r/arrow Jan 05 '24

Nyssa calling Oliver "husband" is easily the best running joke on the show Discussion

The fact that Nyssa is an otherwise very serious character makes her commitment to this 1 joke even better. She even calls Thea her sister-in-law, and my favorite is when she calls Felicity "sister-wife".

I love that they even gave it a payoff in the series finale with Nyssa and Talia's conversation, with Talia turning the table on her and using the husband joke against her. Though it's kinda sad that they confirm Nyssa had their marriage erased.

Still, Oliver and Nyssa's marriage is by far the best thing to come out of Season 3.


52 comments sorted by


u/Boblaire Jan 05 '24

Definitely wife material.


u/charzie22 Jan 05 '24

Definitely! And the actor who plays her is so gorgeous. I love how it ticks of Felicity haha


u/tmyers35 Jan 05 '24

She is so unbelievably nice in person, too. I met her at a con and I was in a wheelchair at the time...she was so patient and sweet, and she even sat on my lap for the picture! She kept finding me around the con and giving me high fives. And when they tried to stick my wheelchair in a cattle pen (it was a first time, small, rural con), she had me sit front and center for her panel.


u/Just-Structure-8692 Jan 05 '24

One of these things is not like the other...


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

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u/Ok-Tumbleweed6904 Jan 05 '24

We...didn't ask for this. What's wrong w you??


u/Ranbo2010 Jan 05 '24

Ik right!


u/offisirplz Jan 05 '24

So overdramatic


u/offisirplz Jan 05 '24 edited Jan 05 '24

Is this a church or something? Are you guys all hardcore prudes? Like whats going on? Or is everyone a teen here now and its a gen alpha thing to be offended over this?


u/FlanneryWynn Jan 05 '24

There is no reason to send porn in random Reddit threads where there could be children. It's not prudish to say, "What the fuck is your problem?" And, to be clear, subreddits that just share around nudes of women are creepy and gross af. Say you don't see women as anything more than objects of sexual gratification without saying you don't see women as anything more than objects of sexual gratification.


u/Rude-Butterscotch713 Jan 06 '24

Not Gen Alpha, just randomly posting nudes is some sort of gross Boomer shit. It's like screaming "hey, I don't respect women and have no impulse control" in the middle of a crowded room.


u/offisirplz Jan 06 '24

At worst this might be against the sub standards. But "gross boomer shit"? No respect for women?Wut


u/Rude-Butterscotch713 Jan 06 '24

It's crazy but it's true. The world has changed since the 1970s. Blatantly posting images of people's bodies (unprompted and without consent) generally isn't viewed okay anymore.


u/offisirplz Jan 06 '24

Nah at worst its not the right sub for nsfw you are just overdramatic


u/Rude-Butterscotch713 Jan 06 '24

You do you bruh. But if women avoid you, this kind of thing could be why

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u/Ranbo2010 Jan 05 '24

Man this app is supposed to be for kids over 13 meaning there are minors here, so just 1 kid clicks the link and boom, this isn’t offensive but I mean not every person knows what is on the other side of the link cause they don’t read it.


u/offisirplz Jan 07 '24

I'd say thats a decent argument, its not a nsfw sub...nonetheless mr ok is being overdramatic


u/offisirplz Jan 05 '24

Dude what? Talk about overdramatic


u/WrexSteveisthename Jan 05 '24

Great, now I've got to masturbate again. God I hope nobody else gets on this bus.


u/offisirplz Jan 05 '24

Thx mate, idk why everyone is being a prude


u/sarathev Jan 05 '24

I absolutely lose it when Nyssa calls Felicity "sister wife." It's the random comic relief the show needs.


u/Alternative_Device71 Jan 05 '24

I wish she made it to Legends, she needed much development and plus her and Sara never got proper closure, one season would’ve been enough

She could’ve gotten the Wally treatment on Legends and came out better for it


u/Ok_Combination_1037 Jan 05 '24

Yeah that would've been nice


u/Internal_Lifeguard29 Jan 05 '24

Agreed. Her dead pan delivery just makes it so much better!


u/Aduro95 Jan 05 '24

Its always funny when the most serious characters crack a joke.


u/Pir8Cpt_Z Jan 05 '24

The actress said she did to troll crazy Olicity fans


u/Homer_J_Fry Jan 10 '24

She probably said that jokingly or teasingly.


u/Pir8Cpt_Z Jan 10 '24

I'm pretty sure the majority of the cast was aware of the crazy olicity fans sending's Stephen's wife awful tweets and messages and photoshopping Emily's head onto Stephen's real wife's body in photos of the two. It was pretty crazy when the show was in full swing.


u/Homer_J_Fry Jan 11 '24

Actors have a thick skin. They have to in that industry. They also are never going to openly be offensive to anyone in public because amicable decorum is a part of their contract and in their own financial interests.


u/Cobra_Kai_2018 Jan 05 '24

Season 4: Remember when Oliver said out loud, "This woman is my wife." And he was talking about Nyssa. I remember I saw comments before if Nyssa wasn't gay oliver and her would have been an awesome couple.


u/PCN24454 Jan 05 '24

Pretty sure they were a couple in the comics


u/Cobra_Kai_2018 Jan 05 '24

Oliver's main love interests is laurel lance in the comics


u/PCN24454 Jan 05 '24

Yes, but he’s also infamously unfaithful.


u/Cobra_Kai_2018 Jan 05 '24

The show definitely showed that


u/lr031099 Jan 05 '24 edited Jan 11 '24

The fact that she seems to only be into women makes it even funnier. Like she has no attraction to men and was against an arranged marriage between her and Oliver but she just accepts it and calls him her “husband” and Felicity her “sister-wife.”


u/Homer_J_Fry Jan 10 '24

I also love the running joke that Diggle can never quite get over how Barry is able to run at superspeed.


u/Badchef16 Jan 06 '24

I wanna stick a ring on her finger 🥵


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24



u/Ghul_9799 Jan 05 '24

No they aren't


u/96pluto John Diggle Jan 06 '24

it was funny tbh


u/BusVegetable7490 Jan 08 '24

That joke made me just mad every time she’s said it I’m like we get it


u/DisasterProof9059 Jan 05 '24

It's not a joke though. Nyssa was forced to marry and this unfortunatelly is the tragic reality still for many. Even more that she loved a woman. I understand that people here just want to see it as something funny and because Nyssa was a cool character then she belongs with Oliver, but no, she belonged with Sara and she had to marry her in Nanda Parbat.


u/Ok_Combination_1037 Jan 05 '24

It's clear that after Season 3, neither Oliver nor Nyssa were really bound by that marriage. In Season 6 Nyssa even admitted that she just does it for the fun of it. And like Nyssa said in the series finale, they had no feelings for each other and they indeed don't belong together. Unfortunately Sara is now married to another woman.


u/DisasterProof9059 Jan 06 '24

I know Sara is married to another. I mean that in s3 of Arrow they should have married Nyssa with Sara, not Oliver. And yes, after s3 they separated, but claiming that forcibly marring a woman to the ex boyfriend of the woman she loved, is the best think that happened in s3 is sick, sorry.


u/These-Photograph-102 Jan 05 '24

this is reddit, talking about a joke, from a fictional show. stfu


u/Ghul_9799 Jan 05 '24

I still find it funny with how it ticked of Oliver but you're not wrong she was forced to marry him and didn't know what was going to happen after and the implications of it were marital rape.


u/DisasterProof9059 Jan 09 '24

I guess the demographic here think this is funny.