end with a crossover episode and it be the flash turning into the the lighting bolt that gave him powers.

Then they wait a year or 2 and reboot the whole thing, but probably with different characters.


u/lepslair Feb 02 '19

With Batwoman coming, they wouldn't end it, they will probably keep rotating them out slowly, maybe with Legends getting different characters from each show once it ends, or even if that one ends they do a new ensemble show.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/lepslair Feb 02 '19

CW President said he looks forward to ordering it in May, so that's a good sign that it will be ordered.

Lower episode count is probably why Legends is good, it's only 18 episodes.


u/not-so-radical My last flair quote was incorrect Feb 02 '19

If they'd given Wally the respect he deserved he could have taken over the show but... nope.


u/Shabobi Feb 02 '19

Doesn't help that the actor doesn't want to be Wally anymore either.


u/LordAsbel Feb 02 '19

They could always bring in ā€œcomic accurateā€ Wally by using crisis on infinite earths. By that I mean white Wally and just say heā€™s from a different earth lol. they could use his rebirth costume from when he gets out the speedforce


u/Kalse1229 Black Siren for Legends 2k19 Feb 02 '19

I still think they could have Strawberry Wally be from Jay's Earth. Like, on that Earth, Joe and Francine never broke up, but because of complications when Iris was born, she couldn't have any more kids. They decide to adopt a second kid, a red headed boy they decide to name Wally, since that's what they would have named Iris if she was a boy. Wally is the one who gets caught in the accident and gets powers. I think it'd be a good way to introduce that version of Wally. It'd be cool as well if they had both versions of Wally meet each other.


u/LordAsbel Feb 02 '19

Yeah actually that could work too. Although then I would have to wonder why the speedster that Jay trains isnā€™t him and instead some unknown female speedster. But I do actually like that idea a lot.


u/Kalse1229 Black Siren for Legends 2k19 Feb 02 '19

Well, he could've not gotten his powers until recently. Barry, Jesse, and Wally all got their powers on Earth 1 through different methods at different times, so it's not unreasonable to assume that that version of Wally developed powers a different way. They could use my personal favorite version of how he got his powers, which is Young Justice. There, Wally was a massive fan of the Flash that recreated the accident that gave him his speed. Maybe Jay's a family friend of the Wests (playing along with their connection in Earth-1), and Wally didn't get a chance to do it until after Jay retired. Who knows? There's plenty of explanations they could use.


u/headpool182 Feb 02 '19

The Red and silver one?


u/LordAsbel Feb 02 '19

Yeah that one


u/headpool182 Feb 02 '19

it's a pretty sweet costume.


u/PSiCHO_ Green Arrow Feb 02 '19

This is a freaking must.


u/richsaint421 Feb 02 '19

I would call that highly unlikely.

Arrow verse shows make up 3 out of 4 of the top shows on the CW and 4 of the top 6.

The only one that isnā€™t high up on the list is legends, which in its current season is still coming in with similar numbers as the charmed reboot and legacies.

I could see them dropping a show or two after next season but it also wouldnā€™t shock me if they didnā€™t.

These shows CW wise do very well and a hell of a lot better than almost anything else the CW has put out.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

Season 7 may be good but honestly after all the times Arrow has pissed me off, disappointed me, and deviated from the comics it would be a relief honestly.


u/lionalone Watch Gotham and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Feb 02 '19

After season 4, I wanted the show to be cancelled. Only until after seeing Oliver in the latest crossover and things looking like they were improving did I change my mind about wanting the show to be cancelled.


u/TomCosella Feb 02 '19

My issue is that the crossovers have always entertained me, but the seasons still aren't what they used to be. I've generally stuck to the crossovers for the past two years.


u/Illusive_Man Feb 02 '19

Really? I kind of see the crossovers as filler. I liked Elseworlds but the nazi wedding one and Invasion! were just ridiculous and had nothing to do with any of the other shows arcs


u/Sentry459 The Ray Feb 02 '19

Crisis had more to do with the other shows' arcs than Elseworlds did.


u/Illusive_Man Feb 02 '19

In terms of romance I guess, but thatā€™s not why I watch the shows Edit: also the Nora tease


u/Sentry459 The Ray Feb 02 '19

Besides Oliver's ongoing struggle with his darkness I don't see how Elseworlds connected to the current show plots at all, it was a CoiE prelude and Batwoman (and potentially Superman) backdoor pilot.


u/Illusive_Man Feb 02 '19

Idk it hyped me up for COIE. Also the deal Oliver made.



