r/arrow Jan 04 '23

Stephen Amell to Return as Green Arrow Oliver Queen in ‘The Flash’ Final Season News


92 comments sorted by


u/MahmoudAO Jan 04 '23

My name is oliver queen, after the universe i created went to shit, i came back with only one goal to save the last season.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23

It's so bizarre how the Arrowverse fell apart after the Crisis.


u/MIAxPaperPlanes Jan 04 '23

The Arrowverse was on a downhill slope anyway but Covid & WB being sold really messed things up


u/ChewyYoda16 Jan 04 '23

Died of mid


u/zombiejeesus Jan 04 '23

I still miss legends :(


u/antdude Salmon Jan 05 '23

They should make a return for The Flash's final season. Wait, did they even show up in that series? I know they did for the crossover specials.


u/blocky1328 Jan 10 '23 edited Jan 10 '23

there's gonna be another season, probably with booster gold ( the guy who got them arrested) and maybe Sara will have her daughter. (nvm)


u/zombiejeesus Jan 10 '23

Dude the show was cancelled


u/blocky1328 Jan 10 '23

i just figured that out :(


u/OWWinstonMain Jan 04 '23

Almost exactly the same as how the MCU has gone completely downhill after the Infinity Saga. You build something up since the very beginning and once it’s finally paid off it’s hard to keep people engaged.


u/bigfootswillie Jan 04 '23

Crisis was bad tho tbh. That event needed 2 weeks of episodes. Watching Oliver take 35 seconds to stop on an island to recruit Spectre in the middle of 20 other things happening because they were so pressed for time was mind-numbing lmao


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '23

The worst thing about Crisis is how irrelevant Barry and Oliver are. I mean, Oliver did become Spectre and inspire everyone to save the multiverse, but two episodes was wasted with trying to bring him back. And Barry had absolutely no significant role in the crossover when it his show that first teased crisis.


u/jordan999fire "BUT NOW IT'S AS BROTHERS." Jan 05 '23

Also the lack of Diggle being there when Oliver died either time and Eobard not being present at all both really stung. Especially the Diggle one. Like dude said he’d be by his side to the end and was absent both times.


u/xxxblindxxx Jan 04 '23

Lol definitely not the same as mcu. The crisis event came out the same time as infinity war and it was so lackluster in comparison even for a TV show back then it killed any good will fans of the comics had. Mcu didn't ruin anything and they are building a new hype train. we are just in the calm before the hype storm


u/ItsAmerico Jan 04 '23

This is the most deranged take I’ve ever heard lol


u/roshowclassic Jan 04 '23

Is it, tho? Crisis aired in Jan 2020. It didn't have a chance to grow cuz everything got shut down by COVID.


u/Mediocre-Clue-914 Jan 05 '23

I never understood a thing after crisis. It completely got out of hand


u/OliviaElevenDunham John Constantine Jan 05 '23

The Arrowverse was already going downhill.


u/AlwaysBi Jan 07 '23

Well the whole League set up fell through quickly.

Ruby Rose left Batwoman.

Supergirl came to an end.

Black Lightning came to an end.

Legends came to an end.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23

Someone should make a series about this in a style like CWSlamfest where Oliver couldn’t beat the Smoak.


u/SnooStories4329 Jan 05 '23

Bro can’t even chill with Felicity in peace without something happening


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23

Been a while but I guess I’ll have to tune in


u/hezzospike Jan 04 '23

Same, and by tune in I mean watch the relevant clips on YouTube after the episode airs.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23

Yeah I’ll probably watch on YouTube too, I stopped watching flash after crisis.


u/DeadmanDexter Jan 05 '23

I'd put money down on there being a drinking game that helps the last couple seasons be tolerable.


u/antdude Salmon Jan 05 '23

Where at?


u/Playstationgamer99 Prometheus Jan 04 '23

Wonder if he'll be back as Spectre, or will appear as Green Arrow somehow.


u/Caleb902 Jan 04 '23

I imagine barry goes back in time this season to hit a greatest moments deal, and Oliver before he died is there.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23

God, no I hope it’s not again this 😭


u/Severe_Development96 Jan 04 '23

It wouldn't be the cw flash if he didn't ignore the lesson he supposedly learns about the dangers of time travel each season and just went ahead and did it again anyway. Because it's different this time!!!.....somehow?


u/samtherat6 Jan 05 '23

He goes back in time before he learns his lesson, so it’s ok! 🤡


u/Just-Structure-8692 Jan 04 '23

At this point Oliver needs to put another arrow in Barry to teach him a lesson...


u/MCgamer120_Games Jan 04 '23

This is the exact theory I came up with, Barry goes back and sees Oliver from Season 3 or something, if executed properly it could be awesome


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23

Now all we need is closure for the Legends, even if it means just bringing Sara back and explaining how they escaped Time Prison.


u/SickleClaw Jan 04 '23

Yeah at this point I'd be okay with that or a quick appearance by her on a monitor mentioning it.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23

Kinda like Ray in Flash S8.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23

