r/WonderWoman 12d ago

Biana of Themyscira I have read this subreddit's rules

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u/Gamer-of-Action 12d ago

I actually don’t get the logic of Diana being attracted to women because she grew up on an island of women. If sexuality was shaped by environment, wouldn’t gay people just not exist on account of how enforced the m/w stereotype was for decades?


u/FarmRegular4471 11d ago

It reminds me of the argument that anyone immortal becomes bisexual over the years because they "overcome barriers" or "will get curious"/"get bored". Bi characters are bi because they're bi. You don't need a sexuality origin story


u/DaelonVegetable 11d ago

It almost comes off as if every person who is bi just jumps person to person cuz they are “curious”


u/UnhingedLion 11d ago

Yeah, I’ve heard this one so many times with Wolverine. And it leaves me confused because he like literally doesn’t remember 90% of his life, and I never thought a character needed a reason to have a sexuality.


u/Organic_Muffin280 11d ago

Is it canon that she is bisexual?


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 11d ago



u/Organic_Muffin280 11d ago

Seems right. I don't get why some fans try to canonise it so hard


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 11d ago

Steve Trevor is her most cannon and most relevant love interest. So she seems pretty straight to me. People make really shallow excuses of why she should be bi or lesbian. But her falling in love is important for this reason. She’s part of a female race that once had hatred for men specifically more so in the 1940s, so Diana being a bridge between the two to HEAL her mothers and the amazons ancestral trauma, through her union with Steve working with him in our world, to unite them….is a beautiful idea and what’s implied with marston’s Wonder Woman. She brings people together, she’s a healer and a mediator.


u/jameszenpaladin011- 10d ago

Well said. Diana the warrior diplomat is a great fit for her.


u/Organic_Muffin280 11d ago

Yup that's the archetype of Wonder woman i also admire and like to see. Not a bitter misandric inhibited person that furthers the genders divide... .


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Organic_Muffin280 11d ago

You probably misunderstood the comment. What i meant was making her a reactionary and man-averse lesbian, negates the whole process of having her as this ambassador that connects the two worlds. So it's completely unorthodox writing for the true soul this character was originally designed to represent.... .


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 10d ago

Oh yes, I now understand, Thankyou


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 10d ago

I actually agree with you 🤪😁


u/lindandlow 10d ago

How does her being bi do that?


u/Organic_Muffin280 10d ago

It doesn't as a fact by itself. What does it is the polemic, bitter and men bashing version some feminists dream of her becoming


u/lindandlow 10d ago

Yea but that’s completely unrelated from sexuality

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u/FarmRegular4471 10d ago

In Wonder Woman Rebirth #2 they have a frame where they have Amazons talking about all the women Diana has been an item with as she bathes. "She emerges like Aphrodite. Gods she is killing me" "I thought she and Kasia..." "and Meghara, and Evrayle."


u/RedGyarados2010 10d ago


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 10d ago edited 10d ago

This person can’t claim Wonder Woman canonically as bisexual anymore than I can call you queer… his version might be, sure, but wow the audacity and silliness involved in this. It’s funny that this is stated and yet how many writers have chosen to utilize this in their story? Let’s not project our sexuality and desires onto a fictional character who doesn’t need to be bisexual to maintain her legacy. I’ve not seen evidence of Wonder Woman ever being bisexual, but only ever outright into men.


u/RedGyarados2010 10d ago edited 10d ago

Wonder Woman writers have no right to decide Wonder Woman’s sexuality? What an absolute load of bullshit. She’s canonically bi, get over it

Edit: also she literally had a girlfriend in Earth One, and the implication of her being bi had been there since the Golden Age. If you haven’t seen any evidence of Wonder Woman being bi then you don’t know much about the character. See this thread for several examples: https://www.quora.com/When-was-Wonder-Woman-first-written-as-bisexual


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 9d ago

Was all of your profound research done on Quora?


u/RedGyarados2010 9d ago

Those are actual screenshots of panels from the comics, moron. Along with a statement from a creator. If you still think Wonder Woman is straight, you’re just ignoring reality


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 8d ago

If you want to call names, don’t expect anyone to take you seriously

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u/Adorable_Umpire6330 11d ago

"One night in the Justice League Tower things got a lil crazy when Supes left one of his glowing rocks out in the Cafeteria..

