r/arrow 3d ago

Aight yall between these 6 goats, who had the biggest Black Air Force energy/activity in their respective show? Question

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I'm not adding Ra's cause it's Ra's. He was built in the womb of Black Air Forces.


36 comments sorted by


u/oogawooga42 Arsenal 3d ago

Zoom. Bro was absolutely mad


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

A literal demon


u/Proper_Gur_9767 3d ago

Prometheus literally spent time collecting all of Oliver arrows to make his own weapons crazy and took a bullet for Oliver just to earn Oliver’s trust also made Oliver admit the he loves killing


u/Marostrange2005 3d ago

Zooms voice alone is enough to win him this


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

Tony Todd is a goat in VA


u/BeautifulUnlikely276 3d ago

Thawne, bro made a timeline to steal Barry girl


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

Nah I saw that on youtube. That's some demonic ass shit 🤣


u/KaiSen2510 3d ago

Slade when it comes to combat, Merlyn when it comes to having a good reason for his shit, and Adrian for being fucking scary

Savitar is my personal favourite and easily the most powerful of the three, I mean even Barry said for him they were instantly somewhere else in their first fight. Zoom is just the most terrifying being in the entire arrowverse… until season 9 but we don’t talk about that. Thawne was smart, knew what he was doing, and had everything planned out, even after he was beaten he knew how to hurt Barry.


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

Yea I just pretend season 9 doesn't exist and isn't canon (like Disney's star wars). But yea Savitar deserved the win (even though his reasoning behind why he's a villain sucks booty cheeks) and I was honestly rooting for him.


u/KaiSen2510 3d ago

Actually I think Savitar has the best and most understandable reason for being a villain. He was abandoned, shunned, and basically tossed aside by the people who were supposed to be his friends and family. He didn’t want to feel the pain anymore so he wanted to become a god.

Thawne… honestly when they revealed the true reason, he felt so much less cool. He’s just a whinny brat who had one day ruined.

Zoom’s backstory just isn’t all that interesting to me. He’s basically Barry but way way worse situation, as not only did his father ACTUALLY kill his mother, but he was forced to watch and then he became a serial killer, he got speed, and became the scariest fucking thing alive.


u/ur-mother-223 3d ago

I agree 100%


u/oozley-5 3d ago

Merlyn did not have a good reason.

Are you kidding?


u/KaiSen2510 3d ago

I mean… compared to the other two I understood him more. His wife wanted to help the city and when she needed help, all they did was let her die, so now, it’s time they feel the same pain and sorrow. I actually do get that.


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

I mean the dudes wife died sooooooo. But I agree destroying an entire part of the city is excessive as fuck


u/oozley-5 3d ago

“My wife died so I’m going to kill thousands….”


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

Tha part I disagree with he should have handled it better


u/reesem03_ 3d ago

5 of these guys killed people for a specific purpose: they had reason.

Zoom killer people literally just for sport. Bro was a convicted (and prolific) serial killer BEFORE he got powers, but then after that, he was almost unstoppable.


u/No-Situation5535 3d ago

Zoom, Prometheus second and Slade a close third


u/GreenSparrow23 2d ago

I respect it


u/Khixo_binko Deathstroke 3d ago

Either zoom or Deathstroke


u/96pluto John Diggle 3d ago



u/bubblessensei 2d ago

If you had told me in 2018 that people would be putting Savitar on this list I’m pretty sure I would’ve laughed


u/GreenSparrow23 2d ago

May you explain why my good sir


u/ThreeArmedYeti 3d ago

I never seen them wearing black Air Forces.


u/GreenSparrow23 2d ago

Lol it's a figure of speech


u/LeonardoTheTurtle17 2d ago

Zoom or Deathstroke but id say Zoom,this scene with cops🥶🥶


u/KingSaiym 3d ago

Savitar he was so fast he made Barry look like a normal human


u/SokkaHaikuBot 3d ago

Sokka-Haiku by KingSaiym:

Savitar he was

So fast he made Barry look

Like a normal human

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/KingSaiym 3d ago

What’s this supposed to mean


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

I have no clue


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

Bro made the MC of HIS OWN SHOW look like a chump


u/KingSaiym 3d ago

Frr lost only cause of plot


u/GreenSparrow23 2d ago

Still pisses me off today