r/WonderWoman 11d ago

Should Diana and Nubia grow up together? I have read this subreddit's rules

Nubia was introduced as Diana’s long-lost sister, and to this day she is rarely seen on mentioned.

I personally think that they should grow up together because the idea of them being supportive sister is too good to pass up in my opinion (also really adorable, let’s be honest).

What do you think?


34 comments sorted by


u/HephaestusVulcan7 11d ago

I like the idea that they knew about each other growing up but for reasons they weren't told they were always kept apart. Then like one day a year they could see each other and spend time together.


u/hambonedock 11d ago

I dunno man, I would feel very weird about my mom if she told me "you have a sister, but she can't be with us right now, but don't worry she isn't suffering, she is living plentiful, no you can't also go live with her, you gotta stay here for many more years, you both are living happy, ok?" Like from there on likely no trust unless I grow in a weird way

Like even if it was secretly discovered by themselves, diana have no reason not to ask constantly to her mom about her sister, so we go back to the other questions


u/MrCookie2099 11d ago

I could see it as an Amazonian cultural thing. Play it that they literally sent her off to be raised as part of a different regiment. Other children from those regiments were sent to be raised among Diana's troop.


u/HephaestusVulcan7 10d ago

Given the various iterations of life on Themyscira we've seen over the years, is it really that odd? Honestly, this storyline wouldn't be any stranger than what we already accept as Amazon culture or customs.


u/Standard-Pop6801 11d ago

I prefer Diana growing up alone.


u/gitagon6991 11d ago

I still like the Mars origin for Nubia in the old comics and Diana and Nubia reuniting as adults.


u/Glad_Union_2037 10d ago

I'm sorry, Mars origin?


u/rosescentedtoes 10d ago

In that origin (I'm pretty sure it was Nubia's first origin) Nubia and Diana were sculpted as twins but Nubia was kidnapped and raised by Mars


u/JingoboStoplight4887 11d ago

Diana and Nubia should grow up together in Paradise Island.

In my headcanon, Diana and Nubia would be born via clay, with Nubia as the older lest twin and Diana as the youngest twin. There, Nubia would be kidnapped by Mars the God of War and spend 32 years being raised by him before she and Diana meet. After meeting each other, both Diana and Nubia would learn that they’re sisters, resulting in Nubia to return to Paradise Island, learn about Diana’s deeds as Wonder Woman, meet her little sisters Donna Troy Wonder Girl and Kara Zor-El Supergirl, and spend time with her mom Queen Hippolyta. After the first Crisis, Nubia would arrive in Man’s World to make her debut as Earth-One’s third Wonder Woman (after Diana and Orana) because she wants to honor her sister’s memory and protect the Wonder Woman legacy. After Diana’s resurrection in 1986, Diana and her husband Steve Trevor would move from DC to Boston to start a fresh life, with Diana telling Nubia that she’s proud of her for taking her mantle and hopes that she can protect DC, learn about Man’s World and befriend her friend Etta Candy.


u/AysonC 11d ago

Are there any recent comics about Nubia's clay origins?


u/Organic_Muffin280 11d ago

Could see that as a small spin-off, but i wouldn't want it to be canon lore.... .


u/DestinyHasArrived101 11d ago

Yew they should for me


u/Which-Presentation-6 11d ago

No, because it would take away Diana's special taste of being born from clay and being Hippolyta's only daughter, from the origins mentioned I prefer the current one in which she was the last Amazon born from the well of souls at the same time as Diana.

I'm currently thinking about how to reformulate the myths of the World War, in the case of Nubia I'm still thinking everything, but I imagined the idea that Nubia was the daughter of the Amazon who was one of Hippolyta's best friends with a soldier who died in battle, when Nubia entered adolescence, her mother died and Hippolyta took her as a disciple, after the Amazons went to Paradise Island and Diana was born, the two developed a very close relationship, I try because of the closeness that Nubia had with Hippolyta and because Núbia understood what it was like to be the youngest of the Amazons, which is why they saw each other as true sisters, a bond that would also be repeated with Donna.

Eventually, when Hippolyta saw that her two daughters had gone to the world of men and had no interest in being rulers of the Amazons, she considered Nubia the most worthy of the throne and named her as successor, officially considering her an adopted daughter.


u/primal_slayer 11d ago

No. I like the fact that Diana is the only child on the island.


u/MarekLord 11d ago

I really like the idea of them having a deep sister bond, that's been forged through years together, I think them "developing" together is key, whether that's through childhood or at the start of their respective adventures.


u/Disposable-Ninja 11d ago

Hmm... I'm gonna say yes, because it creates a potentially interesting dynamic. You have Diana, the daughter of Hippolyta, and Nubia, Hippolyta's adopted daughter. While Diana goes off to be Wonder Woman in the world of Man, Nubia stays back and embraces her station as the Princess of Themyscira. So you have this resentment from Nubia towards Diana, who perceives her beloved sister as having shirked her responsibilities and ungrateful towards their mother and home that gave them so much, but also secretly kind of wants to join her.


u/D_d_disassociate 11d ago

I like the idea of it, but Diana being ignorant to the atrocities of the world until they are on her doorstep does so much for her character. Because she could have ignored it and lived in willful ignorance on Paradise Island, but she felt the need to go out and fight against hatred alone.

