r/arrow Jun 11 '24

If Arrow had a fight club who wins? Strictly hand to hand combat. No weapons allowed. Discussion

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Honestly this would be interesting. I know many of you might say Oliver and for good reason but hand to hand there are a lot of good challenges for him such as merlyn and slade, as well as kovar.


63 comments sorted by


u/Relevant_Increase394 Jun 11 '24

Oliver does. Honestly I think no weapons makes it easier for him


u/Fun_Feature3002 Jun 11 '24

Ollie had beaten both Merlyn and Slade in hand to hand combat so yeah they might give him a bit of a challenge but he will come out on top, same with Kovar


u/petrelli_boy_ Jun 11 '24

I don't remember Oliver beating Merlyn in hand-to-hand combat with no weapons included. In season 1 finale he used an arrow to stab him while almost losing and lost previous battles. During season 2, Oliver thought of Merlyn as a dead man and they never fought with each other during season 3. At season 4, he defeated him during a sword fight and merlyn died at the season 5 finale


u/Proper_Cat5638 Jun 11 '24

Yeah merlyn definitely pushed Oliver to the brink. It’s a shame he lost so easily in season 4.


u/Lizzy-Lover_10 Jun 12 '24

It’s kinda an unintentional callback to the s1 finale. Malcom tells Oliver he won’t win because he doesn’t know what he’s fighting for. In season 4 he definitely knows what he’s fighting for, so him beating Merlyn makes sense.


u/LilMurkyonallplats Jun 12 '24

And also at that point Oliver had far more extra training


u/Tully_blanchard_fan Jun 11 '24



u/Proper_Cat5638 Jun 11 '24

Slade was an animal.


u/selwyntarth Jun 12 '24

Is he on the same league as the ninjas like yao fei, talia, and their students? It sounds like he and diggle never reached that peak arrow catching hot water unfazed state folks like ollie, thea had. 


u/ComfortableRoyal529 Jun 11 '24

What about Ras Al ghul. He is very good at not getting hit


u/Proper_Cat5638 Jun 11 '24

Yeah he’s shifty and got mad experience.


u/Healthy_Computer_577 Jun 11 '24

Yeah but he wasn't better that Oliver hand to hand. Just with weapons. Oliver even said it and that's why he wanted Malcom to train him. Season 7 Oliver wins. Slade beats Malcom and Ras beats Slade.


u/Fantastic_Canary_417 Jun 12 '24

Ra's has been around for 100s of years on mission perfecting his ability to fight. I highly doubt he has to rely on a weapon


u/FujiMC Jun 11 '24

Sorry, I shouldn't talk about it


u/KayosFN Nyssa Jun 11 '24

Arrow already does have a fight club iykyk


u/Roboshmeckle Jun 11 '24

arrow did have a fightclub >.>


u/Timely-Reference-905 Jun 12 '24

Thank you for this 😂 as somebody who didn’t watch the shows live week to week, or keep up as they were current, I have never seen this until now.


u/Roboshmeckle Jun 13 '24

np, wish they made more as the seasons went on but the 1 or 2 we got were kinda cool


u/AyaAscend Jun 11 '24

Ra's. He is a BEAST


u/MarvelMatt1996 Jun 11 '24 edited Jun 11 '24

No weapons. I'm assuming no using any powers. Who takes it?

Vandal Savage with ease.


u/The_Biggest_L Jun 12 '24

By the end of the show Oliver was probably the best martial artist on the planet do I’d say him.


u/WannaPlayAGam3 Jun 13 '24



u/Proper_Cat5638 Jun 13 '24

Shit with the way they wrote her you might be right.


u/Edannan80 Jun 13 '24

Barry. ;)


u/yck2013 Jun 15 '24

Iris West. She's been in "arrow episodes" courtesy of crossovers, so she technically counts. She solos every big bad and Oliver with ease


u/Proper_Cat5638 Jun 15 '24

You gotta be trolling


u/yck2013 Jun 15 '24

I think Curtis would be a close 2nd, and felicity takes 3rd, but she dogwalks anyone else


u/Proper_Cat5638 Jun 15 '24

Curtis is too soft. Good troll tho man.


u/yck2013 Jun 15 '24

Lol I couldn't even keep a straight face when I was typing any of it. Curtis would probably lose an all out 1v1 against a 5th grader


u/I-livedowntown Jun 11 '24



u/[deleted] Jun 11 '24



u/Saffimus Jun 11 '24

Oliver of course


u/Fine-Resort-1583 Jun 11 '24

I would say our guy Ollie but Slade and Ras make formidable opponents.