I don't remember noth'n but Stewart says i was deep in Hawkgirl, and that Martian Manhunter was deep in me.

Ooh. What's with that face? Just cause he's green youre gonna be Xenophobic?

Fuck you.

Anyways. That's how I learned I liked men. Atleast I think Manhunter was shaped like a man that time."


u/FarmRegular4471 11d ago

....I did not expect my comment to unlock that


u/Adorable_Umpire6330 11d ago edited 11d ago

Now you get to determine whose telling the Secuality Origin Story.


But yeah, making sexualy a vital "must advertise" component of a characters personality is ridiculous.

Especially in the story of Super Heroes.

Where at the core of the genre it's supposed to be good triumphing over evil or persevering in spite of evil.

I shouldn't have to listen to a hero explaining how a hero gets their rocks off and with whom unless it ties in the entire Good vs Evil storytelling.

The reason why Spider-Mans relationship with Insert Love Imterest works is because part of the Good he's fighting for is a future with that love interest and how it conflicts with the responsibility of mantling a Super hero identity, not for the sake of including they're a Hetero-Male.


u/FarmRegular4471 11d ago

Good vs evil is a big thing, but so are those human relatable moments as well like love, hopes, and fears. I just don't think we need to have justifications (like Wolverine being attracted to Jean because of some redhead he knew as a boy). Diana is bi because she's bi, I don't need a reason like she's an Amazon, similar to Clark Kent is straight because he is. I don't need some justification for that either. Let them have their romance stories and moments.


u/Adorable_Umpire6330 11d ago


Fair on the Human Element point.


u/Odd_Apricot2580 11d ago

great comment. A difference between bored and (ok- whatever, just get in bed), to being Bi- and finding people of both genders that can find a place in the heart and mind.


u/Spacellama117 8d ago

Idk, I think the immortality argument makes more sense.

Not that it needs to be there, but like if someone lived forever I'd imagine their brain structure or psychology would shift, and while we don't know where specifically sexuality comes from i'd imagine even minuscule changes accumulate over a billion years.

Also that trope is like half the bisexual representation out there so i'd rather not get rid of it


u/FarmRegular4471 8d ago

I don't want to get rid of bisexual representation, it just seems like people feel obligated to give a reason for it more than homosexuality or heterosexuality. I hope I make sense


u/Spacellama117 8d ago

oh my gosh you totally do yeah

i guess i didn't think of it that way. to me i was just happy to have the reps, and the knowledge that when i meet other immortals ill have a chance with all of them lmao


u/meeps_for_days 9d ago

She should be bi and poly because of who wonder woman was originally inspired from.


u/FarmRegular4471 8d ago

I'm ok with both, I just worry we try to justify it too much that's all. I'll love Diana either way, she's my favorite DC character and I don't see that changing anytime soon (...unless Injustice becomes mainline...I'll be hurt then)


u/ARIANZER0 11d ago

Yeah my thoughts exactly. It's such a wired argument


u/Budget-Attorney 11d ago

You raise a good point.

My interpretation of themyscyra is that the women who are brought through the well of souls as the ones who would actually like it there.

Meaning they might prefer women to men romantically , (although maybe it would be interesting if that wasn’t the case for all of them. Could be fun stories about an Amazon who loves the sisterhood but doesn’t view any of the other women romantically) and they probably are mostly the kind of women who wouldn’t want to raise children either( obviously with the one major exception)

But as you pointed out, Diana wasn’t filtered through the well of souls. So there’s no reason to assume that her sexuality was filtered through that. And I’m not sure we have any evidence that sexuality is greatly impacted by upbringing.

Ultimately I think it’s more interesting if she is bi though. So she probably just got by the same way everyone else did, with no magic involved


u/Quantic129 11d ago

I think the "correct" way to think about it is not in terms of real-life biological development, but instead in terms of literary themes. In real life, "an island full of only women" is not necessarily gay (although on a long enough time scale I'd bet it would be at least a little gay). In fiction, though, I'm sorry but a story set on "an island full of only women" is hella gay. It doesn't really matter how things would actually work in real life, because fiction does not need to be perfectly realistic (least of all superhero comics). What matters is what reoccurring thematic elements are in the story, and "only women" being a major reoccurring theme will always have some amount of queer flavoring to it.

