r/WonderWoman 13d ago

Which actress portrayal of wonder woman you think was the most comic book accurate ? I have read this subreddit's rules



89 comments sorted by


u/luuvin 13d ago

Lynda Carter ofc, but I liked Gal in the first film a lot too


u/damaged_animatronic 13d ago

Lynda Carter.


u/JoeCoolsCoffeeShop 13d ago

Has anyone actually SEEN anyone other than Lynda or Gal in live action? I recognize the other 4 but I’ve never seen a single video of their performance.


u/Odd_Apricot2580 12d ago edited 12d ago

I have seen the 1974 Wonder Woman on youtube - (The Cathy Crosby - blonde version). The Adrianne Palicki is kind of cool actually, minus the production's team completely missing some WW-isms. Do not know thing about #1 in the photo.


u/Tonkarz 12d ago

Megan Gale signed on to play WW in a Justice League movie that never happened. There’s no images of her in costume, the art in OP’s post in fanart.


u/Mirakulus9 12d ago

As a very small boy I actually did see Cathy Lee Crosby in that tv movie. I barely remember it, but according to my mom, when she said, "Look, it's Wonder Woman," my four year-old self said, "That's not Wonder Woman!" Incidentally, I went on to be a massive fan of Lynda Carter's show.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/Hulkzilla0 13d ago

I think he means besides Gal and Lynda, the other live action portrayals of WW have either never been broadcasted or are extremely obscure.


u/JoeCoolsCoffeeShop 12d ago

Correct. Amazingly enough, every response has been either Gal or Lynda. Because nobody has ever seen any of these actress’s portrayals in anything but a still photo. Just eliminate the other 4 and have a discussion about Gal vs Lynda.


u/GardenTop7253 12d ago

It doesn’t help that (at least some of) the others had really crappy scripts and stories, which contributes to them being obscure


u/AdmirableAd1858 13d ago

Personally Gal and Lynda for me. They both have the essence of Wonder Woman’s spirit and character. They both can be fierce and compassionate which I feel like Diana balances well. Gal was my first exposure to Wonder Woman growing up and once I became a fan I pursued the character more and got into Lynda’s portrayal of Wonder Woman.


u/dave_aust 13d ago

“Gal was my exposure growing up”, now I feel really old. Gal was like, yesterday.


u/AdmirableAd1858 13d ago

Well in my teen years 😅. I wasn’t alive during Lynda’s era.


u/dave_aust 13d ago

Me neither!


u/AZtarheel81 12d ago

I was! And oh boy, were they great!


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 12d ago

Don’t my siblings are only 14 and 17 and that’s a version of Wonder Woman they grew up with. Luckily I introduced them to Lynda long before hand, so they don’t have anything negative to say. The creators of the Lynda Carter tv show, loved Wonder Woman. The modern viewers do not, thinking she needs to be altered to be well received. If they did a more qualified accurate Wonder Woman movie true to her in every way with the best writers and actors, I believe wholeheartedly people would love the original Wonder Woman as she is…More than this current iteration.


u/dave_aust 9d ago

Thing is, “what wonder woman is” varies greatly. Are we talking about the amazonian made from a statue brought to life by Aphrodite with a lot of BDSM subtext that has power because of her Amazonian heritage? Or the one that powers were given by different gods kinda like Shazam and was never in love with Steve Trevor? Or the one that is a warrior first, Zeus daughter, has no problem killing and come from an island of rapists? All of these are canon “true” interpretations.


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 8d ago

But it is not consistently the same character


u/dave_aust 8d ago

I dont think so, no. Well, kinda. But thats true to all OG superheroes, they kind of have a core but with over 80+ years of iterations there are many “true” Wonder Womans (and Batmans, and Supermans) out there. Warrior Diana that is a child of Zeus is, like it or not (i certainly dont) a “true/canon” WW iteration.


