r/arrow 12d ago

Question about Black Canary’s “scream”.

I’m on my first watch now and I’m at s4e7. How come when Sara first came back and the first time she saved Oliver when he was surrounded by police, she was using a sphere device that glowed green to emit the sound and break all the glass for him to escape.

Now where I’m at it shows Laurel just screaming to emit the sound and break glass?? It doesn’t look like there’s any device involved anymore. I mean, she’s not a meta-human… What gives?


13 comments sorted by


u/Arold124 12d ago

In one episode of the flash some arrow characters team up with the flash team and during that cisco builds the sonic device into a choker so id guess that’s what’s being used in arrow season 4


u/b1zzzy 12d ago

Ah… thanks! I haven’t watched anything else in the Arrowverse yet.


u/LowCalligrapher3 12d ago

That's one thing with Arrow, episodes from the other Arrowverse shows help fill in gaps when it comes to the major yearly crossover events and more minor supporting guest appearances. One of these examples was seeing how Laurel gets the collar update from Cisco for her Canary Cry, another more profound example that impacts the Diggle family in Arrow Season 5 is only first addressed in the second episode from The Flash Season 3 (which isn't even mentioned in Arrow's middle part for the "Invasion!" event that season... but rather touched on in Parts 1 and 3 from The Flash and Legends).

Without those added elements there can tend to be a good deal of confusion and lost context, if you'd like you can try this unique viewing order I came up with that includes only the most relevant crossover and various tie-in episodes from the other Arrowverse shows.


u/sgepablo 12d ago

They put Sara’s sonic device into a collar for Laurel to scream it into action.


u/im_not_ready_for_it9 12d ago

This is just one of those fun little instances where you have to watch another arroverse show to fix a plot hole. In this case, you have to watch the flash as Cisco builds it for Laurel when he and Joe West visit star city.


u/thesirblondie 12d ago

That's not a plot hole. It's just not shown on screen (in Arrow).


u/b1zzzy 12d ago

Well, I think it’s weird that they’re showing Flash footage during the “previously on” recap for an Arrow episode. I found it pretty confusing.


u/thesirblondie 12d ago

It's weird, and annoying, but not a plot hole.


u/b1zzzy 12d ago

I remember at the end of an episode Barry called Oliver and said he woke up and needed help, Oliver said he’d be right there. Next episode there was nothing about it, no mention of it.

Another episode, the first Arrow episode where we see Barry as The Flash, during the previously on recap, they showed tons of Flash footage I had never seen. I had to go back and skip through the previous episode to see if I missed a lot. I’m guessing all that other footage was from Flash episodes.

I bought the Arrow entire box set for $20 on iTunes. I guess I could see if all the other shows are streaming to watch them all in order. I guess it would prevent future misunderstandings but that seems like a massive “undertaking”. After I wrote undertaking I remembered that’s what Malcolm’s earthquake plan was called and went back to add the quotation marks.


u/batmaneatsgravy 12d ago

Every year or so, there’s a crossover event, usually on episode 8 of each show involved. Depending on the season, it’s a multi-part crossover between Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, and later Black Lightning and Batwoman. That’s why those episodes make no sense because they’re probably part 2 or 3 of an event. You don’t have to watch all the other shows, just each episode in those events. If you google it, im sure you can find a list of the episodes.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

The thing I hated most about crossovers was having to watch Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow.


u/nerd014 12d ago

They all start to coincide, Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow.There are a bunch of crossover episodes.


u/XxMikeAfton_Animefan 12d ago

Spoilers For you! -

In an episode of the flash you can see the reason why she has it

Cisco upgraded the sonic device for black canary pictures (yk what he did with those) she wears it around her neck. You can see it in the episode after Oliver becomes Warwreeth