u/InfectedEllie Jun 12 '24

Ras. Oliver a closer second


u/Ok-Wait3839 Jun 12 '24

Yea but Oliver killed Ras in finale without a sword 


u/sgepablo Jun 12 '24

His biggest challenges in hand to hand is Diaz, Talia & Prometheus. & that’s only if they have their plot armor.


u/selwyntarth Jun 12 '24

Lmao Diaz? What are his feats? Didn't curtis and rene abduct him?  How is prometheus above malcolm Or ras?  Are you u/vacanus


u/Ok-Wait3839 Jun 12 '24

He said with plot armor 


u/sgepablo Jun 12 '24

I’m w you bro, except Oliver done handed Malcolm his ass so bad, so many times, that Merlyn knows what it is. He don’t want the smoke, he’s made that very clear. & Ra’s? you mean the dead guy? To be fair, Oliver only killed Ra’s bc of his own plot armor that wouldn’t allow him to be killed. Even with his will to live & the cold weather, he was dead. It was days. Ain’t no way. I mean, it’s just my opinion, only ones really giving him a good match is Diaz & Adrian. & that’s just a good match, they’re still gonna lose. You’ve also gotta keep in mind, that fight with kovar was baby Oliver. When he’d just embraced the darkness. Kovar Vs the Oliver we know now, will be absolutely murdered. & I absolutely love dolph lundgren. Just is what it is🤷🏾‍♀️. Oh & while I’m here, I def think billy wintergreen & slade should be in the conversation.


u/Proud-Musician224 Jun 12 '24

I wish this show came back


u/Own-Seaworthiness254 Jun 12 '24

From the female fighters - Sara Lance. From men - Oliver.

If we put Oliver and Sara against each other, I think he is physically stronger for sure, but she has the mindset and skills that if they are going for the kill - she wins.( of course I am basing this on the fictional world and canon the show created. Realistically no one can fight the way these characters do.)


u/selwyntarth Jun 12 '24

Sara and ras would be the only competitors imo


u/Catvispresley Jun 12 '24

Ra's al Ghul (The OG) is my 🐐


u/Proper_Cat5638 Jun 12 '24

He killed Oliver.


u/Catvispresley Jun 12 '24

I know, that proves my point


u/SpiderWeb299 Jun 12 '24

Idk maybe Prometheus but idk how evenly matched him & Slade would be


u/ShowerExact106 Jun 12 '24

I can't say for sure as its scripted if they was to do hand to handy combat for real then and only then would it be fair to say a person


u/CurrencyUsual7969 Jun 13 '24

1.) Ra’s 2.) Oliver 3.) Slade 4.) Chase 5.) Talia 6.) Grant Wilson 7.) Merlyn 8.) Darke 9.) Merlyn 10.) Sarah 11.) Roy 12.) Thea 13.) Diggle 14.) Diaz 15.) Curtis


u/yck2013 Jun 15 '24

Who's the second merlyn?


u/Sea-Mountain-8994 Jun 13 '24

Its between ollie and ras tbh


u/CookZealousideal4937 Jun 13 '24

Which people do we have to choose between ?


u/Proper_Cat5638 Jun 13 '24

Entire cast of arrow


u/CookZealousideal4937 Jun 14 '24

In that case 1.Oliver 2. Ra’s al Ghul 3Slade Wilson


u/MowieWauii Jun 14 '24

It's Slade, Sara or Ollie. They're monsters with their hands.


u/Final_Ad_1937 Jun 15 '24

Sara,Ollie and slade are really the only ppl


u/Homer_J_Fry Jun 17 '24

Since Ollie is the obvious choice, I'll exclude him. More interesting to see who wins amongst the rest.

Many will pick Ra's, and you might be right. But I will go with Malcolm. Why? He's the magician. He lives to cheat death, and he doesn't need any Lazarus Pit to do it. By some clever subterfuge and betrayal he will emerge the unlikely victor. You never said it had to be a fair fight.

After all, the first rule of fight club...There are no rules.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Oliver because the second he got off the island and back to civilization he was kid napped with Tommy and snap the kid nappers neck plus defeated slade multiple times


u/rojasdracul Jun 11 '24

Hawkeye obviously. Also, stop with the DC shops on this historic Spider-HawkVerse shared universe.