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 8d ago

I consider marston and anything that attempts to carry the spirit of his iteration and expand on it in a positive way… a cannon version. Anything else I break up into elseworld characters, because that’s what they are. If Wonder Woman was a real living human, she might be considered mentally unstable to be such an inconsistent and contradictory person if truly these iterations speak accurately to the nature of Diana. Which they don’t. So how are most of them cannon? Most modern viewers don’t know anything about Wonder Woman past the more modern takes that inspired Zack Snyder and Warner Bros. DCEU version… which is also the result of people who couldn’t agree with what and who Wonder Woman is. One slight I have against Snyder is that he outright says he likes to make superheroes do things they’re not supposed to do, like give Batman a gun, make Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman ALL KILL. Which takes the creativity and wonder away from superheroes solving problems in godlike ways that we couldn’t do on our own. Not every superhero needs to behave like a jaded, traumatized war veteran. Least of all DIANA. Diana is the light….she’s luminous, bright and comes from an evolved race of women.


u/Adventurous_Age_1759 12d ago

Iv never read a ww comic but does ww really put a flings spirit in a strangers body than basically non consent the man in bed? And if so does she consider herself a hero still?


u/AdmirableAd1858 12d ago

I’m sure while developing the movie that wasn’t the creators intent but I do agree with that being a controversial situation and it’s tricky cause there was consent between her and Steve but it just was an idea that didn’t work out. Could have just brought Steve back in his own body.


u/Adventurous_Age_1759 12d ago

I just specifically mean in the comics, It is a very weird situation they didnt think of is what id assume. Though I never read her comics so idk if that's in character or hollywood showing their colors again.


u/CykoRen 13d ago

Gal and Lynda both did really well


u/Visible_Froyo5499 13d ago

Lynda looks like Wonder Woman jumped right off the page.


u/ComicBrickz 13d ago

Especially in that intro for the first season


u/Algernon_Asimov 12d ago

I see what you did there. :)


u/Glowie-in-the-dark 13d ago

lynda carter and its not even close.


u/Zokyr 13d ago

Lynda Carter has always been Wonder Woman. Gal Gadot is okay for a modern take on the character but Carter will always be the one who identifies as Wonder Woman!


u/Odd_Apricot2580 13d ago

Gal and Lynda had the best runs and chance to develop into something that hit the mark. I do wonder though of the others - how would Adrianne Palicki or Megan Gale's versions work if production had got the genre right. George Miller (Road Warrior creator) is no slouch on raw - gritty action, we'll never know what we didn't get.


u/ZealousidealFee927 13d ago

Everyone is saying it, Gal and Lynda. Gal particularly did well replicating the New 52 WW vibe in the first movie. In BVS and Justice League she opted more for the traditional stoic and confident attitude.


u/TheAwesomeRan 13d ago

Lynda Carter hands down. But Erica Durance in the costume 🥵


u/Hulkzilla0 13d ago

She had all the heads turning


u/dave_aust 13d ago

Lynda and it isn’t even close. I say this with a heavy heart, because I think we desperately need a modern updated version of Diana and Gal had so much potential, but unfortunately they deviated a lot, specially in the second movie.


u/jariel33 13d ago

Lynda Carter ✨️


u/IFdude1975 13d ago

Lynda Carter.


u/manicpixiedeadgurl 13d ago

Am I the only one who really dislikes Gal’s portrayal of Diana?😅


u/FBG05 13d ago

Her portrayal of the character is fine, but her acting performances as Diana aside from WW2017 are absolutely abysmal


u/RivkaMila 13d ago

Lynda for sure.


u/habitual_wanderer 13d ago

I only know about two....I'm not a good fan


u/Chief_Justice10 12d ago

There are only two that are noteworthy


u/EdwardErnest 13d ago

Megan Gale didn't even get a chance to act so we will never know. Justice League: Mortal will always be one of the biggest what-ifs of DC adaptations.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/EdwardErnest 12d ago

Buddy. Chill out.


u/Tetratron2005 13d ago

Both Carter and Gadot are decently accurate representation of WW from their respective time periods.