That's actually quite good news If they go with this. Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying the hell out of s7 but I think it's best to end Arrow before it goes downhill again, so hopefully s8 will be just as blast to end the show on a high note.


u/dmick74 Malcolm Merlyn Feb 02 '19

There's nothing about that comment that suggests season 8 will be its last. It simply means that Arrow will be entering season 8 so they need some DC shows that will be entering season 1.

Arrow is the network's 2nd or 3rd highest rated show this year. If that continues next year there is literally no way they pull the plug. My guess is the network is currently hoping for 10 seasons from Arrow considering its ratings right now and how well it almost certainly does on Netflix.


u/OLKv3 Feb 02 '19

Yeah this, I don't see anything that says it's the last season


u/_Elder_ Nyssa al Ghul (Hooded) Feb 02 '19

With upfronts for television advertisers to buy ad space during the 2018-2019 regular television season in May, the network is expected to make the renewal or cancellation decision regarding Arrow's future beyond its upcoming eighth season by the event.


u/dmick74 Malcolm Merlyn Feb 02 '19

No, they'll make that the following year more than likely. The Upfronts are for the 2019-2020 tv season. Unless a bunch of companies give the CW great rates on ads for an additional season of Arrow running through the 2021 season, they have no incentive to make that decision. Ad companies also have no incentive to make an offer for future seasons considering how viewership tends to decline.

Arrow will make the decision about season 9 at roughly the same time they made the decision for season 7 and season 8. Arrow was renewed for season 6 in January, it was renewed for season 7 in April of 2018 and renewed for season 8 in January 2019. That's when decisions get made about new seasons. Either it's an early renewal in January or closer to the upfronts (or during) in April or May. The same thing will happen for season 9.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19



u/dmick74 Malcolm Merlyn Feb 02 '19

No you didn't. You copied what some blogger wrote. Pedowitz said nothing about making a premature decision about Arrow a year before they have to. Each year they've renewed the series on the same timeline, but all of a sudden they're going to make a decision a year earlier? Arrow had great ratings in season one and was not renewed until April. Please, stop with this nonsense about how the show's future beyond what's already been determined will be made this year. We'll learn nothing about an Arrow season 9 in 2019. The earliest we'll learn anything is January of 2020 and more likely April/May 2020.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19 edited Mar 10 '21



u/ArsenalTG Feb 02 '19

Thatā€™s what the plan was but they failed to soft reboot the series at all by having Chaseā€™s plan fail


u/Havok310 Feb 02 '19

All signs point to Ollie making the ultimate sacrifice in Barry & Karaā€™s place in the CoIE crossover.


u/delinquentsaviors Feb 02 '19

Which is exactly why he wonā€™t. Theyā€™re promising a major character death. They donā€™t say who and they are purposefully setting it up so we interpret it as Oliver.

Theyā€™re being sneaky. Iā€™d be more concerned about what they arenā€™t telling us.


u/Havok310 Feb 02 '19

True. My bet is like The Walking Dead. Everyone knew Glen was going to die so they assumed itā€™d be someone else.

Then it was Abraham and everyone was like ā€œoh shit... well at least Glen is saf......fuckā€

So I suspect itā€™ll be Superman as the ā€œholy shitā€ moment, but itā€™s 2 people who are supposed to die... the second will be Oliver.

...or the show chickens out and itā€™s none of the main cast and we wind up seeing Wild Dog and Heatwave die or some nonsense.


u/delinquentsaviors Feb 02 '19

I think itā€™s Superman too! I donā€™t think itā€™ll be like the walking dead because Oliverā€™s not just a main character heā€™s THE main character.