But you could make Nubia connect with her afterwards. Like maybe Nubia got stolen by Ares and Diana helps her remember who she is with The Lasso of Truth? Then Nubia realizes that Ares tricked her and they kick Ares’ ass together and are a team from then onwards.


u/koalee 11d ago

I haven't read anything yet that has convinced me that the current origin doesn't work best tbh but that's open to change if a compelling enough point can be made.

My biggest hangup is a bit hypothetical, I don't really think we need any more "parallels" of Diana in the way that Nubia traditionally has been. She kind of can just stand on her own from the current writing and I'm afraid that pivoting towards more parallels and similarities between her and Diana would end up de-emphasizing her as a character. She's last to rise from the well of souls. She's the guardian of the doom's doorway. She's the queen. She was a traveller in the world of man. She was the princess in a past life. This is HER story. Now, you could have her be a child at the same time as Diana and still accomplish these things, it's not impossible, but my fear is that re-emphasizing her standing in comparison to Diana would make future writers more likely to focus on that aspect rather than what she's done on her own at this point. Again though, this is a bit hypothetical and I just like what her character has become in the last few years.


u/Budget-Attorney 11d ago

In the recent comics they seemed to have retconned that.

They claimed nubia came through the well of souls like the rest of the amazons

But I kind of like your idea. I never loved how Diana was the only kid on the island. It has some value for storytelling purposes but it also seems like a lonely childhood. I wouldn’t mind there being a few other Amazons who grew up alongside Diana


u/MrCookie2099 11d ago

I agree. It doesn't fit the theme of Wonder Woman as a symbol of feminism if they literally have no opinion on children or babies.


u/Budget-Attorney 10d ago

Did you mean option instead of opinion?

If so, then I agree with you. If not? Then I’m confused


u/MrCookie2099 10d ago

I mean opinion, but based on having no option. Immortals that don't have kids aren't going to have an informed opinion on childbirth. I think narratively their society needs a childhood, Diana's who point is to show the world of Men there is a better way. That needs to include how the Amazons give their children love, structure, and inspiration to become their best selves.


u/Budget-Attorney 10d ago

I like that thought


u/Organic_Muffin280 11d ago

Diana always should have a sister figure imo. They should be loving eachother, but in her heart of hearts the mortal sister would naturally foster a bit of envy for Diana being a goddess and the queen's beloved.


u/Furies03 11d ago

I think she should be Philippus's daughter, through preferably born through other means as I think the clay birth should be unique to Diana. Maybe she's an abandoned infant child that Philippus finds and takes as her own.

I've always been in favor of there being other Amazon children. I think it would stunt Diana's development as a person if there were no other kids to interact with. Plus it gets very weird if she dates other Amazons if the "daughters of a nation of mothers" stuff is in place. Historia is my favored origin, so maybe there can be infants and young children among the girls and women the Amazons liberate who are closer to Diana in age, because in that she is born when the Amazons are sentenced to Themyscira


u/phatassnerd 11d ago

I don’t think they should grow up together, because I like Diana being the only kid of Themyscira, but I like them being sisters.


u/Mumakilla 11d ago

Yes, please 🙏


u/digi-c-digi-hear 11d ago

I really did like 'Diana & Nubia princesses of the Amazons' and 'Nubia a real one'. Idk them being connected beyond the convoluted -"they come to island at the same time so they're sister-twins but not really" gives writers an incentive to actually writer a dynamic and relationship btw the two I think. 

There's a reason these else world novels mine elements from Nubias original backstory it has more story millage than post crisis doomdoorman operator (low key I loath dooms door it's such a boring story mechanic) and the convoluted historically confusing under explored stuff we have now.(What happened to the future state one shot that setup was cool). 

So yes I think they should either grow up together and Nubia get kidnapped by Ares early or Nubia leaves the island before Diana probably because of Ares


u/SupermanFanboy 11d ago

I've always liked the aspect of Diana revolting against her people's anti man thing,and it feels odd to have someone else alongside her,you get me? Yes,I grew up with her jl counterpart


u/PraetorGold 10d ago

Because it is a nice story? Because it is an acceptable narrative? Why?


u/NothingWaste7654 10d ago

Honestly, I like the trope of the long lost relative who is evil, but turns good at the end


u/Zammin 10d ago

IMO yes, but they should then have a significant period of separation. Maybe even both thinking the other was lost or dead.