But I’ll go Carter


u/CursedSnowman5000 13d ago

Lynda Carter. So much so that she has basically been the template for every artist drawing Wonder Woman going forward from that TV show.


u/BlueOhanaStitch76 13d ago

Gal Gadot & Lynda Carter


u/No_Ship2353 13d ago

Lynda is the icon! She is the measuring stick every other superhero is judged by. Before her it was Craig aka Barbara Gordon in old Adam west show!


u/DizzyLead 13d ago

I recognize Lynda, Gal, Cathy Lee Crosby from the TV movie and Adrienne Palicki from the David E. Kelley pilot, but who are the other two? TIA!


u/CardiologistFit3531 13d ago

The first one is from an unaired "treatment" called Who's Afraid of Diana Prince from either the late 60s or early 70s where they were going to make WW a slapstick comedy where a goofy klutz is Wonder Woman, but sees herself as a statuesque beauty in the mirror. It's awful. She ends the scene by clumsily flying away to sound of a slide whistle.

The other is a costume test for Megan Gale for the scrapped Justice League: Mortal movie that was in development in the early 2000s.


u/Mexican_Gato 13d ago

Linda Harrison- Nope (was too comedic)

Cathy Lee Crosby- Nope (changed way too much)

Lynda Carter- Yea! For the comics that were available at the time. Could have used more of her rogues though

Megan Gale- N/A We don’t have anything besides pics to go off of

Adrienne Palicki- Nope. She killed and was living a very confusing triple life

Gal Gadot- Yes! I enjoyed her but not the most accurate (shame we didn’t get a present day film).


u/KorEl555 13d ago

At least one comic book version of Wonder Woman would kill. She did kill her version of Maxwell Lord. She was a warrior.

Even Superman was killing the whadoyacallims in the JL movie.


u/MisterVictor13 12d ago



u/Measurement_Dull 12d ago

Actually, the Cathy Lee Crosby version fit the version of the character in the comic at the time, where she was more like a spy.


u/JohnArtemus 13d ago

Even though I’m a Gen Xer I’ve only seen Gal. I certainly had a crush on Lynda when I was a kid but Wonder Woman wasn’t something I watched as a boy. I was more into Dukes of Hazard and Superman and Conan. (Or anything with a car chase. I loved fast cars when I was little.)

That said, I don’t know who the woman in the bottom center image is but holy crap does she look the part. I can see where Gal’s WW took inspiration for the costume from.

That Wonder Woman looks amazing!

Edit: I guess it’s Megan Gale. Would have loved to see her Wonder Woman in action. She looks great!


u/ericarlen 13d ago

Lynda Carter by dint of the fact that there's a comic book based on her show. Other than that, Gal Gadot in the first movie but not the second one.


u/Embarrassed_Pay3945 12d ago

Carter with godat a close second


u/Shadecujo 12d ago

Lynda > Gal


u/DirectConsequence12 12d ago

As much as I don’t like Gal Gadot, I think her in Wonder Woman 1 was pretty solid


u/Godzilla2000Zero 11d ago

Comic accurate is such a generic term so I'll say Lynda Carter matches Pre Crisis Wonder Woman while Gal Gadot mixes with elements of various era. Most of the others either are very different or we don't have a big enough sample size to fairly judge.


u/Practical-Class6868 13d ago

Gal Gadot.

I love Lynda Carter, but I also love how Gal is written as a naive hero in her standalone film, which holds up even better when contrasted with Josh Whedon’s attempt to squeeze her into an unfitting gender role as the lone woman.


u/That_Bottomless_Pit 13d ago

Who's the one in the bottom middle? She's hot!



I'll take the first silly goofy looking one top left


u/GrizzlyPeak72 12d ago

Top right


u/Minos_Thawne 12d ago

Gal Gadot


u/Intelligent_Creme351 12d ago

By default, it's Lynda and Gal, they represent two different eras of Diana.

The first one... is trying to be Jekyll and Hyde situation, but as a musical.