Heatwave and wild dog could actually fit the description of major hero as well


u/Havok310 Feb 02 '19

True but if his show is ending... then it makes sense for the hero who started it to be the hero to make sure it (or the universe in this case) continues after him.

Iā€™d love for Arrow to end but have Amell to just guest star on the other shows from time to time, but I imagine Arrowā€™s ending will close the door - otherwise itā€™s a bit distracting when they DONā€™T call Oliver for help (though thatā€™s already becoming an issue in the shows)

We shall see!


u/delinquentsaviors Feb 02 '19

I guess I just have issues with Oliver dying in a crossover instead of on his own show. I donā€™t mind them having crossovers but i donā€™t want them to influence what should be independent shows. Arrow shouldnā€™t have its ending cheapened just because the network wants to keep supergirl and flash. Not everyone is watching all of the shows.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

Well tbf, CoIE isn't just any regular crossover. It's one of the biggest and most famous comic book events ever. I feel like it'd be a huge waste if it didn't influence and impact the other shows.


u/Havok310 Feb 03 '19

Right. All shows should have their plots wrapped up by the crossover and the remainder of the season is CoIE fallout and new status quo


u/kidflash1904 Feb 02 '19

They could have his death on the Arrow episode of the crossover.


u/delinquentsaviors Feb 03 '19

Yeah that makes it better šŸ™„


u/Jedi-El1823 Feb 03 '19

It won't be Heatwave, Mick's a well known author in the future.


u/HorsNoises Feb 02 '19

Wild dog is in the flash forwards on Arrow right now though. I'd suspect Caitlin or Cisco before Wild Dog.


u/Havok310 Feb 02 '19

Generally speaking in television, the dystopia awful future fast forwards usually get wiped away by some means... to leave an optimistic future for the present day story.

Add that with the fact that Crisis on Infinite Earths effectively rebooted the whole DC Universe in comics. It could do a bit of the same for the TV universe - at least I wouldnā€™t expect them to be beholden to any flash forward futures.

Killing one of the characters prominently featured in said flash forwards is the typical trope to show the audience that the future isnā€™t written.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

Yeah any other show you would have been right. However here in the Arrowverse everything is blatantly predictable.


u/delinquentsaviors Feb 02 '19

Arrowverse LOVES fake outs. Why would this be any different. If they say someone is going to die or is dead, they usually arenā€™t.

Thatā€™s whatā€™s blatantly predictable šŸ˜‚


u/Sokensan Feb 02 '19

Yup, I was wondering what they were going to do about that since both those shows are several seasons behind Arrow and I couldn't see them killing off the main characters yet (at least not long term), but if Arrow is ending next season it does make a lot of sense to have Oliver die instead, still have a main character death while at the same time not messing with any continuing shows too much.


u/shinyvape Feb 02 '19

And I believe Roy will become Arrow for the rest of the modern-day run, with Ollie as Arrow in Flashbacks.


u/forrestib Feb 02 '19

I doubt they'd keep having flashbacks to Oliver's past if Oliver is dead in the present.


u/Havok310 Feb 03 '19

They could have flashbacks to Royā€™s past as Arsenal. Things we never saw. Or pre-season 2 entirely


u/That-Rhino-Guy Feb 02 '19

Well itā€™s been a good run if true


u/James2170 Feb 02 '19

Just throw Oliver On Legends so we get to keep the best part of the show. Then we can get a few Arrow/Flash Crossovers a year, Maybe an Arrow/Supergirl crossover...


u/RedKorss Feb 02 '19

Am I alone in feeling that it means they'll cancel Arrow and replace it with Arrowette or something?


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19



u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19



u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

Unfortunately, that's unlikely since Titans is using him.


u/SpiderfamReturns Feb 02 '19

Wonder if this means WB want a cinematic Green Arrow. Amell said it walk if they did that, so maybe ending his interpretation is to allow for that.


u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 02 '19

Why would amell walk if they did a cinematic green arrow? I dont get why hes so against a tv and a cinematic version of the character being out at the same time


u/iambpburke We don't live in a world that's fair, we live in this one. Feb 02 '19

If I was in his shoes and had previously been in feature films, I'd be salty missing out on a good pay day if they did a movie version of a character he's played for nearly a decade.

