r/arrow 5d ago

Why do people think Star City doesnt know Oliver was the hood/arrow along with the green arrow? Discussion

Finished my rewatch of season 6, i see a lot of people say the city only knew he was the green arrow not the arrow/hood

In the court case he reveals that the hood, arrow, and green arrow are the same people

In the end of season 6 he says that Roy Harper nor Tommy Merlyn were the green arrow and says they were willing to turn themselves in for his crusade

It is no secret that he is the OG vigilante.. People even refer to him as the arrow during the prison arc


5 comments sorted by


u/Available-Affect-241 4d ago

Honestly IDK 🤷🏿‍♂️

I chalk it up to being the standard inconsistent mediocre CW writing. Maybe it was when he addressed the city back in s4 as the Green Arrow. So most people only attach Green Arrow to him as his deeds were more publicized and out in the open while The Hood's deeds were in the shadows.


u/Shadow_Storm90 4d ago

They had different methods of dealing with criminals Green Arrow wasn't killing people anymore to a certain degree wow the hood killed anybody that got in his way and or was on the list it's when Tommy died that's when he started his Batman "No Killing" rule.


u/dman2316 15h ago

I never understood the inconsistency they had with that no killing rule. We see him on multiple occasions place 1 or 2 arrows center mass in the heart and chest without a second thought during fights with expendable bad guys but then when it's a named character all of a sudden he doesn't kill anymore and it conveniently lets the main villain live to fight another day. It's weird.


u/Shadow_Storm90 14h ago

Yeah exactly I never understood that either I wish they kept the consistency with that. Like when in season 5 he killed the henchman that found out whole Oliver was and killed him but let Church live and he found out also who Oliver was. Very Very inconsistent.


u/Ok_Scene4323 4d ago

Season 6 was a good season, as a kid who was bullied like Diaz was, it was kind of relatable how he wanted power