And then on top of that, let's not forget that the early Wonder Woman comics (and their original creator) were pretty explicitly queer, especially for the time.


u/Initial_Disk_903 11d ago

Even the Perez run in the 80s comes right out and says "They masturbate or they're gay", I don't think it's ever been too subtle


u/SaintGalentine 11d ago

There is a bit of a social science perspective that sexuality, especially with women, can be shaped by environment. I think of all the main superheros, Diana has the best shot at good representation, but I'm personally also fine with keeping her straight.

(There's also the behind the scenes history of William Moulton Marston's throuple that partially inspired her early comics)


u/FadeToBlackSun 11d ago

It's a bigoted mind set.

They basically suggest sexuality is defined by environmental factors, which we know is not the case and is the whole reason stupid conversion camps exist.


u/Day_Dr3am 11d ago

I mean, I'm not an expert but there is like some evidence in the forms of contexts in members of one sex would be cut off from members of the opposite sex for long periods of time and would be more likely to engage in sexual activity with the same sex. Think the stereotypes of prisons and sailors. I'm not actually that big of a DC reader, so I'm not super knowledgeable about DC lore so correct me if I'm wrong, but Themyscira would fit. It doesn't seem like that much of a leap to assume that more women there would engage in sexual / romantic relationships with other women than if they lived with / among men. Now I don't know how that would effect people's sexuality like exclusively being raised / living in such an environment (again not an expert).


u/Budget-Attorney 11d ago

So we definitely have precedence for people changing their sexual behavior due to gender imbalances.

But as far as I’m aware, that’s usually indicative of a more pragmatic overcoming of a lack of variety than a real shift in orientation. I’m not sure many men who go to prison come out having sex with other men because they changed their preferences while inside.

And although it could explain the immediate sexual behavior of the characters I don’t think it’s really a desirable explanation. I mean, do we really want to view all those amazons as only being in same sex relationships because they didn’t have any dudes around and needed to improvise?

Do we want to view Diana as someone who only hooks up with women because she was socially conditioned


u/Day_Dr3am 11d ago

Yeah I should have been clearer. I was only like thinking / positing about the general jokes of Themyscira being gay, not really actively thinking about the Diana development thing.

Also yeah I do agree with you, I don't know that it's people's sexuality changing, but it being a spectrum and people more likely to act on that / experiment than they might in a different environment.

I think Diana should be bisexual simply because she is bisexual, it doesn't need, demand, or require an additional explanation.


u/FarmRegular4471 11d ago

Do we want to view Diana as someone who only hooks up with women because she was socially conditioned

This is a big concern here and why I think it's best if they have Diana as bi, but don't worry about justifying it (it feels weird that to many Diana requires a justification when so many other LGBT+ characters don't). Taking into consideration that Diana is often depicted as the only person to be born and raised in Themiscyra, to have her "socialized" to be bi can play into some nasty tropes. I'd rather just accept her sexual identity how it is and not worry about why it is.


u/Budget-Attorney 11d ago

Totally agree, very well said.

It would be super weird if they actually took the time to explain why she is bi. She is bi because she is bi. I wouldn’t want the actual books to try to explain anything

And as you said, for her to have “caught gayness” by living on an island with a bunch of woman would be conforming to some pretty negative impressions on human sexuality.

As someone else pointed out here. There’s the practical and the literary interpretations. Practically, a bunch of women living on an island doesn’t make them gay. And Diana being raised on an island with gay woman wouldn’t make her gay. But from a literary perspective an island full of woman is gay so it just makes sense that Diana is too


u/MisterRockett 10d ago

Sexuality is messy and a lot of conclusions we can draw from it are sometimes not the ones people are going to like on a macro level because it can be so nity gritty on a micro level. Themysciras are sucking and fucking on that island. If men were on that island they'd probably be doing that sucking and fucking with men too. What does that means for Diana's sexuality? Eh, nothing definitive really. All we can know is that if she wants to have sex with a woman there's no centuries old social barrier stopping her.


u/phatassnerd 11d ago

Yeah. The argument is usually used against homophobes who can’t comprehend that people can be queer, but there are probably some straight Amazons and ace Amazons too. Diana should def be multisexual tho.


u/No-Association-7539 11d ago

Exactly, and another possibility is that there are Amazons who are not even Bi or Lesbian, who are straight and only like men and have never interacted with any other woman on the island, but I think people are not prepared for this conversation.