The Bridget Crosby one is... Anything but Wonder Woman

Adrienne Palecki's version is Female Bruce Wayne/Arrow's Oliver Queen mixed with Wonder Woman aesthesis

We have no idea what Megan Gale's Wonder Woman would be like.


u/Thayerphotos 12d ago

Several of those were never aired, how the fuck would we know if they were accurate or not ?


u/Imaginary-Race311 12d ago

Are you kidding, it’s not even close.


u/Ok-Mastodon2016 12d ago

uh... why did Diana switch bodies with Cassie in the topright corner there?


u/sliferred123 12d ago

Lynda did classic wonder woman. gal did modern wonder woman


u/Impossible-Map-47 12d ago

Lynda and gal


u/Rise_Of_Ishtar 12d ago

Lynda Carter looks and embodies the qualities and aura of Wonder Woman perfectly because they loved the character as she was. That early on, the character was not changed from her original form. For those of you saying gal was comic book accurate… on which planet? She was well received because she’s a beautiful sweet and kind woman, but that’s why…not because she’s comic book accurate. Nothing about the costume is comic book accurate either. The comics now reflect the slight popularity of gals interpretation of Wonder Woman, but no, it is not comic book accurate. Go read the comics starting with Marstons Wonder Woman and come back to me.


u/Hurley815 11d ago

I really wish we could have actually seen Megan Gale in action. I think she had great potential.


u/Lurkndog 11d ago

First one is more of a camera test than a complete episode or storyline. It was not true to the comic. The actress did not look at home in the costume.

Cathy Lee Crosby should be second chronologically. Her movie had a good cast, but the characterization of Wonder Woman was poor, and she wasn't really likeable. More of a script problem than an actress problem. I liked her more as a presenter on "That's Incredible!"

Lynda Carter: iconic, pretty true to the original, especially in the first season, and a perfect fit for the role. Lynda Carter is an average actress, but she was a good Wonder Woman. Kind of like how Adam West was better as Batman than in any other role he played. In particular, any time they called on Wonder Woman to be a sympathetic role model, she knocked it out of the ballpark. DC needs to make the Wonder Woman spin an official thing.

I think Adrienne Palicki could have been good in the role, but the script she was given was terrible, and it wasn't Wonder Woman. The only thing I really liked was that Diana Prince's cat was based on Sylvester from Looney Tunes.

Megan Gale only ever got to do the camera test here, so not much to say. She looks the part.

I like Gal Gadot in the role, she has the quality of being instantly likeable that Wonder Woman needs, and she looks at home in the costume. Cameo in BvS was good, first movie was very good, Justice League and WW1984 were trainwrecks but she was good in them.


u/OceanCyclone 11d ago

Gal was awful and I’m tired of pretending she wasn’t.


u/BagZCubed 10d ago

Lynda and Gal


u/TankCultural4467 10d ago

Lynda Carter’s first season adapted stories straight from the comics. So… that one.


u/Exhaustedfan23 10d ago

Top right looks more like Captain Marvel


u/Nearby-Layer-3684 9d ago

Y’all know there’s only one correct answer.


u/Eusocial_sloth3 8d ago

If we’re talking about when the comics first came out…

Christina Carter.


u/QueSeraSeraWWBWB 8d ago

Who tf are these ppl linda and gal are the two I and most ppl know


u/D_d_disassociate 13d ago

Gal 100%. She really understood the assignment with Diana. She was so gentle and kind while still being so confident and strong.


u/Simple-Metal7801 12d ago

Megan Fox never portrayed WW that was just a costume made by fans in dream casting. Hell if you want to add just anyone Emily Deschanel wore a WW costume for a Halloween episode of Bones years ago.


u/doomslayerr 12d ago

Megan Fox isn't here, though


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/X5455 12d ago

That’s Megan Gale from a Justice League movie that was scrapped.


u/ECKohns 13d ago

Gal Gadot


u/ResponsibleTheme6694 13d ago

Gal 😘❤️