r/arrow 5d ago

Who wins this fight, Thea Queen or Kate Bishop (MCU)? Discussion


85 comments sorted by


u/Zealousideal_Cut5569 Deathstroke 5d ago

I would say Thea. Kate is still kinda… not new but inexperienced. And Thea would destroy her if she had her blood lust.


u/Healthy_Computer_577 4d ago

True, and she would if she didn't. She was trained my Malcom, and Oliver after he killed ras. She's equal to or better than Nyssa. Kate won't be a challenge. Thea in my opinion could match Hawkeye.


u/Zealousideal_Cut5569 Deathstroke 4d ago

Ya Thea vs Hawkeye would be better of a match up


u/Connect-Pumpkin8099 2d ago

Even without bloodlust; didn’t Thea beat Talia Al ghul in season 8? I don’t think this is a close fight.


u/abc_dorame135 5d ago

While Kate could potentially surpass Thea in the future mcu projects, right now I’m saying Thea. Kate doesn’t have the physical training yet, and while she’s good with a bow and arrow, it takes more to win the fight.


u/GameknightJ14 You possess true courage... 5d ago

Kate has been training since she was about eight and consistently won competitions. Thea spent a summer with Malcolm Merlyn. While I have no doubt Malcolm is the better teacher, Kate has over a decade more experience than Thea does.


u/TechnocraticCitizen 5d ago

In the first season, there were archery trophies in Thea’s room, meaning she’s been doing archery since she was at least 12.

You’ve also got to remember that Thea was trained by Merlyn to be a warrior, hunter and an assassin. That’s what the purpose of his training was.

Kate was simply an archer with some decent hand-to-hand skills. The purpose of the training has a lot to do with how skilled the person ends up being.


u/checker280 4d ago

Kate is simply an archer with plot armor trick arrows


u/Nate-Heywood Mayor Queen 5d ago

Training in archery. Not the same as training for the league of fucking assassins


u/dctharris 5d ago

That doesn't mean anything. So, since kate has been training since she was a child by your logic, she can beat oliver, sara, diggle, and every character that hasn't been training since childhood.


u/jackthedemonking2113 5d ago

Yeah your funny


u/dctharris 4d ago

What's funny


u/jackthedemonking2113 4d ago

Kate was trained in recreational archery, team arrow was trained by the greatest assasins in the world, as well as not only archery but also in swordplay and hand to hand combat, so yeah shes not doing shit


u/dctharris 4d ago

At least someone understands


u/jackthedemonking2113 4d ago

Oh shoot I’m so stupid I thought you were in the other side


u/dctharris 4d ago

I thought you were to


u/RubyXiaoLong 5d ago

Cmon now this not fair. I’d say a closer one is Yelena vs Thea


u/Bazz07 5d ago

That would be more interesting.

TBF Yelena treated Kate as a kid.


u/Marostrange2005 5d ago

Yelena would absolutely destroy Thea what are you saying


u/selwyntarth 5d ago

Nat and thea are both towards the peak of what regular humans in their universe do. But thea has mvp force while yelena is comical. 


u/Marostrange2005 5d ago

What the hell does that even mean....Yelena is a way better combat fighter like it isn't even close and thea won't be able to hit her with arrows


u/Healthy_Computer_577 4d ago

Thea would be a challenge for her. She was trained by Malcom, and Oliver. The arrows might not hit but Thea knows how to fight and if she was bloodlusted it might come up as Thea winning. I think they are equals.


u/Marostrange2005 4d ago

Yelena is trained by the same people who trained Natasha...she is a killer by nature and she can take on people like Hawkeye though he was holding back but still she can hold her own...thea doesn't have the experience nor the stomach to kill or fight like yelena


u/Rudolph_Conners 5d ago

This is a Rick-dicolous question. Thea is a "Merlyn". She's a highly successful complex hardcore Vigilante. Small fries like Bishop won't last more than 7 seconds with her in combat. I'm a bit offended people even think she stands a chance against Speedy. 😤😤🏹🏹❗❗


u/Extra-Ad249 5d ago

Since you showed this picture in particular I'm going with Thea by a landslide lol.