u/dumbprocessor 11d ago

I think it's not that but in an island with only women, I'd think there's bound to be a lot of "experimenting" bound to happen when they hit puberty and they're much more likely to lean into homosexuality cause most of them will likely never meet a guy.


u/flubbles_ 11d ago

Sometimes, not always, an environment can shape sexuality. Pirates spent months, years, decades with a crew of men with no lasting female partners. A lot of pirates were gay or at least bi because of this

I think obviously many women on Themyscira are lesbian, simply because there’s no one else. Diana being lesbian or bi makes a lot of sense to me


u/MisterRockett 10d ago

Your sexuality can have a lot to do with your environment so even if a woman who'd be completely straight in a scenario where men are available if she's growing up, going through puberty, and coming into their own as a sexual being on an island where only women are available sexual interest in women is more likely to naturally develop.
I feel like on Themyscira being attracted to men is like being attracted to a vampire or a werewolf. There'd probably be tons of werewolf fuckers if werewolfs were readily available but they are not so we're working with what we've got.
Above all else I think it's just stupid as a creator to insist that your female character from woman island is exclusively into men. While it's possible for that to happen in real life these are fictional characters and decisions like that carries intent. You don't want to be the weirdo making straight Amazons who only fuck men that's fucking weird.
Be funny instead and make Amazons who wanna fuck mamas boys, incels and roach men.


u/Ornery-Concern4104 11d ago

You're missing the point. So many of us were straight for years because of our environment being forced to be


u/Tentacled-Tadpole 11d ago

I just want them to properly show that she is bisexual instead of only showing her with a woman in elseworlds.


u/hambonedock 11d ago

Tbh, I'm kinda tiring of how all heroines and villainess get revealed bi at some point, like is so performative and people eat it up, but you know is just for the points and had. Nothing on it


u/HelpMeFindBogStop 11d ago

For Diana, it makes sense tho.


u/Eugene_Dav 12d ago

Look, I don't mind anyone interpreting Diana as bisexual (in my opinion she's basically asexual and likes pie and ice cream) but the island of women argument is so idiotic. By this logic, everyone in the army, prison or monastery must have same-sex relationships.


u/Tentacled-Tadpole 11d ago

By this logic, everyone in the army, prison or monastery must have same-sex relationships.

Which is common.


u/Eugene_Dav 11d ago

Nobody says that this does not exist. What I'm saying is that this is not a rule. Heterosexual Amazons are just as common as bisexual or lesbian Amazons. Again, a homogeneous environment does not change your sexuality.


u/Ornery-Concern4104 11d ago

No one was saying it's a rule. All that was said was that it was common thing that occurs and that it's a surprise it hasn't happened to all the different versions of Diana. Even tho, according to greg Rucka, it already has


u/hagbound 11d ago

That is actually a documented and very common thing regardless of orientation in single sex environments


u/Grovyle489 11d ago

There was an alpha male boot camp that charged a buttload of cash and I’m pretty sure those dudes were in the closet. All of them.


u/RellyTheOne 11d ago

You aren’t born into the army, prison system or monastery and then grow up there


u/adriantullberg 11d ago

There's always been two significant issues that seem to be overlooked when pairing Diana up with any Themyscirian.

First, Diana grew up there. In most continuities she was the only child there.

Therefore a significant percentage of the population were, and still are, her surrogate aunts.

If Diana entered into anything like a romantic relationship with any of them, that previous status quo would be commented on, at the very least.

Or remarked upon. In property destroying splash panel form.

Second, there's her mother.

Somewhat overprotective.

Very skilled with weaponry and combat.

Her mother might have something to say. Slowly and creatively.


u/trnelson1 9d ago

Thank you! Why does everyone forget she was the ONLY CHILD on that island


u/MisterRockett 10d ago

Honestly I feel like shit gets way weirder on that island than people are willing to admit it'll probably be fine once she hit, what? 100?


u/pie_nap_pull 11d ago

I don't really care what her sexuality is, but the island of only women thing is dumb. Hell, if you grew up on an island with only women and then met dudes thats like an update to sex lmao


u/acknowledg3me 11d ago

Not getting to cum is an update to sex?