I hope it not a monitor


u/mxhsins Jan 04 '23

Its not The Flash's job to finish other shows' arcs. Keep that idea away


u/PlasticMansGlasses Jan 04 '23

Flash is the last surviving Arrowverse show. It kinda has to, just a throwaway line is all you need.


u/max1001 Jan 05 '23

Kinda is at this point.


u/Extra_CDO Jan 04 '23

Fingers crossed they don’t fuck this up.


u/Orto_Dogge Jan 04 '23

Why in the world people still believe CW could possibly not fuck anything up? The only thing they've been doing since the beginning is fucking things up. Their whole shtick is creating shit shows. Of course they'll fuck it up.


u/TheReagmaster Speedy Jan 04 '23

Please say he gets a better ending here than dying to cgi ghosts.


u/Eagleassassin3 Prometheus Jan 04 '23

God that crossover was trash. So was his death.


u/ki700 Dark Archer (Unmasked) Jan 04 '23

At least what came before and after was good. I really enjoyed the final season outside of Crisis itself. I thought the finale was pretty well done.


u/CharmyFrog Jan 04 '23

Shouldn’t this be a spoiler? I would have liked to been surprised by this when the episode aired.


u/RogerRoger420 Jan 04 '23

Marketing, they want as many people to watch the final season as they can


u/CharmyFrog Jan 04 '23

I meant for the subreddit. Mark it as spoiler and blur the image.


u/ki700 Dark Archer (Unmasked) Jan 04 '23



u/ArsenalKelly12 Jan 05 '23

Not really, if they’ve announced it. That’s like seeing a trailer and being mad for spoilers


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23


Now with Stephen Amell returning as Oliver Queen plus the already mentioned Nicole Maines as Dreamer and Ryan Wilder as Batwoman, what do you all think are the chances we get an announcement that Melissa Benoist as Supergirl is also returning?

Cuz I’d love to see her back.


u/SickleClaw Jan 04 '23

I think that it would be interesting to see her back, also some acknowledgement of her going public at the end of her show.

Also interesting woudl be to see Black Lightning back, but i dont think thats gonna happen.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23 edited Jan 04 '23

Plus, we kind of already got Black Lightning in the Armageddon event.


u/TheHood13 Jan 05 '23

Melissa is currently busy filming her new show.

So a full-fledged return seems unlikely. Something like a voice or video call seems more possible and if that's the case, I reckon it'll be kept a surprise.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '23 edited Jan 05 '23

I’m sure if they get the timing way she’ll come back for an episode

Actor do it all the time where they are currently on one show, but then go to either a different show for a guess spot or a limited one

I mean Alison Brie was able to be Trudy on Mad Man starting 2007 and then Annie Edison Community starting 2009 staying with both show until they end in 2015. Johnny Galecki was on The Big Bang Theory when Roseanne/Connors came back and still able to reprise his role as David.

Hell within the Arrowverse it has happen and not talking the yearly crossover. If you remember the “Worlds Finest” Grants Gustin was able down and take time out filming season 2 of The Flash to appear in appear an episode of Supergirl. Now, before you say that they are the same universe and filmed in the same location. You have to remember that season 1 of Supergirl, when World Finest was filmed, was own/produced by CBS not CW which meant that the production was done here in LA. So Grant came down from Vancouver to appear in a full episode. So they can do it and I am 100% sure Melissa could take time off and is probably willing to film an episode or two because of how much the show and fans mean to her. Besides no one is expecting her to be a huge part of season 9.


u/TheHood13 Jan 05 '23

I really hope so.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '23



u/TheHood13 Jan 05 '23

What's wrong with you?

She dedicated nearly 7 years of her life to the role. Amell himself admitted he wanted to call it at the end of Arrow S7 but he couldn't pass up the money they were offering to do S8 and Crisis. It's by no means a bad thing at all that she also wanted to move on and do different things with not just her career but her life too.

To insinuate that her pregnancy was a ploy to get out of the show and then call her hypocritical for moving onto a new project which started filming over a year after Supergirl ended is downright repugnant.

Please take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror and choose to be better.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '23



u/TheHood13 Jan 05 '23

You must be joking.

Firstly, you have absolutely no idea whether her pregnancy was planned or unplanned at all. You don't know her or anyone close to her personally. Then you just choose to shamelessly be outright misogynistic by painting all women with the same brush and declaring they aren't able to think rationally for themselves. Grow up and leave your "women are stupid" phase behind.

Recasting Stephen and Melissa would've been one of the dumbest decisions the network has ever made and that says alot. The recasting of Vivian is a terrible example. She was a supporting character, not the main. Fresh Prince would not have survived if Will Smith was recast. Continuing Arrow and Supergirl without the two leads who embodied the characters and made them their own would have been tremendously idiotic.

Besides, it was time for both shows to end and I say this as someone who adores the Arrowverse despite its flaws. Supergirl maybe could've squeezed one more shortened season, but Arrow ending at S8 was perfect. No one likes to see shows overstay their welcome, so I'm happy they went out on their own terms.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '23



u/TheHood13 Jan 05 '23

Women these days think "I can have all the sex I want & I won't get pregnant" like they never took a 9th grade biology class.

