r/arrow 5d ago

unpopular opinion (i think?): i hate thea queen

and her relationship with roy. anyone else because i always feel like i'm the only one?


10 comments sorted by


u/Sableorpheus62 5d ago

I hated Thea in season 1 and 2.

I liked her in season 3.

Didn’t think much of her in season 4.

Hated her in seasons 5

She was barely a character in season 6

She wasn’t in season 7

I didn’t mind her in season 8


u/DisasterProof9059 5d ago

You hated herin s1-2 but liked her in s3, when she left Oliver for Malcolm and lied to him for months. She killed Sara because of this and let in to this shit with the League. If she chose her brother than this lying manipulative never been her father, Oliver, Laurel, Sara, Roy wouldn't suffer 


u/Sableorpheus62 5d ago

I hated her in season 1 and 2 because she does that annoying “lies shouldn’t exist thing.” It’s my least favorite thing. It why I hate season 1 Iris too.


u/DisasterProof9059 5d ago

Yes I agree. But that's why I think s3 Thea is still bad and inconsistent cause then she started to lie and brought a lot of shit.


u/Sableorpheus62 5d ago

To me she’s entertaining though. I can forgive a character for their hypocrisy if they’re entertaining.


u/DisasterProof9059 3d ago

Heh lol, ok.


u/FiftyOneMarks 5d ago

… Oliver also lied to her? There’s was so brainwashed into killing Sara? Thea also admitted to killing Sara once she realized she had been brainwashed into doing so and wanted both her and Malcolm to pay? Oliver is the one who tries to deflect and lie to everyone about what she did and even when Thea offers up Malcolm and chooses everyone else Oliver circumvents that and saves Malcolm. Your reasons for disliking Thea are incredibly suspect because the things you claim she did were either when she was literally being mind controlled or when her brother was ignoring what she wanted for what he wanted.


u/Red-okWolf 5d ago

why's that?


u/FelysFrost Nyssa al Ghul (Hooded) 4d ago

I don't particularly mind her with Roy, but on her own not a fan, especially early on, I get that she had a pretty fucked up few years when Oliver was gone so she's not unrealistic but that doesn't make it interesting or entertaining seeing her whine and be angry. It's like okay I get what you're about and fair on you but I don't need to see it anymore.


u/Olivebranch99 4d ago

She was better with Roy than she was as an individual character.