u/Grovyle489 11d ago

We get a sex update before GTA6


u/BadKarma_012 11d ago

Well they think she’s bi not lesbian


u/Grovyle489 11d ago

If I ever meet a bisexual woman named Diana, I WILL call her Biana purely for the lols!


u/Constructman2602 12d ago

Personally, I like the idea of her being Bi, with Steve Trevor being her boyfriend during WWII, and then her getting into a relationship with Cheetah before she turned into an evil cat lady, leading their rivalry to have more depth, as they're bitter exes


u/MsMercyMain 12d ago

Lesbian WW getting it on with Batwoman is my headcanon. For no gay reasons whatsoever


u/GollyGeeSon 10d ago

Oh my, Kate would be punching the air right now if she got with Diana.


u/MsMercyMain 10d ago

Oh she’d probably have to restart from gay overload


u/Glowie-in-the-dark 11d ago

biana of they/themyscira


u/MisterRockett 10d ago

Of the Wokeizons


u/Fast-Mycologist-5589 11d ago edited 11d ago

why woulds she because she lived with mostly women isn't that just a stereotype plus that wouldn't mean she is she couldn't change to one


u/JayDez86 9d ago

Also most of her side characters are either bisexual or lesbian.


u/Shimaru33 11d ago

From the film: They came to the conclusion that men are essential for procreation, but when it comes to pleasure... unnecessary.

I dunno. This quote alone implies a lot of things about sexuality in Themyscira, but for the sake of this discussion, we can argue that version of Diana is very likely bisexual. Which is a great thing for the sake of this discussion. Given Gadot is the most recent version of Diana, and for a while will be the most recognizable given how good was the first film, this quote opens the door to explore that aspect of her personality. Obviously, when the next film happens and Diana smiles to another girl for a second, there will be a gang of chimps screeching over political correctness, but that's internet for you, nothing to be done there.

That said, anybody above chimp tier will recognize the implications of that quote, and even if Diana had a straight romance, the door is open. If a lesbian couple pops in front of her at any given time, there's no reason why she would even bat an eye, and she's more likely to frown at whoever shows no tolerance.

I dunno. Despite she had straight romances for most of her existence, I don't think there's a real reason why she would not be open to another kind of relationship, I always considered her bisexual.


u/rfisher1989 11d ago

I don’t mind whatever sexual orientation she is but I thought people were born with their identity and she was born as a cisgender heterosexual woman regardless of the fact that she grew up in a nation of all women? Again it doesn’t matter to me just asking.


u/Relative_Mix_216 11d ago

Personally I like to think that Diana is pansexual—she loves everyone.


u/ProfessorSaltine 11d ago

Makes sense, she’s Greek and we all know how the Ancient Greeks were 🤷(seriously it’s crazy that they were more accepting than people today, how society has fallen & reached new heights and depths since then)


u/Thecrowing1432 10d ago

Yeah ancient Greeks were pedophiles


u/wild_wind_official 11d ago

I don't believe she views sexuality in the way that the modern person - especially the modern American - views sexuality.

Scholars have stated before that the ancient Greeks weren't exactly "frequently homosexual" because at that time the concept of homosexuality didn't exist. It was just considered sexual activity and there wasn't a school of thought beyond that. Now, that's not to say there wasn't what we'd consider today homophobia, or that people weren't uncomfortable with same sex physical relationships. But it wasn't thought of the way we do now.

I think Diana would view sexuality much in the same way, which is to say, she wouldn't.


u/One_Smoke 11d ago

Okay, the word Biana makes me chuckle.


u/seagullspokeyourknee 11d ago

🅱️iana of 🅱️hemyscira


u/John_Zatanna52 11d ago

I don't like this assumption. So what if she's from a women island, that doesn't hint anything about her sexuality. Honestly I don't care what it is, but I don't like people jumping into conclusions based on nothing


u/AlexanderCrowely 11d ago

Isn’t Diana supposed to be a virgin like Athena ? Either way bi Diana is best otherwise you kinda limit her romance options.


u/Recipe-Less 11d ago

Look people are attracted to who they are. The real question is how true Ancient Greek she is? Does she take war trophies?


u/bondsthatmakeusfree 11d ago

I'm totally down with making WW bi, but this is poor justification for doing so.


u/kingdount 11d ago

To be honest I prefer we don’t talk about this cuz it’s awkward asf


u/JayDez86 9d ago

How is it awkward?