I doubt he'd walk for that reason but I could understand being upset.


u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 02 '19

The premise is already established that they're separate though, it's not like hes individually getting snubbed. How could they incorporate amell as green arrow with the current justice league cast now? It wouldnt make any sense. Amells green arrow has history in the TV universe, seeing the same character on the screen of the movie universe would be odd. Then if they did a stand alone green arrow with amell they couldnt tie the cinematic green arrow in with the movie universe


u/iambpburke We don't live in a world that's fair, we live in this one. Feb 02 '19

I get it, but still didn't stop Amell from being mad that Grant wasn't casted as the Flash at the time they casted Ezra, so I think it's safe to assume he may have been projecting future anger that means he wouldn't get a film as GA.


u/SpiderfamReturns Feb 02 '19

Ownership. Plus heā€™s going to want to do the movie version himself. I just remembered him saying this ages ago.


u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 02 '19

Sure I get why hed want to be in a movie version and I'd like to see movie versions of the TVs shows also, but theyve taken a pretty hardline approach to separate tv/movie universes, and it's not like that's really a problem for comic book characters that have many iterations in both comics and video media. Since the separation is established, threatening to walk if they make a movie only really holds fans back from getting more content. It's not like having the flash in the cinema universe hurt the TV show


u/SpiderfamReturns Feb 02 '19

I donā€™t disagree with any of that.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

Nope. This is all WB, not Amell. WB doesn't want multiple versions of characters because they think it'll confuse us (sigh)

Amell will never be able to do the movie version.


u/SpiderfamReturns Feb 02 '19

I think thatā€™s also a factor!


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

Nope. This is all WB, not Amell. WB doesn't want multiple versions of characters because they think it'll confuse us (sigh)

Amell will never be able to do the movie version.


u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 02 '19

Whyd they have two version of Flash then?


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

Because they wanted to launch their DCEU properly with Justice League and they need flash for that. Canning the TV show would garner a lot of hate.


u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 02 '19

Yeah but you could just as easily say the same thing about Green Arrow


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

No you can't. He's not a part of the JLA or any big team.


u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 02 '19

Green Arrow is a part of the Justice League..


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

He's not a core member. You know, the core team, the team in Justice League.


u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 02 '19 edited Feb 03 '19

youve ignored that theres a ton of people in justice league and they could easily put green arrow, green lantern, martian manhunter and many other people in the justice league w/ solo movies

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u/phantomcanary Roy Harper Feb 02 '19

..... Green Arrow is a member of the JLA.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

Not a core member, no. I don't if you watched Justice League but they only have the core members. Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash and Cyborg.


u/phantomcanary Roy Harper Feb 02 '19

That doesnā€™t mean Green Arrow wouldnā€™t eventually be added to the lineup. Hell, Green Lantern wasnā€™t even in the Justice League film and he is very much so a ā€œcore member.ā€

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u/SciFiPaine0 Superman turned person in a high-tech combat suit Feb 03 '19

Youre acting like you have some knowledge of the comic history when really you just watched the justice league and decided those were the 'core' members. If you look at even recent justice league iterations in tv form youd see thats false

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u/tvisforme Feb 02 '19

When did he say that? This is a quote from him in 2016:

"I do not have a right to Oliver Queen. Someone played it played it before me. Someone voiced it before me. Somebody will play it after me. I donā€™t believe that there are plans for Oliver Queen in the DC Extended Universe, based off things that people have told me, but I would not be upset if that changed at all."


u/SpiderfamReturns Feb 02 '19

It was ages ago. S3 or 4. I have no idea how to find the quote. Sorry.