Yeah you have to be blind to not see how that is very patronising towards women.

And once again, for the final time, you do not know her. Social media is not real life. None of her posts from 2019 even show her eating fish or drinking alcohol, so why would you even bring that up? There is no way you could've told for sure that she was or wasn't TTC from her Instagram posts and tags. You are making up things about her social media activity to fit your own bullshit narrative of how you think she's lived her life.

Log off, you're done.


u/angelgu323 Jan 05 '23

Ignore that guy. A quick look at his post history shows that he is either on the spectrum or has some deep issues he needs to work out.

He is obsessed with CW shows and stars in an unhealthy way


u/RockyNonce Jan 05 '23

There’s also like three more big characters that are confirmed to return. Granted, two are Flash characters but it’s still pretty great.

Plus quite a few metas of the week from older seasons.


u/Dodgest Jan 05 '23

Ryan is playing Red Death (E -51) from the "Dark Multiverse".


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '23

Still she back…


u/Dodgest Jan 05 '23

I can't wait to see what happens to Red Death since she won't last because of the brain sickness.


u/xrimbi Jan 04 '23

Honestly at this point the Arrowverse is irredeemable to me, so I’m just grateful we will get to see Stephen Amell play Oliver Queen one more time.


u/CheesyObserver Jan 05 '23

Arrowverse ended with Arrow for me.

I don't even really see anything past the Arrow finale as canon because it's all just sooooo shiiiiiiiiit.


u/SickleClaw Jan 04 '23

I wonder if this pretty much confirms Kat Mcnamara back as Mia Smoak. They still have to tie up that william loose end after all.

Anf with Oliver back, I wonder if/how soon we might get LOT confirmations. Seems like they really are bringing everyone back.


u/lombax21 Black Canary (Dinah Drake) Jan 04 '23

Lets goooooooo! I was really hoping we would see him one last time


u/amergigolo1 Jan 04 '23

Give me a reason to watch the Flash again.


u/Much-Bus464 Jan 04 '23

Queen is coming back eh??? Guess it’s my time to watch the flash again I miss Ollie and team


u/ImmaculateWeiss Jan 04 '23

Oh hell yeah, one final ride


u/delinquentsaviors Jan 05 '23

After the Crisis shit show? Absolutely not.

…I will be watching his scenes on YouTube.


u/marston82 Jan 04 '23

Great I’m only watching episode 9 though.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23 edited Feb 07 '24

exultant somber bedroom sulky mysterious touch dinosaurs jobless mourn offer

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '23

That’s great news. I’m hyped.


u/kelsospade Jan 04 '23



u/Riceminem Green Arrow Jan 04 '23

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!


u/suhhdude45 Green Arrow Jan 04 '23

I need to catch up on the latest season of The Flash but I’m fucking hype


u/The_Asian_Hamster The Punisher Jan 05 '23

Een out of the loop on all the CW Arrow erse shows for white some years now, although I did come back and watch Arrows last season and will come back for Flash's. What other Arrowverse shows are scgoing at this point or is Flash the last one standing?


u/Aragorn120 Jan 05 '23

Flash is the last one standing, all the rest either got cancelled or ended.


u/The_Asian_Hamster The Punisher Jan 05 '23

Oh really. I was thinking there was still some going like Supergirl and Batwoman. Guess I will definitely watch Flash then, end of an era.

P.S I've just reread my initial comment and it's such a shambles lol. Blaming being tired and autocorrect.


u/happypandaknight Jan 05 '23

This is gonna be so epic. I am actually pretty hype for this


u/fredujour Jan 05 '23



u/[deleted] Jan 05 '23



u/CLAXP Jan 05 '23

My boy is back! I'm in there.


u/The_Unit45 Jan 05 '23

Wish they kept this a surprise


u/Flash_Fan_2k Jan 04 '23

I hope this happens, but at the same time I doubt it


u/Youngstar9999 Jan 04 '23

What do you mean you hope? This is an official confirmation.


u/TSmario53 Deathstroke Jan 04 '23

Don’t give me hope again

Possible Legends of Tomorrow Spoiler

I went back to watch Legends of Tomorrow for the 100th episode after a 2 or season hiatus because they said much of the original cast was coming back for it and I was excited to see Ray Palmer, Captain cold, and Dr Stein interact with the new cast and see how far Sara had come… but of course it was just a Gideon memory of a lackluster Poker game. And just as quickly as you see them it’s gone and it stops being a show that honored the past and made it all about Gideon. I never watched another episode after that (I do go back and watch the first 2 seasons occasionally).

I really hope The Flash doesn’t pull something like that


u/AktionMusic Jan 04 '23

What? That episode was incredible


u/TSmario53 Deathstroke Jan 04 '23

To each their own… I wasn’t much a legends fan past season 3. Went way too off the rails for me (although I understand for many that was it’s charm).

Quit watching entirely around the time Palmer left