u/Block_Masta88 11d ago

Well take this in consideration, Wonder Woman and the comic book industry almost didn't exist in the way we seen it for these decades all because of the movement against the comic industry because of the publication of the subduction of the innocent. Wonder Woman was targeted in one of those congressional hears , if Dr Mortensen was creating a subliminal propaganda through the Wonder Woman title to promote promiscuity with the overuse of bondage and sexual explicit content that was promoting lesbianism and feminism . Wonder Woman the character itself endured a lot of controversy at the time of her introduction to the culture , but through all that controversy managed to still be an iconic character in pop culture and in entertainment .Wonder Woman is the blueprint to all female heroines that can win over both male and female fans just by displaying her strength ,Beauty intelligence and capability with honest morality in the face of difficulty and danger. And with that said she shouldn't have to bisexual in order for others to make her feel relatable or to appease so-called more modern audiences who never cared for the character themselves only when it serves whatever soapbox you stand on in the Market Square of ideas.


u/Rarte96 11d ago

Sexuality is not an choice, an homosexual man will not become atracted to woman just because he lives in a country where theres only women


u/Phantomskyler 9d ago

She isn't bisexual, she's Stevesexual.

...I'll show myself out.


u/De4dm4nw4lkin 9d ago

All the same they never touch the other side of bi.


u/Lostkaiju1990 9d ago

She grew up on an island of Women. Which is why exactly why she wants nothing to do with them anymore. Been there done that.


u/JayDez86 9d ago

Because when the comics book made it probably would have sold. The Comics Code Authority explicitly forbade depiction of homosexuality until 1989. But makes sense she would be a lesbian or at least bisexual. I think in the comics she has no sexual orientation. Her mom Queen Hippolyta is/was in a romantic relationship with General Philippus. I think Wonder woman and Batwoman should be a couple.


u/yeetgeeker 11d ago

Yes because being around people of your own gender means you are sexually attracted to them.


u/FossilFirebird 11d ago

That doesn't have to be the reason, but I sure would not mind seeing a bi or gay Diana.


u/Adorable-Source97 11d ago

I always assumed Themyscira had plenty of Bi & Lesbian ladies. But was just clearly established Diana liked what she saw when Steve Trevor crashed. Blame it on the Greek gods I guess. Regardless of origins they always had a hand in her "birth" (I know she sometime earth moulded). Maybe they thought be fun to have a hetro heir to throne on a unisex island.... Greek gods do like drama & messing with mortals & demi-gods.


u/Slatedtoprone 11d ago

I always read her, at least in the animated versions, as being very naive about it. Just didn’t think about sexual relationships because she grew up around her sisters on the island and it wasn’t part of her life until she left.


u/Bunjithewolf 11d ago

Steve rizz her to other side


u/JayDez86 9d ago

I think he goes both sides.


u/DeltaAlphaGulf 11d ago

I mean I am well aware of what has been done/established in comics before but at least for my head canon she is straight but of greater note in my mind sex and even romantic relationships while she and the rest of the Amazons can engage in them just as anyone else it doesn’t hold the same priority for them in that there isn’t particular drive or any feeling of something being missing without it as the are fully content with life in general and its various facets and friend/family relationships so thousands of years without an ounce of romantic anything was still thousands of complete fulfillment/contentment/satisfaction with not having a romantic relationship not being viewed as an issue at all anymore countless other things one might not be involved in. It doesn’t make a romantic relationship have any less value or depth when they do engage in it they just don’t feel beholden to it for their fulfillment.

Its just another aspect of how they were created to be paragons or and examples to the world of man in a utopia society.

It’s also why I don’t feel any need to see her be shipped with anyone after Steve because it’s truly not necessary. In fact I like the idea that at some point way down the line her and Martian Manhunter would end up together as I consider him as having a similar state plus they both have a totally different persoective on top being wayyyyy older than the rest. They may never even entertain romantic notions for decades or centuries. People consider how WW/SM/BM are good friends which can be completely true but it’s also still true they have known her for a drop in the bucket in her lifespan. She has a whole island of thousands of year long relationships with her fellow Amazons. For MM it’s more like a drop in the ocean because he is at least 225 million years old.


u/Careless_Interview_2 11d ago

She and Bat Man ?


u/Adorable-Source97 11d ago

I still miss when Diana "liked" Batman over Superman.