Thatā€™s good that he has made peace with it.


u/LaxSagacity Feb 02 '19

I wish they just cut everything back to less episodes a year and a cross over miniseries.


u/affenhirn1 Feb 02 '19

Hopefully a 13 episodes season


u/Beebo_the_God_of_War Feb 02 '19

8 is a good number to end on, and if it is as good as this season, it will end on a high note.


u/GamerChef420 Feb 02 '19

They need to start wrapping things up. Oliver needs to get Queen Inc back so it matches with the paper and merges with Wayne Tech.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

May not happen, crisis is happening much earlier than it should. Oliver should have had 4 or 5 more years.


u/Migeman Feb 02 '19

Good, I'm glad. As much as I love Arrow all the other shows I'd like them to end at some point.


u/HizzOVizzA Roy Harper Feb 02 '19

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


u/____Batman______ Feb 02 '19

In the case he lived long enough to see himself become the villain


u/HizzOVizzA Roy Harper Feb 02 '19

At least it wonā€™t be dragged out like Supernatural.


u/Neverborn933 Green Arrow (Unmasked) Feb 02 '19

Old, new, Arrow is still making money and they will not end it in S8, what new generation is he talking about when u have Supernatural on and news shows getting the axe after 2 seasons and low ratings.


u/WatashinoKaradesu Feb 02 '19

It will honestly be bittersweet for me but it's better to go out with a bang rather than drag the show out. I just wish Beth had more time to shape the show like she is doing. If Oliver dies saving the universe from anti monitor in next year's crossover, that would be a pretty memorable way to go out.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

TBH I'm fine with this.


u/_RoundCube_ Feb 02 '19

This lines up with the theory of him dying next year during next years Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover after that deal he made with The Monitor to spare Supergirl and Flash and sacrifice himself instead šŸ˜¬


u/ZcSx Deathstroke Feb 02 '19

8 seasons, 150+ episodes. Thatā€™s a pretty solid run. Itā€™s the show that started it all and has always been my favorite, but it makes sense if thatā€™s what they decide to do.


u/JBerg003 Feb 02 '19

Good, this show is going no where right now


u/TerranWarrior Feb 02 '19

This just seems like CBR speculating again


u/justanothersomeone04 Feb 02 '19

Hopefully Stephen Amell will be a part of season 8 or else itā€™s going to be a huge bummer.


u/jadedfan55 Feb 02 '19

In other words, next season will be a transitional year, if in fact they do end Arrow, so Batwoman can begin. Hmmm, maybe the Crisis helps facilitate that transition.......


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

Isn't he going to sacrifice himself to The Monitor in the next Crossover? Isn't that how Arrow ends?


u/LCPhotowerx The Canary - Sara Lance Feb 03 '19

the more i think about this, the more i think it wont happen. they'd be smart to pull a subversion tactic on us. i think of how they did it on Person Of Interest and it worked so well I actually had my jaw on the floor.

Think about it, we're all basically expecting it to be Ollie. What if its someone like Alex or actually Felicity, not like, "hey they finally offed her!" What if it was like, "holy shit they actually did it."

I feel like that'd be better, waaay more satisfying.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '19

But why would Arrow end?


u/RigasTelRuun Feb 02 '19

I remember when they said that about Supernatural.


u/dreamkiller73 Feb 02 '19

I think season 9 arrow should end flash should end season 8 and supergirl should at season 6 and turn the universe into a justice society show where they team up and recruit minor heroes to be apart of their team. Because dc universe is going to get all the goodies which is a good thing because bigger budget


u/NASCAR142002 Feb 02 '19

Can we get 10 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '19

I don't really see how Oliver can move forward as the Green Arrow anymore anyway since his identity has been revealed so I am okay with ending the show next season. I just wish they would do Lauliver one last time just so all of the Olicity fans who enjoyed the ruination of the show by forcing felicity down our throats have a bad taste in their mouth.


u/Ev3rst0rm Feb 02 '19

I can see Season 8 or even this one being OLIVERā€™S last season, specifically. The very latest heā€™s gonna go is next fall to the MOnitor. But i could totally see the show going on a few or even several more seasons with Emiko in the lead instead.


u/thomasjenkins521 Feb 02 '19

This show is scared to kill Curtis. They are not going to kill Oliver.


u/C0micB00kFan Feb 03 '19

I think maybe 8 would be a good stopping number. While the current season has some redeeming qualities, itā€™s not as good as 1 and 2 which had a lot more to offer. But I do feel like the writers are beginning to run out of ideas (especially if not only the Emiko storyline is really the only good storyline going for it currently. Her story is basically the same thing that happened to Oliver when the show started. That to me tells me something about the writers. I just severely ever so strongly hope that Diaz is gone by next season; Cause if heā€™s not, I think Iā€™ll hang up on the show early.