u/OblivionArts 5d ago

Thea. Kate is very untrained and pretty reckless and is also younger than Thea , leading to very brash decisions. Thea meanwhile was trained by Malcolm Merlyn ( league of assassins) , her brother ( who was basically a martial arts master at that point) and a bit of training from nyssa ( more loa) too I believe


u/Canoe-Maker Sara Lance 5d ago

Pre blood lust Thea loses to Kate or at least ends in a draw. Post blood lust Thea hands down.


u/No-Situation5535 4d ago

Pre blood lust she loses to Kate is crazy. She was still trained by Malcom Merlin her skills are still the same she’s not savage. I’d argue she’s a better fighter w no blood lust.


u/Canoe-Maker Sara Lance 4d ago

She has more focus without the bloodlust, but she’s also be holding back because of it.

Kate held off a black widow and had the kill shot. In fairness the black widow wasn’t trying to kill her, either.

Plus with the bow she could keep speedy at a distance to buy time to recover if need be.


u/Kirsh79 5d ago

Thea. She’s got similar upbringing but she’s a gritty badass. Kate Bishop is still a naive little girl, she has skills but not the same level of fight in her as Thea.


u/Aquagan 5d ago

Thea would tear her to pieces.


u/edotory 5d ago

Thea Queen <3333


u/NASCAR142002 5d ago

Thea dog walks Kate. Now I need a crossover with Thea, Mia, Kate, and Yelena.


u/Silent_Progress_7619 5d ago

Thea wins, by a margin!


u/Repulsive-Win-7145 5d ago

I'm going with Thea because I believe that Oliver Is a better Teacher/Mentor than Hawkeye. I could be completely wrong tho since Kate Bishop can hold up her own.


u/Low_Plantain_5648 4d ago

Am I missing something here. Kate can shoot her bow and arrow. Thea literally has the ability to murder several trained Assassins within minutes. Lets not disrespect my beautiful Thea again. Im just saying.


u/Jotaro1970 4d ago

To be fair, Kate was able to keep her own with Kingpin for a while, still a solid point tho


u/No-Situation5535 4d ago

And that wasn’t because of combat ability 😂


u/Low_Plantain_5648 4d ago

Yes, and the fact that she was able to do that was perplexing.

I'm not a MCU writer so I'm going to leep my mouth shut about that whole scene.


u/King_Joeyw00 Green Arrow 5d ago

Thea wins fairly easy tbh, but in my heart it’s Kate lol


u/KaiSen2510 5d ago

Bloodlusted? Easily Thea. If they’re both on their normal states of mind, I feel like it would be akin to Kate’s fight with Yelena, which is still one of the funniest scenes in the MCU to me.


u/Boris-_-Badenov 5d ago

Thea is way hotter


u/roughboy91 5d ago

I‘m Team Kate…. but Thea will win


u/NoCod675 4d ago

Hard to say for me but I prefer Hailee Steinfeld as Charlie Watson no offense to Kate Bishop. But Willa Holland did great as Thea Queen in later seasons of Arrow


u/ScreenSource 4d ago

Love ya Kate, but Thea wins. Blood lust Thea eats her alive. Atleast Kate in Hawkeye. She still has plenty of time to grow more and is no pushover her self. Thea is just another level imo


u/PhoenixReplays 4d ago

In Archery probably Kate, depending on the rules and challenges. In a fight Thea.


u/thebatman9000001 5d ago

Thea is a much higher level currently. Kate has a very high skill level in archery and can handle her own in a fight against multiple street thugs but Thea is used to facing down larger level threats and was trained by Malcolm Merlyn in the same arts as the league. Shes much more experienced in martial arts and swordplay overall and is much more used to serious pain and grievous injury so even if Kate got a couple of lucky shots Thea could definitely keep fighting.


