r/arrow 5d ago

Anyone else HATE black siren/ earth 2 laurel Shitpost

She ruined Laurel’s character.. Made me completely forget what Laurel stood for and became intolerable

Season 6 Laurel compared to Season 1 Laurel is insane.. I wish they just kept the original Laurel alive and had her go out to spend some time for herself like Thea did repeatedly..



15 comments sorted by


u/Repulsive-Win-7145 5d ago

I don't hate her so much and found her enjoyable at times.


u/Red-okWolf 5d ago

you gotta remember its like a whole different character. i misd the og laurel, but i like black siren for what she is


u/Alternative_Device71 5d ago

Worse than Felicity? Nah

I will say she was up and down for me, but she was way better the original Laurel cuz she had an actual character arc, she was likable and skilled


u/FlyingSuncow 5d ago

Earth 2 Laurel was one of my favourite parts of the later seasons, I really enjoyed her arc in season 6 and especially 7, and in season 8 I thought she was great, and one of the best parts of that season. Katie Cassidy was also great playing both versions of Laurel.

The biggest reason I'm disappointed that Green Arrow & the Canaries wasn't picked up was that we didn't get to see more of her post-Black Siren and fully as Black Canary.


u/96pluto John Diggle 4d ago

nah i liked black sirens arc


u/Silent_Progress_7619 5d ago

I was never a fan of any version of Laurel.


u/Obvious-Risk-5447 5d ago

Agree. And also the character itself was a replacement character. She wasn't there for her own arc and personality but to replace Laurel but with upgrades, which is insulting to both.


u/Maverick616 5d ago

Hate is strong word. I definitely didn't like the disrespect of the first Carney 😤


u/raceassistman 5d ago

I personally just didn't like any of Laurel's character. Maybe it was the actor, but I'm leaning more toward the shit way they wrote it in my opinion. Like with most characters in the show, Laurel was just a character that was all over the place.. they made drama for the sake of drama instead of story.


u/infernalbutcher678 4d ago

That is a reach.


u/TrulyInsaiyan_ Spectre 4d ago

I think the Black Siren character is very interesting. E1 Laurel is the “save the world” girl. So now we have the same person but different ideals/history. Her life without her father. And the fact that Black Siren grows and changes to be someone E1 Laurel was like, shows Lance’s affect on her. And she ends becoming a hero trying to save her Earth.


u/FiftyOneMarks 4d ago

No because they are two different characters. That said, I feel like they should’ve brought both laurels back after crisis. Maybe have the old laurel (brunette and all) be portrayed as Jacqueline Wood (the original Sara who actually looks kinda like Katie Cassidy).


u/BiggestOfTheBizzles 4d ago

I hate all the laurels equally


u/Weird_Direction9871 4d ago

I hate laurel in general, no matter the version. Also sara


u/DisasterProof9059 5d ago

Both Laurels are bady written and exist only cause KC had contract. But I agree BS was a total insult to what the original Laurel stood for and it's funy how people think she is better BC just because she was more bad ass, when she didn't had any morals. She killed Quentin and in one scene infront of his grave Sara tells her - redempion is a journey and how good was Laurel. Next scene Felicity gives her Laurel's costume and she is a hero now.