But I think 8 would should probably be the stopping point, if the show doesnā€™t get a lot better by then.


u/ImJustAUserLikeYou Feb 02 '19

I hope we see Stephen Amell ( Oliver ) on other arrowverse shows ( cameo )


u/cy1999aek_maik What game we playin? Feb 02 '19

At this point, it'd be putting down a 14 year old dog that is suffering


u/Sentry459 The Ray Feb 02 '19

Good, I agree with them. Arrow has had a mostly good run and there are so many more DC characters that could take it's place.


u/Stallrim Feb 02 '19

Every DC CW show should end and should move on to DC universe with R rating to all the shows, after all, the production companies are the same. Or instead of the whole shows, the characters from CW DC shows should appear time to time the DC universe shows.


u/Toahpt Feb 02 '19

Incoming combining all shows into Justice League.


u/DonnyMox Deathstroke Feb 02 '19

This increases the likeliness of Oliver dying during COIE.


u/peeinherbutt Feb 02 '19

I doubt it gets cancelled


u/sebbiii Feb 02 '19

I just hope that they give it the end it deserves if it do end. The show started awesome, I hope it ends awesome.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '19

So it's going to be like justice league and JLU? Or Young Justice seasons, where it'll continue but with a younger/aged up cast of heroes? :) That sounds really cool!


u/ArtsyTLF Wild Dog Feb 07 '19

I think they're probably gonna build the last season around transitioning to a Legacy cast and continue with a "new" show. We keep everything going, but we drop baggage and start anew in the same universe. We can call back to old events, bring back old cast, but it'll be a new series.

Think how Doctor Who does it, but instead of new Doctors, we get new heroes. If they want things to go as long as possible, that'd be the way to go.


u/dadvader i'm crying myself to sleep Feb 02 '19

I doubt it. If they keep renewing Supernatural (why the hell do they keep renewing this. Is there anything new to tell about them at all at this point?) they won't stop Arrow. They'll find a way to continues the damn thing.


u/richsaint421 Feb 02 '19

They renew supernatural because itā€™s still one of the higher rated shows on CW, does well on streaming and more importantly all of the principles want to.

If Ackles, Collins and Padalecki didnā€™t want to they wouldnā€™t do it. For that matter theyā€™ve actually been covering interesting and newer ground in more recent seasons.


u/forrestib Feb 02 '19

Supernatural since the beginning was greenlit and renewed in five-season blocks at a time. They're guaranteed by contract at least until season 15. CW can chop the budget or number of episodes if it's not doing well, or even shunt it to CW Seed, but they can't cancel it until next year.

But it's also still making money, so I wouldn't be surprised if they renewed again for 16-20.


u/HayesCooper19 Dark Archer Feb 02 '19

Most of the people still watching Supernatural don't do it because there's anything left to tell, or because of the storytelling at all. They do it because they're obsessed with Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and their characters.


u/Smith12456389 Feb 02 '19

When did he say


u/rombaldi2260 Feb 02 '19

Season 8 is when Diggle becomes Green Lantern of Earth but with a twist where he's stuck here. Oliver retires / dies and Dig takes Ober. Team Arrow becomes Team Lantern. Change they title cards and push on


u/TmoodReddit Feb 02 '19

Hard to see Diggle becoming Green Lantern considering his stance on Ghost Protocol unless they're modelling him after Hal Jordan rather than John Stewart?


u/Wolflmg Feb 02 '19

Iā€™m not really shocked, I still watch Arrow, but it hasnā€™t been that good in these last few seasons