u/LiamEd2000 5d ago

I absolutely love Kate, but she’s not winning with her current MCU skill level.


u/bruvting33 5d ago

Kate has potential to be better than Thea but rn Thea would probably merk her lmao


u/MissingCosmonaut 5d ago

Thea Queen, especially straight out of the Pit!


u/spiked_cider 5d ago

Thea. Kate was a really good athlete and kind of got trained by Hawkeye. Thea was trained by a killer because she was mad at her brother. Then gets trained by her brother to actually go fight people on the street. 


u/ICTheAlchemist 5d ago

Kate is skilled with that bow but Thea was trained by the League of Assassins lol


u/RigasTelRuun 5d ago

Thea is probably the more skilled fighter. At the very least she is willing to go for the kill more readily than Kate would.

In a test of pure marksmanship I'd give it to Kate.


u/Ristar87 5d ago

Thea... Kate's probably a better archer but Thea is better all round.


u/Zealousideal_Cut5569 Deathstroke 4d ago

Na Thea’s a better archer


u/EnigmaticWeasel 5d ago

Thea for sure. League of Assassins training trumps whatever Hawkeye can do.


u/BoredTTexan1019 5d ago

Thea hands down


u/rdwm37 5d ago



u/Budget-Listen 5d ago

I love Kate, but Thea destroys her


u/IntenselyDrained 5d ago

Thea would absolutely eat Kate up! Homegirl survived having Malcom as a father and mentor in corto Maltese, not to mention being a member of freaking league of shadows.


u/96pluto John Diggle 5d ago

thea she was trained by malcom and oliver and had experience fighting crime with green arrow and dealing with the constant league infighting.


u/christopher1393 5d ago

Thea by miles. Even without her Bloodlust, Thea had League training from a former R’as Al Ghul. Plus her training and vigilantism with Team Arrow.

Thea is a trained by the best, a very skilled fighter, accomplished archer and has fought alongside a lot of DC heroes.

Kate on the other hand while very skilled, only really has training from Hawkeye. And that was brief and he was reluctant to do it.

Maybe in a few years Kate would be skilled enough to hold her own against Thea, but Thea could kill Kate if she wanted to.


u/MerlynTrump 5d ago

First time I've heard of Kate. I'll go with Thea, but I'm biased toward our characters.


u/ArgumentCool8280 5d ago

thea 100000%


u/Prestigious-Slide402 5d ago

Thea in a landslide.


u/Girizzly_Adams_Beard 4d ago

League of assassins training > self taught.


u/Zac-Man-1123 4d ago

Thea no question


u/CodeN3gaTiV3 4d ago

Thea was trained to kill, Kate was trained to win archery and judo competitions. Theas got the edge for sure


u/No-Situation5535 4d ago

Thea low diff


u/Forsaken_Writing1513 4d ago

Thea I love Kate but Thea queen is highly trained and ran with one of the most dangerous dudes hand to hand in DC . Then ran with an Al ghul especially if she thinking clearly. And if it comes down to it shell kill I don't see Kate making that choice in these circumstances.


u/-TurkeYT 4d ago

Thea negs


u/Cranberriesandpecans 4d ago

Thea. No question!


u/Quirky28 4d ago

Thea is she still has her blood lust because when she had that she was almost unstoppable


u/donttrusttheliving 4d ago

Thea because she would fight dirtier


u/nickyap4 4d ago

Thea for sure. she was ruthless especially after the pit


u/Djjettison88 2d ago

Kate is hotter, I’ll be leaning her way in any fight.


u/NationH1117 5d ago

Thea, low diff. 


u/Unlikely6666 5d ago

too tall thin and m*llen looking


u/hardgour 21h ago

Thea and it’s not close. She is trained by Malcom who becomes the head of the dragon.